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April 10, 2024
April 10, 2024

Strategic HR Plan

INTUIT (Company)

In your quarterly executive meeting, The CEO just announced plans to expand the business by 30% in the next 2-5 years.

In your current review of the organization, you have identified serious concerns in productivity, innovativeness, profitability (or cost effectiveness), and employee morale. All of which are much lower than they should be to meet today’s competitive and social challenges. You are now even more concerned with the CEO’s plans to grow the organization over the next 3-5 years.

Based on your current review of the organization, in addition to the 3-5 year growth plans, identify a minimum of 3 strategies that you will use to address the gaps between future needs and present HR capabilities of the organization. You could choose strategies that focus on any of the following areas in the organization:

Job/Work Design


Performance Management

Strategic HR Plan

Strategic HR Plan

INTUIT (Company)

In your quarterly executive meeting, The CEO just announced plans to expand the business by 30% in the next 2-5 years.

In your current review of the organization, you have identified serious concerns in productivity, innovativeness, profitability (or cost effectiveness), and employee morale. All of which are much lower than they should be to meet today’s competitive and social challenges. You are now even more concerned with the CEO’s plans to grow the organization over the next 3-5 years.

Based on your current review of the organization, in addition to the 3-5 year growth plans, identify a minimum of 3 strategies that you will use to address the gaps between future needs and present HR capabilities of the organization. APA. You could choose strategies that focus on any of the following areas in the organization:

Job/Work Design


Performance Management

In your current review of the organization, you have identified serious concerns in productivity, innovativeness, profitability (or cost effectiveness), and employee morale. All of which are much lower than they should be to meet today’s competitive and social challenges. You are now even more concerned with the CEO’s plans to grow the organization over the next 3-5 years.

April 10, 2024
April 10, 2024

Sacred Travel Journal

Assignment Description:

Pilgrimages or journeys to sacred destinations have been part of our collective religious heritages. From ancient Greek and Hindu sites – the Parthenon and Angkor Wat — to sites at Jerusalem, Lourdes, and Mecca, and Dharamshala, people have gathered to engage with the history and particular sites considered sacred within their faith tradition. Even for those who are fortunate enough to travel to these destinations, these pilgrimages are still considered as “once in a life-time” events.  In this assignment you need to research three sacred sites and focus your research attention on the following theme: “transformation.”

Sacred Travel Journal

Paper Requirements:

In this assignment, you need to write on three different sacred sites. Each site is worth 5 marks (3 sites x 5 marks = 15 marks). Write at least 300 words per site for a total of around 900-1000 words. Feel free to write more, but not less. Review the rubric for a more detailed breakdown of your grade. Two of your sacred sites need to be associated with a religious tradition, and the third site needs to reflect a place(s) that you consider sacred. This third site can be associated with a religious tradition, but need not be.  For a location to be sacred/holy literally means that the place is “set apart” or “revered” and not associated with the “mundane” places or locations of everyday life such as grocery stores or shopping malls (although I suppose, one could consider these places sacred). Given this definition, sacredness or sacred places does not necessarily need to be aligned with a religious tradition.

Sacred Travel Journal

 This travel experience may be based on a trip that you have already taken or on one that you would like take in the future. However, this is not an exercise in fantasy literature: please include pictures of your sacred sites in your assignment along with a detailed description of what one does – rituals, sacred practices, etc. – at all three sites that you include in your assignment.   Since I assess your knowledge of Christianity (modules 9 & 10) in this assignment, one of your sacred sites must be associated with the Christian tradition. The other sacred religious site can be located in the same general area, associated with the same religious tradition, or not. The religious tradition for your second sacred site does not have to be one that is covered in the course. However, like your previous assignment, be sure that the information that you research is based on reliable sources.  Answer the two following questions in paragraph form for each sacred site.

Sacred Travel Journal

What makes the site sacred? When answering this question, make sure to describe the historical/religious importance of the site. Do your research and properly site your sources.

