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April 1, 2024
April 1, 2024

PSY 3761 Questions Week4

Imagine that a person has a diagnosed panic disorder. Based on the latest research, outline a treatment plan for this person that would have the greatest chance for both short-term and long-term success.

What are some problems with using the DSM-5 to diagnose personality disorders? Explain two alternatives to DSM-5 diagnoses that are receiving research attention today.

List and describe three important shortcomings of modern intelligence tests.

Discuss the concerns and status regarding the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents.

PSY 3761 Questions Week4

According to the psychodynamic, behavioral, and cognitive perspectives, what causes obsessive-compulsive disorders?

Increasingly, people seeking treatment for mental health reasons are members of managed care programs. How are managed care programs changing how psychological services are provided? Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage of such programs.

Based on law established and interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, list the major rights to treatment that people committed to mental institutions have.

PSY 3761 Questions Week4

Many clinicians view their approach as “eclectic.” What is an eclectic approach to abnormality? Describe at least one example of an eclectic approach to abnormality.

What is demonology? How does demonology stand in the way of a more complete understanding of the causes and treatment of psychological abnormality?

A major shortcoming of a correlational study is that even when a correlation between two variables is statistically significant, one cannot infer causation. For example, a significant correlation exists between life stress and depression, yet one cannot say for sure that life stress causes depression. Given this major shortcoming, what are some specific reasons one might still wish to conduct a correlational study, as opposed to an experimental study (from which one might infer a cause-and-effect relationship)?

Describe the origins of abnormality according to any three of these models: sociocultural, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic-existential, biological.

PSY 3761 Questions Week4

What are the distinguishing characteristics of autism spectrum disorder? Offer explanations for the cause of this disorder.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using drugs in psychotherapy?

Compare and contrast dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue.

Discuss the contributions of three individuals to the treatment of abnormal psychology. Include when and where each lived.

Why is psychotherapy so often ineffective in treating the odd personality disorders?


All answers require at least one citation in addition to, or in lieu of, the textbook

All citations with accompanying references must be in APA format

While there is no word count requirement, please be sure to answer each question completely, using proper grammar and spelling

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Strategic Audit Report

Strategic Posture and Corporate Governance

You will continue to research and write a section for the Strategic Audit Report this week by creating three different components under Section II of the Strategic Audit Report (Strategic Posture and Corporate Governance Section).

Researching these areas will help you gain a better understanding of your strategic audit company’s current financial position, what they do and their future direction, and the makeup of their leadership team. Having a firm understanding of where your company is currently will enable you to identify issues that need to be corrected and improved upon for their future.

Strategic Audit Report

Complete Your Deliverable

Provided are the guidelines/questions to complete each part:

  1. How has the company performed over the past year in terms of investment, market share, and profitability?
  2. What are the company’s mission and vision statements? Please ensure the statements are from a valid source, such as the organization’s website. If the company does not have a listed mission or vision statement, then write one for them. Explain what makes a good mission and vision statement and what makes bad ones. Use a reference (correctly cited) to support your explanation/perspective. Then explain if your company’s mission and vision statement (or the one you have written for them) is a good one or a bad one and why.

Review the following video explaining how to write a mission and vision statement.

Strategic Audit Report

What’s the Difference Between Mission and Vision? (YouTube, 00:05:08)Links to an external site.

  1. List the company’s board of directors by name, if they are internal or external board members, what year they were elected to the board, what they do on the board for your company, and what their level of management is.

When you create these sections of your report, review the Strategic Audit Report Guidelines page for details on how you should format and structure the information. See the information listed on the Guidelines for Report Sections and Strategic Audit Report Outline sections of the page for additional details.

Submit Your Results

  • Parts 1, 2, and 3 of your assignment should be one page in length each.
  • All pages should be double-spaced, with sources cited and referenced using current APA formatting.

You should have a total of three (3) pages upon completion of all parts. Compile all pages of your document to submit to this assignment.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Clinical & Sociocultural Appraisal

Mental Disorders

As a clinician, it is important for you to be able to apply knowledge regarding various client presentations to your appraisal of mental disorders. You need to conceptualize these through both clinical and sociocultural perspectives.

you will demonstrate this ability by evaluating a case study addressing cognitive behavioral therapy for a refugee mother who suffers from depression and anxiety.

Faber, J., & Lee, E. (2020). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a Refugee Mother with Depression and Anxiety. Clinical Case Studies, 19(4), 239–257.

Appraise the sociocultural factors contributing to this client’s depression and anxiety.

Discuss how the therapist in the case study addressed these sociocultural factors throughout the course of therapy.

Evaluate how the therapist applies clinical concepts, such as cognitive errors and cognitive restructuring, as treatment tools, without imposing their own sociocultural values or beliefs on the client.

What do you believe were the contributory factors to the successful outcomes of this clinical case?

