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April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

MBUS109 Individual Presentation

Assessment Summary

Students will analyse a case study and provide a presentation that uses leadership theories to assess leadership performance in a short case study scenario. The case study analysis presentation is an individual assignment intended to assess the student’s ability to identify, understand and apply key leadership theories to assess leadership performance in the context of a realistic business case. Students are expected to identify the problems/issues in the case, analyse the case using the concepts and models discussed in class and recommend relevant and theory-supported solutions.

Learning Outcome Assessed

  • Demonstrate knowledge of key leadership theories as they relate to organisations.
  • Apply a range of leadership theories to analyse and communicate leadership practice in diverse organizational contexts

MBUS109 Individual Presentation

MBUS109 Individual Presentation

Assessment Type: Individual Presentation

Assessment Prerequisite: Micro credential -Case study Analysis, 5% Due in Week 5

Students will work on case study analysis and preparation of a presentation based on the allocated case


Part 1: Presentation based on case study analysis and uploaded to Turnitin: 10% Due in Week 6

Part 2: Peer review, of presentations of two other students. (5%) Due in Week 7

  1. Assessment Purpose

Students will develop their problem-solving skills and use leadership theories and concepts for improved leadership.

This will enhance students’ analytical and problem-solving skills and the application of their knowledge.

Also doing a presentation will enhance their communication skills.

Students get a chance to reflect on others presentations done in class by other students and do a peer review of two other students, for collaborative learning.

These are the best ways for active learning for students.

MBUS109 Individual Presentation

III. Assessment Description:

Assessment Prerequisite: Micro credential – How to Write a: Case Study,(5% )

This prerequisite consists of an interactive learning tool to prepare you for case study analysis and is worth 5 % of this assessment.

Since this is a prerequisite–for doing the micro-credential please follow the link: http://hed.ciclms.com/course/view.php?id=655,you need to complete all components of this self-guided tool, which provides students with basic case analysis principles and knowledge and support on how to do a case study analysis, It also includes a quiz at the end.

Part 1: Submit Presentations in class: 10%

Students need to analyse the case study and explain in the form of a presentation within a 5 minutes presentation, worth 10% which is to be presented by each individual in class.

Students need to submit their slides on Moodle, presenting their case study analysis in their slides in dot points only.

MBUS109 Individual Presentation

Part 2: Peer Evaluation: 5%

Students will do a peer review, of presentations of two other students.

Students will be randomly asked to provide feedback on presentations of two peers.

Where students will have to review presentations of all other peers and give them quality constructive feedback.

This will be done individually and each student will receive a score based on the averaged peer review mark which will account for 5% of their final grade.

Make sure you do not include unreasonable, illogical and biased feedback.

At least one positive and one negative area have to be identified from each presentation by each individual. APA.

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

MBUS 107 Business Analytics

Everyone should read the below information carefully. Where/when: Submit via Turnitin link on Moodle (below) by Friday of Week 7. The Turnitin link will be available for access after the due date/time. However, if you submit after the due date, a late penalty will be applied, and your marks adjusted (unless you make a successful special consideration application). If you submitted a file before the due date/time, you will NOT be able to upload another file after the due date/time. Weighting: 45% of your final grade. Format: A series of questions relating to a case study are provided. These questions must be answered in the form of an essay. Instructions, and documents containing the case study and accompanying questions are provided in the links below this one. The marks that each section is worth are clearly indicated in the Excel file.

MBUS 107 Business Analytics

MBUS 107 Business Analytics

Some marks are allocated for writing style as per the marking criteria included in the instruction document. If you require help with English academic writing, in particular conventions you should adhere to when writing an academic essay, please contact our English Support tutor, Brian Edmond, at brian.edmond@cic.vic.edu.au. Word count: 2000 words (+10%) General information: Business analytics is an approach to decision-making that is informed by analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. We live in an era where data-capture and data processing capabilities are increasing exponentially.

