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March 23, 2024

Management Business307 – Organizational Change

About this Assignment

As organizations grow, particularly in the global space, change is inevitable. As businesses take on a more global facing model, management must be ready to facilitate the changes that ensue. This means creating plans for introducing and managing change. Lewin’s 3-Stage Model of Change and Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model are widely used to help overcome barriers to change in organizations.

Drawing on what you’ve learned in this course, please choose one of the following prompts and write a 2,000 word (minimum) report to address it.

Management Business307 - Organizational Change

Prompt 1

You are in upper management for a mid-sized manufacturing company. Recent economic changes forced upper management to move much of the manufacturing to a foreign country. As a result, many of the state-side employees will be forced to work directly with foreign counterparts. There is great concern that the existing employees may not embrace the change, and you’ve been tasked with creating a plan to minimize the fallout.

Management Business307 – Organizational Change

Develop a plan that will facilitate as smooth of a transition as possible, optimizing employee buy-in, satisfaction, and productivity. Write a report that explains the details of your plan, and be sure to integrate concrete examples and supportive reasoning for how to implement this plan following each step of Lewin’s 3-Stage Model of Change.

Prompt 2

You are an executive-level manager for a large marketing firm. Up until recently, your marketing executives enjoyed a myriad of perks including travel to meet with clients, laptop computers, free gym memberships, and company cars. However, after your firm lost a high producing account, marketing executives will lose some of the important benefits to which they’ve grown accustomed. It is your job to get the executives to buy into the changes. These changes include the restricted use of personal vehicles, limited travel benefits, elimination of telecommuting and the return of smartphones and tablets. You know this will not be easy.

Integrating Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, create a change management plan that will convince the soon-to-be disgruntled executives to buy into the change. Write up your plan as a report that you will give to the CEO for approval before you implement it. Within the report, explain and justify specific steps you will take and your methods of communication with the employees about the changes.

Management Business307 – Organizational Change


As part of your research and justification, you may refer to the course material for supporting evidence, but you must also use credible outside sources and cite them using APA formatting. Please include a mix of both primary and secondary sources, with at least one source from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. If you use any Study.com lessons as sources, please also cite them in APA (including the lesson title and instructor’s name).

Primary sources are first-hand accounts such as interviews, advertisements, speeches, company documents, statements, and press releases published by the company in question. Secondary sources come from peer-reviewed scholarly journals, such as Trends in Cognitive Sciences and Memory and Cognition. You may use JSTOR, Google Scholar, and PsycINFO to find articles from these journals. Secondary sources may also come from reputable websites with .gov, .edu, or .org in the domain. (Wikipedia is not a reputable source, though the sources listed in Wikipedia articles may be acceptable.)

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Advocacy & Legislation – Social Work

How important is in-depth knowledge about legislation and the legislative process for social work advocates engaging in legislative campaigns? What specific skills and knowledge areas are crucial for effective advocacy in this context?

What interpersonal skills do you believe are most critical for social work advocates to effectively communicate their messages and achieve their legislative goals? Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios.

How important is in-depth knowledge about legislation and the legislative process for social work advocates engaging in legislative campaigns? What specific skills and knowledge areas are crucial for effective advocacy in this context?

What interpersonal skills do you believe are most critical for social work advocates to effectively communicate their messages and achieve their legislative goals? Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios.

Advocacy & Legislation - Social Work

Advocacy & Legislation – Social Work

How important is in-depth knowledge about legislation and the legislative process for social work advocates engaging in legislative campaigns? What specific skills and knowledge areas are crucial for effective advocacy in this context?Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios.

What interpersonal skills do you believe are most critical for social work advocates to effectively communicate their messages and achieve their legislative goals? Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios. Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios.

How important is in-depth knowledge about legislation and the legislative process for social work advocates engaging in legislative campaigns? What specific skills and knowledge areas are crucial for effective advocacy in this context?

What interpersonal skills do you believe are most critical for social work advocates to effectively communicate their messages and achieve their legislative goals? Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios. Use APA referencing style.

