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April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Content Analysis Paper

  1. a) illustrates an accurate description of content analysis as it applies to qualitative methods supported by classroom concepts;
  2. b) provides a detailed content analysis (with matrix) of a particular form of popular media (via either 30-plus minutes of content, 20-25 images, or some other parameter (instructor permission for which must have been  obtained prior to the submission of this assignment); and
  3. c) identifies extant gaps in the literature and recommends further research in the content analysis area based upon the findings of your analysis.

Content Analysis Paper

Make sure that you clearly indicate if your approach is relational or conceptual. Regardless of the type of content method you choose, make sure that you mention possible patterns or themes in your summary. Last, content analysis is often triangulated with other methods. When you address extant gaps in the literature and recommendations for future research, you should posit a complimentary method of inferential testing for content analysis and your media selection. Your summary should utilize sound critical thought, refer to course materials, and be written in APA format as per the 7th Ed.

Content Analysis Paper

Your summary should utilize sound critical thought, refer to course materials, and be written in APA format as per the 7th Ed. (to include a title page, abstract, appropriate in-text citations and a reference page).

For Additional assistance creating a matrix consult the following:



Content Analysis Paper

  1. a) illustrates an accurate description of content analysis as it applies to qualitative methods supported by classroom concepts;
  2. b) provides a detailed content analysis (with matrix) of a particular form of popular media (via either 30-plus minutes of content, 20-25 images, or some other parameter (instructor permission for which must have been  obtained prior to the submission of this assignment); and
  3. c) identifies extant gaps in the literature and recommends further research in the content analysis area based upon the findings of your analysis.
April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Communication Assignment

For each scenario, provide a thorough description of your communication actions. Consider each of the following components:

Describe and justify the audience(s) for your communication.

Describe and justify the format of the communication.

Describe and justify the tone of the communication.

Describe and justify any potential collaborative needs. If there are no collaborative needs then clearly justify that decision.

Describe and justify points to be communicated.

Describe the overarching purpose or goal of the communication.

Communication Assignment

Communication Assignment

For each scenario, provide a thorough description of your communication actions. Consider each of the following components:

Describe and justify the audience(s) for your communication.

Describe and justify the format of the communication.

Describe and justify the tone of the communication.

Describe and justify any potential collaborative needs. If there are no collaborative needs then clearly justify that decision.

Describe and justify points to be communicated.

Describe the overarching purpose or goal of the communication.

Communication Assignment

For each scenario, provide a thorough description of your communication actions. Consider each of the following components:

Describe and justify the audience(s) for your communication.

Describe and justify the format of the communication.

Describe and justify the tone of the communication.

Describe and justify any potential collaborative needs. If there are no collaborative needs then clearly justify that decision.

Describe and justify points to be communicated.

Describe the overarching purpose or goal of the communication.

Communication Assignment

For each scenario, provide a thorough description of your communication actions. Consider each of the following components:

Describe and justify the audience(s) for your communication.

Describe and justify the format of the communication.

Describe and justify the tone of the communication.

Describe and justify any potential collaborative needs. If there are no collaborative needs then clearly justify that decision.

Describe and justify points to be communicated.

Describe the overarching purpose or goal of the communication. APA.

April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Sensory Play Activity Plan


To create a sensory play activity plan for toddlers.


You are a teacher at a childcare center for toddlers. Your class will soon be starting a topic called “My Five Senses.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at home. In addition, be sure to include elements that will create a multicultural and anti-bias atmosphere in the classroom.

Focus Assignment:

Be sure to provide a description of the activity you plan to carry out, the child outcomes, the space and materials needed, and the procedures you will follow. In addition, be sure to include elements that will create a multicultural and anti-bias atmosphere in the classroom.


For each element of your activity plan, explain how this element will help students learn about their senses and aid in their development.

Sensory Play Activity Plan


To create a sensory play activity plan for toddlers.


