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December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023

Gastrointestinal Disorders MindMap

In this exercise, you will complete a Mind Map Template to gauge your understanding of this week’s content. Select one of the possible topics provided to complete your MindMap Template.

  • Ulcers
  • After HP shots
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Liver failure—acute and chronic
  • Gall bladder disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Jaundice
  • Bilirubin
  • Gastrointestinal bleed – upper and lower
  • Hepatic encephalopathy
  • Intra-abdominal infections (e.g., appendicitis)

Gastrointestinal Disorders MindMap

Gastrointestinal Disorders MindMap

Note: These readings are intended to serve as supplementary to the Lecturio content provided in this course. Please refer/review these supplementary resources should you need help in reinforcing concepts and in preparation for completing this week’s Assessments.

  • McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.

o          Chapter 38: Structure and Function of the Renal and Urological Systems including Summary Review

o          Chapter 39: Alteration of Renal and Urinary Function (stop at Fluids and electrolytes); Summary Review

o          Chapter 41: Structure and Function of the Digestive System (stop at Tests of digestive function); Summary Review

o          Chapter 42: Alterations of Digestive Function (stop at Cancer of the digestive track); Summary Review

Gastrointestinal Disorders MindMap

Note: These readings are intended to serve as supplementary to the Lecturio content provided in this course. Please refer/review these supplementary resources should you need help in reinforcing concepts and in preparation for completing this week’s Assessments. Use APA referencing style.

  • McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.

o          Chapter 38: Structure and Function of the Renal and Urological Systems including Summary Review

o          Chapter 39: Alteration of Renal and Urinary Function (stop at Fluids and electrolytes); Summary Review

o          Chapter 41: Structure and Function of the Digestive System (stop at Tests of digestive function); Summary Review

o          Chapter 42: Alterations of Digestive Function (stop at Cancer of the digestive track); Summary Review

December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023

Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation

For the SLPs in this course, your assignments will be based on a unique scenario, which has directly impacted Homeland Security. As a future Homeland Security practitioner, you must develop the skill to empower the NGO community to help themselves through a “community organization plan.”

Community organizations can effectively assist with emergency response and recovery. This includes NGOs and local organizations. A community organization must possess the necessary resources, have developed key stakeholder relationships, and be driven by its values and sense of responsibility.

The State of Florida for just one example: their sports team is well-positioned to assist with non-causality crisis response. This creates a feeling of community identity; has a vast array of resources; and is empowered by additional stakeholder relationships. The Florida Panthers assisted with Hurricane Irma relief efforts because of their organizational values and commitment to their stakeholders, at a time when the community most needed their assistance.

President of hockey operations for the Florida Panthers Dale Tallon on how the Florida Panthers handled Hurricane Irma

Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation

Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation


As an intelligence analyst with the Department of Homeland Security, you have been directed to develop a background paper examining the potential for shared community organization successes and lessons learned that could be deployed to other states in a short amount of time.

  1. Describe the systems that the Florida Panthers deployed and all essential capabilities that contributed to the successful, effective crisis response.
  2. What recommendation or advice would your report give in implementing a similar recovery strategy in your own state?

Length: This Case Assignment should be 3-5 pages, not counting the title page and references.

Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023

Marketing – Pricing Strategy

Pricing Strategies Assume you are the marketing manager for a local cable company. You have some direct competitors including AT&T U-verse and the Dish Network. Using the six steps outlined in your textbook for setting a pricing policy, prepare a report for your Vice President on your suggested pricing strategy for your service.

Be sure to include the following in your report:

  • Determine your price objective with your justification.
  • Determine the demand of your service and how this influences your pricing strategy.
  • Estimate your cost elements and analyze how this will influence the price of your service.
  • Propose a competitive price analysis.
  • Select your pricing method and determine your final price along with your justification.

Marketing - Pricing Strategy

Marketing – Pricing Strategy

Pricing Strategies Assume you are the marketing manager for a local cable company. You have some direct competitors including AT&T U-verse and the Dish Network. Using the six steps outlined in your textbook for setting a pricing policy, prepare a report for your Vice President on your suggested pricing strategy for your service.

Be sure to include the following in your report:

  • Determine your price objective with your justification.
  • Determine the demand of your service and how this influences your pricing strategy.
  • Estimate your cost elements and analyze how this will influence the price of your service.
  • Propose a competitive price analysis.
  • Select your pricing method and determine your final price along with your justification.

