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March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Journal – The Curiosity Conversation

This journal entry is an extension of the previous assignment in 5.3, where you summarized the findings of your curiosity conversation with a pastor or counselor. This assignment goes beyond just reporting the details of the conversation to a personal integration of that conversation and how it specifically relates to your own career aspirations in light of your chosen specialization (positive psychology or industrial/organizational psychology).

You will reflect on whether the curiosity conversation generated enthusiasm for future work in this field, and if so, how. The assignment asks you to envision the type of work that seems appealing within your area of specialty. You will also comment on whether any of the insights gained from the conversation could be incorporated into your final capstone project.

Journal - The Curiosity Conversation

Doing the hard work now of filing off some rough edges in your quest for career clarity also gives you the opportunity to use course materials and assignments, like the capstone project, to further your knowledge base for the type of work you want to do. Try to look beyond simply “completing the assignment” to using the assignment to your optimal advantage for discovering the exciting work that is ahead. APA.

Journal – The Curiosity Conversation

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Assess the fitness of the chosen area of specialization with your character strength profile.


  • Textbook: Modern Psychopathologies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal

Background Information

You will add this as a new journal entry to the Personal Reflection Journal you began in PSY-520.


Read Chapter 14, “Problems Involving Addiction,” in your textbook.

Open your ongoing Personal Reflection Journal that you have saved in a Word document.

Title this new journal entry “PSY-540 5.4 Curiosity Conversation, .”

As you write your journal during this session, respond to the following prompts:

Did the interaction with the pastor or counselor generate more interest in you for working in the field of psychology and people helping? Explain.

Journal – The Curiosity Conversation

What aspects of either positive psychology or industrial/organizations psychology do you find most interesting and motivating?

Based on what you currently know about your chosen area, what type of work could you see yourself doing?

Which of the character strengths from the profile you completed in Workshop Three seem most in line with this type of work?

How might you practically use those strengths?

How do you see these insights being integrated or used in your final capstone project? Be specific.

Your entry should be at least four substantive paragraphs.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Reflection- Curiosity Conversation

Pastor or Counselor

As you know, psychology is a fascinating discipline of study. In fact, psychology is consistently one of the top majors in schools around the world. And most who designate psychology as their major have some idea of what they want to do with that degree.

Here are some of the top reasons people give for going into the broad field of psychology as a profession:

I want to help others. This the first reason most psychology majors give in response to the question, “Why psychology?” This is a great motive and a noble one for entering the field. With increasing concerns about large-scale decline in mental health due to broken families, modern-day stressors, and fewer local and national resources to meet these increasing mental health needs, we need people who are passionate about helping others and making a difference in the world.

Reflection- Curiosity Conversation

The job outlook is good. This stems from the previous point. With increasing mental health needs, there will be an ongoing demand for people willing to step into the trenches, so to speak, to treat, support, and help others with mental health needs. The field of psychology is wide open for all positions, from entry-level jobs for people right out of school to seasoned professionals with a doctorate degree who are teaching or doing clinical work.

Reflection- Curiosity Conversation

I want to better understand my own behavior. Although this reason isn’t always stated out front, it is a significant motivating factor for people going into psychology-related professions. We all want to make sense of why we do what we do. Some of us come from families that have helped us make sense of life pretty well. By the time we reach adulthood, we feel fairly well equipped to have meaningful relationships, have built a strong work ethic, and have learned to persevere amid adversity. But the mental health profession is heavily populated with people who have come from difficult backgrounds.

This isn’t surprising if you think about it. A strong desire to make a difference in other peoples’ lives often is rooted in our own struggles. Something about another person’s challenge resonates within us; it is familiar because of what we’ve experienced and it causes us to feel empathy, a cardinal trait of competent people-helpers. This is why you see many former substance abusers working in the addictions field or those who experienced early life trauma working with trauma victims.

As you are working on your degree in psychology, it is natural for you to ask the same question: What do I want to do with my degree once I complete it? For most, it’s not an easy question to answer at this point in your training. One of the best ways to get more clarity is to talk with someone already in the field doing work that attempts to understand why people do what they do.

