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March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility Paper

Select the link to access this article, which provides a list of the 14 Best Socially Responsible Companies:

Produce a research paper on a company of your choice.

You can select a company from the article or select any company of your choice.

Discuss the company’s approach to CSR, their action, and results, etc.

Paper Requirements

5 – 6 pages,

Minimum of 5 Academic References

Adhere to APA 7th Edition Format

Corporate Social Responsibility Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility Paper

Select the link to access this article, which provides a list of the 14 Best Socially Responsible Companies:

Produce a research paper on a company of your choice.

You can select a company from the article or select any company of your choice.

Discuss the company’s approach to CSR, their action, and results, etc.

Paper Requirements

5 – 6 pages,

Minimum of 5 Academic References

Adhere to APA 7th Edition Format

Corporate Social Responsibility Paper

Select the link to access this article, which provides a list of the 14 Best Socially Responsible Companies:

Produce a research paper on a company of your choice.

You can select a company from the article or select any company of your choice.

Discuss the company’s approach to CSR, their action, and results, etc.

Paper Requirements

5 – 6 pages,

Minimum of 5 Academic References

Adhere to APA 7th Edition Format

Select the link to access this article, which provides a list of the 14 Best Socially Responsible Companies:

Produce a research paper on a company of your choice.

You can select a company from the article or select any company of your choice.

Discuss the company’s approach to CSR, their action, and results, etc.

Paper Requirements

5 – 6 pages,

Minimum of 5 Academic References

Adhere to APA 7th Edition Format

Corporate Social Responsibility Paper

Select the link to access this article, which provides a list of the 14 Best Socially Responsible Companies:

Produce a research paper on a company of your choice.

You can select a company from the article or select any company of your choice.

Discuss the company’s approach to CSR, their action, and results, etc.

Paper Requirements

5 – 6 pages,

Minimum of 5 Academic References

Adhere to APA 7th Edition Format

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Police Officer or Social Worker

Jack and Ann Smith are a married couple with three children rang- ing in age from five months to six years. Jack is unemployed and is 60 percent disabled from a wound he received in Vietnam. Ann has to provide primary care for the children and also has a part-time job at a nearby grocery store. Jack and Ann live in a housing project where the rent is based on the government welfare checks they receive. It is near the end of the month and the food stamps have almost been depleted. Jack spent what little money they had left on beer for himself and his friends. Over the years, Jack has continued to feel bitter about his disability and apparently tries to drown his prob- lems with alcohol. Jack and Ann had an argument earlier in the day over the amount of money Jack spends on beer and wine. Ann was also becoming increasingly upset over Jack frequenting bars and not trying to help with household responsibilities and chores. Ann even accused Jack of feeling sorry for himself and of being a failure in general. Jack responded by slapping Ann several times and leaving the house in a fit of temper.

Police Officer or Social Worker

Police Officer or Social Worker

While Jack was gone, the two eldest children began fighting with each other, which resulted in the youngest child crying. Although Ann had carefully cleaned the apartment the day before, the children had again made a mess of the house. Her patience wearing thin, Ann rocked the youngest child in a rocking chair in an effort to stop his crying. After substantial threats from their mother, the two oldest children started playing in the kitchen and eventually broke several dishes that were on the table. That was the last straw! Ann began whipping the oldest child for breaking the dishes. Full of anger and frustration, she whipped the child so hard that he fainted and was apparently unconscious. Jack came back to the apartment a short time later, intoxicated and still upset over the argument in which he and Ann had engaged earlier. He found the younger children crying, the oldest child badly beaten, and Ann sitting in a kitchen chair sobbing. In a fit of rage, Jack began beating Ann. The next-door-neighbor, aware of what was happening, called the police and explained the situation.

Police Officer or Social Worker

You are a patrol officer assigned to the call. Your partner is a female officer with little police experience. Not knowing for sure what the situation is, you do not call for a backup car. In your opinion, at this point, it is a routine family disturbance call. As you stand outside the Smiths’ apartment door, you hear children sobbing. No one answers the door or speaks to you when you knock. You think to yourself, “These people need a social worker, not a police officer.” Your partner looks at you, uncertain and waiting for instructions. You take a deep breath and try to decide what the best course of action will be. Use APA referencing style.

