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March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Microbial Diseases Assignment

Fifteen-year-old Dolores was embarrassed to talk with her mother about the pain she felt in her “private parts,” but she was worried she might have gotten a disease, despite Nick’s assurance that she was his “first.” Her mother insisted that Dolores see a doctor, who discovered cervical lesions caused by a virus associated with cancer.

What sexually transmitted virus is involved?
How should the physician treat the lesions?
How could Dolores have protected herself?

Microbial Diseases Assignment

Microbial Diseases Assignment

Fifteen-year-old Dolores was embarrassed to talk with her mother about the pain she felt in her “private parts,” but she was worried she might have gotten a disease, despite Nick’s assurance that she was his “first.” Her mother insisted that Dolores see a doctor, who discovered cervical lesions caused by a virus associated with cancer.

What sexually transmitted virus is involved?
How should the physician treat the lesions?
How could Dolores have protected herself?

Microbial Diseases Assignment

Fifteen-year-old Dolores was embarrassed to talk with her mother about the pain she felt in her “private parts,” but she was worried she might have gotten a disease, despite Nick’s assurance that she was his “first.” Her mother insisted that Dolores see a doctor, who discovered cervical lesions caused by a virus associated with cancer.

What sexually transmitted virus is involved?
How should the physician treat the lesions?
How could Dolores have protected herself?

Microbial Diseases Assignment

Fifteen-year-old Dolores was embarrassed to talk with her mother about the pain she felt in her “private parts,” but she was worried she might have gotten a disease, despite Nick’s assurance that she was his “first.” Her mother insisted that Dolores see a doctor, who discovered cervical lesions caused by a virus associated with cancer. APA.

What sexually transmitted virus is involved?
How should the physician treat the lesions?
How could Dolores have protected herself?

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Life-Long Learning Essay

Describe in a 1–2-page essay your plan for continuing your education as a life-long learner. Plan for Lifelong learning: Describe a plan for how you will meet continuing professional development, practice hours, and continuing education as required by your State Board of Nursing and your credentialing organization. Specifically, do you plan on using online CEUs, publishing, attending national seminars and conferences? Describe in a 1–2-page essay your plan for continuing your education as a life-long learner. Plan for Lifelong learning: Describe a plan for how you will meet continuing professional development, practice hours, and continuing education as required by your State Board of Nursing and your credentialing organization. Specifically, do you plan on using online CEUs, publishing, attending national seminars and conferences?


Life-Long Learning Essay

Life-Long Learning Essay

Describe in a 1–2-page essay your plan for continuing your education as a life-long learner. Plan for Lifelong learning: Describe a plan for how you will meet continuing professional development, practice hours, and continuing education as required by your State Board of Nursing and your credentialing organization. Specifically, do you plan on using online CEUs, publishing, attending national seminars and conferences? Describe in a 1–2-page essay your plan for continuing your education as a life-long learner. Plan for Lifelong learning: Describe a plan for how you will meet continuing professional development, practice hours, and continuing education as required by your State Board of Nursing and your credentialing organization. Specifically, do you plan on using online CEUs, publishing, attending national seminars and conferences?

Life-Long Learning Essay

Describe in a 1–2-page essay your plan for continuing your education as a life-long learner. Plan for Lifelong learning: Describe a plan for how you will meet continuing professional development, practice hours, and continuing education as required by your State Board of Nursing and your credentialing organization. Specifically, do you plan on using online CEUs, publishing, attending national seminars and conferences? Describe in a 1–2-page essay your plan for continuing your education as a life-long learner. Plan for Lifelong learning: Describe a plan for how you will meet continuing professional development, practice hours, and continuing education as required by your State Board of Nursing and your credentialing organization. Specifically, do you plan on using online CEUs, publishing, attending national seminars and conferences? APA.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

CHATGPT Writing Assignment


The goal of this assignment is to create a simulation (a new religion) with the help of a simulation (ChatGPT) in order to better understand these simulations and your self. Please read these instructions carefully. We’re happy to answer questions, but this is the right place to start if you have them.

If you don’t already have one, you will need to create an account with OpenAl, which you can do here.

