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April 26, 2024
April 26, 2024

Promoting Health & Preventing Illness

This is a 2000-word essay.

For this essay you will be creating your own ‘pick and mix’ case mix from the various options offered below.

To start you off, here are a few pointers to introduce the case scenario:

David is a 50-year-old Caucasian male who is married and lives with his wife and 4 children in a second floor flat in a deprived area in the North of England. He was fostered as a child this caused him to experience issues such as anxiety and depression. He works as a cleaner in a night club and has limited education.

David was recently diagnosed with heart disease. He eats unhealthy food, is overweight with a BMI of 38, smokes 20 cigarettes, drinks alcohol 20 units per week and does minimum exercise.

Decide on ONE of David’s health issues, either drinking alcohol, smoking, or obesity. This health issue will be the focus of your essay.

Promoting Health & Preventing Illness

Promoting Health & Preventing Illness

Work through each section as instructed.

Introduce your assignment

Set the scene of what is to come.

Clearly outline that you will be discussing your chosen health issue (obesity, smoking or drinking alcohol) in relation to a fictional case study.

State why your chosen health issue is an important concern for nursing today.

Provide one or two relevant UK statistics on your chosen health issue.

Identify one relevant PHE policy/guidance and state its aims for nurses in tackling your chosen health issue.

250 words approximately

Imagine your patient lives with a psychological/psychosocial condition.

Discuss (with supporting literature) the following two psychological or psychosocial factors that influence the development of your chosen health issue for your patient:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression

What does the literature state about how and why these factors may increase the risk of developing obesity/smoking/drinking alcohol behaviours? Consider different viewpoints to show depth to your knowledge.

350 words

Promoting Health & Preventing Illness

Imagine the social environment that your patient lives in and how that affects their health.

Discuss (with supporting literature) two of the following socioeconomic factors in relation to how they influence your chosen health issue for your patient:

  • Housing
  • Education
  • Environment/Green spaces
  • Health literacy
  • Income

What does the literature state about how and why these factors impact upon obesity/smoking/drinking alcohol? Consider alternative viewpoints to show depth to your knowledge.

350 words

Your patient is male and Caucasian.

Discuss (with supporting literature) the following two demographic factors and how they influence your chosen health issue in adulthood:

  • Gender
  • Ethnicity

What does the literature state about how and why gender/ethnicity impacts developing obesity/smoking/drinking alcohol in adulthood? Consider different viewpoints to show depth to your knowledge.

350 words

Promoting Health & Preventing Illness

Reflect on how the psychosocial &/or socio-economic &/or demographics in our communities might have contributed to your patient being diagnosed with heart disease.

Here are some examples of points that you might like to consider:

  • Why does being obese mean that you are more likely to be diagnosed heart disease?
  • If someone smokes, or drinks alcohol how might it increase the risk of being diagnosed with heart disease?
  • Does health literacy affect the ability to understand government’s advertising campaigns and other health messages?

200 words

Your patient knows his condition and health issues but needs support in the community.

They have asked you for some advice on how to change their lifestyle and adopt healthier behaviours.

These are some suggestions of points you could explore with literature.

  • What is the role of the nurse in advising patients on healthy lifestyles? Are there any limitations in nurses doing this?
  • How does this link to the NMC?
  • Does the RCN indicate that nurses have such a role?
  • What Apps could you sign post them to and why would they help?
  • What health promotion activities could you sign post them to and why?
  • Are there any specific classes that might be of benefit and why?

As you explore how you would best sign post this patient to a healthier lifestyle, consider the relevant factors that you have learned in the above sections. This will help you to show a depth of understanding of person-centred health promotion. APA.

400 words

Short conclusion that pulls what you have learned together.

100 words

April 26, 2024

Sustainable Development & Responsible Business

Instructions on Assessment:

This assessment comprises of a 3000-word research paper on the following topic:

Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions and Economic Growth

The objective of writing this assignment is to assess how well you are able to apply the theoretical models covered in class to issues of GHG emissions and suggest appropriate policy measures. In this assignment you would be required to demonstrate understanding of the theoretical models covered in the textbook, along with contemporary journal articles, and create a reference list using APA style of referencing.

Your analysis should cover in detail the following aspects:

Explain how greenhouse gas emissions constitute a negative environmental externality using theory and graphical analysis. (10 marks)

Sustainable Development & Responsible Business

Sustainable Development & Responsible Business

Evaluate the relationship between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions using the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. Plot the EKC using data on carbon emissions and GDP per capita from World Development Indicators for a country of your choice between 1990-2010.