Based on what you have read, answer the following questions:

  1. What can you and your partner legally do?
  2. Should the police become involved in these types of situations? Discuss potential legal issues?
  3. What agencies other than the police could help in this situation?
March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Volkswagen Crisis Project Management

 am not sure if you all remember the Volkswagen crisis, but it was huge.  A lot of the discussion indicated a lot of the problems/issues could have been caught, however, they weren’t due to many reasons.  Based on the knowledge, methods, and ideas you have learned this semester, discuss some of the project management changes you would have made internally and externally that might have changed the outcome of the crisis, especially when you consider every product had to have been a project.  Be detailed and specific.  Use outside resources and other news facts to contradict or support the articles and news reports, especially if there is more recent information to help support your decisions.  Remember, leadership is also a big component in the effort to avoid or minimize a crisis.  Communications (written, oratory, digital, etc…) also play a crucial role.  Stakeholder expectations in a crisis seem to be an issue when you consider shareholders and customers.  There are many more items of concern that seem to be wrong with Volkswagen, so you will have plenty to discuss. I also want you to make suggestions to the CEO about what you think should be changed, added, reworked, or created to prevent this type of crisis from happening again.  Keep in mind as Project Managers we see a lot and have a considerable amount of influence.  Just remember to back up your opinions/assertions with facts.  Lastly, APA is important too. Your submission should be in the range of 7 pages not including the first page and the reference page.

Volkswagen Crisis Project Management

Volkswagen Crisis Project Management

 am not sure if you all remember the Volkswagen crisis, but it was huge.  A lot of the discussion indicated a lot of the problems/issues could have been caught, however, they weren’t due to many reasons.  Based on the knowledge, methods, and ideas you have learned this semester, discuss some of the project management changes you would have made internally and externally that might have changed the outcome of the crisis, especially when you consider every product had to have been a project.  Be detailed and specific.  Use outside resources and other news facts to contradict or support the articles and news reports, especially if there is more recent information to help support your decisions.  Remember, leadership is also a big component in the effort to avoid or minimize a crisis.  Communications (written, oratory, digital, etc…) also play a crucial role.  Stakeholder expectations in a crisis seem to be an issue when you consider shareholders and customers.  There are many more items of concern that seem to be wrong with Volkswagen, so you will have plenty to discuss. I also want you to make suggestions to the CEO about what you think should be changed, added, reworked, or created to prevent this type of crisis from happening again.  Keep in mind as Project Managers we see a lot and have a considerable amount of influence.  Just remember to back up your opinions/assertions with facts.  Lastly, APA is important too. Your submission should be in the range of 7 pages not including the first page and the reference page.

March 9, 2024
March 9, 2024

Bitcoin Article Review

Read 3-4 credible articles or podcasts on Bitcoin, preferably with differing points of view. Write a 6-9 pages (not including title and reference pages) paper using OWL APA format expressing if you agree or disagree with the articles. Make sure to use additional reference material to support your decision.

APA formatting:

12-point font with 1-inch margins Double-spaced. Headings (where appropriate). Submit the word document.

Information on APA formatting:


Some Recommendation for Reference Material:

We Study Billionaires – BTC (every Wednesday)

Bitcoin Audible

The Pomp Podcast

What Bitcoin Did


Bitcoin Article Review

Bitcoin Article Review

What is Money?

The Wolf of all Streets

The Bitcoin Standard Podcast

NDAX.IO – cryptocurrency exchange – lots of information


The Bitcoin Standard (book)


Some Recommendation for Reference Material:

We Study Billionaires – BTC (every Wednesday)

Bitcoin Audible

The Pomp Podcast

What Bitcoin Did


What is Money?

The Wolf of all Streets

The Bitcoin Standard Podcast

NDAX.IO – cryptocurrency exchange – lots of information


The Bitcoin Standard (book)

Bitcoin White Paper

https://bitcoinmagazine.com/check-your- financial-privilege/stranded-bitcoin-saving- wasted-energy-in-africa

Bitcoin Article Review

Read 3-4 credible articles or podcasts on Bitcoin, preferably with differing points of view. Write a 6-9 pages (not including title and reference pages) paper using OWL APA format expressing if you agree or disagree with the articles. Make sure to use additional reference material to support your decision.

APA formatting:

12-point font with 1-inch margins Double-spaced. Headings (where appropriate). Submit the word document.

