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November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Discussion Board-Psychology


Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse in Adolescents

Restate the aims of your research Then identify the population and the variables. Finally, refine your research question.

Discussion Board-Psychology

First, revise and state the purpose of your study:


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to compare level of trauma stress between adults on the autism spectrum who have experienced workplace bullying and those who have not experienced workplace bullying.

Next, identify the population and variables in your study. Provide an operational definition of the variables and identify the level of measurement for each variable.


Population: The population is employed adults on the autism spectrum

Independent variable: The independent variable is workplace bullying. This variable is defined as whether the person has experienced workplace bullying or not. The level of measurement would be nominal because there are two categories: bullied/not bullied.

Dependent variable: The dependent variable is the trauma stress effect of bullying. This variable is defined as level of trauma stress. The level of measure would be interval or ratio because the measurement tool will give trauma score.

Now, refine your research question. Make sure your population and variables are included in the question:


Do adults on the autism spectrum who experience workplace bullying have higher trauma stress levels than adults on the autism spectrum who have not experienced workplace bullying?

Discussion Board-Psychology ASSIGNMENT

First, restate the aim of your study:


Next, identify the population and variables in your study:


Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

Now, refine your research question. Make sure your population and variables are included in the question:

Research question:


Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse in Adolescents

Restate the aims of your research Then identify the population and the variables. Finally, refine your research question.

First, revise and state the purpose of your study:


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to compare level of trauma stress between adults on the autism spectrum who have experienced workplace bullying and those who have not experienced workplace bullying. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

English Argumentative Homework

Using Dave Zirin’s “Pre-Game” as a source, you will write a 6-page argument that explores how American athletes’ political ideologies were either accepted or rejected by the general public. Ask yourself if the athletes’ political views were popular at the time and in your opinion should they have used their platforms to speak out on social issues or kept quiet. What were the results? Did Americans eventually adopt the athletes’ cause(s)? Briefly mention the political climate in America at the time of the controversy.

English Argumentative Homework

Should athletes speak out on social/political issues is the basis of your argument? Does the public gain or the athlete lose credibility and lucrative endorsements for speaking out?

This is not the space to share the biography of the athlete. Do not waste time writing about where the athlete was born and raised.

English Argumentative Homework

You will select four athletes from this list to explore what sports critics/sports columnists/ political leaders, team owners said about the athletes who decided to enter politics or who fought for a specific political stance. You will add a fifth American athlete of your own choice and include at least six outside sources from newspapers, magazines.

Select any four from this list:

Caitlyn Jenner (aka Bruce Jenner)

Muhammad Ali

Colin Kaepernick

Billie Jean King

Herschel Walker

John Carlos (1968 Mexico Olympics)

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jesse Ventura

Jackie Robinson

Bill Bradley

You will need a thesis statement.

Proper use of MLA in-text citation

At least two direct quotes from each athlete from previously published interviews.

Six additional outside sources – from sports columnists, team owners, politicians who supported or opposed the athletes’ cause.

Concise topic sentences.

Proper use of the quotation formula discussed in class.

Proper MLA format

Works Cited Reference

English Argumentative Homework

Using Dave Zirin’s “Pre-Game” as a source, you will write a 6-page argument that explores how American athletes’ political ideologies were either accepted or rejected by the general public. Ask yourself if the athletes’ political views were popular at the time and in your opinion should they have used their platforms to speak out on social issues or kept quiet. What were the results? Did Americans eventually adopt the athletes’ cause(s)? Briefly mention the political climate in America at the time of the controversy. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Policing-Law Criminal Assignment

Policing in American Cities: An Empirical Studies

The cities of the United States have had respective policing institutions since their inception, and they act quite independently where the federal government can play very little in managing its issue. Nationally over the years policing due to bad handling of public complaints which got the name “police brutality”–which also took place in different cities. Eric Garner, a 43-year-old black man died on July 17, 2014, on the street of Staten Island, New York when the police were trying to arrest him for selling single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. Michael Brown Jr., an 18-year-old black man died due to a police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Similarly, George Floyd’s death place in the street city of Minneapolis. Life 9-minute footage of George Floyd’s death was not a single phenomenon of American City Policing similar incident took place in 1991 in Los Angeles where four LAPD officers had done similar acts against an African American motorist that was videotaped and telecast. Turning brutality against African Americans has become quite a recurring phenomenon in many cities of America. In American cities, some police due to lack of proper training act brutally “police brutality” in general has become a part of criminal justice textbook material. Currently, our aim is to study the law enforcement agency like city police departments of the Commonwealth of Virginia. For that matter, you have carried out a couple of different inquiries now you have to write a research proposal—you will write a research proposal. I will assist you; however, you must be committed and continue working routinely. Do not expect to complete this type of work in short-time intensive-care-type work. Knowledge about a system comes gradually by reading the contributions of others.Policing-Law Criminal Assignment

