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December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023

Literature Search For Target Population

Directions:  Complete the attached template for your literature search and best practice for target population.

Part A: Communicate (email, interview/conversation, phone call) with at least two other community professionals about the community and potential community issue/concern/problem you are addressing (Pharmacists, Health Department, health care providers, Community Leaders, Hospital Administrators etc.).

Part B: Search the literature utilizing all resources identified in the course. Record the reference or resource in the left column and provide a summary of evidence-based strategies found to address the identified community issue, concern/problem in the right column. A minimum of 5 references/resources should be identified.

Literature Search For Target Population

Literature Search For Target Population

Part C: Develop at least 3 objectives to address the community health issue/concern/problem identified for your target population. (Example: After discussing the poster presentation, the participants will be able to list 3 no-cost strategies to incorporate exercise into their daily routine.) Be sure the objectives are measurable.

Part D: Brainstorm Ideas for the deliverable you will share with the community members (Handout/Flyer/Poster/Information Sheet, etc.). List your potential options to create or share from a trusted resource. (CDC, Healthy People 2030, WHO, Health Department, etc).

Directions:  Complete the attached template for your literature search and best practice for target population.

Part A: Communicate (email, interview/conversation, phone call) with at least two other community professionals about the community and potential community issue/concern/problem you are addressing (Pharmacists, Health Department, health care providers, Community Leaders, Hospital Administrators etc.).

Part B: Search the literature utilizing all resources identified in the course. Record the reference or resource in the left column and provide a summary of evidence-based strategies found to address the identified community issue, concern/problem in the right column. A minimum of 5 references/resources should be identified.

Literature Search For Target Population

Part C: Develop at least 3 objectives to address the community health issue/concern/problem identified for your target population. (Example: After discussing the poster presentation, the participants will be able to list 3 no-cost strategies to incorporate exercise into their daily routine.) Be sure the objectives are measurable.

Part D: Brainstorm Ideas for the deliverable you will share with the community members (Handout/Flyer/Poster/Information Sheet, etc.). List your potential options to create or share from a trusted resource. (CDC, Healthy People 2030, WHO, Health Department, etc). Use APA referencing style.


December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023

Business Problem Solving Project

Section One: The business client and their business problem (10%, 250 words)

  • A brief summary and history of your client, including decision-maker who has commissioned this project.
  • A short description of the situation that prevails for your client at the outset of problem solving (i.e., the state of affairs that are problematic).
  • Provide clear evidence of the business problem, ideally quantifying the problem and illustrating it graphically.
  • A set of observations or complications around the situation that creates the tension or dynamic that captures the problem (i.e., what changed or what went wrong that created the problem).
  • In the form of an objective (e.g., To reduce Coca-Cola’s plastic waste by 50% by 2026 without sacrificing profit margin), define a specific, measurable and actionable problem.

Section Two: Problem structure and components logic tree (20%, 500 words)

  • Use an initial logic tree (i.e., factor/lever/component) to break the problem into component parts or issues (e.g., causes of the problem) to illustrate and define the basic structure of the problem.
  • This should be evidence-based, using a combination of credible industry and academic literature, evidence and theory, covering the problem generally (based upon the academic literature) and the problem in the context of your client (based upon the industry literature).
  • Provide a fully-referenced commentary of the logic tree.
  • It is expected that this logic tree will have three layers – branches should expand at each layer.

Business Problem Solving Project

Business Problem Solving Project

Section Three: Solution drivers and hypothesised solutions logic tree (30%, 750 words)

  • Using the basic problem structure logic tree as a guide to locate further industry and academic literature, evidence and theory, produce a more complete logic tree (i.e., deductive logic, hypothesis or hybrid of the two) of:
    1. solution drivers, which help us to see potential pathways to solve the problem,
    2. concluding with your hypothesised solutions as the leaves of your logic tree.
  • Provide a fully-referenced commentary of the logic tree.
  • It is expected that this logic tree will have four layers – branches should expand at each layer, although not necessarily for the fourth layer of hypothesised solutions.

