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March 4, 2024

Professional Nursing Organization Meeting

Attend the meeting of a professional nursing organization such as a chapter meeting of Sigma Theta Tau, AACN, ENA, AWHON, FNA or FONE. Students may also attend open meetings of a nurse practice council within their organization of employment so long as they are not a member of that council. Unit level staff meetings or in-services are not acceptable for this assignment. Meetings are preferred to be in person, but given the social changes due to efforts to control disease, virtual meetings are acceptable (both in real time and prerecorded, on demand).

The preferred type of meeting is one that covers the business of the organization. This is to expose the student to the inner workings of how such organizations function. But in the event that the student is not able to access such meetings, a meeting focused on practice education is acceptable. Depending on the type of meeting attended, the report of the student will differ slightly.

Professional Nursing Organization Meeting

Professional Nursing Organization Meeting

Submit a formal report on the proceedings. The report must include the observations of the meeting and possible impacts on the community the organization may or may not have. If a business type meeting is attended, community impact reflections must be included in the report.  Specifically, how will this meeting impact the community? If a practice education type meeting is attended, the report must reflect how what the student learned will alter that student’s personal practice of nursing.

If a virtual on-demand business type meeting is attended, it may be no older than 90 days. The report must include a working URL.

The report adheres to APA 7th formatting guidelines, appropriate grammar, cover page, references, etc.

Professional Nursing Organization Meeting

Submit a formal report on the proceedings. The report must include the observations of the meeting and possible impacts on the community the organization may or may not have. If a business type meeting is attended, community impact reflections must be included in the report.  Specifically, how will this meeting impact the community? If a practice education type meeting is attended, the report must reflect how what the student learned will alter that student’s personal practice of nursing.

If a virtual on-demand business type meeting is attended, it may be no older than 90 days. The report must include a working URL.

The report adheres to APA 7th formatting guidelines, appropriate grammar, cover page, references, etc.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Diagnosis – Congestive Heart Failure

Medication-Focused Case Study Rubric

Pick a patient (Hispanic) write about a medication plan for the patient with a diagnosis of CHF  (Congestive Heart Failure). Accurately identifies demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis: identifies 2 priority nursing judgments. Includes medication, classification and most indications, recommended dosing guidelines, administration routes, side effects and contra indications included. Discusses 10 or more interventions for administration monitoring and effectiveness of medication. Develops a complete pertinent medication teaching plan including learning needs, educational goals, and learning outcomes. Meets the following criteria 100%: typed APA format, correct grammar, spelling; maximum 3 pages body of paper; minimum 3 references.

Diagnosis - Congestive Heart Failure

Medication-Focused Case Study Rubric

Pick a patient (Hispanic) write about a medication plan for the patient with a diagnosis of CHF  (Congestive Heart Failure). Accurately identifies demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis: identifies 2 priority nursing judgments. Includes medication, classification and most indications, recommended dosing guidelines, administration routes, side effects and contra indications included. Discusses 10 or more interventions for administration monitoring and effectiveness of medication. Develops a complete pertinent medication teaching plan including learning needs, educational goals, and learning outcomes. Meets the following criteria 100%: typed APA format, correct grammar, spelling; maximum 3 pages body of paper; minimum 3 references.

Medication-Focused Case Study Rubric

Pick a patient (Hispanic) write about a medication plan for the patient with a diagnosis of CHF  (Congestive Heart Failure). Accurately identifies demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis: identifies 2 priority nursing judgments. Includes medication, classification and most indications, recommended dosing guidelines, administration routes, side effects and contra indications included. Discusses 10 or more interventions for administration monitoring and effectiveness of medication. Develops a complete pertinent medication teaching plan including learning needs, educational goals, and learning outcomes. Meets the following criteria 100%: typed APA format, correct grammar, spelling; maximum 3 pages body of paper; minimum 3 references. Medication-Focused Case Study Rubric attached.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Informative Speech Outline Assignment

Completion of Main Points I and II

Now that you have completed your introduction, you will begin to create two main points to add onto your introduction from last week.


You must submit this as a file upload (Word doc or PDF) – no external links

Conversion to PDF is needed if you are using a MAC computer

You cannot type within the textbox

You must include all revisions from previous work (Introduction)

Must include cited research

For Main Point I (one) and Main Point II (two) completion:

Every Roman numeral, alphabet letter and Arabic number is only one sentence in length

I must see  proper citations Only within the Arabic numbers (subpoints 1 & 2 only) in APA format

If you do not cite sources, you will receive a zero for plagiarism

If you copy and paste quotes without paraphrasing, you will receive severely reduced credit

Please paraphrase your research and cite in APA format

Apply all transitions as shown in the outline worksheet

Informative Speech Outline Assignment

Informative Speech Outline Assignment

Completion of Main Points I and II

Now that you have completed your introduction, you will begin to create two main points to add onto your introduction from last week.


