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June 17, 2024
June 17, 2024

Education Medical studies

Historians and doctors have much in common. Both acknowledge that the proper study of mankind is Man. Both are particularly interested in the influences which condition human existence. . . In medical diagnosis, a single cause for disease will often be found. In historical investigation, the causes are likely to be complex. Nothing could be more ridiculous than to contend that disease is always the primary cause of great historical change; but, particularly at a time when the sociological aspects of history are being emphasized, it is worth examining those episodes in which the influence of disease may have been of real importance, especially when that importance has been neglected or misconstrued by more conventional historians.

Education Medical studies

Frederick Cartwright, Disease and History

Over the millennia, various epidemic and pandemics have greatly influenced the course of human events. This can be witnessed in military and political affairs, in cultural worldviews, in the development of the arts and folklore. This assignment consists of descriptions of epidemics from throughout the western world and interpretations of their impact. In a short research paper consider the following questions and answer them in your response.

Education Medical studies

Be sure to synthesize (all) the material into your own analysis of the role of plague throughout the centuries. Are the plagues discussed the same diseases? What are their similarities? What are their differences? What effect do these illnesses have on society, culture, politics, and the economy? Are there commonalities to man’s reaction or response to the sickness? What does the reaction of humanity to epidemic say about our species? Is mankind more capable of dealing with an epidemic or even pandemic in one period than another?

Submission Requirements: This assignment must comply with summary format guidelines: Introductory paragraph (what and how you are going to show, describe, “prove,” etc.), multi-paragraph body (where the evidence is used to support your position using in-text citations), and a closing paragraph (what you have shown, described, proved, argued, etc.).

Education Medical studies

Selected readings from the following are provided from the following:

Thucydides, “The Great Plague at Athens”

Procopius, “Justinian’s Plague”

Documents on the Black Death

Jean de Venette, “The Plague in France”

Giovanni Boccaccio, “A Most Terrible Plague”

Matteo Villani, “God’s Hand was Unstrung”

Samuel K. Cohn, Jr., The Black Death: End of a Paradigm”

“Orders for the Prevention of the Plague, 1666”
Daniel Defoe, “Journal of the Plague Year”

A. W. Sloan, “Medical and Social Aspects of the Great Plague of London in 1665”. Use APA referencing style.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Nutrition and Disease Development

After studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, read the case study scenarios and answer the questions in paragraph form for each:

Scenario 1

Lenora is a 57-year-old Jamaican American female who works as a desk clerk. Her job requires her to sit all day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., then she drives for one hour to go home. She lives alone in a studio apartment. By the time she gets home, she is tired and barely has time to pick up some fast food. She was recently diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes type 2. She is 5’ 5” tall and weighs 180 pounds with a BMI of 30.1. Her blood pressure was 150/105 and her HbA1C of 7.5%. The healthcare team starts Lenora on atenolol (Tenormin) for her hypertension and metformin (Glucophage) for her diabetes.

Reference: Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2023). About chronic diseases. https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/about/index.htm#risks

Provide at least two (2) risk factors that may contribute to Lenora’s development of hypertension (see Appendix J: Body Mass Index (BMI) of your textbook)

Describe what is HbA1C and how is it used to monitor diabetes? (see Chapter 20, page 564 of your textbook).

Nutrition and Disease Development

Nutrition and Disease Development

Scenario 2

Navigate to HIVinfo by the NIH.gov: https://hivinfo.nih.gov/understanding-hiv/fact-sheets/hiv-and-nutrition-and-food-safetyLinks to an external site. – read the webpage and scroll to Healthy Living with HIV.

Describe how foods may affect HIV treatment (provide at least 2 examples).

Explain how to prevent opportunistic infections through their diet in people living with HIV.

Your initial post should be at least 400 words, formatted, and cited in the current APA style with support from the textbook and the sources provided.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.