Information on APA formatting:


Some Recommendation for Reference Material:

We Study Billionaires – BTC (every Wednesday)

Bitcoin Audible

The Pomp Podcast

What Bitcoin Did


Bitcoin Article Review

What is Money?

The Wolf of all Streets

The Bitcoin Standard Podcast

NDAX.IO – cryptocurrency exchange – lots of information


The Bitcoin Standard (book)


Some Recommendation for Reference Material:

We Study Billionaires – BTC (every Wednesday)

Bitcoin Audible

The Pomp Podcast

What Bitcoin Did


What is Money?

The Wolf of all Streets

The Bitcoin Standard Podcast

NDAX.IO – cryptocurrency exchange – lots of information


The Bitcoin Standard (book)

Bitcoin White Paper

https://bitcoinmagazine.com/check-your- financial-privilege/stranded-bitcoin-saving- wasted-energy-in-africa

March 9, 2024
March 9, 2024

Afro-American Family Assignment


What you’re going to do:

You will write a brief research paper (page length choices are below) regarding one specific issue from the list of topics below. You will analyze (explain) one of challenges and/or opportunities this issue presents for African Americans and (if you want to add) also for one of the related ethnic, gendered or immigrant groups mentioned in class (maximum possible: African American and one other group, if necessary. You cannot substitute the other group for African Americans). Then you will propose a possible original solution or substantial update to an existing solution to the issue regarding your chosen topic.

To Do

Due Date:    Sunday 3/17 by 11:59pm

(May be turned in as early as Sunday 3/10. If emergency, may be turned in no later than Sunday 3/31 by 11:59pm.)

Submission: To turn in: upload to Canvas in Week 8 assignment portal.

                  See the Checklist/Rubric below and in the Canvas module for more details and examples.

Afro-American Family Assignment

Afro-American Family Assignment

Pages:       Choose:

–5–6 full (not partial) pages in Canvas, not including citation page (minimum 3-4 verifiable sources) – Maximum possible -100 points or less


                  —4-4 3/4 full (not partial) pages in Canvas, not including citation page; (with minimum 2-3 verifiable sources) – Maximum possible-75 points or less


–2 ½- 3 3/4 full (not partial) pages in Canvas, (with minimum 1-2 verifiable sources) – Maximum possible-50 points or less.

Format:     Papers should be (a) double-spaced, (b) use a small font, such as Calibri or Times New Roman 12 point, (c) use the academic format you are familiar with (APA, Chicago, or MLA).

 Afro-American Family Assignment

Purpose Skill Development: This assignment will help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success both in this course and in your life beyond school: By the end of this assignment, you will be able to:

Skill Development: This assignment will help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success both in this course and in your life beyond school:

By the end of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Construct an appropriate research paper.
  • Organize a logical, comprehensive analysis in your paper and potential solution to the main issue.
  • Utilize (correctly) an appropriate number of relevant outside sources for your research paper.

Knowledge Development: Your research paper will analyze (explain) the specific issue you chose from your topic. This will include a specific thesis (argument) and original solution of your own or substantial update of an existing one, per the instructions and the Checklist/Rubric in the Canvas module.

Afro-American Family Assignment

Paper Topics:

  1. Choose ONE.
  2. Do NOT try to cover the entire topic. Fewer points if you do.

Specific Issue: 

Then pick ONE specific issue to focus on.

  1. Your issue should be related to African American familiesin some clearly identifiable way.
  2. You can also compare to a similar group such as Latinx, gendered or immigrant but then you must have two separate sets of sources, quotes, word definitions; cannot re-use one for both groups. Fewer points if you do.

Example of a thesis statement for a specific issue with a specific proposed solution:


Specific Issue: Free breakfast programs in the Los Angeles Unified School District

Thesis Statement – In many schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), free breakfasts are provided for students. But items such as cows milk are often included. Frequently, African American, Latinx and other students of color are lactose intolerant. Currently, students and/or parents must inform the school’s Food Service Manager if they want to request a substitute beverage. But many parents are not knowledgeable about the possible substitutes and/or may have trouble filling out forms, if English is not their first language. Therefore, the breakfast programs should be updated so that on school counseling days, the form could be offered to parents and explained right there.