Marketing – Pricing Strategy

Pricing Strategies Assume you are the marketing manager for a local cable company. You have some direct competitors including AT&T U-verse and the Dish Network. Using the six steps outlined in your textbook for setting a pricing policy, prepare a report for your Vice President on your suggested pricing strategy for your service. Use APA referencing style.

Be sure to include the following in your report:

  • Determine your price objective with your justification.
  • Determine the demand of your service and how this influences your pricing strategy.
  • Estimate your cost elements and analyze how this will influence the price of your service.
  • Propose a competitive price analysis.
  • Select your pricing method and determine your final price along with your justification.
December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023

Argumentative PowerPoint Assignment

Course Objectives:

  • CO4: Evaluate and analyze various forms of argument for rhetorical devices, fallacies, and possible pseudo-reasoning. (Evaluate)
  • CO5: Create an argument free from logical errors. (Create)


For this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to present your final argument utilizing one of the three forms covered in the class (Classic/Aristotelian, Toulmin, or Rogerian).

After a catchy title slide, you will present your introduction paragraph on slide 2. This should be the same introduction produced in week 5, but with some tweaking based on instructor feedback.

Argumentative PowerPoint Assignment

Argumentative PowerPoint Assignment

Then, you will add at least one slide for each of the components of that type of argument. For example, if you choose the Classical argument, you will need at least one slide labeled for each component: Statement of the Background, Position, Proof, and Refutation. Be sure you see the lesson on Refutations.

You are NOT pasting a papr into the slides. Doing so will cost points for not following directions.

Each slide should have several bullets providing your best points for each component. Those bullets are then explained in the notes as commentary or in the transcript for any dialogue should you choose to narrate the presentation.

Be sure to include citations of scholarly resources either on the slides or in the notes (or both) and a final slide or two with APA or MLA formatted references. Convince me that your position on your topic is the right one!

Argumentative PowerPoint Assignment

Then, you will add at least one slide for each of the components of that type of argument. For example, if you choose the Classical argument, you will need at least one slide labeled for each component: Statement of the Background, Position, Proof, and Refutation. Be sure you see the lesson on Refutations.

You are NOT pasting a paper into the slides. Doing so will cost points for not following directions.

Each slide should have several bullets providing your best points for each component. Those bullets are then explained in the notes as commentary or in the transcript for any dialogue should you choose to narrate the presentation.

Be sure to include citations of scholarly resources either on the slides or in the notes (or both) and a final slide or two with APA or MLA formatted references. Convince me that your position on your topic is the right one!

December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023

Depressive and Mood Disorders

For this assignment, you will provide a diagnosis of a client vignette (see week 3 vignette), describe the current evidence regarding the causes and prevalence of the diagnosis, and briefly explain the current treatment recommendations, including individual therapy, family/couple therapy, and medications.

  1. Diagnosis and Supporting Evidence – Develop an accurate diagnosis using the DSM-5 criteria listed for the disorders studied. Support the diagnosis by writing a description of the symptoms and related information from the vignette that substantiates your conclusions. While developing your argument to support the provided diagnosis, specifically address each of the criteria and include an example of how the client fits the criteria. If there is a rule-out diagnosis, please highlight the ways in which the client does not fit a rule-out diagnosis based on the criteria.
  2. Description of the Disorder –Briefly describe the possible causes (genetics, biological basis), course, and effects of the disorder. Please address the impact of the diagnosis on a client’s family members or significant others. Many psychiatric conditions have a genetic basis and family history; therefore, dynamics are very important to consider.

Depressive and Mood Disorders

Depressive and Mood Disorders

  1. Cultural Considerations and Implications: Provide a paragraph description in which you briefly comment on each component of Garcia and Petrovitch’s (2015) Diversity/Resilience formulation (see Week 1 readings): Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Community, and Spiritual.   How is each of these illustrated in the client vignette?
  2. Treatments – Based on the readings and other outside information, please outline the best current evidence regarding treatment of the condition you diagnosed. Be sure to address each of the following:
  • Medications:  What are the best current medications used to treat this condition?  Be specific to identify the drug classes used. You do not need to identify specific medications, but you do need to identify which class of drugs that are commonly used.
  • Assessment of Suicide Risk:  Describe how you will assess the risk of suicide using a standard assessment (e.g., Columbia Scale).  How will you work with the client to develop a safety plan?
  • Psychotherapy: What psychotherapy approaches have the best evidence in treating this condition?  How do these approaches address the symptoms of the diagnosed condition and improve functioning?
  • Family and/or Couple Interventions:  Identify which family and/or couple interventions that have the best evidence supporting their use in treating the diagnosed condition.  Describe two specific interventions you could implement with this case.