Policing-Law Criminal Assignment

You have already selected a contemporary criminal justice topic for study–the Policing System of the Commonwealth of Virginia and have done some work on an annotated bibliography. Now you must work on a research proposal on the topic. At this time, you have to follow the given below steps to write the research proposal:

Develop or define the problem you have already selected.
Organize your annotated bibliography into an extensive literature review format. Give a theoretical explanation of the problem.
Formulate or develop one or more hypotheses related to your study topic.
Determine and describe the research design to complete the study.
Determine and describe the data collection strategies—Quantitative or Qualitative.
Describe the data collection strategies.
Proposed data analysis techniques.
Summarize the findings and write a report.
Please NOTE: Each section of the paper must have a sub-tittle. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Academic Poster-Psychology


This aims to provide the student the opportunity to demonstrate competency in disseminating the information integral to the role of the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner.

Submission Instructions:

Academic Poster-Psychology

Academic Poster-Psychology

To complete this assignment, address the following criteria:

Posters should include the following content:
A Project Title should be placed towards the top of the poster including the authors’ names and university affiliations.
An Introduction section should highlight the problem addressed in a brief literature review with citations and your hypothesis or hypotheses.
The Purpose section: The poster states the objectives of this inquiry relative to the overall evidence-based literature review on this topic. The PICO question WE HAVE BEEN DEVELOPING (SEE ATTACHEMENTS, PLEASE INCLUDE IN THE PICO QUESTION NOW ON THE SPECIFIC PHARMACOLOGICALCLASSIFICATION / MEDICATION USED TO COMPARED TO MINDFULLNES IN THE PICO?) should be added here.
The Methods/Search Strategy section. An overview of how you studied your primary source(s): Describe the evidence-based solution. How was it developed? Include the theoretical framework (if applicable). Identify databases searched and inclusion/exclusion criteria. A literature flow diagram SPECIFIC TO THIS PICO QUESTION must SHOW IN this assignment.

The Results The poster describes the search, the number of studies included, and the level of evidence (only Level 1 or Level 2 articles should be used).
The Synthesis of Evidence. The poster briefly describes the synthesis of the evidence, including major trends and notable gaps, by comparing and contrasting each article.
The Implications for Practice section. The poster includes recommendations for practice, education, or future research based on the review and synthesis of the evidence. Specifically, discuss the implications of the PMHNP role.

Academic Poster-Psychology


– Project Title: Thoroughly, accurately, and clearly reflect the content of the presentation.

– Introduction: The abstract states the objectives of this inquiry relative to the overall evidence-based literature review on this topic. Identifies a creative, focused, and manageable topic that addresses potentially significant and previously less explored aspects of the topic, problem, and/or project.

– Purpose: States the purpose of the study and why it is important to practice and/or patient care. Background information is engaging and leads to a clear purpose statement. Relevance to advanced practice nursing and the field of psychiatry is articulated well.

– Search Strategy: The poster identifies databases searched, inclusion/exclusion criteria, number of studies included and level of evidence. Methods are appropriate to address aim/question and connected to the purpose of the research; Identifies method used to support thesis or answer the research question.

– Synthesis of Evidence: The poster briefly describes the synthesis of the evidence that includes major trends and notable gaps in the research. Thorough comparison and contrast of findings are provided and relate to the main discussion points in the order of their appearance in the purpose statement. Focus is on research findings rather than research methods. Study limitations that might have led to different findings are discussed. Gaps and controversies that exist in the literature are clearly discussed.

– Implications for Practice: Does the poster present significance to psychiatry and is it relevant to the advanced practice nurse role? Does it include recommendations for practice, education, or future research based on the review and synthesis of the evidence? Thorough comparison and contrast of findings are provided and relate to the main discussion points in the order of their appearance in the purpose statement.  FOCUS ON RESEARCH FINDINGS RATHER THAN RESEARCH METHODS.

– Writing: Identifies a creative, focused, and manageable topic that addresses potentially significant and previously less explored aspects of the topic, problem, and/or project. Writing is fluid, precise, and clear; lexicon of the field is clearly explained and defined; the tone is professional; vocabulary and syntax are mature; scholarly style and format are accurately used.

– The ABSTRACT (MUST CONTAIN ONE) is concise and coherent.