Reflection- Curiosity Conversation

That’s where this assignment comes into play. In Workshop Two, you were instructed to set up a curiosity conversation with someone who spends the majority of their working time doing mental health counseling. This conversation, ideally, was done with a pastor or professional counselor who has at least two years of professional experience.

The goal of the conversation is to get a better understanding of what counseling entails. This assignment is your report on the findings of that conversation.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Explore the approach of a pastor or counselor to their work as a people-helper.


  • Textbook: Modern Psychopathologies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal
  • Video: Criteria in Choosing Counselors

Background Information

You were prompted to ask four standard questions of the person you had the curiosity conversation with as a base for understanding the profession and work of counseling. You were also encouraged to ask additional questions that seemed important or relevant to you, your area of specialization, and/or your particular interests. These additional questions and responses should be reflected in your responses to this assignment.

Reflection- Curiosity Conversation


Read Chapter 15 in your textbook.

Review the video, Criteria in Choosing Counselors.

A transcript is available on the website.

Using critical thinking in your assessment, summarize your findings and reflections on the Curiosity Conversation you had with a pastor or professional counselor.

Respond to the following:

Whom did you conduct the interview with? Give their credentials, the amount of time they spend each week counseling others, the number of years of experience they have, and whether they have an area of specialty.

How did they choose to be a counselor? What intrigued them about this type of work?

What do they find most satisfying about counseling others?

What do they find most challenging about working through people’s problems?

Do they ever use a strengths-based approach in their work with people? If so, what would one example of this approach look like?

List other questions you asked and provide brief responses to each one.

Based on your interaction with this counselor, would you feel comfortable seeing this person in therapy if you needed help with a particular issue? Why or why not?

Your assignment should be four to five pages in length.

While this assignment is more of a summary of the conversation you had, you might use outside sources. If so, be sure to cite them in APA Style format in the text of your paper and on a reference page at the end.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Schizophrenia Discussion

Getting Started

Imagine you are sitting on an airplane, having just lifted off on a three-hour flight, and you strike up a friendly conversation with the person next to you. This person seems easy to talk with and is interesting. As the conversation unfolds, he tells you more about his life, including being diagnosed with schizophrenia. You pause, not certain how to respond to this disclosure. Your thoughts start racing. You don’t really know much about schizophrenia beyond the tidbits you’ve heard about in movies and the media, but you’re pretty sure it isn’t safe to be sitting next to someone with this condition, especially for the next three hours! You look for a break in the conversation, say you are tired and need to sleep, put in your earbuds, and hope you make it to your destination alive.

Schizophrenia Discussion

While this example might seem more reactionary than the typical response, it drives home the point that most people just don’t understand schizophrenia. Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia is not a split or multiple personality. It is listed as a psychotic disorder in the DSM-5. A psychotic disorder is defined as a condition where a person loses contact with the here-and-now reality of what is happening. For example, a person may hear voices or have a strong belief in things that are not true. The person might believe that someone is trying to communicate with him through the television, or that she has superpowers, or that the FBI is bugging his home. The behavioral results of this jumble of confusing thoughts, images, and sounds can be disconcerting to those who don’t understand that the person is not able to control these breaks with reality. It doesn’t help the stigma we attach to schizophrenia when we learn that a number of people who have committed high-profile mass killings later went on to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. It is true that those with schizophrenia can be unpredictable, and some might be dangerous if their symptoms are not treated. But it is not the case that most are violent.

Schizophrenia Discussion

Another myth about people with schizophrenia is that they are intellectually inferior to the average person. They might struggle with attention, learning, and memory issues, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t smart. You may be familiar with the film A Beautiful Mind, which followed the life of Nobel Prize-winning mathematician John Nash. Nash struggled for years with symptoms of schizophrenia before being accurately diagnosed and treated. Or Brian Wilson, co-founder of the Beach Boys music group, whose journey with schizophrenia was depicted in the recent film Love and Mercy. Even the brilliant Albert Einstein, the German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, had a son with schizophrenia.

In this discussion, you will have the opportunity to learn more about schizophrenia, debunk some of the myths that surround this condition, and hopefully emerge with greater compassion for those struggling with this serious but highly treatable condition. The great news is that the vast majority of those who are properly treated can live normal lives.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Describe common characteristics and misconceptions about schizophrenia.