Section Four: Prioritisation of hypothesised solutions (20%, 500 words)

  • Using the prioritisation matrix, consider all of the hypothesised solutions from the leaves of your second logic tree to prioritise those that have the biggest impact on solving the problem and which you can most affect to find the critical path to solving your problem.
  • Prune the tree to remove the ‘leaves’ that are not on the critical path to solving the problem, establishing the hypothesised solutions that will be taken forward to be workplanned.
  • Provide a fully-referenced commentary of the prioritisation matrix.

Business Problem Solving Project

Section Five:  Workplan (15%, 375 words)

  • Starting from the prioritised hypothesised solutions established in the previous step, propose a workplan for how you will test your hypothesised solutions and inform their implementation via data collection and analyses, so to be able to reach a conclusion on the solution to the problem.
  • For each prioritised hypothesised solution identify the following columns in a chunky workplan:
  1. a research question that will guide data collection and analysis to test each hypothesised solution and inform their implementation,
  2. the data required and how you will access or collect it,
  3. the data analysis techniques you will use,
  4. timing of this work and
  5. the anticipated analysis end product (e.g., a graph).
  • Using a Gantt chart, produce a lean project plan covering key activities and fixed milestones of your proposed project over a three-month period of work.

Section Six: One-day answer (5%, 125 words)

  • Conclude your problem-solving project proposal with a one-day answer to convey what understandings are emerging, what unknowns still stand between you and the problem resolution and your best guess at a resolution. Use APA referencing style.


December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023

Assessing & Treating Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a unique disorder that causes shifts in mood and energy, which results in depression and mania for patients. Proper diagnosis of this disorder is often a challenge for two reasons: 1) patients often present as depressive or manic but may have both; and 2) many symptoms of bipolar disorder are similar to other disorders. Misdiagnosis is common, making it essential for you to have a deep understanding of the disorder’s pathophysiology. For this Assignment, as you examine the patient case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with bipolar disorder. Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatments you might recommend for the assessment and treatment of patients requiring bipolar therapy. Use APA referencing style.

Assessing & Treating Bipolar Disorder

Assessing & Treating Bipolar Disorder

For this assignment, you will write a 5–6-page paper on the topic of bipolar and bipolar and related disorders. You will create this guide as an assignment; therefore, a title page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page are required. You must include a minimum of 3 scholarly supporting resources outside of your course provided resources. In your paper, you will choose one of the following diagnoses: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder, Substance/Medication-Induced Bipolar and Related Disorder, Bipolar and Related Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition. Your paper will include discussion for your chosen diagnosis of bipolar and related disorder on the following:

  • Prevalence and Neurobiology of your chosen disorder.
  • Discuss the differences between your chosen disorder and one other bipolar and related disorders in relation to the diagnostic criteria including presentation of symptoms according to DSM 5 TR criteria.

Assessing & Treating Bipolar Disorder

  • Discuss special populations and considerations (children, adolescents, pregnancy/post-partum, older adult, emergency care) for your chosen bipolar and related disorder; demonstrating critical thinking beyond basics of HIPPA and informed consent with discussion of at least one for EACH category: legal considerations, ethical considerations, cultural considerations, social determinants of health.
  • Discuss FDA and/or clinical practice guidelines approved pharmacological treatment options in relation to acute and mixed episodes vs maintenance pharmacological treatment for your chosen bipolar and related disorder.
  • Of the medication treatment options for your chosen disorder discuss side effects, FDA approvals and warnings. What is important to monitor in terms of labs, comorbid medical issues with why important for monitoring.
  • Provide 3 examples of how to write a proper prescription that you would provide to the patient or transmit to the pharmacy.
December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023


Assessment 1

Scenario: The Community Development officer at the local council has allocated a $12,000 grant to the coordinator of the local Community Centre to run a new Community Engagement Project. Your team has been selected by the coordinator to design, manage, and facilitate the project. You have a timeline of 6 months to fulfil your responsibilities.

In small groups students are to write the basics for a community project for a community of their choice. Students are to and choose a community who will benefit from their project. Community characteristics must include either older adults or people with disabilities. The project must be set in and meet the parameters of the scenario described above.



Examples of Communities could be:
• The local community in the Shire where you currently live, or subsets of the community such as:
• A religious Community
• A cultural Community
• A local sports and recreation club
• Members of a community organisation.
Students are encouraged to think realistically about the community that they wish to target through their project, how they will engage with this community, and why they have chosen this community to participate in the project.
Students are encouraged to thinking creatively and inclusively in designing their project.
Examples of Community projects could be:
• A Community Kitchen
• A Community Garden
• An Online Learning Program to develop digital literacy skills.
• A Community Arts Project.