Analyse the graph and comment on whether the EKC hypothesis holds true in this case. Use relevant academic literature in your analysis. (20 marks)

Critically analyse the efficacy of the tradable pollution permits (cap and trade) as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, using relevant graphs and literature (20 marks)

Critically analyse the efficacy of the Pigouvian taxes and subsidies as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, using relevant graphs (20 marks)

Sustainable Development & Responsible Business

Discuss three ways in which businesses can help to move towards a green economic growth trajectory so that the prerogatives of continued economic growth and environmental protection may be balanced. Evaluate the Deposit Refund Scheme covered in Lecture 2 using graphs. (20 marks)

Your assignment should include an “Introduction” section at the beginning and “Conclusion” at the end. More specifically, the “Introduction” section should briefly explain the content of your assignment and a short description of its objective. In this section you are expected to concisely link your assignment to the existing relevant literature (i.e.: at least to one economic article previously published on the topic). The

“Conclusion” section should summarize your assignment and emphasize your findings. (10 marks)


April 26, 2024
April 26, 2024

Education Final Paper

The final term paper is aimed at preparing you for your future career, whether in academics or elsewhere, where you would be asked to initiate and execute original studies on public policy by yourself (and sit in judgment on similar studies by others). I want you to conduct original research (with an emphasis on quantitative aspects of it) on some particular issue in educational finance, and present the results in the form of a paper. The paper will try to build on the tools and skills you have mastered during this and other courses at TC. Of course, for many of you this might be the first time that you are undertaking a research project by yourself, and our job is to assist you in the process. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you need any advice, or encounter any obstacles, while on this

You can work in pairs, or solo. Groups of more than two students are not allowed. The grade for the final paper only depends on the quality of the paper – whether you work solo or in pairs only determines the length of the paper. Each person in a joint submission gets the same grade as the other – unless you explicitly note that each of you want to be graded separately, based only on the sections that you wrote. Note that, as mentioned below, joint papers must be longer – think about 15 pages for a solo effort and 20-25 pages for a joint effort, in the interest of fairness.

Education Final Paper

Education Final Paper

You can work on any topic relating to educational finance – either in the US, or elsewhere in the world. Also, you should analyze some data – though of course you do not need to run regressions. I will be happy to assist you in the process of finding relevant data.

For example, some potential topics can be as follows. (I list topics mostly from the U.S. context, as I am more familiar with U.S. data – but feel free to use any data, from any country. For example, I have uploaded a couple of examples from previous years – you will see that one student used China Statistical Yearbook.)

  1. A lot of U.S. states and school districts have seen declining student enrollments over the last 10, 15, 20 years. Do these districts see a rise average per pupil spending (which would be the case if total spending is relatively sticky and is not adjusted downwards immediately following a decline in student counts)?

Education Final Paper

  1. Which are the public universities which are enrolling more out-of-state students and more international students (so as to raise more revenues – as out-of-state tuition and tuition from international students are much higher than in-state tuition)? Is it only the public flagships – the top public college in each state? Or do we see a broad range of public colleges enrolling more out-of-state students and international students – and are they doing it while cutting back on enrollment of in-state students?
  2. What are the trends in K-12 spending on various categories in recent years? Many commentators argue that instructional spending has been declining as a share of total school spending – are we hiring more non-teachers (administrators and other non-teaching personnel) compared to teachers? Is this trend true – and true for all regions and all types of schools?
  3. Similarly, what are the trends in college spending on various categories in recent years? Many higher education experts observe that instructional spending has been declining as a share of total college spending – is this trend true? And does it hold true for all regions and all types of colleges?

Education Final Paper

  1. What are the trends in private school enrollment in recent years – both before and after COVID? How big is existing private school enrollment in states which have launched ambitious private school voucher programs (Iowa, Arizona, Indiana and Florida)?
  2. What are the recent trends in college tuitions, and how do these vary – by state, by college selectivity, by student populations, etc.? How do in-state and out-of-state tuitions vary by college?
  3. This is how U.S. colleges distributed the COVID money that they got from the federal government to its students. What are the trends you see, and would you have distributed the money in a similar way? What alternate options can you think of? https://www.chronicle.com/article/colleges-gave-out-nearly-8-billion-in-covid-aid-in-2022-heres-who-got-the-money
  4. In recent years there have been big concerns about K-12 teacher recruitment and retention. See, for example, President Bailey quoted in Newsweek this week. What are the recent trends in teacher salaries, and how do these vary by state and district? https://www.newsweek.com/american-children-struggling-academically-1883618

Education Final Paper

For each of the above questions, I can suggest interesting recent research – and source of data. These are all relatively stream-lined but important issues, and the findings will be very instructive.