Clinical & Sociocultural Appraisal

Clinical & Sociocultural Appraisal

Mental Disorders

As a clinician, it is important for you to be able to apply knowledge regarding various client presentations to your appraisal of mental disorders. You need to conceptualize these through both clinical and sociocultural perspectives.

you will demonstrate this ability by evaluating a case study addressing cognitive behavioral therapy for a refugee mother who suffers from depression and anxiety.

Faber, J., & Lee, E. (2020). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a Refugee Mother with Depression and Anxiety. Clinical Case Studies, 19(4), 239–257.

Appraise the sociocultural factors contributing to this client’s depression and anxiety.

Discuss how the therapist in the case study addressed these sociocultural factors throughout the course of therapy.

Evaluate how the therapist applies clinical concepts, such as cognitive errors and cognitive restructuring, as treatment tools, without imposing their own sociocultural values or beliefs on the client.

What do you believe were the contributory factors to the successful outcomes of this clinical case? APA.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Historical Analysis Paper

This has three parts answer the professor questions with references with thesis. Second you must ask a question that has a description of its own. and reply to 2 students.

professor question: How did politics, education, and religion impact each other during the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries?

Reworded Complete Chapter 11 Questions:

How did politics (the general growth of bureaucratic institutions and stronger, more centralized monarchies as well as city governments), education (the rise of universities and the increasing importance of new learning), and religion (whether to support war or the arts) impact each other during the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries? Include at least 2 primary sources to support your answer.

student questions: must answer with detailed description

student 1 Mark: What made Peter Abelard’s teaching method unique in the 12th century?

student 2 Patricia: Why was the church opposed to Henry and how did this affect politics and religion in England?

Historical Analysis Paper

Historical Analysis Paper

This has three parts answer the professor questions with references with thesis. Second you must ask a question that has a description of its own. and reply to 2 students.

professor question: How did politics, education, and religion impact each other during the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries?

Reworded Complete Chapter 11 Questions:

How did politics (the general growth of bureaucratic institutions and stronger, more centralized monarchies as well as city governments), education (the rise of universities and the increasing importance of new learning), and religion (whether to support war or the arts) impact each other during the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries? Include at least 2 primary sources to support your answer.

student questions: must answer with detailed description

student 1 Mark: What made Peter Abelard’s teaching method unique in the 12th century?

student 2 Patricia: Why was the church opposed to Henry and how did this affect politics and religion in England? APA.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Health Care Act

APA format, in-text citations, references include, 4 pages

Analyze the rationale for health insurance expansion under the Affordable Care Act. How does health insurance expansion relate to the problem of adverse selection?

Consider the economic implications of health insurance expansion in the United States. What are the economic implications of health insurance expansions for healthcare organizations in your own state or region?

Evaluate economic implications of health insurance expansion in the United States. Include, specifically, how health insurance expansions might impact healthcare organizations in your own state or region.

Health Care Act

APA format, in-text citations, references include, 4 pages

Analyze the rationale for health insurance expansion under the Affordable Care Act. How does health insurance expansion relate to the problem of adverse selection?

Consider the economic implications of health insurance expansion in the United States. What are the economic implications of health insurance expansions for healthcare organizations in your own state or region?

Evaluate economic implications of health insurance expansion in the United States. Include, specifically, how health insurance expansions might impact healthcare organizations in your own state or region.

APA format, in-text citations, references include, 4 pages

Analyze the rationale for health insurance expansion under the Affordable Care Act. How does health insurance expansion relate to the problem of adverse selection?

Consider the economic implications of health insurance expansion in the United States. What are the economic implications of health insurance expansions for healthcare organizations in your own state or region?

Evaluate economic implications of health insurance expansion in the United States. Include, specifically, how health insurance expansions might impact healthcare organizations in your own state or region.

Health Care Act

APA format, in-text citations, references include, 4 pages

Analyze the rationale for health insurance expansion under the Affordable Care Act. How does health insurance expansion relate to the problem of adverse selection?

Consider the economic implications of health insurance expansion in the United States. What are the economic implications of health insurance expansions for healthcare organizations in your own state or region?

Evaluate economic implications of health insurance expansion in the United States. Include, specifically, how health insurance expansions might impact healthcare organizations in your own state or region.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Newspaper Article Analysis

 The topic of the article you choose must relate specifically to African Americans.  Remember–as explained in the syllabus–NO QUOTES are allowed in the papers for this course.  You will lose 10 points if you quote anything in your paper.

Write only in the third person–don’t use I, we, us, you [except for the sections on if you learned anything from the article].  Your reader should not be able to know your gender, race, ethnicity, religion or nationality.

Your opinion on the topic is not relevant for this assignment.  Everything should come from the analysis of what the journalist wrote.

Think about how you use apostrophes when you write.  It is a problem with much of the writing in the course.

