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April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

Servant Leadership

Discuss the implications that servant leadership, entrepreneurship, ethics, and free market principles have had on the industry you have identified. Assuming your future career will be carried out in this industry, include a discussion of how to integrate these principles into your vision for your career once you have completed your master’s degree.

How will these concepts be integrated and impact your business practice in the future?

How will these concepts enable you to contribute to the greater social good in your industry and within the community?

Support your response with peer-reviewed journal articles. Each section (excluding the introduction and conclusion) should have supporting in-text citations from at least one peer-reviewed journal article published within five years.

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership

Discuss the implications that servant leadership, entrepreneurship, ethics, and free market principles have had on the industry you have identified. Assuming your future career will be carried out in this industry, include a discussion of how to integrate these principles into your vision for your career once you have completed your master’s degree.

How will these concepts be integrated and impact your business practice in the future?

How will these concepts enable you to contribute to the greater social good in your industry and within the community?

Support your response with peer-reviewed journal articles. Each section (excluding the introduction and conclusion) should have supporting in-text citations from at least one peer-reviewed journal article published within five years.

Servant Leadership

Discuss the implications that servant leadership, entrepreneurship, ethics, and free market principles have had on the industry you have identified. Assuming your future career will be carried out in this industry, include a discussion of how to integrate these principles into your vision for your career once you have completed your master’s degree.

How will these concepts be integrated and impact your business practice in the future?

How will these concepts enable you to contribute to the greater social good in your industry and within the community?

Support your response with peer-reviewed journal articles. Each section (excluding the introduction and conclusion) should have supporting in-text citations from at least one peer-reviewed journal article published within five years. APA.

April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

Nurse Reflection Assignment

How has your vision of nursing changed in this semester? Some things you can discuss are: (these are just to help you think and get started), history formation of nursing to now, learning of new skills and methods of thinking, new language of the nursing process, etc. Personalize this section and also reference theory.

What has been a personal change you have seen in yourself this semester? Would you consider it a good change or not? If you have seen growth, describe it and discuss the impact this will have for you next semester. Now that you have started the process of nursing education, have you started to identify the rationale for critical thinking in your education? Why or why not and how do you support the need for critical thinking in nursing?

Lastly, please summarize your plan for success in your next semester. Use correct APA format and spelling/grammar also.

Nurse Reflection Assignment

Nurse Reflection Assignment

How has your vision of nursing changed in this semester? Some things you can discuss are: (these are just to help you think and get started), history formation of nursing to now, learning of new skills and methods of thinking, new language of the nursing process, etc. Personalize this section and also reference theory.

What has been a personal change you have seen in yourself this semester? Would you consider it a good change or not? If you have seen growth, describe it and discuss the impact this will have for you next semester. Now that you have started the process of nursing education, have you started to identify the rationale for critical thinking in your education? Why or why not and how do you support the need for critical thinking in nursing?

Lastly, please summarize your plan for success in your next semester. Use correct APA format and spelling/grammar also.

Nurse Reflection Assignment

How has your vision of nursing changed in this semester? Some things you can discuss are: (these are just to help you think and get started), history formation of nursing to now, learning of new skills and methods of thinking, new language of the nursing process, etc. Personalize this section and also reference theory.

What has been a personal change you have seen in yourself this semester? Would you consider it a good change or not? If you have seen growth, describe it and discuss the impact this will have for you next semester. Now that you have started the process of nursing education, have you started to identify the rationale for critical thinking in your education? Why or why not and how do you support the need for critical thinking in nursing?

Lastly, please summarize your plan for success in your next semester. Use correct APA format and spelling/grammar also. APA.

April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

Mental Health Paper

Your third paper which is also your final exam will be on a Mental Health disorder such as Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, Personality Disorder, or PTSD. (NOTE: These are not the only disorders.  Please do some research and locate others that might interest you).  If you are struggling to choose a topic, please contact me as soon as possible and we will discuss options for you.  The sooner the better.

For this paper, please address the following:

  1. What is your mental health disorder? (Why have you chosen this topic)?
  2. What are the characteristics (Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical)?
  3. What are the treatment options for this disorder? (Refer to chapter 14 in your text)
  4. How has learning about this psychological disorder changed your personal perceptions of those who suffer from them on a daily basis? (What is your overall takeaway from writing this paper)?

Mental Health Paper

Mental Health Paper 

Other considerations for the paper: How does having a mental illness affect family, friends, romantic relationships, employment, etc.? Consider factors outside of the box. More discussion to come on this topic.

  The expectations for this paper are:

7-10 pages

A minimum of 3 sources: your textbook is optional

12-point Times New Roman font

1” margins and double spaced

APA or MLA style (As a reference, you may want to refer to the CSN Library)

Mental Health Paper

Your third paper which is also your final exam will be on a Mental Health disorder such as Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, Personality Disorder, or PTSD. (NOTE: These are not the only disorders.  Please do some research and locate others that might interest you).  If you are struggling to choose a topic, please contact me as soon as possible and we will discuss options for you.  The sooner the better. APA.