Background Information

Read Chapter 13 in the textbook and the assigned article, then watch the video to be adequately prepared to participate in this discussion. Because there are so many negative stereotypes in the collective imagination about schizophrenia and psychotic disorders in general, you are encouraged to enter this study of psychotic disorders with an open mind and see it as a disease of the brain instead of something that was self-inflicted or brought about by poor parenting. This type of open-mindedness is usually a good starting point for facilitating empathy.

Schizophrenia Discussion


Review Chapter 13 in your textbook.

Read the article, Schizophrenia.

Review the video, Elyn Saks, A Tale of Mental Illness . . . From the Inside.

A transcript is available on the website.

Navigate to the Discussion page and respond to the following prompts:

How do you think most people in the general population would define schizophrenia?

What percentage of the general population do you suspect think that those with schizophrenia are violent or a potential danger to others? Why do you think they have this perception?

Have you ever known someone who was diagnosed with schizophrenia? If so, what was your experience with that person?

In your opinion, how should the church, and Christians in particular, view those with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders? APA.

Your initial post:

  • Should be between 400 to 500 words.
  • Your postings should also:
  • Be well developed by providing clear answers with evidence of critical thinking.
  • Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.
  • Provide clarification to classmates’ questions and insight into the discussion.
March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

PSY-260 Psychological Research & Ethics

Article Interrogation

Examine each of your articles using the four big validities. For each article, work through the four big validities in turn, indicating whether the article does a good or bad job on each front. As you write, keep in mind that you are demonstrating your mastery of this material! Demonstrate that you know how to ask questions about each of the four validities and that you know what the answers to these questions mean. Finally, demonstrate that you understand what it means to prioritize validities as you interrogate a study.

PSY-260 Psychological Research & Ethics


Construct validity: Evaluate the measures and manipulations.

Restate each variable and how it was operationalized. (“They operationalized ___ by doing _____”). After you describe each measure or manipulation, indicate any reliability and validity information provided in the article (take a look at Figure 5.7). Do they give Cronbach’s alphas; if so, what are they? Are they good or bad? Do they give interrater reliabilities; if so, what are they? Do they give any evidence for predictive or concurrent validity, perhaps to referring to how the measure has been used in past research? Using this information, give your assessment—is each measure reliable and valid? If such information is not included, then evaluate that—what would you like to see?

PSY-260 Psychological Research & Ethics

For manipulated variables, are the manipulations construct valid, in your opinion? (See Chapter 10). If it’s a manipulated variable, do they do any manipulation checks to show you that their manipulation did what they intended it to do? Does the manipulation have face validity?

Statistical validity: Evaluate how strongly the results support their argument.

For each major result, evaluate its effect size to the best of your ability. State the effect size if it’s given in terms you understand (e.g., r or d). If it’s a beta in a regression table, how big is the beta for the main variable of interest, compared to the others on the table? Are the major effects statistically significant? What does this mean?

As you evaluate statistical validity, discuss how strongly and how well the results pattern supported the authors’ hypotheses. See if you can evaluate how strong the result is in some “real world” terms, like an increase in IQ points or a weight loss of some number of pounds, or a reaction time in seconds.

PSY-260 Psychological Research & Ethics

Internal validity: Can the study support a causal claim? Does it intend to?

First, state what specific causal claim the researchers wish to make (if it’s an experiment) or might wish to make (if it’s a correlational study).

If it’s an experiment, apply the causal rules, including the internal validity threats in Table 11.1. Do any apply to your article? If not, what is your overall evaluation? Can they make a causal statement?

If it’s a multiple regression design, apply the causal rules, and for internal validity, review what variables were controlled for in the design. Can you think of any other third variables? What is your overall evaluation? Can they make a causal statement?

PSY-260 Psychological Research & Ethics

Before criticizing for third variables, remember that a confound is a problem with systematic variance (a true confound) and not unsystematic variance (an obscuring factor).

Thus, if you think that some people in the study might have been in a bad mood, that will not be a confound unless people in only one group were in a bad mood, and the others were not.

External validity: To whom or to what other contexts can the results be generalized?

