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May 24, 2024
May 24, 2024

Exposure to PHI

Create a brief survey aimed at assessing the level of awareness among the healthcare providers to identify which routine actions could be the source of exposure to PHI and the ways to minimize this exposure. Explain why you chose the questions you did utilizing EBP to support your positions. Ensure you have an introduction and conclusion.

Please ensure you use evidence-based practice in determining which methods to use for your survey. Please note the grading rubric. The submission should be maximum 2 pages not counting the cover page and references.

Exposure to PHI

Learning Activity Question

50% of total result


The learning activity questions are answered comprehensively. The word count if applicable has been met, and it is accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable, and concise. All the following elements are included: a. The problem or issue you are presented and clearly explained, and b. the author’s conclusions are clear and concise are explained. There is an introduction and a conclusion to the submission.

Reference Page

25% of total result


Utilizes at least 3 sources and all sources are current within 5 years. Cited following APA format.

Exposure to PHI

Create a brief survey aimed at assessing the level of awareness among the healthcare providers to identify which routine actions could be the source of exposure to PHI and the ways to minimize this exposure. Explain why you chose the questions you did utilizing EBP to support your positions. Ensure you have an introduction and conclusion.

Please ensure you use evidence-based practice in determining which methods to use for your survey. Please note the grading rubric. The submission should be maximum 2 pages not counting the cover page and references.

Learning Activity Question

50% of total result


The learning activity questions are answered comprehensively. The word count if applicable has been met, and it is accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable, and concise. All the following elements are included: a. The problem or issue you are presented and clearly explained, and b. the author’s conclusions are clear and concise are explained. There is an introduction and a conclusion to the submission.

Reference Page

25% of total result


Utilizes at least 3 sources and all sources are current within 5 years. Cited following APA format.

May 24, 2024
May 24, 2024

NURS-8502 Gaps in Practice

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Identify clinical site and preceptors
  • Prepare for the practicum, based upon the clinical site
  • Develop practicum objectives
  • Identify a gap in practice to address during practicum
  • Develop a practice focused question

Now that you have identified your practicum site, you will identify your practice problem and consider how the problem has been addressed in your organization and beyond. After identifying this practice problem, you will begin exploring the problem in the literature.

NURS-8502 Gaps in Practice

NURS-8502 Gaps in Practice

For this Discussion, consider the problem, and explore whether this is an issue only in your organization or an issue more broadly in healthcare. Consider how the issue is addressed in the literature, and examine how the issue is currently being addressed (or perhaps not addressed) by the management in your organization.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources provided in the module.
  • Connect with your preceptor, and consider a gap in practice you can explore for the duration of the course.

Post a response detailing your practice focused question. Describe the practice focused question that is an issue for your facility or organization.

NURS-8502 Gaps in Practice

Gather evidence to support the issue, and consider the following:

  • Is the issue a common issue in healthcare or nursing practice, or is this issue specific to your organization or facility?
  • Is this issue addressed in the literature?
  • Has this issue been addressed by management to date? If so, how?

In your response, be sure to detail your issue, identify the practice gap, and provide evidence for support. You will use this response, and colleague responses, to help you prepare your practice focused question for final submission to Faculty. Post a response detailing your practice focused question. Describe the practice focused question that is an issue for your facility or organization. APA.

May 24, 2024
May 24, 2024

Virtual Museum Visit

The objective of this project is to see works in person, research into the object(s) or artwork for background information, and discuss its purpose and importance in the history of art.

The Project counts for 10% of your grade. Please see the Rubric below for information on how the paper is to be graded.

A visit to an art museum and a report of that visit is required.