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Harold’s Symptom Case Scenario

The following cases have strange and unusual visual deficits, what is going on (or not going on as the case may be) in their brains? Based on what you’ve gathered from lectures and the textbook, please explain what is going with each symptom in each case.  Make sure not only to be specific with your answers but also explain why you came to your conclusions.

Harold's Symptom Case Scenario


Case 1: Harold’s Symptom #1 (RVF deficits)

Properly labeled the condition and described what was intact and what was disrupted for portion of his vision

Case 1: Harold’s Symptom #2 (color blind LVF)

great description of a possible mechanism for the colorblindness

Case 2: Jane’s Symptom #1 (MCP in Right Hemisphere)

comprehensive description of what is the function of the magnocellular pathways along with an accurate explanation of how this would then impact vision

Harold’s Symptom Case Scenario

Case 2: Jane’s Symptom #2 (PCP in Left Hemisphere)

Here there was a complete description of the P-cell pathway function along with how, in this particular case, it would be disruptive to one particular visual field

Case 3: Matthew’s Symptom #1 (Dorsal Pathway in Left Hemisphere)

A clear and accurate description was provided of the dorsal pathway and how loss of this pathway in that particular hemisphere would lead to certain

Case 3: Matthew’s Symptom #2 (horizontal cells) name and description of deficits

  1. Case # 1: Harold has several visual deficits.  First, he reports that he is unable to “see” anything in his right visual field.  However, if an object moves within the right visual field he is able to say what direction it moved, but will be unable to name the object that moved.  Secondly, he is colorblind (dichromatic red-green colorblindness) in his intact functioning left visual field.  Based on this limited information, speculate what could be going on in Harold’s brain that would produce such deficits.

Harold’s Symptom Case Scenario

  1. Case # 2: Jane was in a car accident.  The accident damaged the magnocellular pathways in the right hemisphere and the parvocellular pathways in the left hemisphere.  What would you imagine her visual performance would be like after the accident?
  2. Case # 3: Matthew damaged the dorsal pathway of his left hemisphere in a motorcycle accident.  What problems do you think he may have due to this damage?  Also, he was born without the inhibiting connections of horizontal cells between photoreceptor-bipolar interactions.  Thus, his horizontal cells cannot work properly to inhibit surrounding bipolar receptive fields.  What types of function would most likely be lost because of this (name it) and what type of deficits would you expect from the loss of this function

Use APA referencing style.

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

Epidemiology & Population Health


One important application of epidemiology is to identify factors that could increase the likelihood of a certain health problem occurring within a specific population. Epidemiologists use measures of effect to examine the association or linkage in the relationship between risk factors and emergence of disease or ill health. For instance, they may use measures of effect to better understand the relationships between poverty and lead poisoning in children, smoking and heart disease, or low birth weight and future motor skills. The following are some common measures used in epidemiology:

Epidemiology & Population Health

  • Odds ratio: The odds ratio quantifies the association between an independent variable (exposure) and a dependent variable (outcome). It is calculated as the odds that an effect will occur given the presence or exposure to a studied variable, compared to the odds when there is no exposure (e.g., lung cancer and smoking)
  • Risk ratio (also called relative risk): Also quantifies the association between an independent variable and a dependent variable. The risk of an effect occurring in one population versus another population (e.g., preeclampsia in women <35 versus >35). Risks greater than one suggest that exposure to a given variable is associated with an increase in the risk of the outcome, and a risk ratio of less than one indicates that the exposure is associated with a decrease in the risk of the outcome.

Epidemiology & Population Health

  • Mortality: Measure of deaths in a particular population during a specified time interval. If this is attributed to a specific cause, it is referred to as cause-specific mortality.
  • Morbidity: Measure of instances of illness or disability in a population from a given cause (e.g., heart disease) during a specified time interval
  • Incidence: The occurrence of new cases of an effect or disease in a population over a defined time period relative to the size of the population at risk (e.g., new cases of COVID-19 in a population over a 7-day period/1000 people)
  • Prevalence: The number of all cases of an effect or disease, not just new ones, in a population at a given time relative to the size of the population (e.g., number of people with autism/1000)

What is the significance of these measures of effect for nursing practice? In this Discussion, you will consider this pivotal question.

