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April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Family Life Education

Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course (adult learning theory).  Explain how you will apply theories and ideas that you have learned.  Provide concrete examples from your current or future position.

Family Life Education takes place place in a number of different settings. Choose two or three FLE settings of interest to you and then discuss the characteristics of these settings. Think about some of the challenges that you believe might come up when providing FLE programming in the settings you have chosen. Discuss these challenges but do not just list the challenges noted  in our textbook. Come up with some of your own ideas and tells us why you believe these might be an issue. Think outside of the box. Support your discussion.

Family Life Education

Family Life Education

Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course (adult learning theory).  Explain how you will apply theories and ideas that you have learned.  Provide concrete examples from your current or future position.

Family Life Education takes place place in a number of different settings. Choose two or three FLE settings of interest to you and then discuss the characteristics of these settings. Think about some of the challenges that you believe might come up when providing FLE programming in the settings you have chosen. Discuss these challenges but do not just list the challenges noted  in our textbook. Come up with some of your own ideas and tells us why you believe these might be an issue. Think outside of the box. Support your discussion.

Family Life Education

Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course (adult learning theory).  Explain how you will apply theories and ideas that you have learned.  Provide concrete examples from your current or future position.

Family Life Education takes place place in a number of different settings. Choose two or three FLE settings of interest to you and then discuss the characteristics of these settings. Think about some of the challenges that you believe might come up when providing FLE programming in the settings you have chosen. Discuss these challenges but do not just list the challenges noted  in our textbook. Come up with some of your own ideas and tells us why you believe these might be an issue. Think outside of the box. Support your discussion. APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Risk Management Plan Outline

For the first part of the assigned project, you will create a partial draft of the risk management plan. To do so, follow these steps:

Research risk management plans.

Create an outline for a basic risk management plan with anticipated section headings (as indicated in this numbered list). This plan will include a qualitative risk assessment, which is addressed later in the project.

Risk Management Plan Outline

Write an introduction to the plan by explaining its purpose and importance.

Define the scope and boundaries of the plan.

Research and summarize compliance laws and regulations that pertain to the organization. Keep track of sources you use for citation purposes.

Identify the key roles and responsibilities of individuals and departments within the organization as they pertain to risk management.

Develop a proposed schedule for the risk management planning process.

Create a draft risk management plan detailing the information above. Format the plan similar to a professional business report and cite any sources you used.

Submission Requirements

Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

Citation style: Your school’s preferred style guide

Estimated length: 4–6 pages

Risk Management Plan Outline

For the first part of the assigned project, you will create a partial draft of the risk management plan. To do so, follow these steps:

Research risk management plans.

Create an outline for a basic risk management plan with anticipated section headings (as indicated in this numbered list). This plan will include a qualitative risk assessment, which is addressed later in the project.

Write an introduction to the plan by explaining its purpose and importance.

Define the scope and boundaries of the plan.

Research and summarize compliance laws and regulations that pertain to the organization. Keep track of sources you use for citation purposes.

Identify the key roles and responsibilities of individuals and departments within the organization as they pertain to risk management.

Develop a proposed schedule for the risk management planning process.  APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

WEEK7 – General Chemistry I

Respond to the following in a minimum of 230 words in APA format. No reference is needed.

Choose at least 2 terms from the list, and answer the following questions for each term:

This week, consider the following terms:

WEEK7 - General Chemistry I

  • Absolute zero
  • Atmosphere
  • Barometer
  • Diffusion
  • Pressure
  • Calorie
  • Energy
  • Enthalpy
  • Heat
  • System
  • Work

WEEK7 – General Chemistry I

What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term? What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word? What does the term mean in technical language to chemists? How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Represent and quantify chemical reactions at the atomic level? What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term? What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course?

What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term? What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word? What does the term mean in technical language to chemists? How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Represent and quantify chemical reactions at the atomic level? What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term? What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course?