External validity addresses two issues: to whom (if anyone) can the results be generalized, and to what other situations or settings?  Remember that it’s how a sample is drawn, not how many people are in it, that determines external validity. Consult Figure 7.5 for a reminder. Also, remember that in many studies, external validity is not the first priority. Your evaluation should acknowledge this and explain why.

PSY-260 Psychological Research & Ethics

Each article should be 500-600-words each for a total of 1,000-1,200-words.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024

Operations and Information Management

Assessment task details and instructions

AlphaCo is a medium-sized company that produces high-quality handmade furniture for customers in their own country. Most of these customers are small boutique furniture retailers who have used AlphaCo for a number of years, normally placing orders by telephone and paying by cash on delivery. There is little visibility of future orders, which means that the lead time for delivery can be over four weeks, and this means that some orders are cancelled at short notice due to changes in customer demand. Although AlphaCo has a strong brand image, it has seen the market for its products reduced by nearly 30% over the last year, as consumers react to the increasing rate of inflation and the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, AlphaCo relies on a small number of local suppliers for their raw materials (woods, plastics, etc) and struggles to maintain effective relationships due to their difficulty in managing the supply and demand of their own products.

AlphaCo has recently appointed a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who can see future opportunities in competing in global, more price-sensitive markets. This will require a change in strategy to one that focuses on the efficiency of production and the development of stronger and more professional customer and supplier relationships. A new focus will be needed to improve AlphaCo’s manufacturing, marketing, and supply chain capabilities and capacity. The CEO is prepared to invest significantly in making these changes, particularly through digital transformation, as its initial market research shows that there is a sizeable market for quality products, but costs need to be managed effectively and efficiently.

Operations and Information Management

Operations and Information Management

Your task

You are a technical consultant and have been appointed by the CEO to review AlphaCo’s operations and information management processes and ways of working. This review takes the form of a report that includes the different tasks shown below with mark weightings against each one.

  1. Develop a SWOT analysis of the current situation at AlphaCo (10 marks).
  2. Based on your SWOT analysis, discuss how a more effective and efficient management of capacity, quality and both suppliers and customers could help AlphaCo meet its new performance objectives (40 marks).
  3. Select one of the process areas from part 2 (e.g. capacity, quality, supplier or customer management) and, using Business Process Model (BPM) techniques, develop and present two BPM models that show how these could be improved by capturing the existing and the proposed business processes (20 marks).
  4. Conduct research into a suitable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution and develop an evaluation table, which shows a set of evaluation characteristics and the analysis of two commercial/off-the-shelf products and two Open Source Software alternatives (20 marks).
  5. Select one Industry 4.0 technology and discuss the benefits of implementing this into AlphaCo (10 marks).

Additional instructions

  1. Follow a report format, with a title and contents page, Executive Summary (that gives a brief and complete summary of your paper for an executive to read), brief introduction, individual sections and sub-sections that address the assignment brief tasks, page numbers, brief conclusions and appendix section (if used). If you are uncertain about how to present and structure a report then visit the university library and ask for assistance.
  2. Use diagrams, illustrations, tables, graphics etc. wherever these are helpful. If you do use these, please do not put them in the appendices if they are part of your discussion. Appendices are the appropriate places to put supporting material, however, remember if the reader is satisfied with the main points of your discussion; the supporting information within the appendices may not even be reviewed.
  3. Try to use theory explicitly at all stages, but do not spend too much time describing a theory. While you must be explicit about the theories, models, techniques etc. that you use, you can assume that the reader is familiar with them. What the reader requires is evidence of your ability to understand and apply the theory and learn from it in order to support the development of your findings and/or ideas.
  4. You must cite all sources on which you have relied, for example textbooks, journal articles, web pages etc. using the Harvard Bibliographic referencing system. If you do not cite all sources, then you may be accused of plagiarism, and that may endanger your success in passing the module. If you are in any doubt about how to reference your work, please obtain guidance from the library and/or your academic librarian(s) for this module.
  5. All submissions should be word-processed (letter size 12, times new roman, 1.5 space) and fully referenced.
  6. The word count for each task of the assignment brief should be based on the mark weightings for each one.