The challenge for businesses is to determine the best way to take advantage of the wealth of information potentially available to them. For example, methods such as regression models are used to describe and quantify ‘on average’ relationships (e.g. between advertising and sales), to predict new behaviors (e.g. whether a patient will react positively to a medication) and to forecast future values (e.g. next week’s web traffic). This information informs individuals on what decisions to make to benefit their business. This assessment involves addressing a series of generic questions in the form of an essay. The questions relate directly to the case study presented.

MBUS 107 Business Analytics

Key points to note are below:

  • Your answers must be incorporated into sentences and paragraphs that include facts from the case study.
  • All answers must be specific for the business in the case study; marks will not be given where your essay does not relate to the business in the case study.
  • The answers to the questions in the case study must be integrated into an essay, which should include an appropriate introduction and conclusion; no marks will be given for ‘quality of essay’ if a question-answer style is presented.
  • You can present the information in the order that you feel flows best; you don’t have to present it in the order of the questions.
  • Care must be taken in all aspects of the essay, including spelling and grammar.
  • Sources must be referenced, if applicable

Instructions for Preparation

Access the client profile and Excel data file for the case study provided.

Carefully read all materials provided for the case study.

Your Excel data analysis should be performed on the Excel data file provided.

Type your essay into a Word document and be sure to include in-text citations in your essay and a reference list at the end (Harvard style).

Upload the Excel file and your completed essay to the Turnitin drop box.

MBUS 107 Business Analytics

Instructions for Submission

Name your files with your student number and file type, e.g. S81234_Essay or


Upload your completed files to the Turnitin drop box.

Please submit your work as a Word document (.doc or .docx extension). Do NOT hand-write and scan the document. Do not save any text as images.

It is your responsibility to check that your upload has been successful. If you upload a blank file, or a file that we are unable to read, your submission will not be marked.

You will be able to upload to the Turnitin link multiple times before the submission date (if you wish).

We encourage you to upload a ‘practice submission’ before the due date so that you can check that all content you uploaded can be seen in Turnitin.

Be aware that, if you have submitted a file prior to the due date/time, you will NOT be able  to re-upload another document after the due date/time. APA.

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

Business Law301 Court Assignment


DUE DATE: Due as per the course schedule in the course syllabus/moodle.

  1. Watch a Supreme Court of Canada (link provided in Moodle) Cases in which you are or have been personally involved do not qualify. The case brief must be based on what you saw and heard. You may not copy from a written judgment.

Business Law301 Court Assignment

Part A: Prepare a written case brief (approximately one page in length for this section)

The case brief should include the following information:


Name of the Parties,


Summary of Facts (do not write everything said by the parties)

Appellant’s Argument

Respondent’s Argument

Decision and Reasons for Decision (if available)

Use headings/sub-headings to organize these sections. It is incorrect to write everything you heard in the order you heard it.

Business Law301 Court Assignment

Part B: Write a short essay (approximately 1 page in length for this section)

discussing your impressions of the court proceedings you have seen. The following are topic suggestions (you are not obligated to answer each of these questions): Discuss what part of the process you thought was effective and what was not. Comment on the appropriateness of the proceedings, the role of the judge, the lawyers if any, and the litigants. How could the process be improved? You may also include a lesson for businesses to learn from this case.

If you answer each of these questions, in order, it will be a boring assignment, showing little thought/consideration, and marked accordingly. You must provide personal opinion and analysis in your essay. You are expected to do the assignment alone. Any collaboration will result in a “0” grade and a report to the Dean’s Office for cheating or plagiarism. Assignments must be uploaded to Moodle, in PDF format (documents in Word format will not be graded and marks will be deducted if I need to send an email asking you to submit this properly).

Business Law301 Court Assignment

The answer should be typewritten in Times Roman 12-inch font, with a 1-inchmargin and be double-spaced (except specified portions). You must create a cover page containing your name, student number and course section number. The assignment is due in Moodle or it is late and marks will be deducted. Failure to follow these instructions, or any others given in the welcome video, will lead to marks being deducted. Late submissions will be accepted within one week of the due date, but additional marks will be deducted, the amount of which will be at the instructor’s discretion. The sooner you hand it (via Moodle) in the less marks will be taken off.


Your grade will be based on how well you follow the instructions, how understandable your information is, the depth of thought and effort of your essay and the quality of your writing (spelling, grammar, formatting, business tone, etc.). APA.