Nutrition and Disease Development

Scenario 2

Navigate to HIVinfo by the NIH.gov: https://hivinfo.nih.gov/understanding-hiv/fact-sheets/hiv-and-nutrition-and-food-safetyLinks to an external site. – read the webpage and scroll to Healthy Living with HIV.

Describe how foods may affect HIV treatment (provide at least 2 examples).

Explain how to prevent opportunistic infections through their diet in people living with HIV.

Your initial post should be at least 400 words, formatted, and cited in the current APA style with support from the textbook and the sources provided.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. APA.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update

Prepare a 2 page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.


Health care providers today must develop their skills in mitigating risks to their patients and themselves related to patient information. At the same time, they need to be able distinguish between effective and ineffective uses of social media in health care.

This assessment will require you to develop a staff update for an interprofessional team to encourage team members to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of patient information.

Professional Context

Health professionals today are increasingly accountable for the use of protected health information (PHI). Various government and regulatory agencies promote and support privacy and security through a variety of activities. Examples include:

  • Meaningful use of electronic health records (EHR).
  • Provision of EHR incentive programs through Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Enforcement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules.
  • Release of educational resources and tools to help providers and hospitals address privacy, security, and confidentiality risks in their practices.

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update

Technological advances, such as the use of social media platforms and applications for patient progress tracking and communication, have provided more access to health information and improved communication between care providers and patients.

At the same time, advances such as these have resulted in more risk for protecting PHI. Nurses typically receive annual training on protecting patient information in their everyday practice. This training usually emphasizes privacy, security, and confidentiality best practices such as:

  • Keeping passwords secure.
  • Logging out of public computers.
  • Sharing patient information only with those directly providing care or who have been granted permission to receive this information.

Today, one of the major risks associated with privacy and confidentiality of patient identity and data relates to social media. Many nurses and other health care providers place themselves at risk when they use social media or other electronic communication systems inappropriately. For example, a Texas nurse was recently terminated for posting patient vaccination information on Facebook. In another case, a New York nurse was terminated for posting an insensitive emergency department photo on her Instagram account.

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update


As you begin to consider the assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Breach of Protected Health Information (PHI) activity. The activity will support your success with the assessment by creating the opportunity for you to test your knowledge of potential privacy, security, and confidentiality violations of protected health information. The activity is not graded and counts towards course engagement.

To successfully prepare to complete this assessment, complete the following:

  • Review the settings presented in the Assessment 02 Supplement: Protected Health Information [PDF]Download Assessment 02 Supplement: Protected Health Information [PDF]resource and select one to use as the focus for this assessment.
  • Review the infographics on protecting PHI provided in the resources for this assessment, or find other infographics to review. These infographics serve as examples of how to succinctly summarize evidence-based information.
    • Analyze these infographics and distill them into five or six principles of what makes them effective. As you design your interprofessional staff update, apply these principles. Note:In a staff update, you will not have all the images and graphics that an infographic might contain. Instead, focus your analysis on what makes the messaging effective.
  • Select from any of the following options, or a combination of options, as the focus of your interprofessional staff update:
    • Social media best practices.
    • What not to do: social media.
    • Social media risks to patient information.
    • Steps to take if a breach occurs.
  • Conduct independent research on the topic you have selected in addition to reviewing the suggested resources for this assessment. This information will serve as the source(s) of the information contained in your interprofessional staff update. Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guidefor help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources.

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update


In this assessment, imagine you are a nurse in one of the health care settings described in the following resource:

Before your shift begins, you scroll through Facebook and notice that a coworker has posted a photo of herself and a patient on Facebook and described how happy she is that her patient is making great progress. You have recently completed your annual continuing education requirements at work and realize this is a breach of your organization’s social media policy. Your organization requires employees to immediately report such breaches to the privacy officer to ensure the post is removed immediately and that the nurse responsible receives appropriate corrective action.

You follow appropriate organizational protocols and report the breach to the privacy officer. The privacy officer takes swift action to remove the post. Due to the severity of the breach, the organization terminates the nurse.