Write an analytical essay divided by paragraphs.  Any paper submitted as one long paragraph will receive a 0. 

Newspaper Article Analysis

Newspaper Article Analysis

Make sure you are choosing a NEWSPAPER article published in the correct dating period, not a news website–see the end of these instructions.

DO NOT CHOOSE OPINION COLUMNS OR BOOK REVIEWS.  The assignment is for you to analyze an article reporting news today.

Follow these directions for this assignment carefully.  The rubric for the assignment should be considered when writing.  Full points for each criterion are listed; the instructor will reduce the points if the criterion topic is not considered or is incomplete.

50 points possible.  This is one of the two required written primary source assignments that you must do to pass this course.  Two are available before the midterm exam.  Two are available after the midterm exam.  There are 200 points available for these four assignments.  If you do more than two of these assignments, as long as one is before the midterm, then you would have 100 extra credit points available.

Your essay must be at least 550 words in length and must address the numbered issues below.  [Do not number these points in your essay.]

The assignments consist of finding a newspaper article that appears during the time period of the course listed in the assignment, either in a local paper or in an on-line newspaper such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun Times, Washington Post, Greenwood Commonwealth or any other United States or English language newspaper. This means CNN, yahoo, Fox News, nbcnews, abcnews, MSNBC, Huffington Post, etc. are not eligible for these assignments. ONLY NEWSPAPERS/NEWSPAPER websites.  Time period of the course for this assignment March 4 – April 1.

Newspaper Article Analysis

Each article must have some discussion of, or allusion to, the topic designated for that particular assignment.

  1. These articles must come from newspapers, not websites unconnected to a print paper.
  2. Cite the article [Title of the article, author [if given], name of the newspaper, date of publication] AT THE TOP OF YOUR PAPER. Put your name at the top of the paper, as well. No repeat headers allowed in your papers. Length must be at least 550 words.    [- 5 points if you use a repeat header]
  3. You are to summarize the article and the point of view of the author.
  4. Then indicate whether your textbook sheds any light on the subject. Consider how the topic for the article, possibly under different terminology or a different time period, is used by the textbook.  Give the pages in your textbook which relate to the topic as you have analyzed it.
  5. Comment on how history is “used” by contemporary authors to support their points of view or illustrate subject matters they deal with.
  6. Have you learned anything from the article?
  7. Finally, and most importantly, what are the specific sources the author(s) cite(s)/uses to support the article? How does the author prove to the reader that they have facts to back up their writing? [for examples, interviews of a particular person, a government document, a poster

created for an event, etc.]

  1. Grammar and article length

To repeat: each assignment must be turned in by 11:59 pm on the date it is due. They must be at least 550 words in length, deal with the eight numbered issues above. APA.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Tableau Lab

Open the Reactors Operating File (xls) Download Reactors Operating File (xls)in Tableau.

Drag the Operating Rx-data.gov sheet into the data connection canvas.

Run interpreter.

Review the Excel file that Tableau generated.

Question 1: Note the changes that the interpreter made.

What data (if any) did the interpreter ignore?

What data were interpreted as column headers?

How many rows did the interpreter remove?

Tableau Lab

Tableau Lab

Select “2018 capacity factor” through “2003 capacity factor” columns and pivot.

Question 2: How many rows does your dataset contain after pivoting?  (Note that Tableau displays a maximum of 1000 rows.  You can increase the maximum number by clicking the box containing “1,000” and increasing the number).

Question 3: Is this dataset ready for analysis?  Would you make any other changes? Explain.

Split the “Pivot Field Names” column (right-click on the column and select split in the dropdown)

Question 4: Are all fields (or columns) named appropriately?  If not, what fields need to be renamed?

Rename fields that need to be renamed.

Question 5: Are all data types correct?  For example, are date fields showing the date icon? Are there any fields that seem numeric but refer to categories?  List incorrect data types.

Tableau Lab

Correct the data types (click on the icon and select the appropriate type from the drop-down menu)

Question 6: Which column contains a calculated field (hint: look for a = in front of the data type icon)?  Why is this column a calculated field?

Click on Sheet 1.  Drag the capacity factor field (the field that was created in the pivot step) to rows.  Notice that the field is aggregated as a sum. Change the sum aggregation to average by right-clicking on the field selecting measure and then average.

Drag the date field corresponding to the year that the capacity factor was measured to the column’s shelf. Note the result. (Hint: examine the x-axis.)

Drag reactor and containment type to color.

Change the date field to continuous (right-click on the field and select continuous). Note how the graph changes. (Hint: examine the x-axis).

Question 7:  How did the graph change when you changed the date field to continuous?  Why is it better to use the continuous field?