April 17, 2024
April 17, 2024

Data Assignment


After completing this assignment, students will have selected a paper topic and determined that adequate data is available for the variable they have selected to analyze in their final paper.

What to Do

For this assignment, you will select one topic for your paper. Visit the World Development Indicators Databank, and select an indicator of interest to you1. For this variable, select all countries and available years of data and download them for use in Excel, Sheets, or an equivalent spreadsheet program. After doing this, find one scholarly citation that discuss the particular variable you have chosen.

Data Assignment

The variable you select should:

  1. Have Adequate Country “Coverage”: International data collection processes are

never perfect or complete and there is always missing data for some countries and at some points in time. A viable project needs a sufficiently large sample of data across countries to describe and explain cross-national patterns. Ideally, your variable will have data for the majority of the world’s countries, or when appropriate near complete coverage for a particular world region. Note that some major measures of global poverty (e.g. the $1.90 a day poverty rate) do not have data for the advanced capitalist countries of the West. Such measures are still acceptable as they have wide coverage for the countries that are the common focus of development research.

Data Assignment

  1. Have Adequate Time “Coverage”: International statistical data is always collected with some delay and gaps in time are not uncommon. Ideally, your data will be collected over a reasonable number of years and will be available reasonably recently (within the past 5 years). In terms of over time coverage, gaps in the years are less important than the total range of coverage. In other words, having data from only the years 2000 and 2020 is better than having 5 years of data from 2015 to 2020.
  2. Be Important and Interesting to You and Others: There is a lot of data out there. Select a variable that you think is interesting and worth exploring. What could you study and discuss that will be worth the hours you are going to spend doing it?
  3. Not be Overly Broad: There are a number of broad economic and demographic variables that are off limits. Variables like GDP, Population, Unemployment, etc. are covered extensively in class and will not make good projects. Narrower variables that have a story to tell are better.

2)Next create a map of your chosen variable like the example below, using Datawrapper. To do this, you will need your data in a Spreadsheet program like Excel or Sheets formatted with each row representing a country and the column representing the year of the data you would like to map. The map below is of the world, but it is possible that for your project a more regional map might be more appropriate (e.g. a map of Europe or Latin America). Note that the map needs to have a legend, title, citation, and appropriate color scheme. If you feel like experimenting and learning by doing, jump on the website and play.

  1. A discussion of the map, which includes:
  2. A brief description of the data itself and where you found it.
  3. A discussion of what the map shows about the variable. Nothing is obvious.

After looking at this map, what do you want the reader to get from it?

  1. A total of 4 citations

Note: This is a point for you to reality-check your project. If while drawing the map, you discover that the data is really spotty, there isn’t really any interesting variation, the variable confuses or bores you, or it just doesn’t make sense for IPE, then now is a good time to change your topic.

Data Assignment

Visualizing Distributions


This assignment is designed to help you to graph your data in order to help make sense of the variable you have chosen for the paper. These visualizations should be a significant part of your final paper project.

What to Do

3) You will create two graphs that provide a visual demonstration of how your variable is distributed across countries, world regions, or time. There are many possible graphs you could draw, and which ones make sense for your project depends on what your variable is and on what your paper will focus. I recommend you do some reading on your topic before you dive into this assignment; the more informed you are about your topic, the easier it will be for you to decide what types of graphs might be the most useful to see. I also, strongly recommend you consider drawing a bunch of different graphs, taking time to look at each one and think about what it means and what other graphs you might draw. The more curious you are about what your data says and the more willing you are to play around the more interesting things you will find. Finding interesting things makes your paper better, makes you better, and is fun.

Data Assignment

Whatever graphs you choose to make, always remember to give them a title, label axes appropriately, make sure they make sense, and try to make the meaning of the graph as clear as possible.

  1. A brief description of the data itself and where you found it.
  2. A discussion of what the graph shows about the variable. Nothing is

obvious. After looking at this graph, what do you want the reader to get from it? If the answer is “nothing,” then you drew a bad graph! Draw another one until you find something interesting to say.

