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April 3, 2024
April 3, 2024

Praxis Framework Assignment

Phenomenon of Interest

Identify the selected Phenomenon of Interest (POI) and briefly describe its relevance to your advanced nursing practice specialty.

Provide at least one (1) current peer-reviewed reference

Philosophical Influences

Identify your preferred philosophical viewpoint (Analytic or Continental) and briefly describe how it impacts your view of your POI or advanced nursing practice specialty.

Ethical Framework

Identify and briefly describe the ethical framework that will guide decision-making in your advanced practice role.


Identify and briefly describe two (2) ethical principles associated with the chosen ethical framework. Identify and briefly describe two (2) ethical principles associated with the chosen ethical framework.

Praxis Framework Assignment

Praxis Framework Assignment

Identify the Grand Nursing Theory and Middle Range theory you selected for your framework and briefly describe how the theories are aligned.

Identify a Complex Adaptive System related to your POI and briefly describe its complex adaptive properties.

Concept Map of Praxis Framework

Construct a Concept Map of your Praxis framework and attach it to the initial forum. The graphic representation should Include the following elements:

(a) The phenomenon of Interest (POI)

  1. b) The Concept Analysis appraisal article/topic you selected

(c) Primary Philosophical influences/views

(d) Theoretical influences (chosen Grand Nursing Theory, middle- range theory, and the identified complex adaptive system)

(e) Chosen Ethical framework and two selected ethical principles

Praxis Framework Assignment

Phenomenon of Interest

Identify the selected Phenomenon of Interest (POI) and briefly describe its relevance to your advanced nursing practice specialty.

Provide at least one (1) current peer-reviewed reference

Philosophical Influences

Identify your preferred philosophical viewpoint (Analytic or Continental) and briefly describe how it impacts your view of your POI or advanced nursing practice specialty.

Ethical Framework

Identify and briefly describe the ethical framework that will guide decision-making in your advanced practice role.


Identify and briefly describe two (2) ethical principles associated with the chosen ethical framework. APA.

April 3, 2024
April 3, 2024

Policy Analysis Part I Instructions

 As stated in The Essentials, healthcare policy can facilitate or hinder healthcare delivery, and legislation directly affects the environment in which advanced practice nurses (APN) practice. APNs are called to participate in the legislative process, influencing policy development to better meet the needs of providers and care recipients. Ultimately, MSN and DNP education have two outcomes related to healthcare policy and advocacy: (a) examine and evaluate the policy process and (b) engage in political activism as it relates to ensuring healthcare policy reduces disparities, improves access and quality, reduces costs, and promotes equity.

Policy Analysis Part I Instructions

This assignment focuses on the student’s ability to understand and evaluate policy processes and make decisions on whether certain policies achieve the goals outlined above. From there, graduates can transform this knowledge into political activism. Utilizing this strategy, graduates can ensure that they have a seat at the table when decisions about their practice and clients are being made.

Policy Analysis Part I Instructions

The following steps outline what you need to accomplish for this assignment. Additional questions are welcome and should be posted in the Course Q&A.

Step 1:      Problem/Bill Selection. Choose a federal-level healthcare bill that addresses a healthcare-related problem of your choosing. You must choose a federal

bill from the 118th Congress (January 3, 2023 to January 2025). The bill must still be pending: You may not select a bill that has already passed both the Senate and the House or one that is waiting on signature from President. You may use a bill that has only passed one of the congressional branches—either the House or the Senate. It is recommended that you use congress.gov, senate.gov, house.gov, legiscan.com, or the Thomas Library of Congress to locate your bill.

Step 2:      Problem Identification and Purpose Statement. In no more than 2 paragraphs, clearly and specifically identify the problem or issue that needs to be addressed. Synthesize current data describing the state of the problem by describing the (a) burden: how many people it affects, (b) frequency: how often it occurs, (c) severity: how serious of a problem is it, and (d) scope: the range of outcomes it affects.1 Support this section with relevant facts, figures, statistics, and costs.

This section should end with a purpose statement: Succinctly state the purpose of your analysis, answering the following questions: What is the relevance of your work, and what do you intend to achieve in this analysis?

Policy Analysis Part I Instructions

Step 3:      Social Determinants of Health. Explain the idea of law as a social determinant of health.