Based on this incident’s severity, your organization has established a task force with two main goals:

  • Educate staff on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.
  • Prevent confidentiality, security, and privacy breaches.

The task force has been charged with creating a series of interprofessional staff updates on the following topics:

  • Social media best practices.
  • What not to do: Social media.
  • Social media risks to patient information.
  • Steps to take if a breach occurs.

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update


First, select one of the health care settings described in the following resource:

As a nurse in this setting, you are asked to create the content for a staff update containing a maximum of two content pages that address one or more of these topics:

  • Social media best practices.
  • What not to do: social media.
  • Social media risks to patient information.
  • Steps to take if a breach occurs.

This assessment is not a traditional essay. It is a staff educational update about PHI. Consider creating a flyer, pamphlet, or one PowerPoint slide (not an entire presentation). Remember it should not be more than two pages (excluding a title and a reference page).

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update

The task force has asked team members assigned to the topics to include the following content in their updates in addition to content on their selected topics:

  • What is protected health information (PHI)?
    • Be sure to include essential HIPAA information.
  • What are privacy, security, and confidentiality?
    • Define and provide examples of privacy, security, and confidentiality concerns related to the use of technology in health care.
    • Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.
  • What evidence relating to social media usage and PHI do interprofessional team members need to be aware of? For example:
    • What are some examples of nurses being terminated for inappropriate social media use in the United States?
    • What types of sanctions have health care organizations imposed on interdisciplinary team members who have violated social media policies?
    • What have been the financial penalties assessed against health care organizations for inappropriate social media use?
    • What evidence-based strategies have health care organizations employed to prevent or reduce confidentiality, privacy, and security breaches, particularly related to social media usage?

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update


  • Your staff update is limited to two double-spaced content pages. Be selective about the content you choose to include in your update so you can meet the page length requirement. Include need-to-know Omit nice-to-knowinformation.
  • Many times people do not read staff updates, do not read them carefully, or do not read them to the end. Ensure your staff update piques staff members’ interest, highlights key points, and is easy to read. Avoid overcrowding the update with too much content.
  • Also, supply a separate reference page that includes two or three peer-reviewed and one or two non-peer-reviewed resources (for a total of 3–5 resources) to support the staff update content.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Ensure the staff update is free from errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Submission length:Maximum of two double-spaced content pages.
  • Font and font size:Use Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • Citations and references:Provide a separate reference page that includes 2–3 current, peer-reviewed and 1–2 current, non-peer-reviewed in-text citations and references (total of 3–5 resources) that support the staff update’s content. Current means no older than 5 years.
  • APA format:Be sure your citations and references adhere to APA format. Consult the Evidence and APA page for an APA refresher.

HIPAA Interprofessional Staff Update

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making.
    • Describe the security, privacy, and confidentially laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that govern the interdisciplinary team.
    • Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.
  • Competency 2: Implement evidence-based strategies to effectively manage protected health information.
    • Identify evidence-based approaches to mitigate risks to patients and health care staff related to sensitive electronic health information.
    • Develop a professional, effective staff update that educates interprofessional team members about protecting the security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient data, particularly as it pertains to social media usage.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.
    • Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
    • Create a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional staff update that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Cost-Benefit Analysis Case Study

You are the laboratory manager. The hospital administration wants to pene- trate the market and expand the business by performing Parathyroid Surgeries (reimbursement $15,000). They have enticed a prominent surgeon to join the staff. He plans on scheduling four surgeries per week – two on Tuesday and two on Thursdays. Every case will need an intact Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) performed STAT during surgery. You currently send this test to your reference laboratory with a minimum 24-hour TAT. None of the analyzers currently in your lab are capable of running this test. The best pricing you obtain is from Siemens Diagnostics for an Immulite 1000. The price of the analyzer is $75,000. The price of the test kit is $800 for 100 tests. The test requires three levels of controls run per 24 hours. The stability of the test kit once opened is eight weeks. Reimbursement for the test is $20. You realize that you will only be able to run on average 32 tests (patient reportable results) before discarding the reagent ($25 per test for reagent alone).