Depressive and Mood Disorders

In your description of the treatments, be sure to continue to integrate information about the case from the vignette (i.e., do not simply discuss what you would do with a person with the given disorder; write about how the model and interventions that you have selected fit with the specific client from the vignette). Do not replicate the vignette in your paper.  Simply provide a synopsis of the vignette as you would in a clinical note.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of three scholarly resources (not including the DSM-5).

References:  The assignment must have a minimum of three scholarly references (not including the DSM-5) supporting the points made in the assignment.

Papers must be written in third-person voice. Do not use personal pronouns (I, me, we, you, etc.) Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023

Ethical Presentation Powerpoint

Chose some ethical issue you feel is important (abortion, gun control, climate change, eating meat, anything that can be considered a moral matter – if you are unsure, be sure to clear with your instructor)
Present research on the situation being sure to clearly discuss both sides, as much as possible. Some conundrums will have much more weight on one side than the other such as climate change.
Reiterate the primary theories contained in your moral compass from week 3 and then explain the position on this issue your compass promotes.

Ethical Presentation Powerpoint

Ethical Presentation Powerpoint

Include a proper references/works cited slide (APA or MLA).
For example, say you want to address gender-neutral bathrooms in public buildings. First, present some research from sources promoting that they should exist and from sources promoting they should not. Then reiterate the components of your moral compass . Note, your compass may have evolved and if so, work in the new components. Finally, state your position clearly (they should or should not exist) and how your compass justifies that position.

Ethical Presentation Powerpoint

Keep in mind these best practices, please:

Proper PPTs have bullets on the slide that are explained in the notes section (see video on how to do this if you do not know how).
If you intend to narrate the presentation, be sure to include the transcript in the notes section (see PPT on how to insert audio if you do not know and want to give that a shot).
If, for any reason you are unable to access the notes section, put the transcript/notes in a MS Word document in a numbered list with the numbers matching the slide.
Keep the viewer in mind (teacher). While you might work hard on a 20-minute presentation, few faculty members have the time to watch or listen to it. Use APA referencing style.

December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023

Chargemaster And Cost Control

You are a financial analyst that is part of a chargemaster maintenance team. In the absence of the previous chargemaster coordinator, you are now responsible for chargemaster audits and maintenance process. You discover that chargemaster maintenance is three months behind. You quickly determine that you will not be able to complete chargemaster tasks in addition to your other job responsibilities. After reviewing research and literature on best practices for chargemaster management (i.e. updating codes, automation, audits, set charges, etc.), you decide to create a process for chargemaster maintenance. Present your findings and process in a proposal to the maintenance team.

Chargemaster And Cost Control

Chargemaster And Cost Control

For this assignment, you are to:

Examine the selection and development of applications and processes for chargemaster and claims management.
Compare examples that emphasize the methods for controlling cost by reducing errors.
In a written proposal:

1. Explain/ summarize the importance of claims management and chargemaster maintenance.

2. a. Identify at least three best practices.

b. Describe why they should be included in your chargemaster maintenance process.

3. Create a process for chargemaster maintenance.

Provide a visual/graphic display of your process.

Describe each step and/or component of the process.

Chargemaster And Cost Control

You are a financial analyst that is part of a chargemaster maintenance team. In the absence of the previous chargemaster coordinator, you are now responsible for chargemaster audits and maintenance process. You discover that chargemaster maintenance is three months behind. You quickly determine that you will not be able to complete chargemaster tasks in addition to your other job responsibilities. After reviewing research and literature on best practices for chargemaster management (i.e. updating codes, automation, audits, set charges, etc.), you decide to create a process for chargemaster maintenance. Present your findings and process in a proposal to the maintenance team. Use APA referencing style.

December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023

STEM Profession Ethical Dilemma

For this final case study, choose one contested development in the history of your profession or field of study and based on research complete the worksheet. If you have already discussed your own profession in class, choose an ethical debate related to a STEM profession that has not been covered.

Please keep in mind there must be some ethical conundrum addressed. However, for this “case study,” there does not need to be a particular story or article and the resources you gather might be for background information. For example, much has been made over Elon Musk’s interpretation of the right to free speech. But since STEM includes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, you are free to focus on any conundrum or dilemma from any of those areas. As a reminder, if you cannot apply your moral compass to defend your position on the topic, you need to rethink your subject.