WEEK7 – General Chemistry I

What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term? What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word? What does the term mean in technical language to chemists? How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Represent and quantify chemical reactions at the atomic level? What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term? What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course? APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Integumentary Function:

K.B. is a 40-year-old white female with a 5-year history of psoriasis. She has scheduled an appointment with her dermatologist due to another relapse of psoriasis. This is her third flare-up since a definitive diagnosis was made. This outbreak of plaque psoriasis is generalized and involves large regions on the arms, legs, elbows, knees, abdomen, scalp, and groin. K.B. was diagnosed with limited plaque-type psoriasis at age 35 and initially responded well to topical treatment with high-potency corticosteroids. She has been in remission for 18 months. Until now, lesions have been confined to small regions on the elbows and lower legs.

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Case Study Questions

Name the most common triggers for psoriasis and explain the different clinical types. There are several types of treatments for psoriasis, explain the different types and indicate which would be the most appropriate approach to treat this relapse episode for K.B. Also include non-pharmacological options and recommendations.

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Included in question 2

A medication review and reconciliation are always important in all patient, describe and specify why in this particular case is important to know what medications the patient is taking?

What others manifestation could present a patient with Psoriasis?

Sensory Function:

C.J. is a 27-year-old male who started to present crusty and yellowish discharged on his eyes 24 hours ago. At the beginning he thought that washing his eyes vigorously the discharge will go away but by the contrary increased producing a blurry vision specially in the morning. Once he clears his eyes of the sticky discharge her visual acuity was normal again. Also, he has been feeling throbbing pain on his left ear. His eyes became red today, so he decided to consult to get evaluated. On his physical assessment you found a yellowish discharge and bilateral conjunctival erythema. His throat and lungs are normal, his left ear canal is within normal limits, but the tympanic membrane is opaque, bulging and red.

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Case Study Questions

Based on the clinical manifestations presented on the case above, which would be your eyes diagnosis for C.J. Please name why you get to this diagnosis and document your rational.

With no further information would you be able to name the probable etiology of the eye affection presented? Viral, bacterial, allergic, gonococcal, trachoma. Why and why not.

Based on your answer to the previous question regarding the etiology of the eye affection, which would be the best therapeutic approach to C.J problem.

Submission Instructions:

You Must complete both case studies when there are more than one.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formattedusing the questions or a phrase that summarize the question as heading. This should be bold and centered and responses to each question under the heading. You must cite in current APA style with support from at least 4 academic sources within the last 5 years.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Pharm Cases Week 8

Please make sure to do all 4 scenarios.  Also, the assignment needs to be 8 pages or less, not including title and reference page.  If it is longer than this it will not be corrected.


For each of the scenarios below, answer the questions below using clinical practice guideline where applicable. Explain the problem and explain how you would
address the problem. If prescribing a new drug, write out a complete medication order
just as you would if you were completing a prescription. Use at least 3 sources for each
scenario and cite sources using APA format.

Pharm Cases Week 8

Pharm Cases Week 8

Scenario One

Jamie is a 38-year-old homeless bipolar patient that is diagnosed with an acute psychotic episode. He tells you that he has been on lithium for years and was recently started on amitriptyline (Elavil) 25mg po TID by someone at a free clinic. What treatment plan would you develop to Jamie? Would you discontinue any medications? What medications would you add?

Scenario Two

A 68-year-old woman has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and has been taking nabumetone (Relafen) 1000 mg po qd for 2 years. Other pertinent past medical history includes: occasional incontinence, Crohn’s disease with frequent exacerbations, and well-controlled diabetes type 2. Recently, her arthritis pain has been much worse and she is requesting additional medication for her rheumatoid arthritis. What would be appropriate additional therapy for this patient? What monitoring would be appropriate to monitor this medication? What monitoring would be appropriate to monitor this medication?