Assessment 2 Principles: Presentation [35 Marks]
Students are encouraged to be creative in how they design and deliver their presentation.
Task: In small groups students are to give a presentation of approximately 10-15 minutes per group. Each group member must present a section or sections of the presentation. The group will need to collaborate and meet regularly in order to discuss your presentation and project ideas and equally contribute to planning, producing and presenting the assessment.
Please note * A minutes template has been created for students to fill in as evidence of teamwork.
The presentation must address the following:
1. A definition of community [in-test reference required]
2. A discussion of the importance of community
3. A relevant definition of community engagement
4. A discussion of the importance of community participation
5. A description of the principles and values of community engagement:
access/inclusion /connection/belonging/dignity/choice/diversity.
6. Discuss how these the principles and values apply in the aged care and disability sectors.


The presentation is to conclude with a brief initial description of the project [WHAT- you plan to do] the group plans to develop for the community engagement plan, the project objectives [WHY-the aim and benefits to the community] and the characteristics of the community [WHO] they plan to engage. Students are to present this information in assessment 2 before than can move on with the remainder of the assessment task. Students are to make records of team meetings, including the date, and record the updates from each member of the team, with timelines, action items, and progress clearly identified. Students shall receive marks for evidence of effective teamwork. Students shall meet with their lecture to present and review this information at various touchstones throughout the semester, and to seek any clarification they may need in writing their the basic of their project.
7. At least three relevant and appropriate academic sources must be used and correctly referenced in the-text and in a reference list at the end. Use APA referencing style.

December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023

MBUS101 Assessment 3


A unit’s intended learning outcomes (ILOs) are one of three interrelated components of a constructively aligned unit, the others being the assessment tasks and the teaching and learning activities. Upon completion of this assessment task, you will achieve the ILOs relevant to this task.
This assessment task directly relates to the following unit ILOs.
– ILO 3. Analyse and interpret financial statements for critical business performance evaluations.
– ILO 5. Apply effective communication and problem-solving skills to different business situations using relevant accounting information.
In this assignment, you are required to choose (and register with your lecturer) a company that is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) (so-called “the Company”) that has published its 2022 financial reports (this financial report might be part of the Company’s annual reports).

MBUS101 Assessment 3

MBUS101 Assessment 3

Required: Prepare a report to present to the Board of Directors of the Company that contains analyses and evaluations of the Company’s financial performance and financial position for three consecutive years and provide suggestions as to what strategies the Board could consider adopting to address any areas of concern. To do this, you are expected to perform analytical techniques, including calculating a total of ten ratios that represent profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and investment ratios for three years based on the data presented on the financial reports for the years ended 30 June 2021, 30 June 2022 and 30 June 2023). Make sure each category of ratio has at least two ratios included in the report. Note to students: In case you are unsure of (or are unable to find) a company to do research, please contact your lecturer for the allocation of a company. You must contact your lecturer by
the end of week 6 regarding this matter.

MBUS101 Assessment 3

There is a rubric at the end of this document that contains criteria designed to provide guidance when answering the assignment questions. Your assignment will be assessed using this rubric as a basis.

Extensions and late submissions
Please familiarise yourself with the CIC Special Consideration Policy and Procedure Academic integrity.
Please familiarise yourself with the CIC Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure Submission requirements
– Assignments must be submitted via a link available on Moodle site through the unit’s ‘Assessments’ block.
– Keep a backup of your submission. If your assessment goes astray, for whatever reason, you will be required to reproduce it.
– References are to be properly cited and presented correctly in accordance with the CIC Higher Education Referencing Guide. Use APA referencing style.

December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023

Business Ethics Case Study

Please use the following case questions as a guide to write your Case Analysis report DUE in UNIT 8. The other instructions are included below the questions.

• Examine the trends that are influencing the consumer-packaged goods (CPG) industry to which Beyond Meat belongs
Define the market for Beyond Meat. What segmentation variables should the company use and why?
• What can Beyond Meat do to shape consumer behavior and preferences regarding eating a plant-based meat substitute.
Develop a marketing strategy to help Beyond Meat launch new products.