Would a person within the religious tradition hope to gain from the journey? Connect this question to the theme of “transformation.” What experiences or emotions does one expect to have – or report having – when visiting the site? What rituals/practices does one perform at this site? You can include first-hand accounts that you find online when answering this question. If you do include first-hand accounts, just make sure to properly site your sources.  Include a visual component for each sacred site in your assignment. Include images of the sacred site along with any images that help to express what one experiences/or hopes to experience when visiting the sacred site. APA referencing style.

April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

Healthcare Concept Map

Assessment Instructions


You have already learned about evidence-based practice and quality improvement initiatives in previous courses. You will use this information to guide your assessments, while also implementing new concepts introduced in this course. For this assessment, you will develop a concept map and provide supporting evidence and explanations. You may use the case studies presented in the Vila Health: Concept Maps as Diagnostic Tools media, a case study from the literature or your practice that is relevant to the list of conditions below, or another relevant case study you have developed. This case study will provide you with the context for creating your concept map. You may also use the practice context from the case study or extrapolate the case study information and data into your own practice setting.

Think carefully when you are selecting the case study for this assessment, as you may choose to build upon it for the second assessment as well.

Healthcare Concept Map

Healthcare Concept Map

Some example conditions, diseases and disorders that are relevant to metabolic balance and glucose regulation considerations are:

  • Cancer.
  • Diabetes (type 2).
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Metabolic syndrome.
  • Obesity.
  • Polycycstic ovary syndrome.
  • Prediabetes.
  • Pregnancy.

Healthcare Concept Map


Develop a concept map and a short narrative that supports and further explains how the concept map is constructed. You may choose to use the Concept Map Template (in the Resources) as a starting point for your concept map, but are not required to do so.

The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your evidence-based plan addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Concept Map scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Concept Map document to better understand how each grading criterion will be assessed.

Part 1: Concept Map Develop an evidence-based concept map that illustrates a plan for achieving high-quality outcomes for a condition that has impaired glucose or metabolic imbalance as related aspects.

Part 2: Additional Evidence (Narrative) Justify the value and relevance of the evidence you used as the basis for your concept map.

Analyze how interprofessional strategies applied to the concept map can lead to achievement of desired outcomes.

Construct concept map and linkage to additional evidence in a way that facilitates understanding of key information. APA.

April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

Investment Analysis and Recommendation

You are invited by a local investment services firm, Edge Equity Investments, to interview for the position of investment manager in their local office. The position requires you to identify and promote investment opportunities offering superior returns to clients. Returns are a combination of dividends and increases in share value over time. This position will expand your skills in financial analysis and move your career forward in an exciting direction, and the firm is offering you an attractive benefits package in addition to a comfortable salary. Prior to the interview, you must produce a report determining whether to recommend investment in a Small to Mid-cap company of your choice listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Given the research you prepared as you invested funds received from a recent inheritance (in M2.3 The Big Picture), you have decided to research this same firm. I used McDonald’s for that previous discussion.

Investment Analysis and Recommendation

Investment Analysis and Recommendation


Your task is to produce an Investment Analysis Report (with a minimum of 2,100 words, tables/graphs not included) appraising the return on equity of the firm you selected for review over the past two years using the latest 10-Q and the corresponding 10-Q from the previous year (so if you are using the 3rd quarter 10-Q, the comparison should be the 3rd quarter 10-Q from the previous year). You are required to employ financial statement analysis to break down the return on equity into its key parts using the basic Du Pont formula (See the reference section 3.6 of Chapter Three: Analyzing Financial Statements and point values below). Please consider that the panelists are all busy professionals not interested in reviewing a long report; therefore, you will need to keep to the word limit. The panel has also asked that you focus on analyzing the issues rather than on purely describing information. Analysis requires you to focus on explaining and predicting implications of trends rather than merely describing trends.  APA.