For this paper, please address the following:

  1. What is your mental health disorder? (Why have you chosen this topic)?
  2. What are the characteristics (Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical)?
  3. What are the treatment options for this disorder? (Refer to chapter 14 in your text)
  4. How has learning about this psychological disorder changed your personal perceptions of those who suffer from them on a daily basis? (What is your overall takeaway from writing this paper)?
April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

Sports Psychology Task

Task: Report & Presentation:

An oral assessment which consists of a verbal demonstration of learning based on specific research results identified on a topic area. The oral assessment is prepared outside class hours and part of independent learning and uses appropriate concepts and theories from the course.

Report (Check the Template attached) + PPT (10 minute Power point presentation summarizing the work).


1) Rehabilitation: Maria, Olympic Gimnast, suffered a knee injury during competition that required a 6-month rehabilitation period. However, during that period, Maria struggles with staying motivated and committed, eating a lot and with sleeping issues, Maria feels alone and with no expectation of getting back to competition at the same level after the injury.

Sports Psychology Task

Sports Psychology Task

Table of Contents (see Template)

  1. Summary of the Chosen Case & Analysis of the Athlete
  2. Literature Review (1-3 Academic Papers)
  3. Strategic Approach
  4. Expected Outcomes/Results
  5. References
  6. Appendix – Conclusions & Personal Reflection
  • Format: Submit your analysis as a PDF document.
  • Word Count: 1000 – 1500 words.
  • Font: Arial 11 pts.
  • Text Alignment: Justified.
  • Citations and References: Use Harvard referencing style with a minimum of five academic research papers.
  • Presentation: 10 minutes

The assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:

  • Apply the major concepts, theories and strategies used in sport psychology.
  • Critically assess the influence of psychological factors on the behaviour, performance, and level of participation of both individuals and groups in sports.
  • Explore a range of psychological issues that occur for athletes in sport settings

    Sports Psychology Task

    Task: Report & Presentation:

    An oral assessment which consists of a verbal demonstration of learning based on specific research results identified on a topic area. The oral assessment is prepared outside class hours and part of independent learning and uses appropriate concepts and theories from the course.

    Report (Check the Template attached) + PPT (10 minute Power point presentation summarizing the work).


    1) Rehabilitation: Maria, Olympic Gimnast, suffered a knee injury during competition that required a 6-month rehabilitation period. However, during that period, Maria struggles with staying motivated and committed, eating a lot and with sleeping issues, Maria feels alone and with no expectation of getting back to competition at the same level after the injury.  APA.

April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

MBUS106 Assessment 3 Presentation

What works in one culture does not necessarily work in another.

Task [4 marks]

In small groups students are to give a presentation of approximately 15 minutes per group. Students are encouraged to be creative in how they design and deliver their presentation Each group member must present a section or sections of the presentation.

The group will need to collaborate and meet regularly in order to discuss and reflect on their experiences, and equally contribute to planning, producing and presenting the assessment.

At least two relevant and appropriate academic sources must be used and correctly referenced in the-text and in a reference list at the end.

MBUS106 Assessment 3 Presentation

Content [14 marks]

Each group is to construct a presentation which will include:

  • a definition of culture,[ in-text reference required]
  • a brief description of their culture of origin , and
  • the main characteristics of this culture that influence communication styles.

For example: gestures, eye communication, artifactual communication- symbols of culture, power distances and proxemics, chronemics and interpersonal time, individualism and collectivism, can be explored in the presentation.

MBUS106 Assessment 3 Presentation

Conclusion [7 marks]

Additionally, the presentation will explore the differences and /or similarities between communicating in their culture of origin and their experience of

communicating in Australian culture and conclude with a: description of the experience of acculturalisation, and any communication barriers students

may have encountered, and the strategies they developed to ensure positive interpersonal intracultural communication.

Please note: All Artificial Intelligence tools are banned in this assessment task this includes ChatGPT, Grammarly, QuillBot, and any other forms of AI

MBUS106 Assessment 3 Presentation



Does the presentation show evidence of collaboration? [1 Marks]

Were the students well prepared? [1 Mark]

Is the presentation visually creative and appealing? [1 Marks]

Did the presentation stay within the time limits set? [1 Mark]

Did the students present an informed description of culture? [2 Mark]

Did the students present a brief description of their culture of origin? [2 Mark]

Did the students present the main characteristics of this culture that influence communication styles [8 Marks]

Did the students present an informed description of the differences and /or similarities between communicating in their culture of origin and their experience of communicating in Australian culture? [2 Marks]


Did students describe their experience of acculturalisation? [2 Marks]

Did students identify barriers to successful communication? [2 Marks]

Did students describe strategies they developed to ensure positive interpersonal

intracultural communication? [2 Marks]

Have at least two academic sources been used and referenced correctly? [1 Marks]. APA.

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

When the Devil Knocks


Watch Documentary: When the Devil Knocks

You will need a Centennial College library account to view this video through the Centennial College Library.

If you do not have an active account then just email the library and they will activate it for you. It is a quick and easy process.

Link to Film: When The Devil Knocks-44min updated opens in new window

Note: this will not be auto graded in the system, results will be posted once graded by faculty.