Afro-American Family Assignment


  • TOPIC–Select your topic.
  • PICK A SPECIFIC ISSUE–Narrow it down to a specific issue from that overall topic.
  • TITLE– Provide an original one, relevant to your issue. (“Research Paper” is not relevant or original.)
  • INTRODUCTION–Provide a brief general overview of the issue. (No quotes should be here.)
  • THESIS STATEMENT –Should be the last one or two sentences at the end of the introduction, NOT in the body of the paper. (Other professors may have different instructions for their thesis statement requirements.)
    1. For this course, the thesis statement (your argument) should be in TWO parts:
      1. Brief statement of the problem or opportunity. (For this course, phrase it as a statement, even though, if using APA, you may begin this project with a research question.)
      2. Brief statement of your specific original solution or what you built substantially and specifically on from an existing solution.

Afro-American Family Assignment

BODY OF THE PAPER (in three parts)

(Body-first third)

  • HISTORICAL INFORMATION–Give key relevant historical background of your specific issue. Be specific, not vague. Also include in this historical section of the paper:
    1. At least one full relevant quote from an outside source.
    2. Do NOT use a video, social media, or class textbook as outside sources.

(Body-second third)

  • CONTEMPORARY INFORMATION –Give an explanation of the key elements of the issue today. (Contemporary analysis.)
    1. Explain an important current aspect or aspects of your issue. Be specific.
    2. Provide examples. Be specific. Fewer points for vague, overly broad general explanations.
  • OUTSIDE SOURCES—In the body of the paper, also provide full quotes from outside verifiable scholarly and/or news sources—as timely as possible, but NOT more than ten years old.
    1. The quotes should not just be a few words.
    2. Check the paper page length you chose to see how many full in-text quote(s) and in-text citation(s) are required from outside verifiable scholarly and/or news sources (that a reader can double-check are timely and accurate.).
    3. Do NOT use ChatGPT or any other AI assistance, social media, videos, or personal blogs.

Afro-American Family Assignment

  • DEFINITIONS–Provide dictionary or encyclopedia definition(s) for at least three (3) key words or terms within your body paragraphs (in-text).
    1. Work these dictionary or encyclopedia definitions into your paragraphs where appropriate. Do NOT just list the definitions at the end of your paper.
    2. Indicate the title of the dictionary or encyclopedia with each
    3. Also include the titles and complete citation information on your separate citation page at the end of your paper. (See below.)
    4. Do NOT make up your own definitions or use social media definitions.

(Body-last third)

  • SOLUTION—Provide an original solution of your own to your specific issue. Or provide a substantial original update to a SPECIFIC existing solution from an organization, cultural, political or educational entity, or a foundation. Include the name and specific details about the organization or entity in the body of your paper.
    1. Provide an original new solution. (Fewer points if your proposed original solution is something already being done.)
    2. Or provide a substantial original update to an existing solution.
    3. Do NOT give vague generalities. Fewer points if you do.
    4. Provide only ONE solution, not just a string of vague ideas.
    5. Do NOT put the solution in the conclusion. Fewer points if you do.

 Afro-American Family Assignment

  • CONCLUSION- Wrap up the paper with a brief reminder of what you have covered and the significance of your solution.
  • CITATION PAGE-Provide a separate page with all of the sources you used in the academic format you chose.
    1. (This is a separate page, NOT part of your paper page count.)
    2. APA (7thedition)- References (note “s” on the end)
    3. Chicago Manual of Style (17thedition)- Bibliography
    4. MLA (9thedition)- Works Cited (note “s” on the end)

(Revised in part from: TILTHigherEd.com, © 2014 Mary-Ann Winkelmes, and Palmer et al. (2016), Measuring transparency: A learning-focused assignment rubric)

TURNITIN.COM– Your paper automatically goes through the TurnItIn.com plagiarism/AI checker.

A paper receiving a red TurnItIn.com “flag” cannot be graded as is, and

Needs to be revised before the deadline, so no red flag continues to show.

Do NOT submit a paper or part(s) of a paper from another source, such as from copying or purchasing all or part(s) of a paper(s) or sources from online. Fewer or possibly no points if you do.

Do NOT resubmit a paper you have already used for another class. That is called “self plagiarism.”

 Afro-American Family Assignment

Tips for Success

Write full pages in Canvas. For example, a 3 ½ page paper will not be counted as 4 pages).

Use one of these academic formats that you know: APA, Chicago or MLA, your choice.