April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

Teaching Bilinguals – Case Analysis

Case Study Instructions: You will watch the videos from the CUNY Teaching Bilinguals Web Series, found at:  https://www.cuny-nysieb.org/teaching-bilinguals-webseries/ (Links to an external site.) Create a document in which you answer the questions related to each video.  Please respond thoughtfully and robustly, with details and examples. Use APA format and follow the sample on Canvas.

Teaching Bilinguals – Case Analysis

Video 1: Getting Acquainted

  1. New York and Florida are states with a large population of students whose first language is not English. According to Sara Vogel, in New York, these students were often forced to speak English or remain silent.  What language practices did you experience when you were in school in Florida (or elsewhere).  What practices have you seen in your previous field experiences?
  2. Puerto Rican and other activists in New York in the 1960s and 1970s, with some degree of success, advocated for bilingual education. Which groups advocated for English language learners in Florida in the 1980s, resulting in the 1990 Florida Consent Decree?  What did the Consent Decree accomplish?
  3. Define “translanguaging”. What is your opinion of this practice?
  4. How can translanguaging practices create scaffolding structures for the language development of multilingual students?

Teaching Bilinguals – Case Analysis

Video 2: Being an Advocate for Bilingual Students

  1. How does Ms. Conte use students’ backgrounds as resources in their learning?  Give two additional ideas to implement.
  2. How does reading books featuring multicultural/multilingual characters create a culture of inclusion? Have you participated in this practice in the classroom, as a student, a teacher, or an observer?  Describe your experience.
  3. How can English speakers profit from exposure to bilingual books?
  4. Conte, being monolingual, was uncomfortable about her students speaking in languages she didn’t understand. She felt that she would lose control of the classroom.  What did she find out?  What are your thoughts about not controlling everything that goes on in the classroom?

Video 3: Bilingual Superpowers 

  1. What are benefits of graphic novels?
  2. Describe the process Ms. Ballantyne-Berry uses with her graphic novel assignment.
  3. How does Ms. Ballantyne-Berry use students’ language repertoire as a resource?

Teaching Bilinguals – Case Analysis

 Video 4: Knowing your Students

  1. Chapman-Santiago reads a quote from Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. How does this quote apply to a teacher’s work?
  2. What might you learn by carefully watching the cues students send through body language and facial expressions? Describe an example from when you were a student, or when you taught or observed a class.
  3. What information can a teacher gain by encouraging students to use their home language? 4.    What are some practical ways to incorporate home language as a scaffold?
  4. What is the role of L1 in second language acquisition? How is second language acquisition theory tied to techniques used in second language development?

Video 5: The Benefits of Bilingual Education

  1. What does Sara Vogel mean when she states in her introduction to the video that teachers can “push for more” in promoting their students’ learning?
  2. Aponte says that reading the book My name is Jorge on Both Sides of the River has changed her students’ lives. Describe what you think is the impact of the book on students.
  3. What is the goal of bilingual education programs? How does a bilingual program impact English speakers?

Follow directions carefully. I expect you to answer ALL questions using a well-developed paragraph for EACH question. Respond to all questions thoughtfully and robustly, with details and examples. This Case Study Guideline Actions will help ensure you respond to all questions. You will also be graded based on this guideline. Suggestion: Print this guideline and have it next to you at all times. Use the readings to reply to the questions related to the class content: Consent Decree, translanguaging, L2 acquisition theories, linguistics, and bilingualism (these questions are highlighted in yellow in the guideline). d) TSL courses are part of the Education Department. APA style must be used.

April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

ESOL 200 Final Report


The purpose of the Final Report is to analyze a specific complex social problem (a bias or other form of discrimination) and its connection to the workplace using a systems thinking approach. The purpose of the report is not to solve the problem.

ESOL 200 Final Report


How you design and structure your report is up to you – it depends on the topic you have chosen and the information you have. However, the report should be organized into clear, logical sections, with a clear heading for each section. The report will include a synthesis of the work you have completed in the CP tasks from Weeks 8-11 and additional research. All of the information in the report that comes from research must be fully paraphrased, cited in text and as a reference at the end of the report.