You must submit this as a file upload (Word doc or PDF) – no external links

Conversion to PDF is needed if you are using a MAC computer

You cannot type within the textbox

You must include all revisions from previous work (Introduction)

Must include cited research

For Main Point I (one) and Main Point II (two) completion:

Every Roman numeral, alphabet letter and Arabic number is only one sentence in length

I must see  proper citations Only within the Arabic numbers (subpoints 1 & 2 only) in APA format

If you do not cite sources, you will receive a zero for plagiarism

If you copy and paste quotes without paraphrasing, you will receive severely reduced credit

Please paraphrase your research and cite in APA format

Apply all transitions as shown in the outline worksheet

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Infant Mortality Rate

General instructions:

I will take points off if your response does not follow these instructions.

Responses to questions must be typed (Times New Roman font, 12-point font size, double-spaced, 1-inch margins). Please also number the pages of your papers (page numbers must be provided in the top right-hand corner).

NOT COUNTING THE QUESTION PROMPT, your response must be AT LEAST 2.5 pages (two and a half pages) and no longer than 5 pages.

Please provide your first and last names and the course number.

Please provide the ENTIRE question prompt that you chose to respond to (copy and paste it). The question can be single-spaced. I will not grade your response if you don’t provide the entire question.

Infant Mortality Rate

Infant Mortality Rate

Please remember that students are NOT allowed to use any type of Al software, to plagiarize, and to collaborate with others. Students must submit their own work. For the possible consequences of an academic honesty infraction, see the section on the ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY in the syllabus.

Please DON’T cite the textbook and DON’T provide direct citations. That is, paraphrase and reword everything. Students are not required to include a reference list/bibliography.

You are required to write in complete sentences (do not use bullet points).

I will not assess your writing skills, but your understanding of the material presented in the textbook, in class, and in the videos (if relevant).

Infant Mortality Rate

Please proofread your responses. That is, please try to use the correct spelling and grammar.

In order to receive the maximum number of points for responses to essay questions, students must provide specific details/examples in their responses. I will not give points for vague and very general statements.

Again, please provide the ENTIRE question prompt that you chose to respond to (copy and paste it).

Essay Question 1: Discuss infant mortality rates in the less developed nations. How are infant mortality rates linked to women’s social status in the less developed nations? How are infant mortality rates linked to the use of infant formula in the less developed nations? Why do women use infant formula instead of breastfeeding in the less developed nations? Use APA referencing style.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Dominance In Culture

You just viewed a scene from the film “Hotel Rwanda” starring Don Cheadle. This film is an account of the genocide that took places in this country in 1994. For hundreds of years, the two major tribes of Rwanda were the Hutu and the Tutsi. They lived together with no animosity between them. When Belgium colonized Rwanda, they gave preferential treatment to the Tutsi because they (the Belgium’s), thought the Tutsi’s to be “superior” due to the fact that they were taller, their skin was lighter and their noses where pointier. This caused a divide between individuals of Hutu and Tutsi descent even after the era of colonization came to an end. As new generations were born, they no longer blamed the Belgium’s, they blamed the Tutsi’s themselves because the new generation of Tutsi’s (growing up in this divided culture) began to see themselves as different from the Hutu.

Dominance In Culture

Dominance In Culture

In this particular scene, a hotel manger (who is a Hutu) by the name of Paul is buying supplies from a distributor and fellow Hutu. Paul is hiding Tutsi friends and neighbors in his hotel and the news is spreading that Paul is a Tutsi (Hutu’s also refer to them as cockroaches) sympathizer.

What does your text say about Dominance and Subordination between Groups?

How did the discrimination by the Belgium’s change the cultural perceptions of these people?

Dominance In Culture

You just viewed a scene from the film “Hotel Rwanda” starring Don Cheadle. This film is an account of the genocide that took places in this country in 1994. For hundreds of years, the two major tribes of Rwanda were the Hutu and the Tutsi. They lived together with no animosity between them. When Belgium colonized Rwanda, they gave preferential treatment to the Tutsi because they (the Belgium’s), thought the Tutsi’s to be “superior” due to the fact that they were taller, their skin was lighter and their noses where pointier. This caused a divide between individuals of Hutu and Tutsi descent even after the era of colonization came to an end. As new generations were born, they no longer blamed the Belgium’s, they blamed the Tutsi’s themselves because the new generation of Tutsi’s (growing up in this divided culture) began to see themselves as different from the Hutu. Use APA referencing style.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Feminist Assignment Paper

(1) Discuss how Trethewey’s research proposes that organizational context, society, and culture discipline women in terms of bodily display.