– Overall Appearance: The abstract presents significance to psychiatry and is it relevant to the advanced practice nurse role? Overall, visually appealing; not cluttered; colors and patterns enhance readability; Uses font sizes/variations which facilitate the organization, presentation, and readability of the research Graphics (e.g., tables, figures, etc.) are engaging and enhance the text content is clearly arranged so that the viewer can understand order without narration.

Academic Poster-Psychology

-APA Formatting: Follows APA guidelines of components: double space, 12 pt. font, abstract, level headings, hanging indent and in-text citations. The references contain at least the 8 required current scholarly academic reference. Ensure your references include at least 8 references (BOOK OR JOURNAL ARTICLES) FROM 2019 UP TO NOW with four primary research articles INCLUDED. Primary articles describe studies in which the authors collected the data themselves. References must be in the current APA format 7th edition. REFERENCES WILL NOT BE ADDED IN THE POSTER, INSTEAD, PLEASE ADD THEM TO A WORD DOCUMENT SINCE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH SPACE IN THE POSTER TO DEVELOP ALL THE INFO REQUESTED ABOVE. REFERENCES (8) IN TOTAL, 4 OF THEM NEED TO BE PRIMARY JOURNAL ARTICLES. FOR BOOK REFERENCES MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE NUMBER. IN GENERAL, PLEASE INCLUDE VOLUME, ISSUE, PAGE RANGE, AND DOI for articles. NO WEBSITES ALLOWED. PLAGIARISM MUST BE LESS THAN 10 %. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Discussion-Nursing Homework

Answer the questions below based on the following case study.

A 20-year-old woman is brought to the local emergency department (ED) by her family. She appears restless, pacing around the waiting room, and her parents say that she has recently been asked to leave her job as a tattoo artist. She has not slept for four nights, and her speech is rapid and quickly wanders off the point. She had recently purchased a $20,000 car and a $40,000 van to jump-start her mobile tattoo business in Naples, Florida. She is very reluctant to remain in the ED department because she has far too much to do and considers it a waste of everyone’s time. She believes that she is far too important to be held back by minions.

Discussion-Nursing Homework

Summarize the clinical case.
What is the DSM 5-TR diagnosis based on the information provided in the case?
Which pharmacological treatment would you prescribe according to the clinical guidelines? Include the rationale for this treatment.
Which non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe according to the clinical guidelines? Include the rationale for this treatment excluding a psychotherapeutic modality.
Include an assessment of the treatment’s appropriateness, cost, effectiveness, safety, and potential for patient adherence to the chosen medication. Use a local pharmacy to research the cost of the medication and provide the most cost-effective choice for the patient. Use great detail when answering questions 3-5.
Submission Instructions:

Discussion-Nursing Homework

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Memo-Law Criminal Assignment

Issue – if the inmates first amendment rights would be violated if a Chaplain gave a prayer during a graduation ceremony that was non-denominational? And if the inmates first amendment rights would be violated if the Chaplain gave a prayer during a graduation ceremony that was denominational?

IRAC format
Relative cases
Application of cases to Issue

I need the following.
4 United States cases – preferred PENNSYLVANIA cases
2-3 statutes
5 pages

Question – on whether an inmates 1st amendment right would be violated if a Chaplain did a non-denominational prayer at a graduation.


Memo-Law Criminal Assignment

Issue – if the inmates first amendment rights would be violated if a Chaplain gave a prayer during a graduation ceremony that was non-denominational? And if the inmates first amendment rights would be violated if the Chaplain gave a prayer during a graduation ceremony that was denominational?

IRAC format
Relative cases
Application of cases to Issue

I need the following.
4 United States cases – preferred PENNSYLVANIA cases
2-3 statutes
5 pages

Question – on whether an inmates 1st amendment right would be violated if a Chaplain did a non-denominational prayer at a graduation.

Memo-Law Criminal Assignment

Issue – if the inmates first amendment rights would be violated if a Chaplain gave a prayer during a graduation ceremony that was non-denominational? And if the inmates first amendment rights would be violated if the Chaplain gave a prayer during a graduation ceremony that was denominational?

IRAC format
Relative cases
Application of cases to Issue

I need the following.
4 United States cases – preferred PENNSYLVANIA cases
2-3 statutes
5 pages

Question – on whether an inmates 1st amendment right would be violated if a Chaplain did a non-denominational prayer at a graduation.


Issue – if the inmates first amendment rights would be violated if a Chaplain gave a prayer during a graduation ceremony that was non-denominational? And if the inmates first amendment rights would be violated if the Chaplain gave a prayer during a graduation ceremony that was denominational?