  • 12 point, Times New Roman font (like this Word file)
  • Line spacing of 1.5.
  • 1-inch margins on all sides
  • Numbered pages
  • The main text should be between 15 pages for single submissions and 20-25 pages for joint submissions.
  • References, tables and charts are extra and not included in the page limit. (You may put in a data appendix if you want, but it is not necessary.)
  • APA style of citation for references (in which you refer to sources by inserting parentheses in the text giving the author, date of publication, and the relevant page if necessary) and then list all the sources alphabetically on a References page at the end of the paper. When citing an author with two or more publications in a given year, distinguish them with letters after the date e.g. 1999a, 1999b.
April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024

 FE6057 International Banking

The performance of students is assessed by the assessment type Coursework – ‘Individual Repot’ as appropriate to the level and learning outcome of the assessment protocol. The individual coursework constitutes 100% assessment weighting for this module. Students are required to select a prominent international or global bank (e.g., HSBC) and write an individual company analysis report (2000 words) by discussing the following questions.

Provide a comprehensive overview of the selected bank’s business nature and its primary role in the financial system and its contribution to the transmission of monetary policy.

Support your analysis with relevant literature and industry insights. [10 Marks]

Offer a historical perspective on the bank’s activities, emphasising its evolution into an international/global entity. Employ the theories of international banking to underpin your narrative and support your arguments. [10 Marks]

 FE6057 International Banking

 FE6057 International Banking

Critically discuss the banking structure within the relevant country, exploring challenges related to regulation and legislation. Evaluate the impact of these challenges on the bank’s operations and strategic decisions. [10 Marks]

Banks face a plethora of risks, and these risks are not mutually exclusive and are often correlated. Debate on the risks facing by the bank and its risk management strategies.

Illustrate your arguments with examples and references to the academic literature. [20 Marks]

Evaluate the performance of the selected banks over a minimum of five years by utilising key financial metrics, such as profitability ratios, efficiency ratios. Support your analysis with relevant financial data and industry benchmarks. [20 Marks]

Undertake a critical assessment of key issues shaping the landscape of international banking and financial markets. For example, bank globalisation, mergers and acquisitions, sustainability, fintech, and systemic risk. Establish clear linkages to the prospective future of the selected bank. [20 Marks]

 FE6057 International Banking

The performance of students is assessed by the assessment type Coursework – ‘Individual Repot’ as appropriate to the level and learning outcome of the assessment protocol. The individual coursework constitutes 100% assessment weighting for this module. Students are required to select a prominent international or global bank (e.g., HSBC) and write an individual company analysis report (2000 words) by discussing the following questions.

Provide a comprehensive overview of the selected bank’s business nature and its primary role in the financial system and its contribution to the transmission of monetary policy.

Support your analysis with relevant literature and industry insights. [10 Marks]

Offer a historical perspective on the bank’s activities, emphasising its evolution into an international/global entity. Employ the theories of international banking to underpin your narrative and support your arguments. [10 Marks]. APA.

April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024

Planning For Capital Investments


Determining the viability of long-term capital investments is a fundamental aspect of corporate accounting. In this assignment, you use Excel to make and interpret specified calculations for a capital investment analysis that includes sensitivity and what-if analyses for a proposed football training facility.


Read the following scenario and use the Week 4 Assignment Template [XLSX] Download Week 4 Assignment Template [XLSX]to complete this assignment.

Specific directions are included in the template. Make sure to complete all tabs for Parts 1 and 2 and follow the directions given in each.

Note that you must add functionality to the appropriate spreadsheets to make the proper calculations.

Planning For Capital Investments

Planning For Capital Investments


Use the following scenario for your work:

Kicking It Corp. is planning to open a football camp in Arizona, which will require a land purchase and facilities development that includes fields, sleeping and dining facilities, maintenance equipment, and other capital expenditures. Each year, the camp will run for eight one-week sessions. The company will also incur operational expenses.