Submission Guidelines:

The Final Report must be submitted by the deadline using the Assignment Tool below. The SafeAssign tool will check your report for evidence of plagiarism, so be sure to check the SafeAssign report before you submit your final copy of the report. You will have three attempts to submit your report. Only the final attempt will be graded.

ESOL 200 Final Report

 Report Instructions

The report should be approximately 1000 words in length and include the following components (much of this will come from the Coursework Portfolio tasks you have already completed). Remember, the report does not have to be organized in the order of the components listed below. Your task is to logically synthesize the information you have on the topic:

  1. A title page and table of contents.
  2. An introduction which outlines the rationale for the topic you have chosen for the project (to analyze a specific complex social problem and its connection to the workplace). Your rationale should include both personal anecdotal evidence and additional research which demonstrates the existence and significance of the problem. (CP Task 8.1).

ESOL 200 Final Report

  1. An in-depth discussion on how systems thinking can help to analyze the specific problem you have chosen from an interconnected, holistic point of view. Your discussion here should address all the key components of systems thinking that you gathered in completing CP Task 9.1.
  1. A discussion on the stakeholders involved in the problem and their roles and how they play a part in the systems that are involved in the problem you have chosen. This should also include research. (CP Task 10.1)
  1. A discussion on how the iceberg model can help us look at all the different levels involved in the problem (events, patterns, underlying structures, mental models). This should include an iceberg model diagram and a few paragraphs explaining it. (CP Task 11.1)
  1. An overall discussion on how the project has helped you analyze your specific problem in a way that can lead to the construction of possible solutions.
  1. A list of APA references.
April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

Locke and Berkeley Philosophy

Write a 5-6 page critical essay that addresses the question below.  Your paper should not only exposit the relevant arguments from the text along with appropriate evidence and citations, but also you are required to provide some critical evaluation.  The difficulty will be in limiting what you include to those arguments relevant to answering the question.  So, think about what’s really important, structure your essay appropriately, include sufficient explanation, and be concise so that you can include everything necessary within the page limit.     Question:  In Book 2, Chapter 8, section 8 of the Essay concerning Human Understanding, Locke explains the difference between ideas in the mind and qualities in an object:   “Whatsoever the mind perceives in itself, or is the immediate object of perception, thought, or understanding, that I call idea; and the power to produce any idea in our mind, I call quality of the subject wherein that power is.  Thus a snowball having the power to produce in us the ideas of white, cold, and round, the powers to produce those ideas in us, as they are in the snowball, I call qualities; and as they are sensations, or perceptions, in our understandings, I call them ideas, if I speak of sometimes, as in the things themselves, I would be understood to mean those qualities in the objects which produce them in us” (2.8.8).

Locke and Berkeley Philosophy

Locke and Berkeley Philosophy

 In the passage above, Locke points to the difference between our ideas and the powers of objects to produce those ideas in our minds.  In what follows this passage, what further distinction does Locke draw between the different kinds of qualities, and how does he argue for that distinction?  (Make sure to give a specific argument in each case for the distinction.) On what basis does Locke conclude that the distinction between kinds of qualities also supports that material substance exists as the causes of our ideas even though all we perceive are our own ideas?  How does Berkeley argue against this distinction between qualities?  Why does Berkeley also think that we can’t infer the existence of material objects on the basis of our experience?  In the end, why does Berkeley conclude that it’s a “downright contradiction” to claim that material objects exist?  In light of Berkeley’s conclusions about the existence of material objects, what is his explanation for the how we have ideas of an external world and the regularity with which we have them?  Given both Locke’s and Berkeley’s arguments concerning the existence of material objects, what do you think we can justifiably conclude about the existence of material objects?  Make sure to fully explain why you have drawn your conclusion. APA.