(2) What is expected of women, according to her research?

(3) Briefly discuss the theory of concertive control and its three related concepts.

(4) Apply this theory to a real-life organization. How do you see concertive control present in this organization?

(5) Identify and describe two forms of feminism listed in the textbook (pages 112-114).

(6) Which perspective you would select to enact organizational change? Discuss how you would change an organization based on the assumptions of this perspective.

Feminist Assignment Paper

Feminist Assignment Paper

(1) Discuss how Trethewey’s research proposes that organizational context, society, and culture discipline women in terms of bodily display.

(2) What is expected of women, according to her research?

(3) Briefly discuss the theory of concertive control and its three related concepts.

(4) Apply this theory to a real-life organization. How do you see concertive control present in this organization?

(5) Identify and describe two forms of feminism listed in the textbook (pages 112-114).

(6) Which perspective you would select to enact organizational change? Discuss how you would change an organization based on the assumptions of this perspective.

Feminist Assignment Paper

(1) Discuss how Trethewey’s research proposes that organizational context, society, and culture discipline women in terms of bodily display.

(2) What is expected of women, according to her research?

(3) Briefly discuss the theory of concertive control and its three related concepts.

(4) Apply this theory to a real-life organization. How do you see concertive control present in this organization?

(5) Identify and describe two forms of feminism listed in the textbook (pages 112-114).

(6) Which perspective you would select to enact organizational change? Discuss how you would change an organization based on the assumptions of this perspective. Use APA referencing style.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Bobby Bostic Case Study

Assignment 2: Case Study of Bobby Bostic-An SVC Offender?

In Module 6 you learned about Serious, Violent, Chronic Offenders. For this written assignment, research the case of Bobby Bostic who was sentenced to 241 years for armed robbery when he was 17 years old. Do you think he is a SVC offender? Why/why not?

Be sure to discuss the following questions in your written assignment:

What do you make of the “label” SVC offender as a way to prevent or respond to juvenile crime? How does classifying youth as SVC offenders fit with, or not, the foundations of the juvenile justice system? Second chances, redemption, or no? Would you classify Bobby as a life-course persistent or adolescent-limited offender? How do we know for sure? At what costs?

Bobby Bostic Case Study

Bobby Bostic Case Study

Assignment 2: Case Study of Bobby Bostic-An SVC Offender?

In Module 6 you learned about Serious, Violent, Chronic Offenders. For this written assignment, research the case of Bobby Bostic who was sentenced to 241 years for armed robbery when he was 17 years old. Do you think he is a SVC offender? Why/why not?

Be sure to discuss the following questions in your written assignment:

What do you make of the “label” SVC offender as a way to prevent or respond to juvenile crime? How does classifying youth as SVC offenders fit with, or not, the foundations of the juvenile justice system? Second chances, redemption, or no? Would you classify Bobby as a life-course persistent or adolescent-limited offender? How do we know for sure? At what costs?

Bobby Bostic Case Study

Assignment 2: Case Study of Bobby Bostic-An SVC Offender?

In Module 6 you learned about Serious, Violent, Chronic Offenders. For this written assignment, research the case of Bobby Bostic who was sentenced to 241 years for armed robbery when he was 17 years old. Do you think he is a SVC offender? Why/why not?

Be sure to discuss the following questions in your written assignment:

What do you make of the “label” SVC offender as a way to prevent or respond to juvenile crime? How does classifying youth as SVC offenders fit with, or not, the foundations of the juvenile justice system? Second chances, redemption, or no? Would you classify Bobby as a life-course persistent or adolescent-limited offender? How do we know for sure? At what costs? Use APA referencing style.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

Childhood Mental Health

Choose a specific childhood mental health or academic disability that is currently a topic of interest in K-12 educational settings.

Consider one of the following:



Autism Spectrum Disorder





Childhood Mental Health

Research information about the nature of disability or mental health issue.

Create a 10-to-15- Minute presentation that can be used at a school site with general education staff to help teachers address a specific area of student concern. Utilize a presentation tool of your choice such as PowerPoint, Prezi, or another tool with which you are familiar.

Note. Since general education teachers often have students with disabilities or other learning issues in their classrooms, this presentation is meant to increase awareness and to provide information to the general education staff. Make the presentation is a standalone presentation that your colleagues can download and use as is.