Epidemiology & Population Health

To Prepare

  • Select item 1, 2, or 3 to use for this Discussion. Consider the definitions, differences, and utility of the two terms listed under your item selection. Your response will need to include both terms in the item selected.
    1. Odds ratio and risk ratio
    2. Mortality and morbidity
    3. Incidence and prevalence
  • Consider how these epidemiologic measures strengthen and support nursing practice.
  • Assess practice limitations of not using these measures in nursing practice.
  • Conduct additional research in the Walden Library and other credible resources, and then locate two examples in the scholarly literature that support your insights.

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

  • Explain how your selected measures of effect strengthen and support nursing practice. Provide at least two specific examples from the literature to substantiate your insights.
  • Assess limitations of notusing measures of effect in nursing practice. Use APA referencing style.
March 22, 2024

Technology & Tackling Environmental Challenges

How one of Industry 4.0 technologies is helping tackle environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in business?

Each student picks one of the following technologies and researches what that technology is and how it can help overcome environmental challenges or achieve the global SDGs, then showcases the topic for business and/or corporation (s).

You need to introduce the technology, the potential help in addressing environmental challenges and SDGs, and examples on global and business/corporation scales showing the effect of that technology.

The word count is 1000-3000, excluding the title page and references list, in-text citations and references are required, at least ten references (the more, the better), and a consistent style of citation and referencing is required.

The report needs to have at least a title page, abstract/executive summary, table of contents, body text and discussion, and a conclusion. A well-structured report with numbered sections/subsections is preferred.


Cloud Computing

Big data visualization

Technology & Tackling Environmental Challenges

Technology & Tackling Environmental Challenges

How one of Industry 4.0 technologies is helping tackle environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in business?

Each student picks one of the following technologies and researches what that technology is and how it can help overcome environmental challenges or achieve the global SDGs, then showcases the topic for business and/or corporation (s).

You need to introduce the technology, the potential help in addressing environmental challenges and SDGs, and examples on global and business/corporation scales showing the effect of that technology.

The word count is 1000-3000, excluding the title page and references list, in-text citations and references are required, at least ten references (the more, the better), and a consistent style of citation and referencing is required.

The report needs to have at least a title page, abstract/executive summary, table of contents, body text and discussion, and a conclusion. A well-structured report with numbered sections/subsections is preferred.


Cloud Computing

Big data visualization

Use APA referencing style.

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

Data Science Applications & Processes

How might data compiled and analyzed in your healthcare organization or nursing practice help support efforts aimed at patient quality and safety? Why might it be important to consider the how’s and why’s of data collection, application, and implementation? How might these practices shape your nursing practice or even the future of nursing?

Data Science Applications & Processes

For this Discussion, you will explore various topics related to data and consider the process and application of each. Reflect on the use of these applications, but also consider the implications of how these applications might shape the future of nursing and healthcare practice.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week related to the topics: Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning.
  • Consider the process and application of each topic.
  • Reflect on how each topic relates to nursing practice.

Data Science Applications & Processes

Post a summary on how predictive analytics might be used to support healthcare. Note: These topics may overlap as you will find in the readings (e.g., some processes require both Data Mining and Analytics).

In your post include the following:

  • Describe a practical application for predictive analytics in your nursing practice. What challenges and opportunities do you envision for the future of predictive analytics in healthcare?

Technology & Tackling Environmental Challenges

How one of Industry 4.0 technologies is helping tackle environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in business?

Each student picks one of the following technologies and researches what that technology is and how it can help overcome environmental challenges or achieve the global SDGs, then showcases the topic for business and/or corporation (s).

Data Science Applications & Processes

You need to introduce the technology, the potential help in addressing environmental challenges and SDGs, and examples on global and business/corporation scales showing the effect of that technology.