You are a teacher at a childcare center for toddlers. Your class will soon be starting a topic called “My Five Senses.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at home.

Focus Assignment:

Create an activity plan for this age group that involves sensory play for at least two senses. Be sure to provide a description of the activity you plan to carry out, the child outcomes, the space and materials needed, and the procedures you will follow. In addition, be sure to include elements that will create a multicultural and anti-bias atmosphere in the classroom.


For each element of your activity plan, explain how this element will help students learn about their senses and aid in their development. You are a teacher at a childcare center for toddlers. APA.

April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Case Study Urinary Incontinence

An understanding of the factors surrounding women’s and men’s health can be critically important to disease diagnosis and treatment in these areas. This importance is magnified by the fact that some diseases and disorders manifest differently based on the sex of the patient.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond the human systems involved. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact.

An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in systems based on these characteristics is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

Case Study Urinary Incontinence

Case Study Urinary Incontinence

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment.

The Assignment (2-page case study analysis)

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following:

Why prostatitis and infection happen.

Explain the causes of systemic reaction

Why prostatitis and infection happen. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.

You will include your analysis of what this patient is experiencing based on his symptoms.

Case Study Urinary Incontinence


65-year-old man presents to primary care center with a 5-day history of urinary dribbling, low back pain, peroneal pain, myalgias, and fevers with chills. He reports one episode of urinary incontinence this week.  He denies any hematuria.  Urinalysis with positive nitrites and trace bacteria.  Patient has a history of a recent UTI.  He also reports that his prostate has been enlarged and he had a recent transurethral surgery.   Vital signs T 103.0 F, pulse 120, respirations 26.  APA.

April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines

Discuss the importance of Clinical Practice Guidelines and how they are used for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and medical doctors in clinical practice.

List at least 5 different governing bodies for Clinical Practice Guidelines, and for each Clinical Practice Guideline that you list, discuss a health condition that can be managed by the clinical practice guideline.

Elaborate on the details that are provided in Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of patients.

Which clinical practice guideline(s) would you anticipate using in a Public Health Department for Sexually Transmitted Infection visits? Why? Discuss the details of the clinical practice guidelines to manage a patient that is presenting for Syphilis and Chlamydia.

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines

Sometimes there are slightly different recommendations from different clinical practice guidelines. Discuss the differences between American College of Gynecology (ACOG), United States Prevention Services Task Force (USPSTF), and the American Cancer Society (ACS) for mammogram screening.

Clinical Scenario:

A Nurse Practitioner Student is seeing a 31-Year-Old Male patient that presents with seasonal allergic rhinitis. The symptoms include post nasal drip, rhinorrhea, itchy nose, and itchy eyes, and the symptoms have not been controlled with diphenhydramine nor loratadine. Based on the clinical practice guidelines, discuss the treatment(s), including education and non-pharmacological recommendations for the patient. Be sure to cite the clinical practice guideline that you are discussing.

Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines

Sometimes there are slightly different recommendations from different clinical practice guidelines. Discuss the differences between American College of Gynecology (ACOG), United States Prevention Services Task Force (USPSTF), and the American Cancer Society (ACS) for mammogram screening.

Clinical Scenario:

A Nurse Practitioner Student is seeing a 31-Year-Old Male patient that presents with seasonal allergic rhinitis. The symptoms include post nasal drip, rhinorrhea, itchy nose, and itchy eyes, and the symptoms have not been controlled with diphenhydramine nor loratadine. Based on the clinical practice guidelines, discuss the treatment(s), including education and non-pharmacological recommendations for the patient. Be sure to cite the clinical practice guideline that you are discussing. APA.