When the Devil Knocks

When the Devil Knocks documents the healing journey of one woman and her recovery from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Hilary Stanton, is the subject of When the Devil Knocks. On October 13th 2012, the feature length version of film (90 minutes) was premiered at the Vancouver International Film Festival and received a standing ovation by the sold-out audience, giving Hilary the recognition she so deserved. Hilary modestly said during the question and answer period, that if one person could be helped by her film, it was worth it.

When the Devil Knocks

Film Questions:

Here are the questions about the content of this documentary (you must complete them in the quiz section of the course in order for them to be graded):

How does Hilary describe the function of alternate personalities? (1 mark)

How does the therapist (Cheryl Malmo) describe the function of the alternate personalities? (2 marks)

How did Cheryl (therapist) approach the alternate personalities? (1 mark)

Hilary reports that all of her alters stay stuck in the time they were created, still trying to fulfill the roles they were created for. How does this complicate her recovery? (1 mark)

How does the therapist describe the techniques that are intended to bring the “alters” into consciousness? (3 marks)

What is Hilary’s fear about integration? (1 mark)

Now that she is integrated, what are the changes that Hilary describes for her life? (1 mark)

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

Project 3 Public Communication

From Units 1-11, you analyzed and evaluated a source. For your final project units 11-13, you will give your opinion on the issue/topic from Project 2.

Unit 12: Opinion Piece

How do editorials, op-eds, and columns differ as public communication formats? (100 words)

Which format of public communication do you prefer, and why?

Highlight the public communication piece you will write: Editorial, Op-ed, or Column.

State your topic, your thesis, and your support.

What is the debatable question you would like to answer? Turn that question into a statement and give three reasons to support your thesis.

Project 3 Public Communication

Issue: Foodbanks

Question: Should the government provide more funding to Canadian food banks?

Thesis Statement: The government needs to provide more funding to Canadian food banks because of inflation, low wages, and the high cost of food.

Reasons: inflation, low wages, high cost of food.

Project 3 Public Communication

List Sources 1-3 sources. Find a few sources you used to find information about your topic. You can use the same sources from Project 2 if you wish.

What types of Rhetorical Appeals will you use to capture the attention of your audience? (Logical, emotional, and ethical)

Write the Opinion Piece

Outline (point form)

Draft 350 words

Final written piece (Graded)

Project 3 Public Communication

Unit 13: Presenting

Analyze the digital presentation: How Books Can Open Your Mind by Lisa Bu


What did Lisa do in her opening to engage the audience?

How did she close her presentation?

What other techniques did you notice about her presentation that was engaging?

What are two delivery techniques Lisa used in her presentation?

Project 3 Public Communication

At the end of Unit 13:

Upload this completed file and your audio or audio/video presentation in the Project 3 Public Communication assignment folder.  Remember to ensure that you present in a manner that is according to your type of opinion piece. For example, you can take on that tone and voice since the columns are informal and casual. Editorials are more formal, so you may want to take on a more serious manner (similar to news broadcasters). APA.

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

Individual Leadership Report

Students are required to provide a report based on their experience that draws on the theoretical as well as practical underpinnings of Leadership in the 21st Century. Students learn to identify two examples of leaders from real life and analyse their leadership style. Determine knowledge of key leadership theories as they relate to their leadership style, thus gaining knowledge through experience-based learning. Student then relate to the leadership of these two selected leaders from the real world and apply a range of leadership theories to analyse and communicate leadership practice in diverse organizational context. Also, students need to explain the importance of context through the application of leadership theories. Using recent relevant leadership examples, students will be required to prepare a structured report in response to a series of questions related to the application of modern leadership theory.

Individual Leadership Report

Individual Leadership Report


This process develops relevant skills, contemporary knowledge, and real-life experience, by asking students to investigate other leaders’ ,their leadership skills & competencies and apply a range of leadership theories to analyse and communicate leadership

Learning Outcome Assessed:

  1. a) Demonstrate knowledge of key leadership theories as they relate to organisations.
  2. b) Apply a range of leadership theories to analyse and communicate leadership practice in diverse organizational contexts
  3. d) Explain the importance of context through the application of leadership theories

Assessment Details

Students should seek to comment on the leadership styles of examples of two leaders and managers from real world, (No political leaders or Top world leaders to be chosen) which seem to illustrate the matters discussed below:

Use academic sources to support your ideas and use your previous “Leader example” to explain and discuss these competencies.

Individual Leadership Report

III. Marking Criteria

Students will be assessed as follows, each equally important:

  • An understanding of concepts, knowledge and theories.
  • Ability to link concepts to examples and real-life experiences; two examples of leaders from real life.
  • Expert-level judgement of leadership skills and abilities of the selected leaders. Note this is a subjective topic, students should display evidence of high-level perceptive skills.
  • Well-expressed, comprehendible language.
  1. Submission Requirements

The following points need to be taken into account.

  1. Entries must be uploaded before 11:59 pm Monday Week 13 in the relevant week.
  2. Entries must be submitted using the relevant Moodle submission link. This is the Final Assessment. APA.