This assignment has three parts, each worth 33% of your grade. Please compile these three parts into a single document and upload it under this assignment link. The easiest way to do this is a PDF. Google Docs and Word, for example, let you export as a PDF. Remember to include your name and your section day and time so that we can easily identify whose work it is. When quoting or referencing particular texts, please give us the page number and the author’s name and publication year in parentheses so that it’s clear to us, like this: (Baudrillard 1986, 4). If you cite something that wasn’t assigned for the class, please also give us the title of the work. You don’t need a bibliography, but we do want to be able to check your work.

CHATGPT Writing Assignment

CHATGPT Writing Assignment

Please compile these three parts into a single document and upload it under this assignment link. The easiest way to do this is a PDF. Google Docs and Word, for example, let you export as a PDF. Remember to include your name and your section day and time so that we can easily identify whose work it is. When quoting or referencing particular texts, please give us the page number and the author’s name and publication year in parentheses so that it’s clear to us, like this: (Baudrillard 1986, 4). If you cite something that wasn’t assigned for the class, please also give us the title of the work. You don’t need a bibliography, but we do want to be able to check your work.


Ask ChatGPT to invent a religion and to modify it according to your interests and preferences. This need not be a religion you would join; it can simply be a religion you would find fascinating. You might start by asking it to invent a religion and then following up to request changes. Or you might start by asking ChatGPT a more complicated question. When you invent this religion, make sure you include aspects of Belief, Behavior, and Belonging. You’ll be submitting the entire chat transcript with your assignment, so the goal here is to show your work. The text transcript can be as long as it needs to be. Please make sure the final response from ChatGPT gives a full summary of the religion you’ve invented. We’ll be focusing on that last summary section because if a transcript is long we won’t have time to read all of it. It’s important to include the full transcript, however, to show your work. NOTE: you might want to experiment a bit before beginning a new chat transcript with your final version.

CHATGPT Writing Assignment


Relying on some of the concepts we’ve been discussing in lectures and assigned texts, explain why you chose to create this particular religion with these particular features. Is there an aspect of world-building (poiesis) that you’ve tried to implement? Have you found a certain week’s lectures and texts especially interesting and used them to develop your religion? How did you use those concepts? How did it change the religion you’ve invented? (Please provide at least 5 paragraphs.)


Please analyze why ChatGPT has responded to your prompts in the way it has. Why do you think it chose particular religious features when you asked your first question? Why do you think it responded as it did when you asked follow-up questions or gave it additional instructions? What do you think ChatGPT is reflecting back to us about ourselves given that it’s a large language model that has collected a lot of our data? In other words, what does ChatGPT appear to assume about religion or spirituality? How do these assumptions reflect what you’ve learned about religion and popular culture in this class? The goal here is to get you thinking about how and why ChatGPT works, but also to reflect on what you’ve learned this quarter. What can your experiment tell us about ChatGPT, about religion, and about popular culture? (Please provide at least 5 paragraphs.) APA.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Company Web Application

Your team received an assignment to develop and deliver a new company Web application for outsourced suppliers to use as they help support your company’s production resources. The IT director recently returned from an OWASP conference in India and insists that the app will have strong security. As he walked out the door from your initial project briefing the IT director said, “I do not want to wait 200 days after an exploit to hear about it. If something happens, I want to know yesterday.”


The project specs require a multi-page design. The app will need to provide an interface to your company’s supply database for reading and entering data remotely as well as the ability to contact, via the e-mail server, your company supply managers. In an effort to save money, management decided that the team will use some open-source software library modules.

Company Web Application

Company Web Application

Provide at least six steps in the SDLC during which security-strengthening behaviors will be applied.

Explain the specific security-relevant actions taken during each step, including the people involved, the considerations taken, and the security assurance methods used.

Identify and briefly explain at least three different security testing methods and indicate which methods analyze the app’s front end, source code, or vulnerabilities while the app is running. Justify when you would use each method.

Explain at least six different vulnerabilities that could potentially affect your app and actions that your team could take to prevent each.

Company Web Application

Provide at least six steps in the SDLC during which security-strengthening behaviors will be applied.

Explain the specific security-relevant actions taken during each step, including the people involved, the considerations taken, and the security assurance methods used.