Do not add extra spacing to make the paper seem longer.

Fewer points for overly large font or overly wide spacing.

Grading Rubric: Grading is based on the length/quality of your paper (see above)

Writing Resources:

Africana Studies Department Writing Center (tutors are available)


Sign up early for tutor assistance. (Click on the Africana Studies Department webpage.)

Two Writing Center webpages at other universities—

Thesis Statements https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/thesis-statements/Links to an external site.

Research and Citation Resources- Purdue Online Writing Lab

https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/resources.htmlLinks to an external site.


March 9, 2024
March 9, 2024

Justice Delayed or Justice Denied

Case Study

Though it is highly unlikely that the Supreme Court ever gives a flat mandate for what constitutes a “speedy” trial, this has not stopped some states and jurisdictions from requiring certain timelines to be met. For example, some states require that arraignments are held within the first 48 hours, but others do not have such standards. The only federal-level mandate is the 1974 Speedy Trial Act, which requires that indictment occur within 30 days of arrest, and 70 days from indictment to trial. However, this does not and has not stopped defendants from requesting continuances for multiple reasons, which create delays. There is no consensus on what constitutes a “speedy” trial with these additional delays factored in, leading some to conclude, “justice delayed, justice denied.”

Questions for Discussion

  1. If you were to designate or enforce certain ranges and deadlines to avoid unnecessary delay, what would they be?
  2. Would they vary by crime? By offender? Any extrajudicial factors?
  3. Should courts be incentivized to process cases more quickly?
  4. What advantages would this have? What would such a process look like?

Justice Delayed or Justice Denied

Justice Delayed or Justice Denied

Case Study

Though it is highly unlikely that the Supreme Court ever gives a flat mandate for what constitutes a “speedy” trial, this has not stopped some states and jurisdictions from requiring certain timelines to be met. For example, some states require that arraignments are held within the first 48 hours, but others do not have such standards. The only federal-level mandate is the 1974 Speedy Trial Act, which requires that indictment occur within 30 days of arrest, and 70 days from indictment to trial. However, this does not and has not stopped defendants from requesting continuances for multiple reasons, which create delays. There is no consensus on what constitutes a “speedy” trial with these additional delays factored in, leading some to conclude, “justice delayed, justice denied.” Use APA referencing style.

Questions for Discussion

  1. If you were to designate or enforce certain ranges and deadlines to avoid unnecessary delay, what would they be?
  2. Would they vary by crime? By offender? Any extrajudicial factors?
  3. Should courts be incentivized to process cases more quickly?
  4. What advantages would this have? What would such a process look like?
March 9, 2024
March 9, 2024

Concerns – Indigenous People Canada

Research a current issue (of your choosing) affecting Indigenous Peoples in Canada, develop a 4-6 page report (12pt font, double spaced) that includes the following:

  • A brief overview of the issue
  • The apparent impact(s) on Indigenous Peoples/communities
  • Analysis of how the issue has been covered in the media
  • If applicable, ways in which the issue is being contested (e.g. protests, rallies, campaigns, etc.)
  • Reflections (i.e. students’ thoughts, feelings and lingering questions, and relevant course connections)
  • Thoughtful visuals such as photographs, diagrams, and maps
  • References must be provided using APA format

Concerns - Indigenous People Canada

Concerns – Indigenous People Canada

Research a current issue (of your choosing) affecting Indigenous Peoples in Canada, develop a 4-6 page report (12pt font, double spaced) that includes the following:

  • A brief overview of the issue
  • The apparent impact(s) on Indigenous Peoples/communities
  • Analysis of how the issue has been covered in the media
  • If applicable, ways in which the issue is being contested (e.g. protests, rallies, campaigns, etc.)
  • Reflections (i.e. students’ thoughts, feelings and lingering questions, and relevant course connections)
  • Thoughtful visuals such as photographs, diagrams, and maps
  • References must be provided using APA format

Concerns – Indigenous People Canada

Research a current issue (of your choosing) affecting Indigenous Peoples in Canada, develop a 4-6 page report (12pt font, double spaced) that includes the following:

  • A brief overview of the issue
  • The apparent impact(s) on Indigenous Peoples/communities
  • Analysis of how the issue has been covered in the media
  • If applicable, ways in which the issue is being contested (e.g. protests, rallies, campaigns, etc.)
  • Reflections (i.e. students’ thoughts, feelings and lingering questions, and relevant course connections)
  • Thoughtful visuals such as photographs, diagrams, and maps
  • References must be provided using APA format