The estimates in the following table have been shared with company leadership and investors:

Estimated Figures

Item Amount
Land $300,000
Facilities $600,000
Annual Cash Flow (150 total yearly players’ fees) $920,000
Annual Cash Outflows $840,000
Estimated Useful Life of Facilities 20 years
Facilities Salvage Value $1,500,000
Discount Rate 8%

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Create financial reports, charts, graphs, and what-if analyses using Excel.

Planning For Capital Investments


Determining the viability of long-term capital investments is a fundamental aspect of corporate accounting. In this assignment, you use Excel to make and interpret specified calculations for a capital investment analysis that includes sensitivity and what-if analyses for a proposed football training facility.


Read the following scenario and use the Week 4 Assignment Template [XLSX] Download Week 4 Assignment Template [XLSX]to complete this assignment.

Specific directions are included in the template. Make sure to complete all tabs for Parts 1 and 2 and follow the directions given in each.

Note that you must add functionality to the appropriate spreadsheets to make the proper calculations. APA.

April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024

Evidence – Gap In Practice

This assignment gives you the chance to articulate a business problem and gap in practice, supported by literature—key steps in your capstone project as well as essential skills for practicing leadership in the business world. The business story you draw from for this activity allows you to analyze a problem and gap in a specific business context.

Employer Expectations

The following skills, which apply to this assignment, frequently appear in articles, job posts, and university reports related to what employers expect of a doctoral degree holder:

Identify and analyze potential risks within a company’s corporate strategy, as well as how to propose precautionary steps to mitigate these risks.

Identify causal factors that limit organizational performance.


If you have not done so, practice choosing whether a problem aligns with its gap by completing the activity Practice Aligning Problems and Gaps.

Also, review the business stories for three businesses and choose one. You will use the same business for your second assignment.

Evidence - Gap In Practice

Evidence – Gap In Practice


Select a business story. Within the story, choose from the linked and labeled pairs of problems and gaps in practice related to the assignment topics. A problem is something that is adversely affecting the business and must be addressed, and its related gap in practice is what is causing the problem.

Research current practitioner (business) literature to find two or more articles supporting the pairing of the gap in practice with the problem.

Write a 4–5 page analysis in which you:

State the specific business problem and the gap in practice that is causing your identified problem.

Explain why the gap in practice you identified properly aligns with the selected specific problem. Why is this the right gap instead of another?

If your research leads you to a different conclusion about the gap than the one paired with your problem in the business story, you may provide the rationale for a gap other than the one identified.

Discuss how examples of current practitioner literature (at least two articles) provide evidence that your chosen gap in practice is the source of the problem. Then add these sources to your Capstone Literature Matrix [XLSX] Download Capstone Literature Matrix [XLSX], fully completing the matrix categories.

Evidence – Gap In Practice

Based on the topic of your problem and gap, identify a project of interest addressing a need (versus a want) that you might observe in your workplace.

Describe why removing your personal biases in the project discovery process is important.

Submit your written work and literature matrix in the assignment area. Be sure to upload both documents before you submit your assignment.

Additional Requirements

As you complete your assignment, be sure your submission meets the following guidelines:

Capstone Literature Matrix: Submit the literature matrix with your selected articles entered.

Written communication: Use error-free doctoral-level writing, with original (nonplagiarized) content, logical phrasing, and accurate word choices.

APA formatting: Format all references and citations according to the current APA style and formatting guidelines. Refer to the Advanced Doctoral LearnersLinks to an external site. section of the Writing Center as needed.

Font and font size: Use an APA-compliant font, 12 points, throughout.

Length: Submit 4–5 double-spaced pages for the analysis plus the literature matrix.

File naming protocol: Follow the standard naming conventions for any files you upload. Refer to the Submissions RequirementsLinks to an external site. for details.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Evidence – Gap In Practice

Competency 1: Create academically sound annotations into a matrix of literature to support business research of problems and practices occurring in the field of leadership.

Make annotations in a literature matrix that convey how the literature provides adequate evidence for the problem, gap, and project need.

Competency 2: Critically integrate existing relevant literature to determine an important and meaningful gap in practice for leadership.

Explain how examples of current practitioner literature provide evidence that a chosen gap in practice is the source of the problem.

Competency 3: Identify personal bias to create project topics in leadership based on need versus want.

Describe the role of removing personal biases in the project discovery process.

Competency 4: Analyze and assess gaps in practice in leadership to consider specific actionable responses to the gaps.

Describe how a gap in practice properly aligns with a specific problem.

Competency 6: Integrate results from multiple sources to formulate a problem and rationalize a business project in the field of leadership.