Business Ethics Case Study

Business Ethics Case Study

1. Students will purchase the case directly from the publisher.

2. Students will be required to address the questions that follow the case using course materials to inform and support their answers. Additional research is likely to be needed to satisfactorily address the questions.
3. Remember, this is a Marketing class. The Product (the content, the presentation, etc.), Place (the manner in which it is presented to the instructor), Price (the amount of effort required to read and consider the points this is a place where clarity, conciseness and attention to grammar, and spelling and punctuation counts), and Promotion (how well are your ideas supported and whether you “sell” your position) work together as the professor evaluates your work.
4. The written submission should be substantive, both in length 1500 words and content, directly and thoughtfully addressing the question or issue.

Business Ethics Case Study

5. Responses should draw on materials from the assigned readings and discussion materials to develop a thoughtful and reasoned answer. Students should not hesitate to draw on past experience, knowledge and external sources to support their position.

6. The report should address each case question individually and the answers should be formatted in a manner where there is an introductory and a concluding paragraph. The report should also be free of spelling errors, be grammatically correct, written in full-sentences and contain full words (no shorthand, emoticons, etc.).
7. Responses must be well written, properly cited and referenced (APA), and be free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Students will be expected to read the case, identifying the main issues and, following the case method, provide a thorough analysis of case facts, identify and assess alternatives and provide recommendations to address the problems identified.

Business Ethics Case Study

Students will use a solutions-based problem-solving approach.
• Students will analyze and synthesize information provided in the case
• Students will provide recommendations in response to case questions that are based on a comprehensive analysis of the case materials and other supporting documents
Short Description
The case assignment is an opportunity for students to assess a business challenge and apply their learning to assessing the issues and developing recommendations for their solution. Use APA referencing style.

December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023

MBUS103 Global Managerial Economics

This case study is designed to assess students’ understanding of demand theory and application of the Excel functionalities. It is to introduce the steps and quantitative methods and tools to estimate demand function which is the primary objective of managerial economics. It will involve the estimation of demand using the graphical methodology and OLS regression methodology. It will be introduced how the estimated regression model will be used for forecasting future demand for the subject product.

MBUS103 Global Managerial Economics

Case: A coffee producer, The Turco Coffee intends to introduce a new 1 kg coffee grounds with a differentiated characteristic. And wishes to estimate the demand curve for the new coffee grounds. They have conducted a questionnaire survey of 1,462 people interviewed while they are shopping for a similar coffee grounds at different places in a month. Each people were asked whether they would actually purchase the coffee grounds at each price level represented to them. The price and quantity demanded relationship is classified by the answers of the people. The Excel spreadsheet, Demand Model SS23.xlsx, includes the demand schedule (cross-section data) collected by the consumer survey.

MBUS103 Global Managerial Economics


  1. Identify the main determinant of demand for the introduced product – the new coffee grounds. Write the function of demand in the following form and explain the economically interpretable relationships.

Qd = f(X1, X2, X3, X4,X5 )

Analyze why and in which way the demand is affected by the determinants of demand for coffee grounds.

  1. Using the graphical method estimate (drive) the demand curve by plotting the price (P) and quantity demanded (Qd) using XY chart. Comment on the relationship between P and Qd.
  • Apply Regression analysis. To complete the modelling of the demand function, you hypothesize that the quantity demanded of coffee grounds (Qd ) is a function of its price (P).

For this task you are required to utilise simple regression analysis which is to be conducted using cross section data provided with the file Demand Model SS23.xlsx.

MBUS103 Global Managerial Economics

The model has he following form:

Qdb0 + b1 P + ei


bs: are the intercept and estimated coefficient with the regression procedure.

ei: is the error term


  1. Using economic theory, what are the hypothesised signs of the parameters, (b0, b1)
  2. Estimate the regression equation using excel and write the estimated equation.
  3. Interpret the estimated b coefficients for independent variables.
  4. Compare your hypothesized signs (question 1) with your estimated sign. If there are any discrepancies, provide an appropriate explanation.
  5. Using the results from the regression analysis, are your estimated parameters statistically significant? Write null and alternative hypothesis and apply t test procedure to justify the significance of the β coefficients and explain.
  6. Estimate the confidence interval for b1
  7. Write null and alternative hypothesis to apply F test procedure to test the validity of the model you estimated and explain.
  8. Interpret the estimated adj R2
  9. Estimated regression model can be used to forecast the demand for the next period.