Identify and briefly explain at least three different security testing methods and indicate which methods analyze the app’s front end, source code, or vulnerabilities while the app is running. Justify when you would use each method.

Explain at least six different vulnerabilities that could potentially affect your app and actions that your team could take to prevent each. APA.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Organizational Policies and Practices

Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.

The Assignment (1-2 pages):

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Add a section to the 2-3 page paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following in 1-2 pages:

Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.

Organizational Policies and Practices

Organizational Policies and Practices

Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples. Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations. Due to the nature of this assignment, your instructor may require more than 7 days to provide you with quality feedback.


Submit your revised paper.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK3Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial

Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.

Organizational Policies and Practices

Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs. APA.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Calculate Rate of Return

For this assignment, you will build a 1-page Excel spreadsheet to solve the following scenario:

Six years ago, Bradford Community Hospital issued 20-year municipal bonds with a 7% annual coupon rate. The bonds were called today for a $70 call premium—that is, bondholders received $1,070 for each bond. What is the realized rate of return for those investors who bought the bonds for $1,000 when they were issued?

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course.

Length: 1 Excel workbook with a 1-page summary explaining your calculations and 3 scholarly/credible references.

Calculate Rate of Return

Calculate Rate of Return

For this assignment, you will build a 1-page Excel spreadsheet to solve the following scenario:

Six years ago, Bradford Community Hospital issued 20-year municipal bonds with a 7% annual coupon rate. The bonds were called today for a $70 call premium—that is, bondholders received $1,070 for each bond. What is the realized rate of return for those investors who bought the bonds for $1,000 when they were issued?

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course.

Length: 1 Excel workbook with a 1-page summary explaining your calculations and 3 scholarly/credible references.

Calculate Rate of Return

For this assignment, you will build a 1-page Excel spreadsheet to solve the following scenario:

Six years ago, Bradford Community Hospital issued 20-year municipal bonds with a 7% annual coupon rate. The bonds were called today for a $70 call premium—that is, bondholders received $1,070 for each bond. What is the realized rate of return for those investors who bought the bonds for $1,000 when they were issued?

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course.

Length: 1 Excel workbook with a 1-page summary explaining your calculations and 3 scholarly/credible references. Use APA referencing style.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

PHIL 4: Intro Ethics Essay


Write a cohesive essay in which you give your own objection to one of the arguments listed below. If you think your objection is successful, address at least one reply that the author could give. If you think your objection is unsuccessful, explain why. You may pick any of the following arguments:

The “Argument Against Animals” purporting to show that Kant’s prin- ciple of humanity is false. (Shafer-Landau 195)

  • Lisa Cassidy’s argument that we have obligations to care for distant others in ‘Starving Children in Africa’: Who Cares?
  • Don Marquis’s argument in Why Abortion is Immoral that abortion is prima facie seriously immoral.

Judith Jarvis Thomson’s people-seeds analogy in A Defense of Abortion

  • The “Fred’s Puppies” analogy in Alastair Norcross’s Puppies, Pigs, and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases

PHIL 4: Intro Ethics Essay

PHIL 4: Intro Ethics Essay

To fulfill the prompt, you must:

(a) State the target argument and explain why each premise seems plausible. You may use standard form with numbered premises.

(b) Explain your own objection, how it is an objection to the view, and why it seems plausible.

(c) Give at least one reply to your objection. If you think the reply is mistaken, explain why. If not, explain why the reply is decisive.

Aim for 1000 words. 1100 words strict maximum. Upload to Canvas by Sunday, March 17, 11:59pm Pacific in .pdf or .docx format. Double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, 1″ margins.

PHIL 4: Intro Ethics Essay

Expectations and Suggestions

Your essay should include a short introductory paragraph that: (i) intro- duces the topic, (ii) states your thesis, and (iii) gives a brief overview of the paper.

  • Every essay should have a thesis. Your thesis is the main claim you’re arguing for: whether your objection is successful.
  • Pretend that you are writing for someone who has never taken this class before. You are trying to teach them this material for the first time, making sure they come away with complete understanding of the argument and no misunderstanding. Your paper will be graded, in part, according to how well you accomplish this goal.