Alternatively, a student may not have physical access to a museum in his/her area and a virtual visit may be arranged with the instructor’s prior approval. Many museums have virtual visits, some are listed with the Google Arts and Culture project partners. Some of these have a virtual walkthrough and a Google Arts & Culture app is available for virtual reality tours. The following list contains examples of museum resources to explore and choose from:

Virtual Museum Visit

  • The MET Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History (Essays and Works of Art)
  • Google Arts & Culture:
  • Pergamon Museum, Germany
  • The British Museum, London
  • Acropolis Museum, Greece
  • The Catedral de Santiago Foundation, Spain
  • Grotte Chauvet/Chauvet Cave, France
  • Museo della Civiltà Romana, Italy
  • The British Library, London
  • Museum of Cycladic Art, Greece
  • Mev Museu d’Art Medieval, Spain

Virtual Museum Visit

The report must discuss one artwork, including the style and time period in which the artwork was created. The report should be three to five typed pages saved in MS Word document or as a PDF. using MLA (Modern Language Association) format. It must include the information listed in the following outline:

  1. Chosen Artwork
  2. Name and location of the museum
  3. Name of exhibition
  4. Name of artist or group associated with if there is no artist name
  5. Title of work
  6. Dimensions of work
  7. Media
  8. Date or time period created
  9. Art movement, period, or region if it is ancient
  10. Place of origin
  11. Manner of display
  12. Description of Artwork
  13. A description of the work (what does it look like, include things that would allow people to recognize it)
  14. An analysis of the work

Virtual Museum Visit

  1. To understand how to analyze, two references should be researched before starting:

o          Introduction to art historical analysis (article from Smarthistory)

o          How to do a visual (formal) analysis (video from Smarthistory)

  1. Elements of Art (describe types of lines, marks, tones, textures, colors, etc.)

iii.        Principles of Art (describe placement of elements, symmetry, movement, sense of weight, etc.)

III.        Response to Artwork

  1. Your personal reaction to the work (how do you feel when you see it, what does it remind you of, would it be difficult to replicate, etc.).
  2. Additional interesting information (is there some background about the object we should know about such as materials it’s made of, how it came to be, or its utilitarian use).

Virtual Museum Visit

  1. Images
  2. Proof of concept—you will need to take a selfie on location and/or informational literature such as a brochure or pamphlet from the exhibit or museum OR if using an alternative museum resource (with prior approval), provide the online URL of the location of the museum resources and/or virtual visit and a screenshot of the website it was obtained from.
  3. Photo/card/slide of Artwork (if a work is not allowed to be photographed, research to find one, or find it in a brochure or other materials from the museum.) Any images obtained from online resources must provide proper credit and licensing whether it is a Creative Commons License or Public Domain.
  4. References

The paper is to include:

  • Cover page with Title, location of the works chosen, date visited, and your name.
  • A well-written and edited three to five-page paper which is to be single-spaced, paragraph indented or double-spaced between paragraphs, 12 pt text in a serif font (either Georgia, Palatino, Minion, or Times/Times Roman).
  • Quoted material: No more than 15% of the written paper may be directly copied and included in the total work. The quoted portion must be cited in the bibliography.
  • The paper should include an overview of what the object or exhibition is about, the materials and techniques used in the work, your research into the background and history of the work, the work’s significance in the arts, and your personal observations about the work, such as what made you choose this work, how you feel about the work, how it impact you or others.
  • A page with images of the art, artifact, or an example of art from the exhibition printed either in color or black and white with caption labels.
  • A bibliography of references where you found your research.

Virtual Museum Visit

Suggested Schedule: (Note: This is for a 16 week-course, you should adjust the schedule accordingly for a shorter course.)

  • Weeks 1-4 Visit a museum or exhibit, take notes, and gather resources.
  • Weeks 5-8 Write the outline and the first draft.
  • Weeks 9-12 Add more in-depth information and revisions to the first & second drafts.
  • Weeks 13-15 Finish proofreading and finalize the paper.

Check the local or regional museum, gallery, or arts organization offerings. APA.

May 24, 2024
May 24, 2024

Criminal Law Cloud Computing


Many organizations have adopted cloud computing. In this assignment, you will research cloud computing and explore its advantages and disadvantages. You will also consider best practices for adopting cloud computing, selecting a particular cloud computing service model, and assessing and mitigating security risks.

For your research, please consult Chapters 13 and 14 of your textbook and these articles:

“A Brief Review: Security Issues in Cloud Computing and Their Solutions.”

“Cloud Computing Security Risks: Identification and Assessment.”