MBUS103 Global Managerial Economics

Assume that the expected value of the independent variable, the market price will be $35 for the next year.

Estimate the value of dependent variable, quantity demanded of new coffee grounds.

  1. Conclusion

Provide a brief summary of the procedures you applied, problems, limitations and other issues of estimating demand. Use APA referencing style.

December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023

Occupational Safety & Health Report

Write a detailed report based on the following assignment prompt Select any ONE occupation/job classification in the Canadian workforce from the following list:

  • ER Nurse
  • Addiction Counsellor
  • Welder
  • Electrician
  • Crane Driver
  • Correctional Officer
  • Police Officer
  • Airline Cabin Crew Member
  • Laboratory Scientist
  • Warehouse worker
  • Radiographer
  • Delivery Driver

Executive Summary. Key takeaways and added value.
An Executive Summary is not a table of contents or chronology of what you did. It should contain the
critical contextual factors and takeaway findings/suggestions that you want the reader to know, if they
did not have time to read your full report.

Occupational Safety & Health Report

Occupational Safety & Health Report

Section 1: Introduction (a short introduction about the aim and purpose of the assignment and what
you hope to achieve. Signpost what you are going to do in the assignment and so lead and guide the
Section 2: The Nature, Context and Dimensions of the Chosen Occupation:
This will include:
– Describe the job/occupation
– What are the normal, duties, task and responsibilities?
– What are the qualifications and certifications to do the job?
– Is there any special or unique OHS dimensions to the job in terms of working environment and
terms and conditions of employment?
– Level of accidents and OHS that effect this occupation. Is it high risk, low or medium risk?
– Include a copy of a typical Job Description for such a job in the Appendix. See NOC or look at
HR websites

Occupational Safety & Health Report

Section 3: The Nature, Context, and Dimensions of the Industry/Industries that you will normally
find this occupation/job.
This will include looking at:
– What industry or sector employs this occupation?
– Is it a ‘dirty industry’ like oil and gas and mining which is high risk?
– What are the characteristics of the industry or sector in terms of competition, and unionization
and market forces such as PESTLE? Is it subject to a lot of change and new hazards?
– Level of accidents and OHS issues in the industry.
Section 4: Conduct The Risk Assessment For the Chosen Occupation:
As an employer, may need to conduct a systematic risk assessment to help identify the hazards and dangers that exist in the workplace, generally or for a particular occupation or class of worker and how they may put workers at risk. Need to determine if doing and have done enough to protect workers in their current work environment. It also helps to use a rating system as part of the risk assessment so as to quantify and measure the risk and its severity.

Occupational Safety & Health Report

This will include looking at:
– What are the risks and dangers that exist in this occupation presently and potentially into the
– Include all hazards: physical, emotional, psychological, biological, chemical and
– When assessing risks, consider the following steps:
o Risk Identification.
o Analysis of Risks.
o Treatment of Risks; and
o Monitoring and Controlling Risks.
Use a Risk Matrix Table (RMT) to determine the risk.

Occupational Safety & Health Report

Section 5: OHS Implications and Discussion and Reflections
This is a very critical part of the assignment, to which you should give a significant word count to as
it separates the good from the great!
This will include looking at:
– Having identified the risks and hazards, what can be done about it
– What type of interventions can address the risk?
– Can we control the risks and how?
– Can training and education play a role.
– How can the information from this Risk Assessment feed into other HR and business processes
and systems such as recruitment, job analysis and job description, orientation and onboarding,
CPD and training and development?
Section 6: Conclusion
Key takeaways for the reader of your report. Use APA referencing style.