Concerns – Indigenous People Canada

Research a current issue (of your choosing) affecting Indigenous Peoples in Canada, develop a 4-6 page report (12pt font, double spaced) that includes the following:

  • A brief overview of the issue
  • The apparent impact(s) on Indigenous Peoples/communities
  • Analysis of how the issue has been covered in the media
  • If applicable, ways in which the issue is being contested (e.g. protests, rallies, campaigns, etc.)
  • Reflections (i.e. students’ thoughts, feelings and lingering questions, and relevant course connections)
  • Thoughtful visuals such as photographs, diagrams, and maps
  • References must be provided using APA format
March 9, 2024
March 9, 2024

Psyc 621 Final Questions

Differentiate between phonology and morphology.

List the milestones of morphosyntactic development in production.

Name 3 sources of risk for literacy failure.

What behavior problems are the three most common reasons why children are referred to mental health settings?

Define assessment.

Briefly describe joint attention and talk about why it’s important.

Pick two of the major controversies in the field of literacy development and explain them both briefly.

Psyc 621 Final Questions

Explain the role of family in relation to it’s influence on the development of social competence in young children.

Describe the difference between externalizing versus internalizing behaviors giving examples of both.

Distinguish between screening and readiness testing.

Describe the role of family influences in children’s problem behaviors in early childhood.

Discuss the role of family systems in early childhood development of social relationships.  Describe Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model and how it relates to our understanding of the role of family relationships on the ecology of social relationships in early childhood.

Psyc 621 Final Questions

Differentiate between phonology and morphology.

List the milestones of morphosyntactic development in production.

Name 3 sources of risk for literacy failure.

What behavior problems are the three most common reasons why children are referred to mental health settings?

Define assessment.

Briefly describe joint attention and talk about why it’s important.

Pick two of the major controversies in the field of literacy development and explain them both briefly.

Psyc 621 Final Questions

Explain the role of family in relation to it’s influence on the development of social competence in young children.

Describe the difference between externalizing versus internalizing behaviors giving examples of both.

Distinguish between screening and readiness testing.

Describe the role of family influences in children’s problem behaviors in early childhood.

Discuss the role of family systems in early childhood development of social relationships.  Describe Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model and how it relates to our understanding of the role of family relationships on the ecology of social relationships in early childhood. Use APA referencing style.

March 9, 2024
March 9, 2024

Infant & Toddler Setting


During this Performance Task, you will participate in a field experience in either an infant or a toddler setting. You will first meet with your Host Teacher to explain the Assessment and discuss considerations of developing a respectful, supportive, and challenging experience with a child or small group of children in her/his class.

You will then develop and implement these experiences and conclude the Assessment by gathering feedback from your Host Teacher on your experience with the child or children and engaging in your own reflection on these experiences.

Professional Skills: Written Communication and Applied and Collaborative Learning are assessed in this Competency.

This Assessment requires a submission of two files:

  • Infant or Toddler Experience: Planning Template
  • Infant or Toddler Experience: Student Reflection

Infant & Toddler Setting


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Note: For this Written-Response Assessment, you are required to draw from not only the resources for the Topics but also your experiences, observations, and host teacher and other professionals who work in your field setting. Your conversations with these professionals and your observations in the setting are essential to the successful completion of the Assessment. As part of this assessment, after you have concluded your field activities, you will need to meet with you Host Teacher to fill out your final evaluation and submit it along with your assessment. For additional information regarding the  field experience requirements and expectations, please review the BSECS  Field Experience Handbook found on the BSECS Field Experience Website.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

Developing Experiences with Infants and Toddlers

“The adult’s role is not to teach, but to observe and reflect on what infants/toddlers are experiencing and how they learn — and then to support the process through interactions, their relationship with the child, and provision of experiences in an environment that contributes to the child’s success”. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010)

What do you want to discover with infants or explore with toddlers?  How do you want to participate in fostering their growth and development? How can you let children take the lead, building on their interests, and sometimes modifying your plans in order to truly partner in their development and learning? In this Competency Assessment, you will develop and implement a respectful, supportive, and challenging experience with very young children—in an infant setting or in a toddler setting.