Pharm Cases Week 8

Scenario Three

Sheila is a 26-year-old with history of head injury and tonic clonic seizures. She is seen today with complaints of “funny” eye movements, feeling uncoordinated, blurred vision, and feeling lethargic. Her current medications include Ritalin 10 mg po BID, Dilantin 300 mg po BID, Paxil 20 mg po daily, Lasix 20 po daily Lab Values from today Dilantin level of 11 Albumin 2 WBC 9.9 Plt 177 Na 141 K 4.2 Hg 13.2. What do you think is causing the patient’s symptoms? What lab values and calculated corrected medication level support your diagnosis? What is your treatment plan for this patient?

Scenario Four

Xavi is a 44-year-old man with complaints of low back pain following a motor vehicle accident. The accident occurred 7 days ago. He rates his pain 8 out of 10. He was prescribed Lortab 5 / 325 in the ER last week. He is requesting a refill of the Lortab today and indicates it just barely makes him comfortable. What treatment plan would you implement for Xavi? What medications would you prescribe and how would you monitor them? What education would you provide regarding his treatment plan?

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

ACCT4352 Accounting Research Project

In this exercise, you are going to download the 10-K annual report for the most recent year of either MCDONALDS CORP or YUM BRANDS INC from the SEC EDGAR database, read review the reported and find relevant information to answer a few questions. You can write your own answers or simply cut and paste when feasible.

The Accounting Research Project is due by final exam date and should be submitted on Blackboard course page at the “Exam and Project” menu–>”Accounting Research Project”.

The link to the EDGAR database is http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/webusers.htm

You can click on search company by company or fund name, and type in the company name. You can download the 10-K annual report for the most recent year of either MCDONALDS CORP or YUM BRANDS INC.  

ACCT4352 Accounting Research Project

ACCT4352 Accounting Research Project


  1. What business does the company do?
  2. In which state is this company headquartered and what is its IRS employer ID number?
  3. On what date did the company file its most recent year 10-K with SEC?
  4. What are the issues the company discusses in its critical accounting policies?
  5. What are the names of the risk the company mentions in its Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Financial and Market Risk?
  6. What is the company’s total assets, sales revenues, and net income for the most recent year?
  7. Who is the company’s auditor and what opinions did the auditor issue for financial statement and internal control over financial reporting?
  8. How many segments and what are the names of the segments the company discloses in its 10-K?
  9. What types of contingencies does the company discuss in its 10-K?
  10. What are the names and titles of the persons who have signed the company’s most recent year 10-K?

ACCT4352 Accounting Research Project

You can click on search company by company or fund name, and type in the company name. You can download the 10-K annual report for the most recent year of either MCDONALDS CORP or YUM BRANDS INC. APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Assessment 2 Evidenced-Based Analysis

2nd Assessment is an individual written essay – 2,000 words (+/- 10% allowed)

This is a traditional essay assignment with 2000 words, which will worth 60% of the overall module mark. Due to the highly contemporary nature of the module, the syllabus and its emphasis can change from year to year. The students are expected to demonstrate both theoretical and practical knowledge while answering the question. Students are expected to develop a greater understanding of the subject by continued and extensive reading using a range of sources while getting prepared for the assessment. It will not be sufficient to rely on material given in lectures only. Instead, the student should develop an awareness of diverse opinions, theoretical frameworks, and practical examples.

Assessment 2 Evidenced-Based Analysis

Assessment 2 Evidenced-Based Analysis

This is an individual essay assignment that must be submitted online before the submission deadline. The questions are based on the taught material throughout the academic year. Please follow all instructions carefully.

  • You must choose only one question out of four.
  • You must prepare your answer in a single word document so that it can be submitted as a single document via Turnitin.
  • Word limit is 2000 words (+/- 10%) excluding references
  • Please, name the document as “CORP3543 – Pnumber”
  • You must submit your essay via Turnitin on or before Friday 10th May 2024, 12:00 PM (Noon) UK Time
  • You may submit your answers at any time up to the submission time.
  • You are allowed to resubmit once you have uploaded a document.