Operations and Information Management

Assessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

  1. Critically analyse the theory, concepts and models of operations and information management.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of operations and information management in international operations.
  3. Analyse and critically evaluate the ways in which operations and information management are adapted in view of specific market culture and customer requirements.
  4. Analyse and critically evaluate the role and importance of operational excellence in various aspects of competitive advantage.
  5. Evaluate critically the fundamental principles of quality and environmental management systems.

Transferable Skills and other Attributes

  1. Identify and utilise appropriate methods for collecting and analysing data related to operations and information management issues.
  2. Locate, summarise and synthesise a range of information from published literature and electronic sources on operations and information management.
  3. Use and evaluate a variety of tools for improving organisational performance.
  4. Improve research skills, and data analysis and presentation. Manage time to meet deadlines in both group discussions and in preparation of in-class activities.

Word count

The maximum word count is 3000 words (+/- 10%). Your word count is from the introduction to conclusion sections. Therefore, it does not include title page, contents page, Executive Summary, reference section, tables and appendices etc. Please note that tables should be used to present succinct data and information and not for discussions that relate to the assignment brief tasks. If the assignment exceeds these limits; the work in excess of 3000 is not marked. Use APA referencing style.

March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024

Automobile Manufacturing Industry China

Write a professional report based on the “Automobile manufacturing Industry in China.” You must provide arguments and analysis using tables and graphs and use the tone of the macroeconomics school of thought. Analysis must be deep, and presentations of report and paragraphs must be in a cohesive manner.

Guide/Structure for Economics Report Assessment

Automobile Manufacturing Industry China

Introduction (400 words approx.)

  1. Introduce your chosen country and industry.
  2. Rationale for choosing the country including whether the country is developed or developing country. You can discuss any factor(s) that makes your country developed, developing, or an emerging economy.
  3. Rationale for choosing your industry including background information of your industry. Explain the market structure your industry belongs discussing the relevant features.

Automobile Manufacturing Industry China

Main Body (500 words approx.)

  1. Discuss the macroeconomic environment and/or the economic system in your chosen country and use appropriate macroeconomic school of thought to support the country’s choice of economic system.
  2. Discuss the impact of the macroeconomic environment on your industry.

Analysis (1,200 words approx.)

The analysis part of your report should involve economic graph and data driven analysis. Remember this report is based on identifying the key challenges and opportunities in your industry. Therefore, using the impact of COVID-19 in your chosen industry is acceptable.

  1. Identify and discuss the factors affecting demand and supply in your chosen industry.
  2. How has COVID-19 impacted these factors (this is the opportunity for you to use economic graphs to show shift in demand or supply curve).
  3. Discuss the policies that can be used or has been used by government to intervene in the industry. What effect will these policies create (use macroeconomic graphs such as AD and AS to show the effect on the whole economy).
  4. Collect appropriate data on your country that can be used to reflect the impact of COVID-19 and how this created a problem for your industry.

Automobile Manufacturing Industry China

Conclusion (300 words approx.)

  1. Summarise the report.
  2. Discuss some recommendations for your country based on your analysis.

Remember to use appropriate in-text citations across all your work and a list of references.

Note: This is a guide to help you structure your economics report. However, it is not compulsory to execute your work using this format. Feel free to adapt any format but it must be coherent. Use APA reference.

March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024

PSY217 Thinking Clearly Psychology


The Research Context

Paragraph 1: What are the independent and dependent variables that you want to study? Describe its context. What is the gap or limitation in these studies? Provide one peer-reviewed article as your reference. Write in at least 5 sentences.

Paragraph 2: How will your study address the gap/limitation? Provide a summary of your argument. Write in at least 5 sentences.

PSY217 Thinking Clearly Psychology

The Theory that Supports your Argument

Paragraph 1: What theory is fit to explain the connection of your independent and dependent variables? Define the theory and provide one peer-reviewed article as your reference. Write in at least 5 sentences.

Paragraph 2: How can the theory explain the connection of the variables. Write in at least 5 sentences. This is your main argument. Hence, make sure that you understand the theory well so you will be able to connect the variables and strengthen your argument. Provide one peer-reviewed article as your reference.

PSY217 Thinking Clearly Psychology


Introductory Paragraph: Provide an introduction that presents the aim of your paper and the purpose of your literature review. Present the order of the discussion of your literature review.