Visualizing Distributions


This assignment is designed to help you think about the relationships between your variable of interest and other variables. These other variables may be related to your variable of interest as important causes, consequences, or comparisons. What the right variables are and how to visualize them will vary by project and is a choice for you to make.

What to Do

4)you will create at least two graphs that provide a visual demonstration of how your variable relates to another variable or set of variables. As with Assignment 3, there are many additional variables you could look at and many more graphs you could draw to look at them. Commonly, this might be a variable that you believe is a cause of your variable. It might also be a variable you think is a consequence of your variable. Sometimes the comparison might be of two variables that are interesting to compare.

Data Assignment

For example, in my remittances work I might look at:

  1. Per Capita GDP and Remittances to see if levels of development shape the levels of remittances.
  2. LevelsofMigrationandRemittancestoseeifremittancesincreaseinsocietieswithhighlevelsof

outward migration.

  1. ForeignAidandRemittancestocomparehowremittances(aninformalformofredistribution

from richer to poorer countries) compares to more formal forms of development assistance. Rather than a causal story, this comparison might help to place remittances into a larger story about ways in which money flows from richer to poorer countries. This might be useful if I am for example looking at the role of migration in offsetting global inequalities.

Whatever graphs you choose to make, always remember to give them a title, label axes appropriately, make sure they make sense and try to make the graph’s meaning as clear as possible. If you are feeling lost, you probably should stop and do some serious reading about your topic. Reading more will make it much easier to identify important variables you could look at and how they might be related to your variable of interest. APA.

April 17, 2024
April 17, 2024

Beauty & wellness Industry Analysis

Multi-Framework Approach

This guideline equips you with a framework for a comprehensive industry analysis for your strategy class semester studies program. You will leverage a combination of strategic frameworks.

Industry Selection:

  • Assigned industry: Beauty and wellness
  • Consider the industry’s relevance to current business trends.

Industry Analysis Frameworks:

  1. Industry Dynamics and Strategy (Hambrick & Fredrickson Diamond):
  • Utilize the Hambrick & Fredrickson Strategy Diamond to delve deeper into industry dynamics:

o          Arena: Define the industry’s boundaries and key competitors.

o          Anchor Customers: Identify the customer segments that drive industry profit pools.

o          Value Creation Chain: Analyze the core activities that create value for customers.

Beauty & wellness Industry Analysis

o          Strategic Positioning: Evaluate how companies compete for advantage within the value creation chain.

o          Context: Consider the broader PESTEL factors influencing these elements.

  1. Internal Resource-Based Advantage (VRIO):
  • Identify a company’s unique resources and capabilities that drive competitive advantage using the VRIO framework:

o          Analyze resources based on Value (scarcity and relevance), Rarity (uniqueness), Imimitability (difficulty of replication), and Organization (effective utilization).

Beauty & wellness Industry Analysis

Data Sources:

  • Industry reports (IBISWorld, Statista)
  • Government websites (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • Market research reports
  • Trade publications and industry news sources
  • Company annual reports and financial statements
  • Business databases (EBSCO, Factiva)

Analysis and Recommendations:

  • Synthesize findings from each framework to present a comprehensive picture of the industry.
  • Identify key trends, opportunities, and threats based on the combined analysis.
  • Recommend strategies for companies operating within the industry, leveraging insights from VRIO and Hambrick & Fredrickson Diamond analysis.

Beauty & wellness Industry Analysis


Summarize the key takeaways from your industry analysis and emphasize its implications for business strategy formulation.

Identify companies to invest in if you determine that there is in fact an investment opportunity.

Additional Tips:

  • Use data visualization tools (charts, graphs) to effectively present your findings.
  • Support your analysis with credible sources and industry references.
  • Use data driven analysis!!!