The word count is 1000-3000, excluding the title page and references list, in-text citations and references are required, at least ten references (the more, the better), and a consistent style of citation and referencing is required.

The report needs to have at least a title page, abstract/executive summary, table of contents, body text and discussion, and a conclusion. A well-structured report with numbered sections/subsections is preferred. Use APA referencing style.


Cloud Computing

Big data visualization

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

PSY 322 Adolescent Development

Gender & Transgender Youth

As you’ve learned in this week’s readings, gender identity is best defined as a social construct. This perspective is particularly important given recent debates about the social, developmental, and biological aspects of gender transition for transgender youth. In this short paper, you are asked to apply what you’ve learned to a recent debate about transgender youth.

PSY 322 Adolescent Development

In your paper, address the following areas:

  • Identify a recent news media article about a policy, education, health, or safety issue related to youth who identify as transgender.
  • Using your readings and scholarly resources, analyze the scientific merits of this debate. Consider what research, if any, supports the perspectives in the center of this debate. What are the consequences of the issue or problem at the center of the debate for transgender youth?

PSY 322 Adolescent Development

What does research indicate as an adequate solution to the problem at the center of the debate?


Approach these activities as (a) an opportunity to reflect upon and apply what you learn each week based on the assigned readings, discussions, and activities, and (b) an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise based on your educational and professional experiences in the past. As a successful professional, you will need good reflective and writing skills. Journal activities offer you the opportunity to further develop these skills. Journals are private between the student and the instructor. Journals will be graded individually.

PSY 322 Adolescent Development


Throughout this course, you will keep a private journal to capture your reflections and connections as you “raise” a child from birth to age 18. This is a private conversation between you and the instructor. Use the journal as an opportunity to stretch your mind and take some chances. All journal assignments should be supported with evidence from the module resources, your reflections about raising a teenager, and your own experiences.

What to Submit

Submit your assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use APA referencing style.

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

PSY 321 Child Development

A child’s development in the early stages of life can leave a lasting impact on the individual. Please discuss at least two developmental changes that take place within the first three months of life. What can caregivers do to help facilitate healthy development in infants during this stage?

PSY 321 Child Development

Please include clear examples from the reading and research to help support your claims. You are welcome to include additional outside sources as necessary.

What to Submit

Submit assignment as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document (not including cover and reference pages) with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Submission should include at least two evidence-based resources, and all citations and references should be formatted according to the most recent APA guidelines.

PSY 321 Child Development

A child’s development in the early stages of life can leave a lasting impact on the individual. Please discuss at least two developmental changes that take place within the first three months of life. What can caregivers do to help facilitate healthy development in infants during this stage?

Please include clear examples from the reading and research to help support your claims. You are welcome to include additional outside sources as necessary.

What to Submit

Submit assignment as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document (not including cover and reference pages) with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Submission should include at least two evidence-based resources, and all citations and references should be formatted according to the most recent APA guidelines.

PSY 321 Child Development

A child’s development in the early stages of life can leave a lasting impact on the individual. Please discuss at least two developmental changes that take place within the first three months of life. What can caregivers do to help facilitate healthy development in infants during this stage?

Please include clear examples from the reading and research to help support your claims. You are welcome to include additional outside sources as necessary.

What to Submit

Submit assignment as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document (not including cover and reference pages) with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Submission should include at least two evidence-based resources, and all citations and references should be formatted according to the most recent APA guidelines.

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

Comparing Perspectives Matrix & Reflection

Imagine you are a member of the community action group who viewed the presentation in Week 2 about ethical theories and perspectives. Armed with the awareness and understanding of various ethical theories, you will select a social issue to consider, and reflect on the similarities and differences in how the various ethical theories might approach the issue.

Comparing Perspectives Matrix & Reflection

Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.