Use varied sentence structures and correct grammar to convey clear meaning and engage readers.

Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024

Healthcare Organization Culture

This assignment has two parts needed to complete your report; an observation and a reflection paper.

Part 1: Observe

You will visit a hospital facility, ideally one in which you are not known, to determine the degree to which the institution possesses a welcoming culture. If required, check in at the security desk with your photo identification and explain you are a student in a graduate health administration program completing an assignment as a guest. Likely you will be issued an identification badge with your name, title, and photo. Walk through the public areas of the facility and look for signs of hospitality, helpfulness, and other ambassadorial behaviors that are indicative of a welcoming culture. Look for directional signage and ask for directions to public areas such as the gift shop, snack bar, cafeteria, or parking garage. Sit in the lobby and observe as staff interacts with guests and each other.

Healthcare Organization Culture

Healthcare Organization Culture

Consider these questions:

  • What type of reception did you encounter at the check-in desk?
  • To what level do you observe hospitality and helpfulness from staff?
  • Is there camaraderie or apathy observed to one another and guests?
  • To market itself, what printed information (e.g., flyers, brochures, etc.) about the organization are displayed for public view and access?

Part 2: Reflect

After your observation, visit the Healthgrades website, which provides the results from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). At the Healthgrades website, type in the name of the facility you visited. Due to similar hospital names, ensure you are selecting the correct address/location for your hospital. Once on the hospital’s page, scroll down to the heading Patient Experience to learn what level of satisfaction patients reported the following discharge from this hospital. For example, 66% of patients discharged from Hospital Z would “definitely recommend” Hospital Z as compared to the national average of 70% of patients recommending their hospital. There are at least four patient satisfaction indicators to which you can correlate the findings from your observation—overall recommendation of the hospital; communication by doctors, nurses, and staff; cleanliness; and noise levels. APA.

Healthcare Organization Culture

Prepare a narrative report providing an overview of the hospital you observed:

  • Describe the setting of the hospital as urban, suburban, or rural; and summarize the types of services offered at the hospital.
  • Describe what you witnessed, compared to your expectations and your findings on the patient experience rated on Healthgrades in the area of communication by doctors, nurses, and staff; cleanliness; and noise levels.
  • Provide your reflection on the public image projected from the organization and whether you, as the healthcare executive, see opportunities to improve the observable culture—or whether you observed favorable behaviors you wish to adopt and replicate in your organization.
April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024

Nursing Term Paper Assignment


  1. Introduce the topic with background information and define terminology

Body Paragraph 1 – Technical aspects of your topic

  1. Topic Sentence: Provides necessary medical and scientific information to understand the issue.
  2. Supporting detail 1: Provide in text citations, but do not rely simply on quotes here. Each detail should be one to two sentences long and have a source.
  3. Supporting detail 2: iii. Supporting detail 3:

Body Paragraph 2 – Description of public policy debates surrounding your topic

 Transition: Provide a full transition sentence here. b. Topic Sentence: Describes current and proposed changes in public policy/law. i. Supporting detail 1: Provide in text citations, but do not rely simply on quotes here. Each detail should be one to two sentences long and have a source. ii. Supporting detail 2: iii. Supporting detail 3:

Nursing Term Paper Assignment

Nursing Term Paper Assignment

Body Paragraph 3 – Pro Arguments

Transition: Provide a full transition sentence here. 3 b. Topic Sentence: Provides necessary medical and scientific information to understand the issue. i. Supporting detail 1: Include a summary of the arguments in favor of and opposed to specific interventions, techniques, or products and a discussion of underlying ethical principles. ii. Supporting detail 2: Provide in text citations, but do not rely simply on quotes here. Each detail should be one to two sentences long and have a source. iii. Supporting detail 3: Make certain your treatment of each side is balanced.

Body Paragraph 4 – Con Arguments

Transition: Provide a full transition sentence here. b. Topic Sentence: Provides necessary medical and scientific information to understand the issue. i. Supporting detail 1: Include a summary of the arguments in favor of and opposed to specific interventions, techniques, or products and a discussion of underlying ethical principles. ii. Supporting detail 2: Provide in text citations, but do not rely simply on quotes here. Each detail should be one to two sentences long and have a source. iii. Supporting detail 3: Make certain your treatment of each side is balanced.