You should 1) submit your Tableau workbook (.twbx) here, along with 2) a screenshot of your finished workbook. APA.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Discussion Posts

Discussion 1

Review the video “The Fifth Discipline in Three Minutes” located in the topic Resources.

Peter Senge, author of the book The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization said, “When I look at effort to create change in big companies over the past ten years, I have to say there is enough evidence of success to say that change is possible – and enough evidence of failure to say that it isn’t likely.”

Please discuss your view of the rigors of organizational change and strategies for leading change. Based on that understanding, identify three imperatives for leaders who want to be successful change agents. Please use this week’s readings to strengthen your claims using supporting citations.

Discussion Posts

Discussion Posts

Discussion 2

In Topics 1 and 2, you were introduced to conscious capitalism through the video “Everybody Matters” and “Conscious Capitalism: Unpacked.

Consider the following scenario: One of your managers heard you are currently completing your master’s degree. He heard about your program’s emphasis on conscious capitalism and servant leadership. He called you into his office to discuss your how school is going. While sharing your excitement about what you are learning, he looked at you, smirked, and said, “All this emphasis on relationships is overrated. I have always made it clear to my subordinates what they need to do if they want to remain employed. All I have to say to them is, ‘Get it done and you will get rewarded, and if not, there will be consequences.’ It truly is that simple!  Developing relationships with employees and suppliers or contractors, all that stuff is only good in the textbooks. It never delivers results.”

Prepare a response that explains the value of conscious capitalism and servant leadership and how it can be used to identify potential deficiencies. Include supporting citations to strengthen your claims. APA.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024



This WRITING ASSISTANCE requires you not only to explain legal positivism and natural law but to explore the consistencies and inconsistencies of each theory with a biblical worldview. In analyzing whether each of the two theories are consistent with a biblical worldview, be sure to evaluate the foundational beliefs of each theory and whether they are consistent with what the Bible explains to be right thinking and just results. After that analysis, you should choose a specific, current, legal issue facing the nation (UNITED STATES) and explain how natural law and legal positivism would approach the issue and what result to the issue would be reached under each theory. This will help you see how the theories are used in contemporary legal thinking.



This WRITING ASSSITANCE will explore legal positivism and natural law. Please address the following in your


  1. Explain legal positivism, referencing the various positivist theorists without giving a full report of each theorist. Instead, offer a general statement of legal positivism (what it is), and then discuss distinctives of some of the theorists.
  2. Explain natural law, referencing the various natural law theorists without giving a full report of each theorist. Instead, offer a general statement of natural law (what it is), and then discuss distinctives of some of the theorists.
  3. Whether the foundational beliefs of legal positivism and natural law are consistent with a biblical perspective. Explain fully. Be sure to identify the key difference in the foundational beliefs of those two theories.
  4. Discuss the outcome of a specific, contemporary (facing the nation within the past two decades) legal issue that exemplifies a legal positivist perspective. Explain fully why it exemplifies the theory.
  5. Discuss the outcome of a specific, contemporary (facing the nation within the past two decades) legal issue that exemplifies a natural law perspective. Explain fully why it exemplifies the theory.


Your paper should be 2,800-3,000 words in current Bluebook format. You must include at least ten references from a minimum of five separate, scholarly sources. You may need more sources to support your factual and legal assertions. Your citations should be placed in footnotes and you do not need a reference or bibliography page. You also do not need a cover page. Page numbers should be placed at the bottom, center of the page. You should use double-spacing with 1-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. Finally, you must use block quote formatting for quotations of 50 words or more. Block quotes are indented an additional quarter inch on both sides, are single spaced, and do not begin or end with quotation marks. APA.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 8 of the text and at least one of the following articles:

  • How Do you Like Your Forgiveness? Communication Style Preferences and Effects
  • When Forgiveness Signals Power: Effects of Forgiveness Expression and Forgiver Gender

Forgiveness can be an integral part of conflict resolution and even a strong factor in psychological and physical health. Some philosophy of forgiveness is a gift to the person doing the forgiving, not necessarily for the forgiven. In this paper you will explore the power of forgiveness potential role in conflict resolution.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

In your paper,

Analyze the general role of forgiveness in conflict resolution using the text and one of the other scholarly articles listed above.

Explain the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation and the role communication plays in each.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Describe an example to illustrate the differences between the two concepts.

  • Identify the communication skills utilized.
  • Support your ideas with the text and one of the other scholarly sources.

Discuss how applying these concepts improves interpersonal relationships.

The Forgiveness and Reconciliation assignment

Must be 600 to 750 words in length, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA For Microsoft Word Be sure to include a title page, a references list, and in-text citations.

Must utilize an academic voice. See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.

Must include an introduction and conclusion Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates t of your paper and the conclusion should restate the thesis and explain how it was supported in the paper.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Must use at least one scholarly source in addition to the course text.

  • Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.

To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Quick and Easy Library Research tutorial.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. APA.