Thoroughly explain the relationship between your chosen issue and the following social determinants of health (SDOH). Each SDOH should be developed and supported separately and include facts, numbers, figures, research, and statistics to support your statements. Specific aspects of the below SDOH and their connection to your issue should be included.

  1. Healthcare Access and Quality
  2. Education Access and Quality
  3. Social and Community Context
  4. Socioeconomic Status
  5. Neighborhood and Built Environment

Step 4:      Impact. Discuss the impact of the issue on the following factors. These should also be supported with relevant facts, numbers, figures, research, and statistics. In your ethical section, connect your discussion to a particular ethical factor or theory that is relevant to your topic.

  1. The National Economy
  2. The Healthcare System
  3. Ethics

Policy Analysis Part I Instructions

Step 5:      Current (Enacted) Legislation. Identify legislation currently in place to address the issue and the strategies it utilizes. Summarize the major gaps in the problem’s resolution left by the current legislation by discussing the current legislation’s incongruence with research evidence and how or why the legislation is inadequate to reach the intended goals.

Step 6:     Reference List. There should be a minimum of 10 references published within the last 5 years on your list. The majority must be peer-reviewed references. Additional references types may include current events, information from professional organization sites, and relevant publications from corporation websites. In-text citations and reference list entries should be presented in APA format, including any legislation discussed in the current legislation section.

Policy Analysis Part I Instructions

Additional Notes:

  • Part I should focus solely on the healthcare issue that the bill intends to solve and not the bill you chose quite yet.
  • Use the template Within your paragraphs, APA is expected as applicable— grammar, spelling, citations, number format, etc—with the exception of spacing (see below).
  • The template uses 1.5 (not double) line spacing and a smaller san serif font. This will help with the readability of your assignment in the outline and digital format and should not be changed.
  • The assignment should be approximately 4.5 pages in length (excluding the reference pages). No title page is required. A minimum of ten (10) references, the majority of which should peer reviewed, are References should be timely: published within the previous five (5) years.

Submission Instructions: The assignment is to be submitted using the template provided as a single Word document or PDF to the appropriate assignment area. Your work will automatically be submitted to turnitin.com upon submission to the course. APA.

April 3, 2024
April 3, 2024

Business Law 301


DUE DATE: Due as per the course schedule in the course syllabus/moodle.

  1. Watch a Supreme Court of Canada (link provided in Moodle) Cases in which you are or have been personally involved do not qualify. The case brief must be based on what you saw and heard. You may not copy from a written judgment.

Part A: Prepare a written case brief (approximately one page in length for this section)

The case brief should include the following information:

Business Law 301


Name of the Parties,


Summary of Facts (do not write everything said by the parties)

Appellant’s Argument

Respondent’s Argument

Decision and Reasons for Decision (if available)

Business Law 301

Use headings/sub-headings to organize these sections. It is incorrect to write everything you heard in the order you heard it.

Part B: Write a short essay (approximately 1 page in length for this section) discussing your impressions of the court proceedings you have seen. The following are topic suggestions (you are not obligated to answer each of these questions): Discuss what part of the process you thought was effective and what was not. Comment on the appropriateness of the proceedings, the role of the judge, the lawyers if any, and the litigants.

How could the process be improved? You may also include a lesson for businesses to learn from this case.

If you answer each of these questions, in order, it will be a boring assignment, showing little thought/consideration, and marked accordingly. You must provide personal opinion and analysis in your essay.

Business Law 301

You are expected to do the assignment alone. Any collaboration will result in a “0” grade and a report to the Dean’s Office for cheating or plagiarism. Assignments must be uploaded to Moodle, in PDF format (documents in Word format will not be graded and marks will be deducted if I need to send an email asking you to submit this properly). The answer should be typewritten in Times Roman 12-inch font, with a 1-inch margin and be double-spaced (except specified portions). You must create a cover page containing your name, student number and course section number. The assignment is due in Moodle or it is late and marks will be deducted. Failure to follow these instructions, or any others given in the welcome video, will lead to marks being deducted. Late submissions will be accepted within one week of the due date, but additional marks will be deducted, the amount of which will be at the instructor’s discretion. The sooner you hand it (via Moodle) in the less marks will be taken off.


Your grade will be based on how well you follow the instructions, how understandable your information is, the depth of thought and effort of your essay and the quality of your writing (spelling, grammar, formatting, business tone, etc.). APA.