PHIL 4: Intro Ethics Essay


You must include accurate citations every time you make a claim about an author’s views or use others’ ideas. Failure to do so is grounds for an unsatisfactory/incomplete grade. Whenever possible, cite the text rather than citing lecture or section materials. Use MLA style in-text citations with author and page number. For example: (Shafer-Landau 170).

However, avoid using quotations. Instead, paraphrase in your own words. The specific statement of the argument, especially if given in standard form, is an exception. In general, you should only quote when the author’s precise wording is essential the point you’re mak- ing. When you do quote or paraphrase specific passages, cite them.

PHIL 4: Intro Ethics Essay

It is highly recommended that you do not use any sources other than material from this class. If you do, it must be cited appropriately in the text and in a bibliographical entry. A bibliography is not needed if you use only class materials.

Your objection must be your own. The assignment is asking you to think for yourself about these arguments. You may build on an idea introduced in class or in the text, but if you do so, make sure you are adding something new and substantial. (In particular, if the reply to your objection could just be something the author already explicitly said, then you have failed to fulfill the prompt!). Use APA referencing style.

  • There is no minimum word count requirement. You should write no more and no less than is necessary to completely address the prompt.
March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Politics Patient Protection & ACA

Regardless of political affiliation, individuals often grow concerned when considering perceived competing interests of government and their impact on topics of interest to them. The realm of healthcare is no different. Some people feel that local, state, and federal policies and legislation can be either helped or hindered by interests other than the benefit to society.

Consider for example that the number one job of a legislator is to be reelected. Cost can be measured in votes as well as dollars. Thus, it is important to consider the legislator’s perspective on either promoting or not promoting a certain initiative in the political landscape.

An explanation for how you think the cost-benefit analysis in terms of legislators being reelected affected efforts to repeal/replace the ACA. Then, explain how analyses of the voters views may affect decisions by legislative leaders in recommending or positioning national policies (e.g., Congress’ decisions impacting Medicare or Medicaid). Remember, the number one job of a legislator is to be re-elected. Please check your discussion grading rubric to ensure your responses meet the criteria.

Politics Patient Protection & ACA

Politics Patient Protection & ACA

Regardless of political affiliation, individuals often grow concerned when considering perceived competing interests of government and their impact on topics of interest to them. The realm of healthcare is no different. Some people feel that local, state, and federal policies and legislation can be either helped or hindered by interests other than the benefit to society.

Consider for example that the number one job of a legislator is to be reelected. Cost can be measured in votes as well as dollars. Thus, it is important to consider the legislator’s perspective on either promoting or not promoting a certain initiative in the political landscape.

An explanation for how you think the cost-benefit analysis in terms of legislators being reelected affected efforts to repeal/replace the ACA. Then, explain how analyses of the voters views may affect decisions by legislative leaders in recommending or positioning national policies (e.g., Congress’ decisions impacting Medicare or Medicaid). Remember, the number one job of a legislator is to be re-elected. Please check your discussion grading rubric to ensure your responses meet the criteria. Use APA referencing style.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Deliverable 7 – JBH Project Plan

GEB3422CBE Section 01CBE Business Project Management (11 Weeks) – CBE Online Course – 2024 Winter Quarter

Assignment Content


  • Identify the role projects play in meeting the goals of an organization.
  • Explain the activities that occur when initiating a project.
  • Classify the components of project planning.
  • Evaluate project implementation techniques.
  • Evaluate project performance.
  • Distinguish project management methodologies and tools.

Deliverable 7 - JBH Project Plan

Deliverable 7 – JBH Project Plan

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information

You are a Senior Project Manager for JBH Software Solutions and are about begin on a new project and training a new associate at the same time. The scope of the project is a total system upgrade for the customer service area. The project has a budget of $15 Million and has a duration of 24 months for completion. Since you are the Senior Project Manager, upper management is looking to you for guidance and best practices for the project management lifecycle at JBH.

Create a project plan for JBH Software Solutions that includes required documentation such as business case, risk mitigation plan, communication plan, scope statement, scorecard, and project timelines. Include details about methodologies and tools used to manage the project. Review the deliverables from prior modules as a guide to complete this assignment.