Nursing Term Paper Assignment

Opinion and Conclusion

Transition: Provide a full transition sentence here. b. Statement of Opinion: Expresses your personal opinion regarding the importance 4 of the topic and the strength of the pro and con arguments. This is where your own thoughts reign supreme. Where do you stand after conducting research on the topic? Did your opinions change over the course of the research? While you don’t necessarily need to refer to research here, supporting your opinion with credible sources (proving you have made an informed opinion) is best.


In APA 7 format – I would suggest simply making section VII a separate References page (as I have done here). That way, the references page is ready for your final paper with no editing required.

April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024

Injury And Treatment Situations

Create a short Power Point covering one of the situations of emergency/injury with the four questions listed below. (You choose which situation to address).

Title your thread a summary of your emergency (2-5 words) for example, “Stomach hurts/possible poison” or “Fell off monkey bars”

Please note that the name of the ailment has not been included in the scenario, because a teacher would not necessarily be told the ailment when it happens.  Research the symptoms, in many cases, it will explain what the ailment is and how to treat it.

Slide 1: Copy the scenario below for slide 1, with the student’s name

Injury And Treatment Situations

Injury And Treatment Situations

Also Slide 1: Please designate if your situation (hypothetically) happened in a child care setting (probably no nurse on site) or an elementary school setting (possibly a nurse on site).

What is the teacher’s role? (assume there is no school nurse)

What is done to assess for signs of injury?

What universal precautions are used? (See Chapter 8 in your book for Universal Precautions)

After the immediate situation is under control, what should the teacher do next?

Choose ONE of the following

  1. A child begins to try and cough during lunch time- but the cough does not make noise and the child cannot talk.
  2. A child is stung by a bee on the playground.
  3. A child falls from the monkey bars in the school playground during recess.
  4. Two children bump heads while running- one seems okay, but the other says he is dizzy.
  5. A child gets sand in his eye.

Injury And Treatment Situations

Create a short Power Point covering one of the situations of emergency/injury with the four questions listed below. (You choose which situation to address).

Title your thread a summary of your emergency (2-5 words) for example, “Stomach hurts/possible poison” or “Fell off monkey bars”

Please note that the name of the ailment has not been included in the scenario, because a teacher would not necessarily be told the ailment when it happens.  Research the symptoms, in many cases, it will explain what the ailment is and how to treat it. APA.

April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024

ECON 335 International Economy

Writing Assignment

Canvas online submission will be automatically shut down at the deadline.

ECON 335 fulfils the general education requirement in Explorations in Social Sciences. The writing assignment is designed to give you practice in applying economic concepts to real world issues as well as

Assignment Questions (Total: 30 points)

Please refer to the assigned articles and apply what you have learned in Econ 335 to answer the following questions.

Note: Please include your full name, CWID, and your class section# on the top right of the first page or a cover page in your report.

Please do NOT copy the questions in your report because it will result in similarity problem. Just write down the question # and your answers to the questions in order in your report.

ECON 335 International Economy

ECON 335 International Economy

According to the article “Down but not out,” how has trade survived during the covid-19 pandemic?

Why the drop in trade relative to GDP during the pandemic has been smaller than during the financial crisis? Please also refer to the Chart of World Merchandise Trade (% change on a year earlier) in the article for details. (10 points)

According to the article “Changing places,” summarize how globalization had evolved in the period from the mid-1980s until 2019. How has the covid-19 pandemic affected trade in goods and services respectively in recent years? (10 points)

According to the article “Stronger links,” what has been the trend for supply chains in recent years since 2020? As mentioned in Chapter 2_part 2 PowerPoint slides, reshoring production to the United States has started since 2013. What is reshoring? Does reshoring help adapt to the new era after the covid-19 pandemic? Why or why not? How can firms and governments adapt to the new era? (10 point)

ECON 335 International Economy

According to the article “Down but not out,” how has trade survived during the covid-19 pandemic?

Why the drop in trade relative to GDP during the pandemic has been smaller than during the financial crisis? Please also refer to the Chart of World Merchandise Trade (% change on a year earlier) in the article for details. (10 points)

According to the article “Changing places,” summarize how globalization had evolved in the period from the mid-1980s until 2019. How has the covid-19 pandemic affected trade in goods and services respectively in recent years? (10 points)

According to the article “Stronger links,” what has been the trend for supply chains in recent years since 2020? As mentioned in Chapter 2_part 2 PowerPoint slides, reshoring production to the United States has started since 2013. What is reshoring? Does reshoring help adapt to the new era after the covid-19 pandemic? Why or why not? How can firms and governments adapt to the new era? (10 point). APA.