April 3, 2024
April 3, 2024

SEC404 Understanding Strategic Threats

CLO3: Analyze the main theories associated with terrorism, radicalization, de-radicalization and counter-radicalization, while considering all the related ethical considerations that may be associated in connection with the UAE level of response towards those.

CLO4: Analyze the emerging threat of cyber-terrorism and cyber-crime in the UAE.

CLO5: Use a broad framework to produce a draft security strategy against all the related strategic threats in the UAE.

SEC404 Understanding Strategic Threats


Strategic threats are many and diverse, and by nature often beyond the direct control of any one state. Therefore, looking ahead and drafting security strategies against those threats is vital. In this assignment, students will analyze strategic threats and devise and communicate draft security strategies for the UAE.

SEC404 Understanding Strategic Threats


Students will deliver an oral presentation individually or in groups of two (2).

The presentation topics are listed below. Each group will choose a topic for their presentation.

  • Threat of regional WMD proliferation
  • Threat of terrorism
  • Threat of major regional power war
  • Threat of climate change
  • Threat of cyber activities

Each presentation will focus on three elements:

A critical assessment of the chosen threat

A discussion on the security implications for the UAE

Some recommendations for UAE defense and security strategy.

SEC404 Understanding Strategic Threats

Oral Presentation

The oral presentation should be around ten (10) minutes in length. Notice that each student must have roughly the same time to present.

Students should pay special attention to the clarity or their speech delivery.

Power Point slides required; the presentation should be based on 3-5 slides.


Strategic threats are many and diverse, and by nature often beyond the direct control of any one state. Therefore, looking ahead and drafting security strategies against those threats is vital. In this assignment, students will analyze strategic threats and devise and communicate draft security strategies for the UAE. APA.

April 3, 2024
April 3, 2024

Movie Analysis Project

Watch the film multiple times

Watch the film you have selected as a psychology student and not merely as an ordinary film viewer (it is suggested that you watch the selected film multiple times).

Summarize the film

Provide your own summary of the film, using psychological terms and concepts that you have learned in class and from your textbook. AI summaries are NOT allowed

Use theories to analyze the movie

Use two of the theories/frameworks listed below to analyze one character from the movie you have chosen. Use the character you have chosen to compare and contrast the two theories/frameworks you have selected.

Movie Analysis Project

Movie Analysis Project


Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory

Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory

Vygotksy’s Cognitive Development Theory

Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory

Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development

Apply concepts learned in class/textbook

Using what you have learned in class and from your textbook, identify and describe one critical issue related to childhood or adolescence that the character faced. Make sure you use scenes and moments from the movie to illustrate your points.

What is the critical developmental issue that the character faced?

Was the issue resolved? Why or why not?

Movie Analysis Project

Watch the film multiple times

Watch the film you have selected as a psychology student and not merely as an ordinary film viewer (it is suggested that you watch the selected film multiple times).

Summarize the film

Provide your own summary of the film, using psychological terms and concepts that you have learned in class and from your textbook. AI summaries are NOT allowed

Use theories to analyze the movie

Use two of the theories/frameworks listed below to analyze one character from the movie you have chosen. Use the character you have chosen to compare and contrast the two theories/frameworks you have selected. APA.

April 3, 2024
April 3, 2024

BB20923 Business Law

Please answer each of the following questions:

  1. Explain the concept of ‘separate legal personality’ in company law and in what circumstances the corporate veil will be lifted. Support your answer using case law and legislation where appropriate.
  2. What duties are imposed on company directors and in what circumstances might a director be held personally liable for the debts of the company referencing case law and/or legislation where applicable.
  3. List when a director must vacate office and explain the reasoning why for three of the circumstances in which a director must vacate.
  4. Explain the different ways of dissolving a company.

Parts A-D carry equal marks.

BB20923 Business Law

BB20923 Business Law

Format Details

  • Word count: 1,500 words maximum
  • A4-size paper, typed, double-line spacing, referencing Harvard System
  • Students are advised to retain a copy of their assessment


An assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalised. Late assignments will incur a penalty (minus 10% of the overall mark per day up to a maximum of five working days, after day five, the assignment will not be accepted).