“Cloud Computing – Recent Trends in Information Technology.”

Note: If you wish you may consult additional articles, but this is not required.

Criminal Law Cloud Computing

Criminal Law Cloud Computing


Specifically, you will write a 3 pages paper in which you:

Outline the planning process that needs to be in place before adopting cloud computing.

Be sure to identify the stakeholders who need to be involved and the discussions that need to take place.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.

Describe the methodology you would use to select a cloud computing service model.

Review the security risks and mitigation activities that need to take place before adopting cloud computing.

Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate into the assignment at least three quality, peer-reviewed academic resources, written within the past five years.

Include your textbook as one of your resources.

Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Criminal Law Cloud Computing


Many organizations have adopted cloud computing. In this assignment, you will research cloud computing and explore its advantages and disadvantages. You will also consider best practices for adopting cloud computing, selecting a particular cloud computing service model, and assessing and mitigating security risks.

For your research, please consult Chapters 13 and 14 of your textbook and these articles:

“A Brief Review: Security Issues in Cloud Computing and Their Solutions.”

“Cloud Computing Security Risks: Identification and Assessment.”

“Cloud Computing – Recent Trends in Information Technology.”

Note: If you wish you may consult additional articles, but this is not required. APA.

May 24, 2024
May 24, 2024

NURS-709 Advanced Health Policy

Assignment Details

To prepare for your Kaltura PowerPoint video presentation, review one of the videos or review the article below related to disparities, ethics, cultural competence, or SDH.

Healthy LivingMo. (2021, Jan 4). Rural children in crisis: Access to Missouri oral care (18:09 minutes) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wlnv1qxodg

  • Rural Children in Crisis Transcript
  • Thurston Films. (2018, May 17). Lgbt me; A conversation on mental health within the Igbt community (short documentary) (6:43 minutes)

NURS-709 Advanced Health Policy

[Video]. YouTube.

  • LGBT ME Transcript

OCRA. (2020, Nov 17). Racial Disparities in Ovarian Cancer (45:22 minutes) [Video]. YouTube.

  • Racial Disparities in Ovarian Cancer Transcript
  • FRONTLINE PBS | Official. (2021, May 18). The healthcare divide (full documentary) | Frontline (53:17 minutes) [Video]. YouTube.
  • The Healthcare Divide Transcript

NURS-709 Advanced Health Policy

TEDx Talks. (2023, Feb 16). You’re doing it wrong: The evolution of cultural competence (17:15 minutes) [Video]. YouTube.

  • You’re Doing it Wrong Transcript

U.S. Attorney’s Office. (2019). Carewell urgent care center agrees to pay $2 million to resolve allegations of false billing of government health care programs

Review Kaltura for Presentations for instructions on how to record and embed a video.

Once you have reviewed one of the videos or article above, create a Kaltura video with Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or a Microsoft PowerPoint with voice over and video. In either option, you should be visible presenting the Microsoft PowerPoint slides.

NURS-709 Advanced Health Policy

The Kaltura presentation should be no less than five minutes and no more than 10 minutes in length covering the following:

Provide a summary of the health disparity, cultural competency, ethical, or SDH issues presented in the article or video.

Describe your reaction to the video or article.

What to Submit

Your Kaltura video

Please see Submitting in Canvas section in Kaltura for Presentations for instructions on how to embed a Kaltura video in a text submission.

If you copy and paste references from the course into your assignment, be sure to confirm APA formatting before submitting.

May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024

ECE-650 Unpacking the Standards

Complete the “ECE-650 Unpacking the Standards” chart with the following:

Select a class profile, preschool to Grade 3, on which you will focus the assignments throughout this course.

Select an overall theme that you will use for the assignments throughout this course from the following:

Theme 1 – Culture

Theme 2 – Time, Continuity, and Change

Theme 3 – People, Places, and Environments

Theme 4 – Individual Development and Identity

Theme 5 – Individuals, Groups, and Institutions

Theme 6 – Power, Authority, and Governance

Theme 7 – Production, Distribution, and Consumption

Theme 8 – Science, Technology, and Society

Theme 9 – Global Connections

Theme 10 – Civic Ideals and Practices

ECE-650 Unpacking the Standards

ECE-650 Unpacking the Standards

Identify one social studies, one ELA, and one arts standard related to the selected theme and from the state in which you plan to teach. When selecting standards, select those that scaffold or support later standards.