Cost-Benefit Analysis Case Study

Cost-Benefit Analysis Case Study

Issues and Questions to Consider:

  1. Would you bring the test in-house as per the physician’s request? 2. What other departments need to be involved in developing this service?
  2. What assumptions should be made modifying the Chemistry operating budget?
  3. What financial tools would be useful in justifying the addition of this test?
  4. Would further explanation be needed in justifying the addition of this test as addition does not appear to be warranted on its own merits?

Cost-Benefit Analysis Case Study

Consider the case on page 270 of the Harmening textbook regarding the hospital administrator’s request for lab services to support parathyroid surgeries which would require offering intact PTH testing on two days/ week. Costs of the analyzer, reagent test kits, number of controls required, and reimbursement revenues are described. In addition, consider that 4 tests are run monthly for the calibrators. You will be asked to consider if the test can be offered in-house by performing some calculations and explaining factors involved in the decision making by answering the following questions. APA.

  1. How did the actual cost per test be determined for reagent alone? Show the calculation:
  2. How many tests in the kit are going for non-billable tests (these are tests you run that are not patient samples)?
  3. Considering the total reagent cost over 8 weeks, and the number of patient reportable tests, the number of non-patient reportable tests, what is the likely cost of wasted reagent?
  4. What are other expenses that should be considered in calculating cost per test? Include specific examples.
  5. Considering the reimbursement revenue discuss your initial thoughts on cost/benefit for offering the intact PTH test STAT for in-house surgery.
  6. What additional ideas could be explored and provided to the hospital administrator that may make this more favorable?
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Aggression Case Study Scenario

Paul had been in the psychiatric unit for two days. He has a history of anger since his traumatic brain injury (TBI) a few years ago. On the morning of Paul’s second day there, a new client was admitted. Her name was Gwen, and he heard the nurse say that she had psychosis with delusions. As soon as she saw Paul standing near her in the hallway, Gwen stared at him and began to yell. Paul felt instantly on edge. He tried to remain calm but could not understand why she had specifically targeted him. The staff calmed Gwen and distracted her attention. Paul voluntarily went to his room for some quiet time.

Throughout the day every time Gwen saw Paul, she would say something hurtful. The nurse said, “She is confused, don’t let her upset you.” Paul tried not to let her comments bother him, but Gwen would not stop. He tried avoiding her, but she seemed to find him and would interrupt whatever he was doing to say rude comments. Even though the words didn’t always make sense, her intent was obvious.

Paul became more irritated until he felt he might say something he shouldn’t. His goal was to be discharged soon, and he realized that out-of-control behavior would keep him in the hospital longer. He tried to ignore Gwen even when she kept insisting, he answered her questions and comments.

  • Which phase of the aggression cycle is Paul in?
  • What are the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of this cycle?
  • Explain the nursing interventions for a client in this phase?

Aggression Case Study Scenario

Aggression Case Study Scenario

Paul started answering Gwen’s accusations. He tried telling her to stop. He tried reasoning with her, but that made no difference. He paced in the hallway, hitting his fist on his hand. He was breathing fast and perspiring.

The nurse asked Paul what was going on. She said, “You seem tense, please tell me about it.”

Paul replied, “If that woman doesn’t stop being rude, I’m going to slug her!”

  • Which phase of aggression is Paul in?
  • What are the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of this cycle?
  • Explain the nursing interventions for a client in this phase?

That evening Paul felt weary with enduring Gwen’s taunts. She had threatened to “beat him up” which he didn’t think she could actually do. He was sitting at a table in the day room reading when Gwen came into the room. She went directly to him and made offensive comments. When he ignored her and wouldn’t look up, Gwen shoved him, hard. Paul jumped to a standing position from his chair. “Knock it off,” he said. Gwen punched him in the chest and then Paul lost control. He and Gwen were on the floor fighting. Other peers and staff pulled them apart. Paul felt so angry. He yelled at Gwen and threatened to kill her. He kept trying to get away from staff to attack her again.

