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January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024

Hypothetical Break-In You have been called in to support an incident response for your organization. construct a hypothetical scenario where a system breach has been discovered. It can be modeled after a real-world event if documentation of the break-in is cited as a reference. Consider the following five questions and write an essay response to each one:

Hypothetical Break-In

Hypothetical Break-In How do you go about finding information when you have been told that there has been a break-in? What servers were compromised? Was network equipment compromised? What user accounts were employed to gain access? What vulnerabilities were exploited? What can be done to prevent a recurrence of this security incident? Hypothetical Break-in is in essay/technical report format (APA) and should include references.

Hypothetical Break-In Write your report in the standard APA style. Your output should be at least four double-spaced pages, exclusive of the title page, abstract, table of contents, and references section. There should be a lead-in and summary/conclusion section to establish context and key takeaways, not just the question responses. Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions.

Hypothetical Break-In How do you go about finding information when you have been told that there has been a break-in? What servers were compromised? Was network equipment compromised? What user accounts were employed to gain access? What vulnerabilities were exploited? What can be done to prevent a recurrence of this security incident? Hypothetical Break-in is in essay/technical report format (APA) and should include references. Write your report in the standard APA style. Your output should be at least four double-spaced pages, exclusive of the title page, abstract, table of contents, and references section. There should be a lead-in and summary/conclusion section to establish context and key takeaways, not just the question responses. Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions. Use APA reference format.

January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024

Supply Curve Does Healthcare supply curves be influenced by shortage of workforce? it is expensive for therapy. When it comes to long term care hospital payment rates of staggering negatives of 2.5%.  How are the new technologies affecting the supply curve?   Looking over them can be some patients and healthcare workers also can cause a shift in the supply curve. How does Healthcare workforce shortages affect the supply curve? How is the healthcare affordability?
Supply Curve


How is the healthcare affordability? How is healthcare quality affecting supply curve? and healthcare innovation.  For example, you are working in a facility that is short staff, so they are hired for nurses, front office, you don’t have the funds to cover the nurses that work because the price of healthcare is very expensive.  Just to see a Physical therapy it is over a thousand dollars and there are prices to see one to get some of the muscle’s tissues back in place.  It is important to mention that the initial implementation of the cost for the technologies can lead to a change to the left of the curve for a short period. Taking the pandemic into account.

Supply Curve health system executives’ views of the supply chain function have evolved. In a McKinsey survey of US health system executives and supply chain executives. about two-thirds of respondents indicated that the pandemic has improved their perception of the supply chain function’s impact within their health system. In the words of one executive, “supply chain is now viewed as less transactional and more strategic; we recognize just how essential it is to the day-to-day functioning of the health system.” Notwithstanding, nearly three-quarters of survey respondents say that the supply chain stands to assume an even more strategic role. And better position health systems to achieve their growth ambitions. Use APA reference format.

January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024

Telemedicine remote monitoring How can APRNs utilize telemedicine platforms and remote monitoring technologies to remotely access patients’ medication adherence, therapeutic responses, and potential adverse effects? 2-How does remote patient monitoring impact the delivery of pharmacological interventions and a How does remote patient monitoring impact the PRN practice?

Initial stages of business plan

Telemedicine remote monitoring with the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused significant strain on medical centers resources. Thus, concerns about the reducing and management of COVID-19 are on the rise, as there is need to provide diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and follow-ups during the pandemic. Therefore, the COVID-19 pandemic has radically and quickly altered how medical practitioners provide care to patients. Medical centers are now responding to COVID-19 through rapid adoption of digital tools and technologies such as telemedicine and virtual care which refer to the delivery of healthcare services digital or at a distance using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for treatment of patients. Telemedicine remote monitoring is expected to deliver timely care while minimizing exposure to protect medical practitioners and patients.

Accordingly, a rapid literature review was conducted, and 35 research studies published from 2019 to May 2020 were employed to provide theoretical and practical evidence on the significance of using telemedicine and virtual care for remote treatment of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article provides practical guide based on how to use telemedicine and virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study provides implication on the potentials of consolidating virtual care solutions in the near future towards contributing to integrate digital technologies into healthcare. Telemedicine is expected to deliver timely care while minimizing exposure to protect medical practitioners and patients. Accordingly, a rapid literature review was conducted, and 35 research studies published from 2019 to May 2020 were employed to provide theoretical and practical evidence on the significance of using Telemedicine remote monitoring and virtual care for remote treatment of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Use APA reference format.