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is a particularly serious academic offence and can constitute academic misconduct which is set out in Dorset College’s Learners Handbook. Plagiarism refers to taking someone else’s work and passing off that work as your own. Any thoughts, ideas, or words that are not completely your own must be referenced. The reason for this is that the purpose of the assessment is to assess the student’s knowledge and understanding of the material being assessed by the student creating and expressing their own ideas in their assessment.

BB20923 Business Law

Plagiarism may include, but is not limited to the following:

  • Submitting another person’s work as your own, such as another student’s paper, or by purchasing a paper.
  • Using ChatGPT or other AI tools to write or translate your paper. Using a translation tool can be considered academic impropriety because these tools can give you an unfair advantage over other students who have not used these tools. Also, translation and editing tools may be identified by Turnitin as Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Quoting from a book, journal, article or website without using a citation.
  • Paraphrasing (putting into your own words) a paragraph from a book, journal, article or website and not using a citation.
  • Changing the words of an original source, but using the ideas from that source without using a citation.
  • Incorporating another writer’s words or phrases within a larger paraphrase, without quotation marks or a citation.
  • Not citing information because you think the information is “common knowledge”.
  • Self-plagiarism – refers to re-using material from a previous paper you wrote, such as a paper you wrote for another module.
  • Forgetting to cite your sources in your work.
  • Not citing correctly.
  • Failing to use quotations around cited material.

It is the policy of Dorset College to be proactive in dealing with cases in which the principles of academic integrity are not upheld, and cheating occurs. Students who engage in such practices will be subject to academic sanctions, including a reduced or fail grade for an assignment. Incidents of academic misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with the Academic Misconduct Policy outlined in the Learners Handbook. APA.

April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

NURS500 Nursing Theory Comparison

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of your Nursing Theory Comparison paper in APA style. Your rough draft should include all of the research paper elements of a final draft, which are listed below. This will give you an opportunity for feedback from your instructor before you submit your final draft during week 7.

Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.

  • After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.

NURS500 Nursing Theory Comparison

NURS500 Nursing Theory Comparison

  • After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

The following should be included:

  1. An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories
  2. Background of the theories
  3. Philosophical underpinnings of the theories
  4. Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships
  5. Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability
  6. Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice
  7. Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting
  8. Parsimony
  9. Conclusion/summary
  10. References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA style

The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. APA style must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list. The proper use of headings in APA style is also required.

April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Ongoing Professional Development

Staff cohesiveness is an important part of the mentoring process. Mentoring programs help create a unified school culture by building positive relationships and common purpose. Building relationships with staff is an integral part of the leadership role of the instructional coach, and common purpose gives staff a direction and goals to work toward.

For this assignment, create a 10-12 slide digital presentation for administrators explaining the role of the instructional coach in the mentoring process. The presentation should address at least three effective mentoring strategies that support ongoing development of adult learners.

Include the following:

How each strategy supports the ongoing development of adult learners and how each would be implemented.

How each strategy will assist adult learners in becoming increasingly self-directed and reflective.

How each strategy promotes the relationship between motivation and self-efficacy in ongoing development of adult learners.

Title slide, reference slide, and presenter notes.

The digital presentation should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.

Support your presentation with 3-5 scholarly resources

Ongoing Professional Development

Ongoing Professional Development

Staff cohesiveness is an important part of the mentoring process. Mentoring programs help create a unified school culture by building positive relationships and common purpose. Building relationships with staff is an integral part of the leadership role of the instructional coach, and common purpose gives staff a direction and goals to work toward.

For this assignment, create a 10-12 slide digital presentation for administrators explaining the role of the instructional coach in the mentoring process. The presentation should address at least three effective mentoring strategies that support ongoing development of adult learners.

Include the following:

How each strategy supports the ongoing development of adult learners and how each would be implemented.

How each strategy will assist adult learners in becoming increasingly self-directed and reflective.

How each strategy promotes the relationship between motivation and self-efficacy in ongoing development of adult learners.

Title slide, reference slide, and presenter notes.

The digital presentation should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.

Support your presentation with 3-5 scholarly resources. APA.