Question 1: What are the contemporary challenges and trends reshaping the retail industry?

Indicative Answer: Students are expected to explain the essence of retail, consumer behaviour, customer service and satisfaction, and some elements of marketing. They also need to clarify how digitalisation changes the shape of retail as well as consumer behaviour and expectations. Emphasis should be given to the discussion of contemporary customers’ expectations and link them to the theories of sharing economy and experience economics, which companies should take into account and adjust their business strategies accordingly. Students must provide a specific case study example(s) in their discussion: e.g., John Lewis, Thomas Cook, Deliveroo.

Assessment 2 Evidenced-Based Analysis

Question 2: Has the COVID19 pandemic disrupted the landscape of standard supply chain management concept and how?

Indicative Answer: Students must discuss the standard theories and models of the supply chain and lean management. They are also expected to examine how current pandemic challenges these existing models and debate whether businesses (and scholars) should rethink them. Specific emphasis should be given to a particular case study example of the industry sector: for instance, car manufacturing (e.g., VW, Toyota), clothing (textile) industry (e.g., Nike), technology production (e.g., HP), maritime transportation, etc. Students must demonstrate the ability to apply theories in their discussion of real-life examples.

Question 3: Mission impossible? What are the motivating factors and challenges to businesses being sustainable and how effective are contemporary sustainability strategies?

Indicative answer: Students must discuss some of the motivating factors to business being sustainable (such as consumer/NGO pressure, legislation, SDGs, climate change and threats to long-term business survival as a result of inaction) as well as the challenges to businesses being sustainable (e.g., cost, consumer apathy, shareholders, weak legislation, ‘unreachable’ parts of the supply chain etc.) Students must also discuss the effectiveness of sustainability strategies such as making changes to supply chain or manufacturing practices, adopting the SDGs or a certification system (such as ISO26000, Fairtrade etc.) and how effectiveness can be ascertained/measured. The analysis must include real-life case study examples and practical recommendations for businesses.

Assessment 2 Evidenced-Based Analysis

Question 4: Critically discuss the challenges and opportunities for businesses within Industry 4.0.

Indicative Answer: Students must assess and debate the changing landscape of the world economies and the impact of technologies on the labour market. Good answers should include the critical discussion of how digitalisation has created new types of jobs and now requires new skills of potential employees. Students should also provide how digitalisation influenced other spheres of doing business and how technologies are being implemented there: supply- chain, sales, customers service, and public, private sectors, in general. Students must provide a specific case study example(s) in their discussion by examining a particular industry sector or a company: e.g., financial industry, deliveries (e.g., Deliveroo), or streaming services (Netflix vs Blockbuster).

Introduction (200-250 words)

  • Introduction into the topic
  • Problem statement / background of the problem / Relevance
  • Research aims and objectives

Assessment 2 Evidenced-Based Analysis

Theoretical discussion of the topic (750-800 words)

  • Discuss relevant theoretical frameworks and models related to your case study problem: for example, retail, digitalization, consumer behavior, international trade theories, regional integration, agency theory, stakeholder theory, supply chain and lean management, etc.
  • This is a literature review section; hence, the use of academic sources is compulsory.

Example / Case study (750-800 words)

  • Students must provide a specific case study example(s) in their discussion by examining a particular company or an industry sector.
  • Students must demonstrate the ability to apply theories in their discussion to the real-life examples.
  • Demonstration of the figures, graphs, and tables with secondary data will be beneficial. APA.

Conclusion (200-250 words)

  • Provide a summary of your work

•          Cover the key findings and points as the result of your work

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Hip Hop’s Not Dead

“Hip hop is not dead, but it is gravely ill” (ix).