  • Which phase of the aggression cycle in Paul in?
  • What are the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of this cycle?
  • Explain the nursing interventions for a client in this phase?

Aggression Case Study Scenario

Paul was put in the seclusion room with four-point restraints. Staff forced him to receive an injection. The nurse said, “This will help you calm down.”

As the medication took effect, Paul did feel calmer. His tense muscles relaxed and he started to fall asleep. He no longer wanted to kill Gwen.

  • Which phase of the aggression cycle in Paul in?
  • What are the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of this cycle?
  • Explain the nursing interventions for a client in this phase?

The nurse asked Paul if he felt like he could get out of the restraints and go to his room to rest on his bed. He nodded and went with staff to lie down. He was worrying about how this incident was going to stop him from getting discharged soon. He needed to get home so he could return to work as soon as possible. He apologized to the nurse; he realized he was crying. He thought maybe it was due to all the stress. He was embarrassed and felt so tired. He just stayed in his room the rest of the night.

  • Which phase of the aggression cycle is Paul in?
  • What are the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of this cycle?
  • Explain the nursing interventions for a client in this phase?

Aggression Case Study Scenario

Paul’s Medications

The injection the RN gave to calm Paul down contained haloperidol.

  • What type of medication is this and which drug class? What are the side effects of this medication? What are the names of some other meds in this drug class?

The new medication Paul’s psychiatrist in the hospital prescribed and started him on is risperidone.

  • What type of medication is this and which drug class? What are the side effects of this medication? What are the names of some other meds in this drug class?

Answer the following from “Critical Thinking Questions” on p. 183

  • Many community-based residential programs will not admit a client with a recent history of aggression. Is this fair to the client? What factors should influence such decisions?
  • If an aggressive client injures another client or a staff person, should criminal charges be filed against the client? Why or why not?
  • Many consumer and family support groups support the total abolition of restraints and seclusion. Is that realistic? Without restraint or seclusion options, how should aggressive/assaultive clients be managed? APA.
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Lab Orientation and Set-Up

Lab Overview


The software used for the course’s Lab Activities is Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a software program using spreadsheets to organize numbers and data for analysis using formulas and functions. Tedious calculations can be done using Microsoft Excel, freeing up students to focus on statistical concepts.


With Microsoft Excel, you can generate decision-making information quickly by using powerful statistics, understanding and effectively presenting your results with high-quality tabular and graphical output, and sharing your results with others via using a variety of reporting methods. Results from your data analysis enable you to make smarter decisions more quickly by uncovering key facts, patterns, and trends.

Lab Orientation and Set-Up

Lab Orientation and Set-Up

In your professional life, you can use Microsoft Excel in a variety of areas, including

  • survey and market research and direct marketing;
  • academia;
  • administrative research, human resources, and resource planning;
  • medical, scientific, clinical, and social science research;
  • planning and forecasting;
  • quality improvement;
  • reporting and ad hoc decision making; and
  • enterprise-level analytic application development.

In this class, we will be using Microsoft Excel for the analytical process – planning, data collecting, data access, data management and preparation, data analysis, reporting, and deployment. Customers use Excel to anticipate change, manage both daily operations and special initiatives more effectively, and realize positive, measurable benefits. By incorporating predictive analytics into their daily operations, they become predictive enterprises – able to direct and automate decisions to meet business goals and achieve measurable competitive advantage.

What Does Predictive Analytics Do?

Predictive analytics informs and directs decision making by applying a combination of advanced analytics and decision optimization to an organization’s enterprise data, with the objective of improving business processes to meet specific organization goals.