IRAC format
Relative cases
Application of cases to Issue

I need the following.
4 United States cases – preferred PENNSYLVANIA cases
2-3 statutes
5 pages

Question – on whether an inmates 1st amendment right would be violated if a Chaplain did a non-denominational prayer at a graduation. Use APA referencing style.

November 13, 2023
November 13, 2023

Discussion-Education Homework

As you discovered in Week 2, formally observing children’s behavior is an important step in determining their current stage of development and enhancing your ability to support and foster growth. The child you observed last week is now a toddler! Following the same child, you will watch this week’s video and answer the prompts below. Like last week, in this discussion, you will use a developmental checklist when conducting your observation. However, do not submit the checklist to this discussion area. It will be submitted with the assignment within the required template. For now, use it to gather information from your observation.

Discussion-Education Homework

To prepare for this discussion,

Read Chapter 6: Toddler Development (1-3 years).
Watch Play-Based Learning With Dr. Peter GrayLinks to an external site..
Watch Learning Through Play – Educational Experts – Series 1Links to an external site..
Download the Developmental Checklist – 24 to 36 Months Download Developmental Checklist – 24 to 36 Months.
Watch the video for the child you chose to follow throughout the course:
Oliver: ECE205 | Oliver Discussion 3Links to an external site.
Calvin: ECE205 | Calvin Discussion 3Links to an external site.
Sophia: ECE205 | Sophia Discussion 3Links to an external site.
In your initial post,

State the name of the child you observed as the first line of your post.
Describe, using objective language and descriptive phrasing, at least three developmental milestones you saw in your observation of the child.
Consider two developmental areas that were not observed and explain how you could focus your next observation to see those skills.
Summarize the importance of play during toddlerhood.
Discuss two specific examples of how you would use play to further the development of your case study child.

Discussion-Education Homework

As you discovered in Week 2, formally observing children’s behavior is an important step in determining their current stage of development and enhancing your ability to support and foster growth. The child you observed last week is now a toddler! Following the same child, you will watch this week’s video and answer the prompts below. Like last week, in this discussion, you will use a developmental checklist when conducting your observation. However, do not submit the checklist to this discussion area. It will be submitted with the assignment within the required template. For now, use it to gather information from your observation. Use APA referencing style.

November 13, 2023

Company Analysis and Evaluations Instructions

Learning Project: Company Analysis and Evaluation Assignment Instructions

In this Learning Project 1, you will select an organization, or a segment of an organization, and interview key employees in order to gather information concerning the organization’s critical success factors (CSFs).

Company Analysis and Evaluations Instructions

Be sure to inform your interviewees that any proprietary information included in this project will be kept confidential. You will then develop a SWOT analysis to clarify and aid in the identification of the organization’s/segment’s CSFs. The written project requires you to prepare and submit the following in order:

1. Brief description of the organization/segment (1 paragraph)

2. SWOT analysis in chart form containing the following 4 categories: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Each item must be clearly and concisely stated.

3. Balanced Scorecard in chart form. Clearly and concisely list CSFs in each of the 4 categories identified in the text. For each CSF, explain in a separate column how the measurement of the CSF will transpire.

4. A discussion of the CSFs chosen for the organization/segment – Why were these particular factors selected? Why are they important in accessing the success of the company? (2–3 pages)

5. An evaluation of the organization/segment to determine if it is achieving each of the CSFs. Analyze each CSF and use data from the measures indicated in the Balanced Scorecard as support for the conclusions. (2–3 pages)

Company Analysis and Evaluations Instructions

Learning Project: Company Analysis and Evaluation Assignment Instructions

In this Learning Project 1, you will select an organization, or a segment of an organization, and interview key employees in order to gather information concerning the organization’s critical success factors (CSFs).

Be sure to inform your interviewees that any proprietary information included in this project will be kept confidential. You will then develop a SWOT analysis to clarify and aid in the identification of the organization’s/segment’s CSFs. The written project requires you to prepare and submit the following in order:

1. Brief description of the organization/segment (1 paragraph)

2. SWOT analysis in chart form containing the following 4 categories: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Each item must be clearly and concisely stated.

3. Balanced Scorecard in chart form. Clearly and concisely list CSFs in each of the 4 categories identified in the text. For each CSF, explain in a separate column how the measurement of the CSF will transpire.

4. A discussion of the CSFs chosen for the organization/segment – Why were these particular factors selected? Why are they important in accessing the success of the company? (2–3 pages)

5. An evaluation of the organization/segment to determine if it is achieving each of the CSFs. Analyze each CSF and use data from the measures indicated in the Balanced Scorecard as support for the conclusions. (2–3 pages). Use APA referencing style.