Childhood Mental Health

Include the following in the presentation:

Description of the mental health or academic disability issue

Prevalence rates

Considerations that will support the academic and social emotional achievement of students who have this issue for each of the following:




Strategies and interventions

NOTE: Please Include Images

Childhood Mental Health

Research information about the nature of disability or mental health issue.

Create a 10-to-15- Minute presentation that can be used at a school site with general education staff to help teachers address a specific area of student concern. Utilize a presentation tool of your choice such as PowerPoint, Prezi, or another tool with which you are familiar.

Note. Since general education teachers often have students with disabilities or other learning issues in their classrooms, this presentation is meant to increase awareness and to provide information to the general education staff. Make the presentation is a standalone presentation that your colleagues can download and use as is. Use APA referencing style.

March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024

HWE 415 Stress Management

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 1, 2, and 3 from the course text, read the article by Keller et al., (2012), Does the Perception That Stress Affects Health Matter? The Association With Health and Mortality, and watch Seriously Stressed. Many of you may be familiar with the classic tale of George Bailey (James Stewart) in It’s a Wonderful Life. George Bailey portrays a young man who encounters many major life events. Although he has ambitions to go to college and travel the world, the death of his father crushes his dreams. He decides to stay in his hometown to manage the family business, Bailey Building and Loan. Over the years, Henry F. Potter, George’s nemesis, tries to take over the family business as it struggles with financial difficulties. As time passes, George Bailey marries and has four children. George’s major stressor presents itself, and the way he perceives and reacts to this stressor, paves the way for the outcome of the movie. While George tries to run away from this stressor, the support of his family and friends help him through it.

HWE 415 Stress Management

HWE 415 Stress Management

To get a brief overview of the movie, watch It’s a Wonderful Life Trailer (2:11). Be sure to watch Frank Capra’s 1946 version of the film. Then search for the following clips that depict some of George’s stressful moments:

It’s A Wonderful Life – Potter’s Offer.mov – YouTube

View for the fight or flight response:

It’s a Wonderful Life Bank RunLinks to an external site. (4:00)

Character Study:

  • Identify four of George’s stressors; these can be distressful or eustressful events.
    • Support these examples of stress with the course text.
  • Assess George’s physiological, social, and emotional reactions to these stressors in the movie.
    • Provide two examples of George’s physiological reactions.
    • Provide two examples of George’s social reactions.
    • Provide two examples of George’s emotional reactions to his stressors.
    • Use the course text as a minimum to support your response; the movie should be cited when it is being explained.

HWE 415 Stress Management

Throughout the movie, George encounters many stressors, but there are two major stress events that he must decide whether to “fight or flight.” The fight-or-flight response is a way the body reacts to stress. When faced with a stressor, the body prepares to fight it or run away from it. After watching the video clips above,

4 double spaced pages

APA style

Two scholarly sources

March 4, 2024

Sociology Assignment – Autogenic Training

Autogenic training, explained in Chapter 11, can be quite effective for managing stress. As part of this reflective journal, you will utilize autogenic training and share your feedback once you are done. Read Relaxation Techniques for Health, and watch All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes. Puddicombe discusses the importance and benefits of being mindful.

Before completing this assignment, please ensure that you are undisturbed for approximately 30 minutes. The environment you are in should be quiet and comfortable. The author of your textbook discourages participants from ingesting a stimulant or eating right before participating in this training. When you are ready, assume a body position of your choice, as outlined on pages 251-252 of the course text. Next, listen to the Breath & Autogenics Meditation recording by Dr. Lichtenstein.

Sociology Assignment - Autogenic Training

Sociology Assignment – Autogenic Training

Upon completion of the training, please assess your experience via Lab 11.1. Compose an APA-formatted paper, sharing your experience and self-assessment. Your paper should be written in paragraph format and address the following:

  • Explain your Autogenic Training Experience: describe how you felt during the training, the environment, and any thoughts that occurred while completing this training.
  • Assess your lab responses, including your score.
  • Evaluate any challenges you faced while completing this exercise.

Sociology Assignment – Autogenic Training

Autogenic training, explained in Chapter 11, can be quite effective for managing stress. As part of this reflective journal, you will utilize autogenic training and share your feedback once you are done. Read Relaxation Techniques for Health, and watch All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes. Puddicombe discusses the importance and benefits of being mindful.

Before completing this assignment, please ensure that you are undisturbed for approximately 30 minutes. The environment you are in should be quiet and comfortable. The author of your textbook discourages participants from ingesting a stimulant or eating right before participating in this training. When you are ready, assume a body position of your choice, as outlined on pages 251-252 of the course text. Next, listen to the Breath & Autogenics Meditation recording by Dr. Lichtenstein. Use APA referencing style.