April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Mini-Case Study: Global Green

Defining Standard Projects at Global Green Books Publishing Global Green Books Publishing is a successful printing and publishing company in its third year.  It has survived the bringing on a large new customer and all the challenges of new work that this customer needed in a very short time.   Much of this work for the college is customized eBooks.  As the first term progressed with Global Green Books making customized eBooks for this college, there were a number of issues that affected the quality of the eBooks produced and caused a great deal of rework for the company. The local university was unhappy as their eBook products sometimes reached campus late for use by professors and student. In some cases, the books were a week or two late.  The management of Global Green Books was also challenged by these projects. The college expected them delivered on-time and at a low cost, and the company was not always doing that. Accounting was having difficult tracking the costs for each of the books, and the shift supervisor were often having problems knowing what tasks needed to be completed and assigning the right employees to each task.

Mini-Case Study: Global Green

Some of the problems stemmed from the new part time employees.  Since many of these workers had flexible schedules, it wasn’t always clear which tasks they were supposed to be working on when they came in to work.  Each book being produced was indeed a book; but that was all they had in common.  Each book had different production steps, different contents and reprint approvals required, and different layouts and cover designs.  Some were just collections of articles to reprint once approvals were received, and others required extensive desktop publishing. Each eBook was a complex process, but was going to be made just once, as these eBooks were all customized for each professor and course each semester. Each eBook had to be produced on time, and had to be made to match just exactly what the professors requested.  Understanding what each eBook needed had to be clearly documented and understood before starting production. Global Green Books had been told by the college how many different printing jobs the college would need, but they weren’t all arriving at once, and orders were quite unpredictable in arriving from the professors at the college.

Mini-Case Study: Global Green

Some professors needed rush orders for their classes.  Some orders arrived as projected, but some came later than anticipated.  When Global Green Books finally got all their orders, some of these jobs were much larger than they had thought they would be.   Each eBook needed to have a separate job order prepared that listed all the steps that needed to be completed, so that tasks could be assigned to each worker. These job orders were also becoming a problem. Not all the steps needed were getting listed in each order.  Often the estimates of time for each task were not completed until after the work was done, causing problems as workers were supposed to move on to new tasks but were still finishing their previous tasks. Some tasks required specialized equipment or skills, sometimes from other groups within Global Green Books. Not all of the new student hires were trained for all of the printing and binding equipment used to print and assemble to books.  Global Green Books wanted to start developing a template for job orders.  This template should list all of the possible tasks that should be performed in producing an eBook for the college.  These tasks could be broken down into the different phases of the work.

Mini-Case Study: Global Green

In the Receive Order phase, the order should be received by Global Green Books from the professor or the college, it should be checked and verified, and a job order started.  In checking and verifying each order, the customer representative should make sure that they have the requester’s name, email and phone number; the date needed, and a full list of all of the contents.  They should also verify that they have received all of the materials that were supposed to be included with that order, and have fully identified all of the items that they need to request permissions for.  Any problems found in checking and verifying should be resolved by contacting the professor. In the Plan Order phase, all of the desktop publishing work is planned, estimated and assigned to production staff.

Also all of the production effort to collate and produce the eBook are identified, estimated and scheduled, and assigned to production staff.  Specific equipment resource needs are identified and equipment is reserved on the schedule to support the planned production effort. In the Production Phase, permissions are acquired, desktop publishing tasks (if needed) are performed, content is converted, and the proof of the eBook is produced. A quality assistant will check the eBook against the job order and customer order to make sure it is ready for production, and once approved by quality, each of the requested eBook formats are created. A second quality check makes sure that each requested format is ready to release to the college. In a Manage Production Phase, happening in parallel with the Production Phase, a supervisor will track progress, work assignments, and costs for each eBook.  Any problems will be resolved quickly in an attempt to not have any rework or delays in releasing the eBooks to the college. Each eBook will be planned using the standard job template as a basis for developing a unique plan for that eBook project. APA.