Benefits of a Multi-Framework Approach:

This approach provides a more nuanced and holistic analysis of an industry:

  • Diamond of Competitive Advantage highlights national or regional advantages. (Consider using Hambrick & Fredrickson Diamond for a more industry-specific perspective)
  • VRIO focuses on a company’s internal resources and capabilities. APA.
April 17, 2024
April 17, 2024

Penhaligon’s Content Marketing Strategy

Module Name: Dynamic Content Marketing

Coursework Title: Penhaligon’s Content Marketing Strategy

BM2230 Dynamic Content Marketing Assessment Breakdown

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Define content marketing under its various forms
  2. Critically evaluate the mix of content creation and distribution tools that make-up content marketing
  3. Organise content marketing campaigns
  4. Develop competitive content marketing strategies

Penhaligon’s Content Marketing Strategy

Penhaligon’s Content Marketing Strategy

Task Details/Description:

The module will introduce students to a range of marketing tools and strategies that enable companies to connect successfully with their customers in the digital age, as well as establish a meaningful, engaging and strong presence online through valuable content. You are going to be required to conduct a comprehensive audit of Penhaligon’s communication strategy utilising tools and methodologies introduced throughout the module. You will produce an individual 2,500-word portfolio report evaluating the impact of the current content strategy implemented by the brand, and also introduce alternative strategic routes which would help the brand build meaningful relationships with their UK consumers and further expand their market share.

Throughout the module, you will be given opportunities to engage directly with the brand’s Business Manager who will be able to provide further insights into the brand and its competitive environment. It is important that you make the most out of these opportunities as the client will be one of the most valuable sources of information on this project.

To do this you’ll need to:

  • Obtain an in-depth understanding of the industry landscape and both micro and macro corporate environment alongside key factors impacting Panhaligon’s advertising strategy.

Penhaligon’s Content Marketing Strategy


  • Set realistic objectives in adherence to data obtained through collaboration with the client’s sales team and audit findings.
  • Evaluate current market conditions in order to fully understand consumer behaviour trends within the industry and select appropriate audience clusters and ultimate customer personas.
  • Develop a clear strategic pathway based on data interpretation and further research findings.
  • Provide a detailed explanation of advertising mechanisms including owned, paid and earned media. Paid ad placements need to be fully unpacked and tackle placement, targeting, and creative components.
  • Measurement plan should accurately showcase how marketing objective KPIs are going to be monitored and measured to prove success.
  • All previous points need to be showcased through taught marketing methodologies and frameworks. All external data must be referenced in adherence to the Harvard referencing format. APA.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

  1. Define Content Marketing under its various forms
  2. Critically evaluate the mix of content creation and distribution tools that make up Content Marketing
  3. Organise Content Marketing campaigns
  4. Develop competitive Content Marketing strategies
April 17, 2024
April 17, 2024

Case Analysis Paper


In reviewing the PLE data, Elizabeth Burke noticed that defects received from suppliers have decreased (worksheet Defects After Delivery). Upon investigation, she learned that in 2010, PLE experienced some quality problems due to an increasing number of defects in materials received from suppliers.

The company instituted an initiative in August 2011 to work with suppliers to reduce these defects, to more closely coordinate deliveries, and to improve materials quality through reengineering supplier production policies. Elizabeth noted that the program appeared to reverse an increasing trend in defects; she would like to predict what might have happened had the supplier initiative not been implemented and how the number of defects might further be reduced in the near future.

In meeting with PLE’s human resources director, Elizabeth also discovered a concern about the high rate of turnover in its field service staff. Senior managers have suggested that the department look closer at its recruiting policies, particularly to try to identify the characteristics of individuals that lead to greater retention. However, in a recent staff meeting, HR managers could not agree on these characteristics.

Case Analysis Paper

Case Analysis Paper

Some argued that years of education and grade point averages were good predictors. Others argued that hiring more mature applicants would lead to greater retention. To study these factors, the staff agreed to conduct a statistical study to determine the effect that years of education, college grade point average, and age when hired have on retention. A sample of 40 field service engineers hired 10 years ago was selected to determine the influence of these variables on how long each individual stayed with the company. Data are compiled in the Employee Retention worksheet.

Finally, as part of its efforts to remain competitive, PLE tries to keep up with the latest in production technology. This is especially important in the highly competitive lawn-mower line, where competitors can gain a real advantage if they develop more cost-effective means of production. The lawn-mower division therefore spends a great deal of effort in testing new technology. When new production technology is introduced, firms often experience learning, resulting in a gradual decrease in the time required to produce successive units. Generally, the rate of improvement declines until the production time levels off. One example is the production of a new design for lawn-mower engines. To determine the time required to produce these engines, PLE produced 50 units on its production line; test results are given on the worksheet Engines in the database. Because PLE is continually developing new technology, understanding the rate of learning can be useful in estimating future production costs without having to run extensive prototype trials, and Elizabeth would like a better handle on this.