Keep in mind for this Field Experience Competency Performance Assessment, your goal is to:

  1. Explain what the Competency Assessment entails to your Host Teacher, and then participate in a reflective conversation with the Host Teacher of the infant program or the toddler program. During the conversation, discuss how best you can participate in fostering the development and learning of a child or group of children in each age group. Ask for the teachers’ help not only to identify the children, but also to understand who they are as individuals – their interests, developmental levels, abilities, and cultural contexts. Also, discuss how best you can build on children’s interests, apply developmentally appropriate practice, and respect that all interactions with young children need to be based on relationships that involve observation, care, and individualization for strengths, needs, and interests.
  2. Complete the Infant or Toddler: Planning Template based on what you have learned from your Host Teacher and the resources for this Competency.
  3. Participate in the experiences you have planned with the infant(s) or toddler(s) identified.
  4. Complete the infant or Toddler Experience: Student Reflection portion.
  5. Complete the FE Verification and Evaluation with your Host Teacher.  You can print this off or fill it in together electronically. This Evaluation needs to be submitted with your assessment. Use APA referencing style.
March 9, 2024
March 9, 2024

Cost Access and Quality

This assignment has two parts:

Plan for your proposed healthcare facility

Reflection on what you have accomplished in completing your course of student by your work in this capstone course and what skills you will continue to develop and improve on as you begin or advance in your career in healthcare management.

Part 1: Plan for proposed healthcare facility

You have been asked to present your plan for the proposed health care facility to the Board of Directors. Based on your previous assignments, you are to develop a proposal

The type of health care facility (Week 1)

Discuss the type of facility that you are recommending and the rationale behind your recommendation. For example, if you chose an ambulatory care facility, explain the reasons why this type of facility would be recommended over another type.

Cost Access and Quality

Cost Access and Quality

Discuss the type of health care delivery and services that are provided at the facility.

Discuss the type of staff that will work in the facility. Specify the position categories and/or titles for these positions and include what are the credentials or licensures required by these positions in the state in which you live where you proposed facility would be located.

Financing the organization (Week 2)

Discuss the method(s) of reimbursement that you believe will work best for the health care facility that you have proposed to be developed, and explain why you chose that method.

Discuss the pros and cons of the reimbursement method(s) you chose.

Discuss the impact that the method(s) may have on the financial operations of the facility that you chose.

Medical technology (Week 3)

Discuss the financial and health benefits that can be realized by implementing an electronic health record (EHR).

Cost Access and Quality

Discuss the estimated cost of implementing an EHR and the estimated cost of managing an EHR over the long run.

Discuss current security concerns surrounding health information technology (HIT) and the EHR.

Discuss how electronic health records can be used for decision-making and problem-solving.

Choose 1 piece of federal legislation, e.g., HIPAA, HITECH Act, Meaningful Use), and discuss the requirements that legislation imposes on the use of HIT and the EHR.

Ethical and legal considerations (Week 4)

Discuss an accrediting body that will provide accreditation to the facility you are proposing.

Discuss the ethical or legal requirements and responsibilities that a health care organization has in ensuring that its facility is licensed, certified, and accredited. When discussing licensure requirements, ensure that you research requirements based on the state in which you reside.

Cost Access and Quality

When discussing licensure requirements, ensure that you research requirements based on the state in which you reside.

Quality measures (Week 5) (This will be a new section as part of your project)

Research and describe at least 2 measures that you plan to use in your facility that are currently used to gauge quality in health care.

Identify how data for these measures will be collected and analyzed.

Set realistic benchmarks for each proposed measurement, and explain the rationale behind the benchmarks that you set.

Note: You should include a minimum of 3 references with the new content for Week 5 combined with the references used for the work done in Units 1-4.

Cost Access and Quality

Part 2: Reflection

Reflection on what you have learned and what you will work on to continue to develop as a healthcare management professional. Write a 1 page reflection on the following:

As you complete the course and your degree program and look forward to advancing your career in healthcare management, what are the skills and competencies that you feel you have developed and what are the ones that you will need to continue to work on? How do you plan to improve upon your skills and continue to develop competencies in healthcare management?

The American College of Healthcare Management provides resources related to the competencies that healthcare management professionals should possess. Refer to this document for a list of healthcare management competencies. Use APA referencing style.