Lab Orientation and Set-Up

Predictive analytics offers numerous advantages for organizations recognizing the inherent value locked within their existing enterprise data. Strategically, predictive analytics provides a quantitative foundation for rapidly identifying, objectively evaluating, and confidently pursuing new market opportunities. Tactically, predictive analytics identifies precisely whom to target, how to reach them, when to make contact, and what messages should be communicated. Organizations incorporating predictive analytics into their daily operations in this way improve their business processes, enhancing decision making and gaining the ability to direct, optimize, and automate decisions, on demand, to meet defined business goals. Through predictive analytics, they not only better manage the present, but also increase the probability of future success.


Work through the Lab (link to Introduction and Set Up Instructions Document below). When finished, submit a one-page summary of the navigational challenges and issues you had in set up, as well as what you liked to what excited you about learning Microsoft Excel. Some students may already have this software on their computer. In this instance, please share specifics on what you like and dislike with the program. Submit your summary to the Week 1: Lab Assignment location. APA.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Required Writing Assignment

Please choose to answer only one of the following questions for your writing assignment.

In your answer, please provide an opening statement, three arguments in support of your opening statement (opinion), three pieces of empirical research (i.e., studies) as support for your arguments, and a closing statement.

You may use any empirical, rigorous scientific research as support, however, do not use anecdotal evidence, or unpublished work. You should use journal articles that report original data/studies as evidence. If you do not know what this means or what kinds of papers to look for then you must ask me. Do not use textbooks, websites, chapters of edited books, review papers or meta-analyses as evidence. Please be sure to provide references for your empirical support (APA-format; with reference list and paper citations in text).

Required Writing Assignment

Possible Questions (choose one only)

Option 1: In your opinion and based on scientific, peer-reviewed published evidence, does

children’s motor development interact with/affect children’s cognitive and/or perceptual


– or –

Option 2: In your opinion and based on scientific, peer-reviewed published evidence, what features, properties, and/or experiences in the world and with people

Required Writing Assignment

Paper Format

Please format your paper into 5 separate paragraphs – an opening statement, three paragraphs for your three arguments and accompanying description of empirical evidence and a closing statement.

  1. Opening Statement = should include a restatement of the question posed to you in the assignment, your opinion (clearly stated), and a description of the three arguments you will use to support your opinion. For each of three arguments, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you will review below in each argument paragraph. Thus, you will have three sentences, each summarizing specific findings (arguments) in support of your opinion. This will be in addition to a restatement of the question you selected (in your own words), and a clear opinion on the question posed.
  2. First Argument = you should start this paragraph with your first argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion.

Required Writing Assignment

  1. Second argument = you should start this paragraph with your second argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion.
  2. Third argument = you should start this paragraph with your third argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion.

Required Writing Assignment

  1. Closing statement = should again include a restatement of the question posed to you in the assignment, your opinion (clearly stated), and a description of the three arguments you used to support your opinion. For each of three arguments, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you will review below in each argument paragraph. Thus, you will have three sentences, each summarizing specific findings (arguments) in support of your opinion. This will be in addition to a restatement of the question you selected (in your own words), and a clear opinion on the question posed.

Other Paper Formatting

All assignments must be typed double-spaced, 12-point Times (or Times New Roman) font, 1-inch margins. There are no minimum or maximum page limits; but please be sure to review the grading rubric to make sure you are including all the details and content required (more details the better). Please include a reference page, that has been APA formatted and include in-text citations for the references. All assignments will be run through Turnitin Software, and I will examine Turnitin results carefully for issues with plagiarism and or with automated software use such as ChatGPT. Any assignment returning a similarity score of 20% or higher will be carefully examined for plagiarism. APA.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Scenario Two Case Study

A couple enter for their intake regarding pre-marital counseling. They have been dating for approximately fifteen months. They are wanting to get married; however, they are concerned with several issues. The woman has been married twice before. She has one child with each of her past ex-husbands. She has an eight-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy. The man has been married once before. He has one child, a boy, age 13. Both woman’s ex-husbands play a large role in the children’s lives. However, the man’s ex-wife has nothing to do with her son. The woman receives a large alimony check that she would lose if she re-marries. This is a concern since she does not work outside the home. The man has a good job, but they would be living on a tight budget without her alimony check each month.