Paragraph 1: Summary of article 1 in 5 to 7 sentences (about the study, limitations of the study, relevance of the study to your research question)

Paragraph 2: Summary of article 2 in 5 to 7 sentences (about the study, limitations of the study, relevance of the study to your research question)

Paragraph 3: Summary of article 3 in 5 to 7 sentences (about the study, limitations of the study, relevance of the study to your research question)

Paragraph 4: Summary of article 4 in 5 to 7 sentences (about the study, limitations of the study, relevance of the study to your research question)

Paragraph 5: Summary of article 5 in 5 to 7 sentences (about the study, limitations of the study, relevance of the study to your research question)

Final Paragraph: Identify one limitation from your literature review that your study can address. Connect the limitation to the aim of your study.

PSY217 Thinking Clearly Psychology


In this section, you will make sense of your research question using a theory. You may also use the ideas you gathered from the literature review to make sense of your research question. This should be at least 10 sentences. Read here to know more about conceptual framework.

Operational Definition of your Independent Variable

Operational Definition of your Dependent Variable

Your Argument on the Connection between the IV and the DV (note: Present a Diagram). Use your literature and theory to support the connection.


Note: Provide your research problem with your hypothesis.


Design (label, define, explain)

Participants (who are your target participants? Demographic information?)

Measures (operational definition + measure + description with reference)

Procedure (steps in conducting the study, at least 5 detailed steps)

Ethical Considerations (what are the ethical principles you should consider?)

Use APA referencing style.

March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024

Personal Strategy Assignment

This paper is about my professional and/or personal strategy. I have attached articles assigned to this course. I have also added below 3 pieces I wrote to give you some personal, background context to work with.

These are the requirements. (I have attached detailed instructions with background info on the document titled “Instructions TPE 2)


Focus primarily on you and explore important strategy questions in the context of your professional and/or personal life. You should include some relevant history, assess the current situation and develop some strategic thinking or plans as you look forward.


You should select a timeframe that is appropriate to the questions you have raised. This could be as short as next year or as long as the next 20 or 30 years.

Personal Strategy Assignment

Personal Strategy Assignment

Links to the course:

The paper should be framed in a manner that you find useful. I would encourage you to consider using one or more of the concepts from this course because they may provide a useful structure or perspective. Please remember, however, that the purpose of including such concepts is not to be a formal summary or review of course material.


Think about the question: What could I write about that I will find valuable to re-read in three, 10 or even 20 years? Some former students have kept a journal during the class as a way of generating some raw material for the paper. Also, try hard to write this paper for you.

Personal Strategy Assignment

Links to the course:

The paper should be framed in a manner that you find useful. I would encourage you to consider using one or more of the concepts from this course because they may provide a useful structure or perspective. Please remember, however, that the purpose of including such concepts is not to be a formal summary or review of course material.


Think about the question: What could I write about that I will find valuable to re-read in three, 10 or even 20 years? Some former students have kept a journal during the class as a way of generating some raw material for the paper. Also, try hard to write this paper for you. APA.

March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024



As you learned in Week 1, for the Final Project, you will research one counseling intervention in relation to an identified mental health issue and apply your findings to a case study. This week, there are a number of decisions for you to make to solidify your project. You will complete Part I of the Final Project. The first step is to choose the case study that you plan to utilize in your project. You will notice that some case studies include more than one potential client. For example, in the case of Jim, the 14-year-old adolescent, you may opt to focus on the family or the teen. After you identify the case and choose the client, identify one presenting problem or mental health issue for counseling focus.


Now, put your counselor hat on. You have an identified client and a presenting problem. Where do you go from here? As a counselor, you have an ethical responsibility to provide competent practice. There is an expectation that you will utilize interventions that are supported with empirical research. So, your next step is to identify an intervention that you would like to use with your client. For your project, you will investigate current counseling research related to the intervention in order to make an informed decision about evidence-based practice. To launch your research, you will formulate a research question to guide your investigation.


To Prepare

Review the Final Project Worksheet Part 1 media program found in the Learning Resources for this week

Review the Final Project Case Studies found in the Learning Resources for this week and choose one of the four case studies to use for your Final Project. School counselors should choose Case 1 or 2.