“For the wider audience in America, which relies on mainstream outlets for learning about and participating in commercially distributed pop cluture, hip hop has become a breeding ground for the most exploitive and increasingly one-dimensional narratives of black ghetto life. The gangsta life and all its attendant violence, sexual ‘deviance,’ and misogyny have, over the last decade especially, stood at the heart of what appeared to be ever-increasing hip hop record sales” (3).

Hip Hop’s Not Dead

“On the one hand, the increased profitability of the gangsta-pimp-ho trinity has inflamed already riled critics who perceive hip hop as the cause of many social ills; but, on the other, it has encouraged embattled defenders to tout hip hop’s organic connection to black youth and to venerate its market success as examples of pulling oneself up by the bootstraps. The hyperbolic and polarized public conversation about hip hop that has emerged over the past decade discourages progressive and nuanced consumption, participation, and critique, thereby contributing to the very crisis that is facing hip hop” (5).

Hip Hop’s Not Dead

“In fact, many conservative critics of hip hop refuse to acknowledge that the ghetto is a systematic matrix of racial, spatial, and class discrimination that has defined black city life since the first half of the twentieth century, when the Great Black Migration dramatically reshaped America’s cities” (5).

“What do fans, artists, and writers mean when they defend an escalating, highly visible, and extensive form of misogyny against black women by claiming that there are bitches and hoes? And how have they gotten away with this level of hateful labeling of black women for so long?” (6).

“The big media outlets that shape this conversation, such as Time/Warner, News Corporation, Bertelsmann, General Electric, and Viacom, do not frame hip hop’s stories in ways that allow for a serious treatment of sexism, racism, corporate power, and the real historical forces that have created the ghettos. When well-informed, progressive people do get invited to appear on news or public affairs programs, they wind up being pushed into either ‘pro’ or ‘con’ positions—and as a result, the complexity of what they have to say to one side or the other is reduced” (6).

Hip Hop’s Not Dead

“In particular, I am interested in a strategy that emphasizes the ability to experience some kinds of critique as a central part of the love ethic” (272).


Write a small paragraph reflecting the previous article then in a second paragraph answer the following questions:

  • How do you view the intersections of jazz and African American experience? Drawing upon connections that you see between African American writings and the music and life experiences of African American jazz artists.

•          Discuss people like Miles Davis, Gil Evans, Chick Core, Joe Zawinul, Michelle Alexander, Tricia Rose (Black noise), Jelly Roll, Bell Hooks, Toni Morrison, James Baldwin and Dizzy Gillespies. APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Managing International Business Issues

Write a 3,500 word essay on how contemporary international firms practice the following international management functions: political risk management, ethical behaviour, and human resource management. See essay structure/content section below for specifics. The central purpose of your essay is explaining and discussing the above international management functions. However, you must also identify:

Any relationships or connections between the functions (ethics, political risk management and HR management)

Any changes or new patterns of corporate behaviour that have emerged in each of these areas.

The essay should include relevant academic literature/research in support.

Managing International Business Issues

Managing International Business Issues

This means your explanations and discussions have to be supported with citations and/or quotes. Although you will be able to identify relevant studies in the reference list in the lecture slides, you are strongly advised to identify and collect other studies through own research efforts on google scholar and/or through the e-journal portals within library gate (such as pro-quest, emerald, business source complete).

But you should further support your discussion with recent corporate examples (from the last three years).

Use brief vignettes of corporate examples, and not to overboard the essay with examples.

Please ensure your examples are relevant to the argument (s) you are making and are sourced/referenced.

Managing International Business Issues

Required Essay Structure and Content

  • Introduction (between 150 and 200 words)
  • Main section:

The main thrust of the essay should include a discussion on the following topics:

  1. Explain and contrast the strategies to manage international political risk.
  2. Explain and contrast the purpose and implications of two ethical theories for managing ethics within international business.
  3. Explain and contrast the various approaches to staffing (including the ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric staffing models, and the choice of women managers).

The space afforded to A, B and C should be fairly balanced but does not have to be exact. APA.

Conclusion (between 150 and 200 words)