Scenario Two Case Study

They have discussed living together, but, if it is proven that they are cohabitating, she would still lose the alimony. The children have not met each other at this point. The woman’s ex-husbands are not aware that she has been in a serious relationship. The 13-year-old boy has been in trouble with the juvenile court system for inappropriately touching girls at school. The last episode was six months ago. He has been in counseling for over one year. The man has not told the woman of his son’s issues. Again, they have come in for pre-marital counseling and how they should tell the children the news if they decide to marry.

  1. Presenting Symptoms/Issues (i.e., Anxiety, Depression, etc.) (Spaces are provided for three symptoms or issues, but you may have less or add more, if needed.)
  2. Information that Supports Item I. (How did you arrive at the above conclusions? Again, you may have less or more information here.)

Scenario Two Case Study

III. Treatment Theoretical Approach(es): List and describe one or two theories that you, as the counselor, would use to work with the individual/family and give a rationale for choosing those approaches. Please do not describe a “integrated” approach but, rather, describe one or two specific theories. For each theory you list here, describe it using at least 250 words. Cite at least two scholarly sources in this description (no websites!).

  1. Treatment Modalities (i.e., Specify Group, Family, Couple, Individual—make sure that your choice of treatment modalities correlates with what you are going to do with the individuals in the scenario.)
  2. Reasons for the Chosen Modalities in Item IV
  3. Frequency of Sessions for Each Modality in Item IV

VII. Measurable Treatment Goals (Be sure to state these using action verbs. For example, “The client(s) will be able to identify, discuss, describe, etc.”)

VIII. Techniques from Theoretical Approaches: Based on the theory you described in section III above, list and describe three techniques that you could use for this case. Describe each technique using at least 150 words. These techniques/interventions should be directly related to the theory you described in Item III. Besides your textbook, include at least two other scholarly sources (articles or textbooks; no websites). APA.

  1. Frequency for Evaluating Each Goal (Will you evaluate after each session? …after two sessions? etc.)
  2. How will Progress be Defined? [What will you be looking for regarding progress with your client(s)?]
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Scenario One Treatment Plan

A family comes to your practice for help. Here is the following information that is collected during their intake. Mom and Dad have been married for twenty years. They have a middle-class income. Mom works twenty hours per week as a para legal. Dad is a college professor at the local four-year institution. They have three children. The oldest is a 16-year-old girl. She is a straight A student, and she is well liked at her school and the family’s church. She does not play any sports. Her hobbies are reading, art, and theatre club at the school. She just received her driver’s license about three months ago. It is rare that she is ever in trouble and in need of discipline for breaking family or school rules.

Scenario One Treatment Plan

The second child is 12-year-old male. This young man seems to find trouble anywhere he goes during the day. He struggles in school, but the teachers state he is fully capable of completing the work; he just refuses to do the work. He is defiant at school and at home. He spends most of his time defying authority figures who are left in charge of him each day. He can go for days without getting in trouble and then he could go a week getting in trouble every day. Even when he is presented with a “video” of his infraction, he will sit and deny it. He never claims that anything is his fault. He has been known to get into fights at school and even with his older sister. The older sister never fights back. She tries to get away from him rather than engage. He will intentionally break a rule at home and blame it on his older sister or younger brother.

Scenario One Treatment Plan

Spanking him only makes him madder and more out of control. Time-out ruins everyone’s night because he sits in time-out and verbally says things to bother the rest of the household. The only person he has never shown the behavior is his grandmother on his mother’s side. The third child is a 10- year-old boy. The boy is identical to the older sibling. He makes good grades, and he is well liked by others. He does show some of the “baby of the family” traits. For example, when his older brother picks on him, he immediately cries and screams for his mother.