Deliverable 7 – JBH Project Plan

You are a Senior Project Manager for JBH Software Solutions and are about begin on a new project and training a new associate at the same time. The scope of the project is a total system upgrade for the customer service area. The project has a budget of $15 Million and has a duration of 24 months for completion. Since you are the Senior Project Manager, upper management is looking to you for guidance and best practices for the project management lifecycle at JBH.

Create a project plan for JBH Software Solutions that includes required documentation such as business case, risk mitigation plan, communication plan, scope statement, scorecard, and project timelines. Include details about methodologies and tools used to manage the project. Review the deliverables from prior modules as a guide to complete this assignment. Use APA referencing style.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

QAMM_QUAL8310_Assignment 3

This is a GROUP assignment.

All work submitted must be original work, composed by the group of students working together. Plagiarism, or copying from other groups will result in the filing of an academic misconduct and a grade of zero.

Assignment 3 Instructions:

The goal of this assignment is to ensure that you are on-track with the project for this course. In order to be prepared and ready for the presentations in week 15, the following milestones should be completed by the due date of this assignment. Please review the milestone activities below, which are to be completed and uploaded to your group’s sharepoint folder by the Due Date for this assignment:

QAMM_QUAL8310_Assignment 3

QAMM_QUAL8310_Assignment 3

Milestones to be Completed:

  1. Data analysis for the historical performance data
    • Descriptive statistics are to be summarized for each of the work elements (A thru OO)
    • Consider the use of a box-plot, or a simple data summary of your choice to compare mean, median, standard deviation (variances to the standards provided), etc.
    • Update your group’s data file (Excel file assigned to your group) by editing/revising/summarizing/displaying your analysis within one of the available worksheets provided
    • Provide a summary statement about what you have found/determined about Foxconn’s historical data, and what you plan to do about the results … if anything… why?
  1. Precedence Diagram
    • Complete the construction of the precedence diagram based on the data provided in your group’s data file.
    • Submit a “rough”/“draft” (sketch) or “finished” version of the precedence diagram via eConestoga’s submission link
    • Acceptable file types include (Word, PDF, .DRWG (CAD), Visio, Excel, PPT, etc. or a hand-sketch + photo/scan is OK at this point.
    • Label the file as “Precedence Diagram_Group(###)”

QAMM_QUAL8310_Assignment 3

  1. TAKT Time Calculation
    • Establish a TAKT time calculator tool (formula) within one of the available worksheets provided within your group’s data (Excel) file
    • The TAKT time calculator tool must be able to calculate TAKT time based on all the necessary input variables that make up “available time”, and “customer demand”
    • The TAKT time calculator tool must be able to re-calculate TAKT time by changing any one or multiple input variables. HINT: it may be useful to link your TAKT time result to your workstation calculation and line balancing table in order to observe various scenarios for determining the amount of workstations your factory will need based on how you design/establish the “available time” for your production facility.
  1. Evidence that a workstation design (Line Balancing) table has been started
    • The line balancing table must be started within one of your available worksheets of the Excel file provided to your group folder in the sharepoint. The goal here is to simply begin the process of line balancing for the design and plan of the workstations needed for your factory.
    • This table does not have to be complete yet, but evidence must be shown that this table is setup, ready, and must show progress has been made. Please aim to have 3 to you’re your workstation assignments completed.
    • HINT: You CAN NOT complete this part until you have completed steps 1, 2, and 3, from above.e. you need to decide which cycle times you will be working with, and you need to be confident with what TAKT time you’ll be working towards.

QAMM_QUAL8310_Assignment 3

  1. Provide a small/simple project plan that lists the next/remaining steps (activities) that your group will be working on and completing over the next 7 to 8 weeks so that there is a clear path to successful completion of this project prior to the due date and presentation date.
    • Use Excel or MS Project to list (itemize) the remaining activities planned to be completed for this project (see & review the original project instructions for detail)
    • Identify “who” will be responsible for completing each listed activity
    • Identify “by when” that person will be aiming to complete the listed activity
    • Ensure the plan shows clearly that all remaining activities have an assigned/delegated person(s) (group member) and that the pertinent activities are targeted to be completed prior to the week of presentation and due date for the project.

Be sure to ask for support from Foxconn management (your professor 😊) if you have any questions/doubts about the above, or relevant concepts needed for achieving the above. Use APA referencing style.