For this case study, again be sure to apply a detailed ethical system to the selected case. Consider at least three specific aspects of an ethical rationale for your discussion of whether the instance is moral and your discussion of leadership recommendations.

STEM Profession Ethical Dilemma

STEM Profession Ethical Dilemma

For this final case study, choose one contested development in the history of your profession or field of study and based on research complete the worksheet. If you have already discussed your own profession in class, choose an ethical debate related to a STEM profession that has not been covered.

Please keep in mind there must be some ethical conundrum addressed. However, for this “case study,” there does not need to be a particular story or article and the resources you gather might be for background information. For example, much has been made over Elon Musk’s interpretation of the right to free speech. But since STEM includes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, you are free to focus on any conundrum or dilemma from any of those areas. As a reminder, if you cannot apply your moral compass to defend your position on the topic, you need to rethink your subject.

For this case study, again be sure to apply a detailed ethical system to the selected case. Consider at least three specific aspects of an ethical rationale for your discussion of whether the instance is moral and your discussion of leadership recommendations. Use APA referencing style.

December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023

Before you can fully reflect on how your organization (and you) support followers in their leadership development, you must identify the current practices. Evaluate the leadership development plan in your organization.

  • Are the steps or process included on the website or only found internally?
  • Are they communicated regularly with a time-bound process, such as quarterly or at the end of the school, calendar, or fiscal year?
  • After identifying the leadership development plan in place, analyze which of the actions addressed in the course thus far are clearly integrated into the plan?

In a short synopsis, list where the development plan is communicated, the time frame for steps (if any noted), and which portions of the plan you feel are highlighted in the course thus far.

Leadership Development Plan

Before you can fully reflect on how your organization (and you) support followers in their leadership development, you must identify the current practices. Evaluate the leadership development plan in your organization.

  • Are the steps or process included on the website or only found internally?
  • Are they communicated regularly with a time-bound process, such as quarterly or at the end of the school, calendar, or fiscal year?
  • After identifying the leadership development plan in place, analyze which of the actions addressed in the course thus far are clearly integrated into the plan?

In a short synopsis, list where the development plan is communicated, the time frame for steps (if any noted), and which portions of the plan you feel are highlighted in the course thus far.

Before you can fully reflect on how your organization (and you) support followers in their leadership development, you must identify the current practices. Evaluate the leadership development plan in your organization.

  • Are the steps or process included on the website or only found internally?
  • Are they communicated regularly with a time-bound process, such as quarterly or at the end of the school, calendar, or fiscal year?
  • After identifying the leadership development plan in place, analyze which of the actions addressed in the course thus far are clearly integrated into the plan?

In a short synopsis, list where the development plan is communicated, the time frame for steps (if any noted), and which portions of the plan you feel are highlighted in the course thus far. Use APA referencing style.

December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023

Leadership Groups

Picture a traditional large table in a conference or boardroom in your organization where the leaders meet for important meetings. With that table in mind, now picture a meeting where the leaders will be sharing a critical new initiative for your organization. Other than the executive level leaders, who else would be invited to that meeting? Who gets to have a seat at the table for such a meeting? How are other stakeholders who are not in the typical leadership group included in the roll-out of the plan, or sought out to give input prior to the internal roll-out of the initiative?

  • For this formative assessment you can create a graphic representation of those sitting at the leadership table and why they are invited to the table, along with a list of who would not be invited to the table that could share valuable insights to support the process.
  • If you would prefer to write instead of illustrate, you can list the participants with a brief evaluation of why you feel they are or are not invited to the table.

Leadership Groups

Leadership Groups

Picture a traditional large table in a conference or boardroom in your organization where the leaders meet for important meetings. With that table in mind, now picture a meeting where the leaders will be sharing a critical new initiative for your organization. Other than the executive level leaders, who else would be invited to that meeting? Who gets to have a seat at the table for such a meeting? How are other stakeholders who are not in the typical leadership group included in the roll-out of the plan, or sought out to give input prior to the internal roll-out of the initiative? Use APA referencing style.

  • For this formative assessment you can create a graphic representation of those sitting at the leadership table and why they are invited to the table, along with a list of who would not be invited to the table that could share valuable insights to support the process.
  • If you would prefer to write instead of illustrate, you can list the participants with a brief evaluation of why you feel they are or are not invited to the table.