  1. Presenting Symptoms/Issues (i.e., Anxiety, Depression, etc.) Spaces are provided for three symptoms or issues, but you may have less or add more, if needed. UWA students have access to the full-text DSM-5 via the Library website (found at uwa.edu/currentstudentsfacultyandstaff). The DSM is in a database titled “Psychiatry Online”. This database is filled with incredible diagnostic information.
  2. Information that Supports Item I. (How did you arrive at the above conclusions? Again, you may have less or more information here.)

Scenario One Treatment Plan

III. Treatment Theoretical Approach(es): List and describe one or two theories that you, as the counselor, would use to work with the individual/family and give a rationale for choosing those approaches. Please do not describe a “integrated” approach but, rather, describe one or two specific theories. For each theory you list here, describe it using at least 250 words. Cite at least two scholarly sources in this description (no websites!). Include the two sources in a reference section at the end of your document (after case

  1. Treatment Modalities (i.e., Specify Group, Family, Couple, Individual—make sure that your choice of treatment modalities correlates with what you going to do with the

VII. Measurable Treatment Goals (Be sure to state these using action verbs. For example, “The client(s) will be able to identify, discuss, describe, etc.”)

VIII. Techniques from Theoretical Approaches: Based on the theory you described in section III above, list and describe three techniques that you could use for this case.  Describe each technique using at least 150 words. These techniques/interventions should be directly related to the theory you described in Item III. Besides your textbook, include at least two other scholarly sources (articles or textbooks; no websites). Include your sources in the reference section at the very end of your document (after case #2). APA.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Unit 5 Accounting Principles

The following sales figures are for the months of November 2023 to June 2024. The figures from January 2024 onward are estimated:

Actual sales:  
November 2023 24000
December 2023 36000
Forecast sales:  
January 2024 42000
February 2024 54000
March 2024 60000
April 2024 60000
May 2024 57600
June 2024 57600


50% of the sales are normally paid for in the month in which they occur and the customers are rewarded with a 10% cash discount. The remaining sales are paid for net in the month following the sale.

Goods are sold at a mark-up of 20% on the goods purchased one month before sale. Half of the purchases are paid for in the month of purchase and a 5% prompt settlement discount is received. The remainder is paid in full in the following month.

Unit 5 Accounting Principles

Unit 5 Accounting Principles

Rent of $8,000 per month are paid in the month in which they are earned. It is expected that the rent will be increased by 10% from 1 April 2024.

  • The company has to repay a bank loan of $10,000 in March
  • The half-yearly interest on $200000, 10% debentures of $1 each is due to be paid on 5 February
  • The ordinary dividend of $25,000 for the year 2023 will be paid in March
  • The bank balance at 31 December 2023 is $52,000.

Prepare a cash budget for the four months ending 30 April 2024. Give your answers to the nearest dollar ($).

Discuss the benefits and limitations of budgets and budgetary planning, and control for Topgun Co. Ltd. Evaluate the extent to which using budgets can help to identify problems and corrective actions.

Justify budgetary control solutions and their impact on organisational decision making to ensure efficient and effective deployment of resources.

Unit 5 Accounting Principles

Rent of $8,000 per month are paid in the month in which they are earned. It is expected that the rent will be increased by 10% from 1 April 2024.

  • The company has to repay a bank loan of $10,000 in March
  • The half-yearly interest on $200000, 10% debentures of $1 each is due to be paid on 5 February
  • The ordinary dividend of $25,000 for the year 2023 will be paid in March
  • The bank balance at 31 December 2023 is $52,000.

Prepare a cash budget for the four months ending 30 April 2024. Give your answers to the nearest dollar ($).

Discuss the benefits and limitations of budgets and budgetary planning, and control for Topgun Co. Ltd. Evaluate the extent to which using budgets can help to identify problems and corrective actions.

Justify budgetary control solutions and their impact on organisational decision making to ensure efficient and effective deployment of resources. APA.