Case Analysis Paper


Use techniques of regression analysis to assist her in evaluating the data in these three worksheets and reaching useful conclusions.

Summarize your work in a formal report with all appropriate results and analyses.

An important part of planning manufacturing capacity is having a good forecast of sales. Elizabeth Burke is interested in forecasting sales of mowers and tractors in each marketing region as well as industry sales to assess future changes in market share.

She also wants to forecast future increases in production costs. Develop forecasting models for these data and prepare a report of your results with appropriate charts and output from Excel. APA.

April 17, 2024
April 17, 2024

Supplier Selection

Supplier selection is among the most critical in managing supply chains. Our discussion will guide us in developing tools which monitor the financial health of a supplier. Our text discusses the Z score in Chap 6. What does the Z score do? Please conduct some Internet research and support your comments with a brief overview of supplier bankruptcies in the news. Were there red flags that were not seen before a supplier went out of business?

While supplier risk is often the most concerning, what about demand risk or process risk? Consider examples of demand risk on Table 7.2 and process risks on Table 7.3. Select at least two, but no more than three examples from each and offer your perspectives on ways to mitigate their negative impact.

Supplier Selection

Supplier Selection

Supplier selection is among the most critical in managing supply chains. Our discussion will guide us in developing tools which monitor the financial health of a supplier. Our text discusses the Z score in Chap 6. What does the Z score do? Please conduct some Internet research and support your comments with a brief overview of supplier bankruptcies in the news. Were there red flags that were not seen before a supplier went out of business?

While supplier risk is often the most concerning, what about demand risk or process risk? Consider examples of demand risk on Table 7.2 and process risks on Table 7.3. Select at least two, but no more than three examples from each and offer your perspectives on ways to mitigate their negative impact.

Supplier Selection

Supplier selection is among the most critical in managing supply chains. Our discussion will guide us in developing tools which monitor the financial health of a supplier. Our text discusses the Z score in Chap 6. What does the Z score do? Please conduct some Internet research and support your comments with a brief overview of supplier bankruptcies in the news. Were there red flags that were not seen before a supplier went out of business?

While supplier risk is often the most concerning, what about demand risk or process risk? Consider examples of demand risk on Table 7.2 and process risks on Table 7.3. Select at least two, but no more than three examples from each and offer your perspectives on ways to mitigate their negative impact. APA.

April 17, 2024
April 17, 2024

Goods & Services

Describe the good. What are its main characteristics?

What are some of the substitutes and complements for the good?

Indicate whether the good is a normal good or an inferior good. Explain the reasons for your choice.

Identify and describe the main nonprice factors that could cause an increase or decrease in the demand for the good or service.

Identity and describe the main nonprice factors that could cause an increase or decrease in the supply of the good or service.

Explain how a change in demand affects the equilibrium price and quantity of the good or service.

Explain how a change in supply affects the equilibrium price and quantity of the good or service.

Based on your research of the good or service, what do you expect to happen to the demand for it over the next five years?

Based on your research of the good or service, what do you expect to happen to the supply of the good or service over the next five years?

Goods & Services

Goods & Services

Describe the good. What are its main characteristics?

What are some of the substitutes and complements for the good?

Indicate whether the good is a normal good or an inferior good. Explain the reasons for your choice.

Identify and describe the main nonprice factors that could cause an increase or decrease in the demand for the good or service.

Identity and describe the main nonprice factors that could cause an increase or decrease in the supply of the good or service.

Explain how a change in demand affects the equilibrium price and quantity of the good or service.

Explain how a change in supply affects the equilibrium price and quantity of the good or service.

Based on your research of the good or service, what do you expect to happen to the demand for it over the next five years?

Based on your research of the good or service, what do you expect to happen to the supply of the good or service over the next five years? APA Referencing Style.