List the verbs in the standard (these are often used in objectives aligned to the standard).

List the nouns in the standard (these often become vocabulary for a unit).

Identify the skills necessary to master the standard.

Create three objectives for each standard using Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Determine a pre-assessment that assesses each standard and is developmentally appropriate for the selected age group.

ECE-650 Unpacking the Standards

Identify one social studies, one ELA, and one arts standard related to the selected theme and from the state in which you plan to teach. When selecting standards, select those that scaffold or support later standards.  Determine a pre-assessment that assesses each standard and is developmentally appropriate for the selected age group. Support your work with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Propose a learning center or age-appropriate activity where students can demonstrate the desired knowledge or skill, and two instructional strategies with a description on how they support the learning. Support your work with 3-5 scholarly resources. APA.

May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024

Cultural Relativism Journal Assignment


Complete the module discussion before completing this journal assignment. Then, view Texans Trying to Pronounce WI City Names (2:36) and Would You Eat It? 10 Weird Foods We Dare You to Try (6:14). Choose one of these videos to focus on as you make connections between cultural norms, language, and personal identity. In your journal assignment, you will explain the cultural norms and values you see presented in the video and then note how these cultural norms and values are different than your own. You will explain how you practiced cultural relativism as you developed conclusions and ways that you can apply your learning experience in this journal assignment to your film analysis in the final project.

Cultural Relativism Journal Assignment

Cultural Relativism Journal Assignment

Be sure that your journal assignment includes each of the following critical elements:

Cultural Norms and Values: Identify the cultural norms and values with specific examples from the video.

Cultural Comparison: Describe how the cultural norms and values you identified are similar to or different from your own norms and values. Be sure to offer specific details and examples.

Cultural Relativism: Explain how you practiced cultural relativism as you developed conclusions about cultural norms and values within both the video and your own culture.

Application to Film Study: Suggest specific ways you can apply what you learned by completing this journal assignment to your film analysis, even if you chose other concepts for the final course project.

Cultural Relativism Journal Assignment

What to Submit

Your journal should be written in paragraph form and should include at least one source cited in APA format. Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your journal should be written in paragraph form and should include at least one source cited in APA format. Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024

IT590 Ethical Computing Legislation

IT590-2: Discuss recent legislation related to ethical computing.


This assignment allows you to place yourself in an ethical dilemma related to data security and privacy. You will analyze the scenario from a number of ethical perspectives, identify laws that are relevant for this scenario, and decide how you would respond to the situation.

Assignment Instructions

Select from one of the following scenarios:

You are the IT administrator for your company. One of the employees discovers a loophole in the security whereby the employees may access the personnel records of other employees in the company. Personnel records include names, addresses, Social Security numbers, disciplinary actions, annual reviews, and salary information. You are working on a time-sensitive project and do not fix the problem for 2 weeks. As you are fixing the problem, you note that several employees have accessed personnel records using the loophole.

IT590 Ethical Computing Legislation

IT590 Ethical Computing Legislation

You are the CIO of a large national auto retailer. As a part of your service, you offer auto loans through your dealerships. This requires your company to collect and store personally identifiable information on your customers. Additionally, you store customer bank account and credit card information so that customers can use automatic payment options for their loans. Recently, your company has been hacked, and a significant number of client accounts have been breached. The CEO is demanding that the IT group handle this privately rather than reporting the breach for fear that publicizing the information will have a negative effect on quarterly earnings.

Complete the following for your chosen scenario:

Analyze your chosen scenario from the aspect of computing ethics and privacy ethics.

Discuss the ethical dilemma from the perspective of societal ethics, organizational ethics, and individual ethics.

IT590 Ethical Computing Legislation

Research on the Internet to determine what data security and privacy laws are relevant in this scenario.

Describe each law and consequences for violation of the law.

Discuss the reputational and financial impact this scenario might have on the organization.