April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Semantic Analysis on Beowulf


For this assignment, you will write a semantic analysis on a close reading of linguistics in Beowulf. Focus on the authorial tone or speaker’s views when analyzing whether truth is shown through various constructs of language in the text. For instance, the scholar Eric Stanley, contends that “the poet represents him as” fated “by the working of the curse against him laid on the dragon’s hoard.” Focus on the author’s syntactical and lexicographical components. Compare and contrast a reading of Beowulf’s words representing arete with a reading of his words representing the curse or wyrd. How is the oral epic tradition transcendent? If truth is not attainable, what structural or syntactical forms were shown to prove this? For this assignment, you will engage in either Structuralist or Deconstructionist theories to examine whether universal truth is shown as being either attainable or ultimately unattainable in the epic through representations of natural law through the battle between good versus evil.

Semantic Analysis on Beowulf

Semantic Analysis on Beowulf

Write a five-paragraph that investigates the structural and syntactical forms and patterns of archaic language. The will focus on techniques such as kennings, imagery, allegory, personification, metaphors, and symbols that either represent or repress universal truth.  Choose at least two or three of these techniques to analyze. Focus on how the cognates of words are used to create meaning. When focusing on truth, analyze the Pre-Christian views in the text through the nature of absolutist views of natural law. When investigating the nature of anti-truth in the text, focus on the nature of wyrd and paganism, particularly in the ending where Beowulf’s death potentially represents nihilism or fatalism based on the interpretation of the representations of good and evil vanishing from the earth through Beowulf’s defeat of the dragon, leaving his people bereft and with a hoard of worthless treasure. Were Beowulf’s words lacking truth and meaning, leading to the curse of the treasure hoard and his death? Is the religious context of his language arbitrary when viewing the final outcome?

Semantic Analysis on Beowulf

Or, you can argue that the ways of the past must be vanquished to arrive at new truth found in the solidarity of the people and utilitarianism, bringing forth new political philosophy, as shown through the representation of the worthless ancient treasure. Is the treasure symbolic of Beowulf’s words as becoming curses due to his hubris based on the nature of wyrd in the plot? Focus on how his words lead to a new era of truth as religion would later become a central factor defining the Westernization of society in the future. Create a lens for attaining truth through a thoughtful, well-organized. Explain how Beowulf’s words can be used to explain whether the cultural construct of truth is shown in our world today in the conclusion.

Semantic Analysis on Beowulf

The close reading will include a thorough analysis of something specific that focuses on one aspect of the text through an analysis on an introspective look at Beowulf’s use of riddles, humor, and stoicism.  You are required to support your own original claims with citations from the text to prove point. Explicate the diction in the text that focuses on the nature of truth. You may also concede by stating that the semantics in the text neither supports, or negates the existence of universal truths. It is only required that you cite from the literary work for this assignment. The is required to be five complete paragraphs. These paragraphs include an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. There should be six sentences per paragraph. APA.

April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

NURS521 Nursing Field Activity

This paper will have three parts addressing two important pieces of legislation related to the right of individuals to make health care decisions for themselves.

Part I

The Advance Health Care Directive 

Locate a copy of an advanced directive (AD) that complies with the laws of the state in which you work. The organization in which you work should have a copy of an advance directive that is given to patients. If not, download your state’s Advance Directives here http://www.caringinfo.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3289.Links to an external site.

Complete the advance directive for yourself.  Do not turn in your AD with your paper. The AD is for your personal use.

NURS521 Nursing Field Activity

In your paper, Part I:

  1. Identify where you obtained the AD and explain its compliance with state law.
  2. Conduct research (1-2 sources) to learn more about the AD in your state and explain how it works.
  3. Discuss how easy or difficult it was to complete the AD. Your comments should be specific and both objective and For example, when you state your personal feelings, you must relate them to the literature (textbook and research) that discusses this process and the difficulties that many people face when completing an advance directive.

(Cite/ reference any sources you use to explore these questions, including your texts.)

Part II

Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Form

  1. What is a Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) formLinks to an external site.?
  2. When should this form be completed?
  3. Who can complete the form?
  4. Who needs to sign the form to make it a legal document?

(Cite/reference any sources you use to explore these questions, including your texts.)

NURS521 Nursing Field Activity

Part III

Tie the two first sections together by writing a summary and conclusion.

This section should address:

  1. the differences between an Advance Health Care Directive and the POLST,
  2. the RN’s important role in assuring the patient’s right to autonomy in choosing the healthcare interventions the patient does or does not want.

Use current APA Style.

The paper should be between 3-5 pages in length excluding the title and reference page(s).

Cite and reference the course text and at least two (2) additional appropriate professional sources.