Consider the case study and identify your client and the mental health issue you will focus on

Choose one intervention that you would like to further investigate for possible use with the client

Review the Part 1 Final Project found in the Learning Resources and use this template for this Part 1 Assignment.

Final Project Assignment

Complete Part 1 of the Final Project.


March 29, 2024

Remote Collaboration & Evidence-Based Practice

In 3 pages, As a presenter, you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes the patient in the provided case study, and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.


Remote Collaboration & Evidence-Based Practice


Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Providing evidence-based care for hypothyroidism can be challenging, especially when care is being provided remotely. In this case study, we will observe how healthcare professionals collaborate remotely and virtually to provide care for a patient with hypothyroidism.


The patient is a 50-year-old female diagnosed with hypothyroidism. She lives in a rural area and has limited access to specialized endocrine care. The patient experiences symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression.

Remote Collaboration & Evidence-Based Practice


The patient’s primary care nurse, Lisa, collaborates remotely with a team of healthcare professionals, including an endocrinologist, a pharmacist, and a nutritionist, to provide evidence-based care for hypothyroidism.

  • Lisa: “Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for joining this virtual meeting to discuss the care of our patient with hypothyroidism. Based on the patient’s symptoms and medical history, I believe she would benefit from a comprehensive treatment plan. I would like to hear your input and recommendations.”
  • Endocrinologist: “Thank you, Lisa. I have reviewed the patient’s medical records and thyroid function test results. I agree that the patient has hypothyroidism and requires a comprehensive treatment plan. I recommend initiating hormone replacement therapy, including levothyroxine, to restore her thyroid hormone levels and improve her symptoms.”
  • Pharmacist: “I have reviewed the patient’s medication list and potential drug

interactions. It is crucial to ensure that the patient understands the proper use of levothyroxine and the importance of adherence. I recommend providing education and counseling to the patient and her family on the correct medication administration and potential side effects.”

Remote Collaboration & Evidence-Based Practice

  • Nutritionist: “I have been working with the patient to address any dietary factors that may be contributing to her hypothyroidism. We have discussed the importance of a balanced diet, including foods rich in iodine and selenium. I recommend providing education and counseling to the patient and her family on the importance of nutrition and lifestyle modifications.”
  • Lisa: “Thank you all for your valuable input. I will incorporate your recommendations into the patient’s treatment plan. Let’s schedule regular virtual follow-up visits to monitor her progress, adjust medications if necessary, and provide ongoing support.”

Consider additional consultations that might be necessary as you develop your plan of care for this patient


For this assessment, you are a presenter!

Propose an evidence-based care plan that you believe will improve the safety and outcomes of the patient in the case study presented. Add your thoughts on what more could be done for the patient and what more information may have been needed.

Discuss the ways in which an Evidence Based Practice model and relevant evidence helped you to develop and make decisions about the plan you proposed

Wrap up your assessment by identifying the benefits of the remote collaboration in the scenario, as well as discuss strategies you found in the literature or best practices that could help mitigate or overcome one or more of the collaborations challenges you observed in the scenario.

Be sure you mention any articles, authors, and other relevant sources of evidence that helped inform your assessment. Discuss why these sources of evidence are credible and relevant. Important:

The following media is an example learner submission in which the speaker successfully addresses all competencies in the assessment.

Remote Collaboration & Evidence-Based Practice

Make sure that your assessment addresses the following grading criteria:

  • Propose your own evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient in the provided case study. Proposes your own evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for the Vila Health patient with the new case study added. Notes areas in which further information or data could have been useful in developing the plan.
  • Explain the ways in which you used an EBP model to help develop your plan of care for the client. Explains the ways in which you used the specific evidence-based practice model to help develop your plan of care for the client. Notes ideas for how to evaluate the positive benefits to patient outcomes.
  • Reflects on which evidence you collected in your search that was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan. Discusses the rationale or criteria that was used to determine relevance and usefulness.
  • Identifies benefits and proposes strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team. Discusses how interdisciplinary collaboration could be better leveraged to improve outcomes in future care situations.
  • Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.
  • The reference list is from relevant and evidence-based (published within five years) sources, exhibiting flawless adherence to APA format.