November 13, 2023
November 13, 2023

Human Resource Management Analysis

This week you’ll develop a SWOT analysis and identification of strategic issues for the organization you’ve chosen for the term. Develop a list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges/threats based on the information you’ve collected and researched (in-text citations and references are required). For the SWOT analysis, do a separate list under each category (it’s fine to use short phrases rather than complete sentences, if desired). This information typically comes from your personal experience with the agency if applicable, the internal documents you found in the Week 2 Deep Recon, informational interviews, and external research. External sources can include things like newspaper articles, think tank reports, government documents, peer-reviewed articles, and more.

Human Resource Management Analysis

Then, using the SWOT analysis, identify 3 strategic issues the organization needs to address. Refer to your workbook (Worksheet #35, Master Strategic Issue Statement, p. 148) for how to do the write-up on the issue. NOTAE: Instead of answering all of Question 2 on Worksheet #35, you can address this instead: Why is this an issue? Why does this issue exist? Is this an issue a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat? Explain why very briefly.”

Human Resource Management Analysis

This week you’ll develop a SWOT analysis and identification of strategic issues for the organization you’ve chosen for the term. Develop a list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges/threats based on the information you’ve collected and researched (in-text citations and references are required). For the SWOT analysis, do a separate list under each category (it’s fine to use short phrases rather than complete sentences, if desired). This information typically comes from your personal experience with the agency if applicable, the internal documents you found in the Week 2 Deep Recon, informational interviews, and external research. External sources can include things like newspaper articles, think tank reports, government documents, peer-reviewed articles, and more.

Then, using the SWOT analysis, identify 3 strategic issues the organization needs to address. Refer to your workbook (Worksheet #35, Master Strategic Issue Statement, p. 148) for how to do the write-up on the issue. NOTAE: Instead of answering all of Question 2 on Worksheet #35, you can address this instead: Why is this an issue? Why does this issue exist? Is this an issue a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat? Explain why very briefly.” Use APA referencing style.

November 13, 2023
November 13, 2023

Victim Impact Statement

CJ 315 Module Three Practice Activity Guidelines and Rubric
In this activity, you will explore the experience of the victim in the criminal justice system. You will choose a scenario and write a victim impact statement from the perspective of the victim in the scenario.

Victim Impact StatementPrompt
In this module, you learned about victim impact statements (VISs). VISs commonly address “the harm or trauma, the economic loss or damage to victims as a result of the crime, and a victim’s reaction to the proposed sentence or disposition” (Takahashi & James, 2019). They can be in written format, in an oral presentation, or even a pre-recorded audio file or video. For this practice activity, the format will be written. First, read each of the scenarios below. Next, choose one of the scenarios. Then, explain the purpose and effect of VISs. Last, write a VIS from the perspective of the victim in the scenario chosen.

Victim Impact Statement

Scenario 1:
It’s a normal sunny Saturday afternoon. Your spouse asks you if you want to take a ride up the coast. You hesitantly agree because you need to pick the twins up at your mother’s house. Your spouse suggests that you both pick up the twins early and make it a fun family day. You and your spouse pick up your twin boys, and you begin your journey. You enjoy the warmth of the sun beating down on your face as you close your eyes to soak in the heat. Then you wake up in an emergency room. Your spouse and two children are gone. You learn that a drunk driver crossed over into your lane and hit your vehicle head-on, killing your spouse and children instantly. The drunk driver walked away without injury.

Victim Impact Statement

Scenario 2:
You are a single mother of an 11-year-old boy. He is a good student but has had difficulty making friends. Recently you’ve noticed he has been hanging around an older boy from the neighborhood. You have heard rumors about this older boy being “bad news.” As your son begins to hang around with this boy, his grades decline, and now you are worried for your son. You confront your son about his new friend, and he becomes angry. He storms out of the house and goes missing for two days. On the third day, you hear a knock on the door. It is the police. They have found your son. He has been shot and killed in a gang-related shooting. You discover that the older boy is part of the gang and that he is the one who shot your son because he wanted his sneakers, which you had just bought for him for his birthday, and your son did not want to give them to him.

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed for your chosen scenario:

Explain the purpose and effect of victim impact statements (50–100 word

raft a victim impact statement from the perspective of the victim (150–200 words)

What to Submit
This assignment should be 200 to 300 words in length. Any references must be cited in APA style. See the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations. Use APA referencing style.