From the perspective of the IT administrator in Scenario 1, or the perspective of the CIO in Scenario 2, how would you respond to the situation? Justify your response from an ethical and legal perspective.

Assignment Requirements

Your paper should be 2–3 double spaced pages in length.

Use Times New Roman 12 pt font.

Use APA formatting for paper, citations, and references.

Be sure to cite your sources and provide the appropriate references.

May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024

IT591 Unit3 PCI-DSS Audit

 IT591-3: Apply auditing processes within a technical scenario.


This assignment helps you learn how to prepare for a specific audit, in this case, the PCI-DSS audit. You will use the PCI-DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire D for Merchants (Version 4.0 (Available in your readings) and become familiar with the various sections that the audit will cover, and what preparation must occur to ensure compliance within each section.

Assignment Instructions

Use the link to the PCI-DSS self-assessment questionnaire (SQA-D) for Vendors (V. 4.0) provided in this week’s readings and use this information to complete the assignment.

Consider the PCI-DSS self-assessment questionnaire D for Merchants (V. 4.0) which a typical retail merchant would have to show compliance in order to continue doing business with credit cards.

IT591 Unit3 PCI-DSS Audit

IT591 Unit3 PCI-DSS Audit

Review the questions associated with four different requirements of the twelve covered by the assessment questions (specifically sections 3, 8, 9, and one other section of your choice)

For each section explain:

The purpose of that section, why it is important, and what these questions seek to achieve.

Pick any three questions in that section and explain:

What the question means

What evidence would be needed to show compliance

Whether it would be easy or difficult to achieve compliance and why

Do not pick three that are all easy

Summarize your impressions of the questions for this section and discuss how a merchant would establish or maintain compliance.

IT591 Unit3 PCI-DSS Audit

For any question that you examined in item 2 above, (which was deemed hard to comply with) assume that you cannot fully meet the requirement and draft up a half-page compensating control (Refer to Appendix B) that would substitute for a fully compliant response.

Write a 1-paragraph summary about what you learned from this exercise.

Assignment Requirements

5–6 pages of content (exclusive of the cover sheet and references page), using Times New Roman font style, 12 point, double-spaced, using correct APA formatting, and include a cover sheet, table of contents, abstract, and reference page(s).

At least 1 credible source cited and referenced

No more than 1 table or figure

No spelling errors

No grammar errors

No APA errors

May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024

IT590 Unit4 Cybercrime


This assignment allows you to define cybercrime and the categories included under cybercrime. You will then examine laws related to cybercrime from three different countries and compare and contrast those laws. You will discuss the ethical dilemmas that can arise from these differences.

Assignment Instructions

Define cybercrime and the categories of cybercrime.

Research how cybercrime (either in general or with respect to certain crimes — e.g., hacking, identity theft, cyberstalking) is handled in at least three different countries (one can be the United States).

Compare and contrast each country’s laws. What ethical issues arise as a result of differences in cybercriminal prosecution across cultures?

How will your understanding of the differences among cultures affect your ability to make decisions within your company?

IT590 Unit4 Cybercrime

Assignment Requirements

Your paper should be a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages.

Use Times New Roman 12 pt font.

Use APA formatting for paper, citations, and references.

Be sure to cite your sources and provide the appropriate references.

IT590 Unit4 Cybercrime


This assignment allows you to define cybercrime and the categories included under cybercrime. You will then examine laws related to cybercrime from three different countries and compare and contrast those laws. You will discuss the ethical dilemmas that can arise from these differences.

Assignment Instructions

Define cybercrime and the categories of cybercrime.

Research how cybercrime (either in general or with respect to certain crimes — e.g., hacking, identity theft, cyberstalking) is handled in at least three different countries (one can be the United States).

Compare and contrast each country’s laws. What ethical issues arise as a result of differences in cybercriminal prosecution across cultures?

How will your understanding of the differences among cultures affect your ability to make decisions within your company?

Assignment Requirements

Your paper should be a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages.

Use Times New Roman 12 pt font.

Use APA formatting for paper, citations, and references.

Be sure to cite your sources and provide the appropriate references.