January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024

Initial stages of business plan .one of the initial stages in developing a business plan is to perform a market analysis. A market analysis is the process of gathering information about a market within an industry. Your analysis studies the dynamics of a market and what makes potential customers tick. For this professional assignment. you will develop a market analysis for your business. This market analysis will make up a significant portion of a completed business plan. which you will submit at the end of this course.

Initial stages of business plan

Initial stages of business plan Begin developing your market analysis by researching and drafting an analysis focused on: Summary of your business (1 paragraph minimum) Distinguishing characteristics. (1 paragraph minimum). What is Industry description and outlook (1 paragraph minimum). Target markets (2 paragraphs minimum). Customer profile (1 paragraph minimum). Are you solving Customer needs (1 paragraph minimum). Trends (2 paragraphs minimum). Potential competitors (2 paragraphs minimum)

Initial stages of business plan You may include any other what are aspects of a market analysis in addition to the list above. Having confidence in your abilities and the right product or service will not accomplish much if you do not know how to get these into the hands of potential customers, so consider these areas well and include as much detail as you are able. to find in your research. Remember that a market analysis has nothing to do with your opinion; this is strictly. focused on the data you are able to find. The length of your market analysis will vary, so aim for a complete overview in your market analysis. You can continue to add to this analysis over time as you continue to research the market.

The length of your market analysis will vary. so, aim for a complete overview in your market analysis. You can continue to add to this. analysis over time as you continue to research the market. Use APA reference format.

January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024

Chester Freedom Ministries What is the organization’s mission? Our mission is to reach people with the message of Christ and to share the message of God’s love to mankind by sending Christ to earth to save mankind from sin by dying on the cross.  We also seek to serve and love and meet people’s needs in both the church and community. We provide counsel, care, and help for those in need and follow Christ’s example in doing so. Whom does the organization serve? We serve both the church congregation, people inside the church as well as those in the community. Who serves on the board of directors? Our church elders do. We have 3 elders. 3 pastors as well as church staff and deacons.

Chester Freedom Ministries

Chester Freedom Ministries What information does the organization provide on its website? Our heart, background, mission, info, sermon messages, calendar, announcements, and events. How does the organization communicate its goals and strategies internally? Through meetings, digital and print media, website, email web pages, group apps and texts, verbal announcements, and social media. How does the organization communicate its goals and strategies externally?  and verbal communication as well as print announcements and media. Chester Freedom Ministries How does the organization seek and recruit volunteers?  We provide and promote area serve and volunteer cards every year during our worship meetings and gatherings, as well as through our web pages.

Chester Freedom Ministries Is this organization looking to expand or sustain its current operation? We aim to do both. As a church body our goal is to constantly be growing and reaching those in the community with the message of Christ. Chester Freedom Ministries. What are some of the organization’s long-term goals? To expand our preschool and afterschool programs. To build a new gym and facility with a children’s area and more classrooms to accommodate the new housing subdivisions being built within a mile of the church.  Use APA reference format.

January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024

Marketing plan Write the “company description” of your marketing plan about the market-leading company in your favorite industry that you feel most interested to study, following the example as shown below. Question 2 Conduct an investigation (e.g. by surfing the web) and find out the mission statement of the market-leading company in any industry of your own selection.

Market plan

Marketing plan Question 3 List three non-financial and three financial goals that you believe are appropriate for the market-leading company in any industry of your own selection. Question 4 Please (a) identify an ethical dilemma that might arise in the industry you selected. The dilemma has to involve a difficult decision where it is hard to please both investors and customers; (b)discuss your alternatives to solve the dilemma; (c) recommend the best alternative; (d) explain why the recommendation provides a comprise that manages to please, to a reasonable degree even though not perfectly, both investors and customers?

Marketing plan Write the “company description” of your marketing plan about the market-leading company in your favorite industry that you feel most interested to study, following the example as shown below. Question 2 Conduct an investigation (e.g. by surfing the web) and find out the mission statement of the market-leading company in any industry of your own selection.