Mini-Case Study: Global Green

Comment on the following aspects of the case study:

  1. a) Printing books in a print shop, especially large quantities of a single book, is a process. A process is an ongoing day-to-day repetitive set of activities the print shop performs when producing its products. How are these customized eBooks different from a standard printing process?  What characteristics make these customized eBooks a project?
  2. b) Who are the stakeholders in these eBook projects? How are they involved in or affected by an eBook project?
  3. c) Why is it important to have a defined project scope? Why is it important to make sure there is agreement about the scope and what will be done in producing each eBook?
  4. d) What kinds of information would you want supervisors to have available to them in the Manage Production phase? Why?
  5. e) Do you think developing a standard job template would be useful for Global Green Books? Why? What advantages could it give them in planning work?
  6. f) What other information, if any, would you like to see included in the standard job template? Why?

Create a Work Breakdown Structure for an eBook project.

  1. a) What are the major phases of work for making an eBook?
  2. b) What are the steps in each phase?
  3. c) Can you identify any substeps for any of the steps? What are they?
April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Accounting for Managers

Financial Statements Briefing and Analysis

Declared Company Background

Write 1-3 pages about the company and its direction from a financial standpoint (This is based on

combination of narrative and quantitative measurements in the annual report.) (Measures C6)

  1. Accounting Information Systems and Internal Controls addressing Sarbanes-Oxely Act

Discuss accounting information system related to internal control systems. Based on Sarbanes-Oxely Act, internal controls must be discussed and therefore, report contains these topics. The suggested length should be 1 page. (Measures C3)

Accounting for Managers

Accounting for Managers

Risk Factors

Risk Factors – Summarize 5 of the numerous risk factors stated in the report. Risk factors are standard requirement of each company’s report. Discuss risks’ impact on company and management. The suggested length be 1 – 1 ½ page. (Measures C4-C6)

Budget Outcomes

The annual report information should discuss budget outcomes. Discuss budget results and

management’s reflection and//or action of budget outcomes. The suggested length be ½ – 1 page.

(Measures C4-C5)

Vertical Analysis on (stated financial statement)

(financial diagram below either in table formatted or integrated excel spreadsheet)

Create a vertical analysis for the most recent year for one major financial statements (consolidated) (Measures C6)

Accounting for Managers

Horizontal Analysis on (stated financial statement)

Create a horizontal analysis for the most recent year and immediate prior year for one major financial statements (consolidated) (measures C4 & C6)

Ratio Analysis

There are various categories of financial ratios discussed in this course. For each category Profitability, Solvency, Efficiencies, and Liquidity ratios, calculate at least 2 ratios (per category), utilizing the financial statements contained in the annual report. Show the formula and the result. Discuss the results and its meaning. The student may integrate information in the report that explains ratio analysis and outcome

Don’t forget to discuss each 2 in each category, which means a total of 8. Fully discuss. APA.

April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Child Development for Educators

EDUC1021_EDUC1022_EDC135 Assessment 2

Topic 1

Explain the following concepts in relation to a specific age group (Early childhood, Primary, or Secondary). For each concept, provide one implication for effective classroom teaching with a specific example of how this would look in your classroom.

  • working memory
  • encoding of information into long-term memory
  • strategy knowledge and use
  • cognitive flexibility

Child Development for Educators

Child Development for Educators

Topic 2

Teachers are having a discussion in the staffroom. Stephanie says all children are creative, while Melanie disagrees, saying that finding an exceptionally creative person such as world-famous Van Gogh or Mozart is rare, particularly at school. How would you contribute to the discussion? Reference sources of your response and include ideas for supporting creativity in your classroom.

Topic 3

According to Bandura, what shapes self-efficacy? Explain three practical ways a teacher can build positive self-perceptions in their students – what a teacher would do and why. How might one of these strategies vary in different cultures? How might you involve parents/carers? Focus on, and state, the age group you plan to teach.

Child Development for Educators

Topic 4

“I’ve got another ADHD child in my class this term! I guess I’ll just sit them all together; at least then I can work with them on the same activities at the same time.” Critically evaluate this statement with reference to the use of person-first language, labelling, a non-categorical view of disability and pedagogical approaches to inclusion of a student with additional needs. Focus on policies, professional responsibilities and practices in general rather than on the specific disability and provide examples of school or classroom strategies.