December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023

Sustainable Hospitality in Canada

You will write an essay on the topic of Hotel OR Restaurant Sustainability base on one, particular business (The Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver, Canada). The questions to cover: 1. Introduction: the meaning of environmental stewardship as it relates to hospitality businesses of your choice. (1 paragraph) 2. Social responsibility in the industry of your choice and based on the example of a particular business of your choice (hotel or restaurant). (1 paragraph) 3. 3 pillars of sustainability in the industry that you chose (hotel or restaurant) and based on the example of your choice (a hotel or a restaurant): People, Profit, Planet (3 paragraphs) 4. Conclusion (1 paragraph) Tip: Elaborate on the topic and use examples. It will be a basic, 6-paragraph essay (900 Words) LEARNING OUTCOME: Understanding the concept of sustainable restaurant’s or hotel’s development and operation.

Sustainable Hospitality in Canada

Sustainable Hospitality in Canada

You will write an essay on the topic of Hotel OR Restaurant Sustainability base on one, particular business (The Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver, Canada). The questions to cover: 1. Introduction: the meaning of environmental stewardship as it relates to hospitality businesses of your choice. (1 paragraph) 2. Social responsibility in the industry of your choice and based on the example of a particular business of your choice (hotel or restaurant). (1 paragraph) 3. 3 pillars of sustainability in the industry that you chose (hotel or restaurant) and based on the example of your choice (a hotel or a restaurant): People, Profit, Planet (3 paragraphs) 4. Conclusion (1 paragraph) Tip: Elaborate on the topic and use examples. It will be a basic, 6-paragraph essay (900 Words) LEARNING OUTCOME: Understanding the concept of sustainable restaurant’s or hotel’s development and operation.

Sustainable Hospitality in Canada

You will write an essay on the topic of Hotel OR Restaurant Sustainability base on one, particular business (The Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver, Canada). The questions to cover: 1. Introduction: the meaning of environmental stewardship as it relates to hospitality businesses of your choice. (1 paragraph) 2. Social responsibility in the industry of your choice and based on the example of a particular business of your choice (hotel or restaurant). (1 paragraph) 3. 3 pillars of sustainability in the industry that you chose (hotel or restaurant) and based on the example of your choice (a hotel or a restaurant): People, Profit, Planet (3 paragraphs) 4. Conclusion (1 paragraph) Tip: Elaborate on the topic and use examples. It will be a basic, 6-paragraph essay (900 Words) LEARNING OUTCOME: Understanding the concept of sustainable restaurant’s or hotel’s development and operation. Use APA referencing style.

December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023
Emergent Care Case Study
Based on the below case scenario and following the prompt questions generate a 1500 words paper. A well-known cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. Wilbanks, and his wife present to the women’s center at your rural facility. You have placed them in observation and are awaiting a few tests. The wife, Sarah, has been placed on monitors and is determined to be in active labor. All attempts to stop labor have failed. Ultrasound shows the fetus measuring at 23 weeks and 0 days gestation, weighing approximately 475 grams. The fetus is also found to be male. You are unable to ship her to another location due to the progression of her labor.
Emergent Care Case Study
Emergent Care Case Study
You, the sole provider on the unit, know that delivery is imminent and discuss this with Dr. Wilbanks and Sarah. You go over the complications that may occur at the edge of viability and discuss resuscitation options. Sarah looks to her husband for answers and states she trusts his judgment. As she is being rushed back for an emergency Cesarean section, Dr. Wilbanks states: “I do not want any resuscitation efforts performed. The baby is too early and would only have a multitude of issues. Raising a child like that would be too much of a burden on my wife and I. We can always try again. I’ve performed surgeries on these types various times, and they never turn out normal.” Briefly describe the scenario: Use APA referencing style.
  1. What ethical principles support the parents’ wishes?
  2. Do ethical standards dictate that Sarah should also be questioned?
  3. How does the emergent nature of this scenario affect the ethics surrounding the case?
  4.  Do your personal convictions as a provider play a part here?
  5.  You are present at delivery to care for the infant. While the hospital does have a small Neonatal Intensive Care they are the only prepared to care for 32 weeks and above infants. The neonatologist is busy with another emergency and cannot attend the delivery. At delivery, the 23- week gestation male makes an effort to cry.
Emergent Care Case Study
a. Do you perform resuscitation at this time? Why or why not?
b. Based on the reflective equilibrium model in chapter 2 p. 53-54, what ethical theory and principles are leading you in the 15 seconds you have to make a decision?
c. How does the Belmont Report support your decision?
d. What ethical principles now apply to this baby, who is no longer a fetus, but an infant?