Marketing plan Question 3 List three non-financial and three financial goals that you believe are appropriate for the market-leading company in any industry of your own selection. Question 4 Please (a) identify an ethical dilemma that might arise in the industry you selected. The dilemma has to involve a difficult decision where it is hard to please both investors and customers; (b)discuss your alternatives to solve the dilemma; (c) recommend the best alternative; (d) explain why the recommendation provides a comprise that manages to please, to a reasonable degree even though not perfectly, both investors and customers? Use APA reference format.

January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024

project management Every company goes through change. Sometimes there’s little change, and sometimes change comes quite often. If we had to point to one area of a company that seemingly is constantly changing, it would be the Information Systems Department. This comes as no surprise as technology is constantly changing, be it systems, networks, phones, etc. And to stay competitive, companies must change and adopt new technologies.

project management

project management But change can be difficult. Often there is internal resistance and therefore we need to get buy-in and acceptance for the project to complete successfully. Because most change happens via the Information Technology (IT) department, they often find themselves as “change agents”, that is, IT has to run the project while implementing new systems. Because of this, we are now introducing you to a change management simulator where you will be leading a change management project.

project management The simulation attempts to capture both the complexity and dynamic unfolding of events associated with large-scale change. To be successful, you have to figure out how to move the organization through three fundamental, organization-level change phases: (1) mobilization, (2) movement, and (3) sustain. To do so, you must seek to influence nineteen key stakeholders, or change targets (mostly members of the top management team), through four individual-level change stages: (1) awareness, (2) interest, (3) trial, and (4) adoption Some of the change targets are receptive to change, while others are not.

project management Finally, you must determine the proper usage and timing of the eighteen change levers available to you in the simulation. The impact of a lever depends on the urgency of the situation, what is the power and credibility of the change agent, the network position of the change target, and the phase of the organizational change process. With each round of play, you receive feedback about the impact of your lever choices on the change agent’s organizational-level change, individual-level change, and personal credibility. All of this is incredibly important when either being on a project team or being a project manager. There are 4 scenarios to complete. You must complete scenario one before you can move on to scenario two, and so on.

project management As you go through the 4 scenarios in the simulator, take notes, maybe even screen shots. When you have finished all 4 scenarios, create a 3–5-page change management reflection paper describing: The reflection paper should be in APA format using full paragraphs with appropriate section labels.

January 13, 2024
January 13, 2024

Entrepreneurship-Business/Finance Homework

Create a new mini business plan: include the following.

  1. Value proposition
  2. Business Model CANVAS
  3. Include a word document or pdf file.

Entrepreneurship-Business/Finance Homework

The Experiment:

  1. Describe the product/service (MVP) and show us the presentation tools, material, prototypes, etc. used.
  2. Identify and describe the “buyer persona” and “use cases” relevant for your project.
  3. Prepare at least 8 -10 questions to get feedback for your customers (each team member must interview two persons)
  4. Prepare prototype of your product/service
  5. Describe target customer and how did you approach them?
  6. Describe what customers liked/disliked about the value proposition of your
  7. Highlight key insights.

MINI Business Plan

  1. Strategic Plan
    11. Marketing Plan
    12. Operations Plan
    13. Organizational and Legal Plan 14. Financial Plan (one year)

Entrepreneurship-Business/Finance Homework

Create a new mini business plan: include the following.

  1. Value proposition
  2. Business Model CANVAS
  3. Include a word document or pdf file.

The Experiment:

  1. Describe the product/service (MVP) and show us the presentation tools, material, prototypes, etc. used.
  2. Identify and describe the “buyer persona” and “use cases” relevant for your project.
  3. Prepare at least 8 -10 questions to get feedback for your customers (each team member must interview two persons)
  4. Prepare prototype of your product/service
  5. Describe target customer and how did you approach them?
  6. Describe what customers liked/disliked about the value proposition of your
  7. Highlight key insights.

MINI Business Plan

  1. Strategic Plan
    11. Marketing Plan
    12. Operations Plan
    13. Organizational and Legal Plan 14. Financial Plan (one year)
    15. Conclusions

Entrepreneurship-Business/Finance Homework

Create a new mini business plan: include the following.