April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

Strategy Analysis

Questions 1. Key Issues – Drawing upon your review of the industry and the firm (see Questions 2 – 4), synthesize three or more strategic issues facing Getaway and thoroughly explain their importance.  2. Industry Analysis – Perform a five forces analysis, rating each force as strong, moderate or weak, and justify your assessment. Divide a force intro sub-forces and assess each individually, where warranted.  3. Value Chain Analysis – Identify the core and/or distinctive competencies of the Getaway organization. Explain how the firm leverages these for strategic benefit.  4. Quantitative Analysis – Using a Microsoft Excel workbook, conduct a quantitative analysis of both the financial and non-financial data. Show all calculations.  5. Interpretation of your Quantitative Analysis – Within your Word document, synthesize and explain the significant findings from your quantitative financial and non-financial analysis.

Strategy Analysis

Strategy Analysis

  1. Strategic Alternatives – Design three business-level strategic alternatives to grow the firm to the next level of financial, environmental, and social sustainability. For each alternative, provide a meaningfully descriptive name, ascribe one of Porter’s 16 archetypes, outline the key features, and explain how the alternative addresses the key issues identified previously.  7 Evaluation of Alternatives– Identify two strategic, two financial, and two ‘ESG’ evaluation criteria relevant to Getaway and their industry. Explain your choice of criteria and clearly indicate how you would measure each one. Assess the strategic alternatives and identify a preferred alternative using a weighted average decision matrix and a three-point relative scale consisting of whole numbers only.   8 Recommendation – Justify your preferred strategy and explain why you are the rejecting the other two alternatives.

Strategy Analysis

Questions 1. Key Issues – Drawing upon your review of the industry and the firm (see Questions 2 – 4), synthesize three or more strategic issues facing Getaway and thoroughly explain their importance.  2. Industry Analysis – Perform a five forces analysis, rating each force as strong, moderate or weak, and justify your assessment. Divide a force intro sub-forces and assess each individually, where warranted.  3. Value Chain Analysis – Identify the core and/or distinctive competencies of the Getaway organization. Explain how the firm leverages these for strategic benefit.  4. Quantitative Analysis – Using a Microsoft Excel workbook, conduct a quantitative analysis of both the financial and non-financial data. Show all calculations.  5. Interpretation of your Quantitative Analysis – Within your Word document, synthesize and explain the significant findings from your quantitative financial and non-financial analysis. APA.

April 7, 2024
April 7, 2024

Data Privacy

Topic/Focus of Paper:  Data Privacy, such as employers monitoring internet connections, tracking content, keystrokes, and time on keyboards, saving and reviewing files on employee’s computer, and monitoring social media.


The issue should be clearly addressed from both points of view and in an unbiased manner, after which the student should critically assess the theoretical and practical applications that might be applied. At least one ethical and/or leadership theory must be addressed as part of this paper, and at least one solution must be provided to the issue.  Students must apply information from the text at least five outside (academic) sources in completing the paper.  The paper should be between eight pages in length (double-spaced) excluding the title page, abstract, and reference pages. The paper must follow APA formatting guidelines. The paper should exhibit Master’s level research and writing skills. Grades will be a direct reflection of the quality of the subject matter, critical analysis, spelling, grammar, clarity, the quality and supportive effectiveness of the outside resources used.

Data Privacy

Data Privacy

Topic/Focus of Paper:  Data Privacy, such as employers monitoring internet connections, tracking content, keystrokes, and time on keyboards, saving and reviewing files on employee’s computer, and monitoring social media.


The issue should be clearly addressed from both points of view and in an unbiased manner, after which the student should critically assess the theoretical and practical applications that might be applied. At least one ethical and/or leadership theory must be addressed as part of this paper, and at least one solution must be provided to the issue.  Students must apply information from the text at least five outside (academic) sources in completing the paper.  The paper should be between eight pages in length (double-spaced) excluding the title page, abstract, and reference pages. The paper must follow APA formatting guidelines. The paper should exhibit Master’s level research and writing skills. Grades will be a direct reflection of the quality of the subject matter, critical analysis, spelling, grammar, clarity, the quality and supportive effectiveness of the outside resources used.