Part 1: Compare Perspectives

Select one of the following social issues to consider from various ethical and moral perspectives:

  • Social Issue 1: COVID-19 Vaccine and Mask Mandates– In 2021, President Biden issued a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for companies with over 100 employees. This resulted in lawsuits in some states, and many people walked off the job because they did not agree with the mandate. Similar disagreements took place regarding mask mandates in schools and small businesses. Consider the ethical and moral aspects related to making decisions about this social issue.

Comparing Perspectives Matrix & Reflection

  • Social Issue 2: Legalized Marijuana – The legal status for medical and recreational marijuana varies greatly from state to state. As of 2021, approximately half of the states legalized both medical and recreational marijuana, while others only allow for medical use. As of 2022, marijuana use is still completely illegal in four states. These laws require a variety of considerations, such as the need for pre-employment drug screenings, access to marijuana by minors, incidents involving driving under the influence, and more. Consider the ethical and moral aspects related to making decisions about this social issue.
  • Social Issue 3: Reproductive Rights – Reproductive rights revolve around an individual’s right to determine whether and when they want to have children. In 1973, the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade established the legal rightto abortion; however, states continue to battle over legislation related to reproductive care. In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed which expanded women’s access to contraception. Many people consider reproductive rights an issue of bodily autonomy. Consider the ethical and moral aspects related to making decisions about this social issue (Status of Women in the States, n.d.).

Comparing Perspectives Matrix & Reflection

Consider how each of the ethical theories would consider the social issue you’ve selected. Think about what specific aspects of the issue would be relevant to decision-making process for each ethical perspective.

Complete the matrixes below. For each ethical theory, list 3 aspects of the social issue that would be relevant to decision-making for that theory. Include a brief explanation about the relevance of each aspect of the social issue to each theory.

Social issue: <Insert the social issue you selected here.>

Noncognitive Theory

Example Aspects of the social issue relevant to this theory’s perspective

Comparing Perspectives Matrix & Reflection

Cognitive Relativist Theory

Example Aspects of the social issue relevant to this theory’s perspective

Cognitive Universalist Theory

Example Aspects of the social issue relevant to this theory’s perspective

Comparing Perspectives Matrix & Reflection

Part 2: Reflection

Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions:

  1. With which ethical theory do you most align and why?

<Enter your response here.>

  1. What do you see as the biggest differences among how each ethical theory views the social issue you selected?

<Enter your response here.>

  1. What challenges do each of these theories face in addressing the selected social issue?

<Enter your response here.>

Use APA referencing style.

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

Working Group Scenario

Review the following scenario:

Imagine that individuals within the community action group are meeting to share the social issue they have chosen and the ethical perspective they might use as they consider solutions. Some tensions have popped up in the action group. Your community action small group consists of five people. Two members of the group are highly engaged and seem to work well together. One member of the group, however, is controlling and wants to push their ideas and perspectives on other members of the group. Another member of the group is going through some difficult personal challenges and is not able to participate as much as he would like. Finally, one male team member keeps interrupting a female team member when she shares ideas with the rest of the group.

Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.

Working Group Scenario

Working Group Scenario

Part 1

Identify how someone with each ethical perspective listed in the first column would approach the group and individual members in this scenario by answering the questions in the remaining columns.

Ethical Perspective

Deontology (Ethics of Duty)

Rights Ethics

Ethical Egoism


Based on this ethical perspective, what are the needs of the group in the scenario?

How would someone with this ethical perspective perceive and address the controlling group member?

How would someone with this ethical perspective perceive and address the group member dealing with personal challenges?

How would someone with this ethical perspective perceive and address the male group member that keeps interrupting the female team member?

Working Group Scenario

Part 2

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of the ways the ethical perspectives presented can impact real-world scenarios, particularly in the workplace:

  • Explain how the different ethical perspectives work in real-world scenarios.
  • Briefly describe a situation that has happened in your life or that you are familiar with where you experienced or were told about these ethical perspectives.

o          In this situation, explain how the needs of the individual can be balanced with the needs of the larger group.

  • Explain the benefits, as well as any downfalls, of these ethical perspectives.

Format any sources you use according to APA guidelines.