  1. Value proposition
  2. Business Model CANVAS
  3. Include a word document or pdf file.

The Experiment:

  1. Describe the product/service (MVP) and show us the presentation tools, material, prototypes, etc. used.
  2. Identify and describe the “buyer persona” and “use cases” relevant for your project.
  3. Prepare at least 8 -10 questions to get feedback for your customers (each team member must interview two persons)
  4. Prepare prototype of your product/service
  5. Describe target customer and how did you approach them?
  6. Describe what customers liked/disliked about the value proposition of your
  7. Highlight key insights.

MINI Business Plan

  1. Strategic Plan
    11. Marketing Plan
    12. Operations Plan
    13. Organizational and Legal Plan 14. Financial Plan (one year)
    15. Conclusions. Use APA referencing style.
January 13, 2024
January 13, 2024

HRM writing Assignment

Examine human services values, ethics, and attitudes and their application in practice.

Demonstrate integrity through the application of relevant codes of conduct and social responsibility within one’s profession.

Professional and personal values are important to decision-making. Therefore, during this assignment, you will share your core values and discuss their link to service delivery and social responsibility. In addition, you will examine the ethical principles among other professions, which will further reinforce the importance of values.

HRM writing Assignment


HRM writing Assignment

Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:

  • Identify your top three core values and discuss why they are your top three.
  • Discuss how the personal and professional values in the human services profession instruct (or impact) effective service delivery in both positive and negative ways.
  • Analyze the expectations for social responsibility included in the NOHS Ethical Standards, either explicitly or implicitly.
  • Compare and contrast these professional values with those of at least one other profession (law, medicine, etc.).
  • Use specific examples to discuss the impact of these values on services provided to the clientele of each profession discussed.Examine human services values, ethics, and attitudes and their application in practice.Demonstrate integrity through the application of relevant codes of conduct and social responsibility within one’s profession.

    Professional and personal values are important to decision-making. Therefore, during this assignment, you will share your core values and discuss their link to service delivery and social responsibility. In addition, you will examine the ethical principles among other professions, which will further reinforce the importance of values.

    HRM writing Assignment

    Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:

    • Identify your top three core values and discuss why they are your top three.
    • Discuss how the personal and professional values in the human services profession instruct (or impact) effective service delivery in both positive and negative ways.
    • Analyze the expectations for social responsibility included in the NOHS Ethical Standards, either explicitly or implicitly.
    • Compare and contrast these professional values with those of at least one other profession (law, medicine, etc.).
    • Use specific examples to discuss the impact of these values on services provided to the clientele of each profession discussed. Use APA referencing style.
January 4, 2024
January 4, 2024

Social Problems & Policy

Review the Policy Selection Process document in the Learning Resources this week. This document outlines the search for and selection of the Election Integrity Act of 2021

Which areas in the policy indicated the social problem(s) to you?

Why, as a social worker, should you be concerned with the problem(s)?

Are there other problem(s) not directly identified that might be impacted, positively or adversely, by the policy?

  • Which population(s) is/are impacted by the problem?

Social Problems & Policy

Social Problems & Policy

What is the relationship between the social problem(s) and the population(s)? In other words, why are some people impacted by the problem(s) when others are not?

How is/are the population(s) taken into consideration in the policy?

  • Summarize the excerpt from the policy that you identified as needing change.

What are the strengths of this excerpt in helping to alleviate the social problem? If you do not see any strengths, that is okay—explain why.

What are the limitations of this excerpt in helping to alleviate the social problem(s) for the population(s)?

What specific changes would you make to the excerpt to alleviate the social problem(s) for the population(s)? You can describe the changes or quote direct policy language you would change.

Social Problems & Policy

What is the relationship between the social problem(s) and the population(s)? In other words, why are some people impacted by the problem(s) when others are not?

How is/are the population(s) taken into consideration in the policy?

  • Summarize the excerpt from the policy that you identified as needing change.

What are the strengths of this excerpt in helping to alleviate the social problem? If you do not see any strengths, that is okay—explain why.

What are the limitations of this excerpt in helping to alleviate the social problem(s) for the population(s)?

What specific changes would you make to the excerpt to alleviate the social problem(s) for the population(s)? You can describe the changes or quote direct policy language you would change. Use APA referencing style.