Topic 4

“I’ve got another ADHD child in my class this term! I guess I’ll just sit them all together; at least then I can work with them on the same activities at the same time.” Critically evaluate this statement with reference to the use of person-first language, labelling, a non-categorical view of disability and pedagogical approaches to inclusion of a student with additional needs. Focus on policies, professional responsibilities and practices in general rather than on the specific disability and provide examples of school or classroom strategies. APA.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Risk Management Paper

Write a paper where you:

Define risk management and information security clearly. Discuss how information security differs from information risk management.

Explain security policies and how they factor into risk management.

Describe at least two responsibilities for both IT and non-IT leaders in information risk management.

Describe how a risk management plan can be tailored to produce information and system-specific plans.

Define risk management and information security clearly. Discuss how information security differs from information risk management.

Explain security policies and how they factor into risk management.

Describe at least two responsibilities for both IT and non-IT leaders in information risk management.

Describe how a risk management plan can be tailored to produce information and system-specific plans.

Risk Management Paper

Risk Management Paper

Write a paper where you:

Define risk management and information security clearly. Discuss how information security differs from information risk management.

Explain security policies and how they factor into risk management.

Describe at least two responsibilities for both IT and non-IT leaders in information risk management.

Describe how a risk management plan can be tailored to produce information and system-specific plans.

Define risk management and information security clearly. Discuss how information security differs from information risk management.

Explain security policies and how they factor into risk management.

Describe at least two responsibilities for both IT and non-IT leaders in information risk management.

Describe how a risk management plan can be tailored to produce information and system-specific plans.

Risk Management Paper

Write a paper where you:

Define risk management and information security clearly. Discuss how information security differs from information risk management.

Explain security policies and how they factor into risk management.

Describe at least two responsibilities for both IT and non-IT leaders in information risk management.

Describe how a risk management plan can be tailored to produce information and system-specific plans.

Define risk management and information security clearly. Discuss how information security differs from information risk management.

Explain security policies and how they factor into risk management.

Describe at least two responsibilities for both IT and non-IT leaders in information risk management.

Describe how a risk management plan can be tailored to produce information and system-specific plans. APA.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Clinical Field Experience

Meet with the mentee to evaluate the goal set in the mentoring plan and to make any necessary adjustments.

Use the following questions to guide your discussion:

Is the goal set in the mentoring plan realistic and achievable?

Are the identified skills, knowledge, or behaviors appropriate for further development?

Does the mentee feel they will be able to complete the steps of the action plan in order to meet the goal?

Is the criterion for success appropriate and realistic?

Are the identified milestones for success appropriate and the deadlines for milestones realistic?

Use the remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to their class.

Clinical Field Experience

Clinical Field Experience

After meeting with the mentee, write a 500–750-word reflection, including the following:

Brief summary of the discussion with the mentee.

Summary of your experience as a mentor supporting other educational professionals.

Role of the instructional coach in an educational setting.

How you will use this experience to inform your future professional practice.

Support your proposal with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Clinical Field Experience

Meet with the mentee to evaluate the goal set in the mentoring plan and to make any necessary adjustments.

Use the following questions to guide your discussion:

Is the goal set in the mentoring plan realistic and achievable?

Are the identified skills, knowledge, or behaviors appropriate for further development?

Does the mentee feel they will be able to complete the steps of the action plan in order to meet the goal?

Is the criterion for success appropriate and realistic?

Are the identified milestones for success appropriate and the deadlines for milestones realistic?

Use the remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to their class.

Clinical Field Experience

After meeting with the mentee, write a 500–750-word reflection, including the following:

Brief summary of the discussion with the mentee.

Summary of your experience as a mentor supporting other educational professionals.

Role of the instructional coach in an educational setting.

How you will use this experience to inform your future professional practice.

Support your proposal with 3-5 scholarly resources. APA.