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September 4, 2024
September 4, 2024

Social Science Self-Assessment

Complete the following four self-assessments:
The Leadership Traits Questionnaire in the course text
The Leadership Styles Questionnaire in the course text (if you have not done so already)
The Followership Questionnaire in the Theory and Practice PDF
The Conflict Style Questionnaire in the course text
Additionally, ask a colleague or supervisor to complete the Conflict Style Questionnaire. Once completed, review the results with the colleague/supervisor.

Social Science Self-Assessment

Submit a 2- to 3-page p**** (not including title page and references) evaluating your leadership style and followership style based on the four questionnaires you completed. Be sure to:

Social Science Self-Assessment

Summarize your personal leadership traits and style based on the Leadership Traits and Leadership Styles Questionnaire results. Include both strengths and areas for improvement that reflect these two questionnaires.
Describe your followership style based on the Followership Questionnaire results. Explain the implications of this style for you as both a leader and a follower within an organization.
Identify at least one area of growth that would be most important for you to develop, based on the Conflict Style Questionnaire feedback from your colleague or supervisor. Explain why this area is most important to you as a developing leader.
Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

Social Science Self-Assessment

Complete the following four self-assessments:
The Leadership Traits Questionnaire in the course text
The Leadership Styles Questionnaire in the course text (if you have not done so already)
The Followership Questionnaire in the Theory and Practice PDF
The Conflict Style Questionnaire in the course text
Additionally, ask a colleague or supervisor to complete the Conflict Style Questionnaire. Once completed, review the results with the colleague/supervisor.Summarize your personal leadership traits and style based on the Leadership Traits and Leadership Styles Questionnaire results. Include both strengths and areas for improvement that reflect these two questionnaires.
Describe your followership style based on the Followership Questionnaire results. Explain the implications of this style for you as both a leader and a follower within an organization. Use APA referencing style.

September 4, 2024
September 4, 2024

Study Program Assignment

Your program of study is your bridge to your professional future. Consider ways your program of study connects to your long-term career plans and how it compares to others’ programs of study. In the modern era, most every career is impacted in some way by technology. How does technology impact your professional aspirations?

Post a response of at least 200 words to the following prompts.

Study Program Assignment

Study Program Assignment

Explain your chosen degree program. Assume the reader knows nothing about the degree or the job market for which it qualifies you. How does it connect with your long-term career goals? What role do you see technology playing in these goals?
Describe the moment you knew or decided what profession you wanted to pursue. Did someone influence you one way or another? Did you have a personal experience that changed your perspective?
What factors explain why you choose this field over others

Your program of study is your bridge to your professional future. Consider ways your program of study connects to your long-term career plans and how it compares to others’ programs of study. In the modern era, most every career is impacted in some way by technology. How does technology impact your professional aspirations?

Study Program Assignment

Post a response of at least 200 words to the following prompts.

Explain your chosen degree program. Assume the reader knows nothing about the degree or the job market for which it qualifies you. How does it connect with your long-term career goals? What role do you see technology playing in these goals?
escribe the moment you knew or decided what profession you wanted to pursue. Did someone influence you one way or another?

What factors explain why you choose this field over others. Your program of study is your bridge to your professional future. Consider ways your program of study connects to your long-term career plans and how it compares to others’ programs of study. In the modern era, most every career is impacted in some way by technology. How does technology impact your professional aspirations? Use APA referencing style.

September 4, 2024
September 4, 2024

Nursing Clinical Evaluation

Review your previous Clinical Skills Self-Assessment and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims?
Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your practicum experience must be:

psychiatric assessment Diagnosis
Reflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., application level and above)
Note: Please make sure your objectives are individualized and outlined in your Practicum Experience Plan (PEP). While you may add previous objectives to continue to work toward. You must have 3 new objectives for each class, each quarter.

Nursing Clinical Evaluation

Discuss your professional aims and your proposed practicum objectives with your Preceptor to ascertain if the necessary resources are available at your practicum site.
Select one nursing theory and one counseling/psychotherapy theory to best guide your clinical practice. Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
Create a timeline of practicum activities that demonstrates how you plan to meet these goals and objectives based on your practicum requirements.
Record the required information in each area of the Practicum Experience Plan template, including 3–4 measurable practicum learning objectives you will use to facilitate your learning during the practicum experience.

Submit the Practicum Experience Plan for assessment and Faculty approval.

When your instructor has approved your plan, forward the signed PEP to your Preceptor and retain a copy for your records.

Nursing Clinical Evaluation

Review your previous Clinical Skills Self-Assessment and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims?
Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your practicum experience must be:
Reflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., application level and above)
Note: Please make sure your objectives are individualized and outlined in your Practicum Experience Plan (PEP). While you may add previous objectives to continue to work toward. You must have 3 new objectives for each class, each quarter. Use APA referencing style.

September 4, 2024
September 4, 2024

psychiatric assessment Diagnosis

In this assignment you will analyze and synthesize the components of a complete psychiatric assessment with a formulated diagnosis and rationale, as well as clinical interventions for treatment, based on evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and theoretical knowledge you have covered in the PMHNP program thus far. This assignment allows you to demonstrate all course objectives in practice:

MN663-1: Prepare a consistent approach to the evaluation and management of mental health disorders and conditions for adult/geriatric clients and clients across the lifespan presenting in the acute and/or primary care setting.

MN663-2: Inspect diagnostic testing based on the history and mental health assessment for adult/geriatric clients presenting with acute, chronic, and complex mental health disorders in the acute and/or primary care setting.

MN663-3: Formulate evidence-based, therapeutic, patient-centered treatment plans that incorporate traditional and complementary pharmacological/non-pharmaceutical interventions for adult/geriatric clients in the acute and/or primary care setting.

MN663-4: Design age-appropriate mental health and physical health maintenance and screening plans for adult/geriatric clients with mental health disorders taking into consideration cultural, gender, ethnicity, spiritual, and social competencies.

MN663-5: Examine professional values and ethical/legal standards of the PMHNP role with relation to client safety, outcome improvement and collaborative relationships in the delivery of mental health care to the adult/geriatric client population.

psychiatric assessment Diagnosis

psychiatric assessment Diagnosis

Your writing Assignment should:

follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
be a minimum of 4 pages in length, not including cover or reference page.
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics, and.
use APA formatting and citation style.

psychiatric assessment Diagnosis

In this assignment you will analyze and synthesize the components of a complete psychiatric assessment with a formulated diagnosis and rationale, as well as clinical interventions for treatment, based on evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and theoretical knowledge you have covered in the PMHNP program thus far. This assignment allows you to demonstrate all course objectives in practice:

MN663-1: Prepare a consistent approach to the evaluation and management of mental health disorders and conditions for adult/geriatric clients and clients across the lifespan presenting in the acute and/or primary care setting. Use APA referencing style.

September 4, 2024
September 4, 2024

Individual- and Team-Level Change
Company: Amazon

For the first paragraph of your post, summarize some of the key information about your organization, the change you are discussing, and one or two key points you have discovered thus far in your work. This section should be no more than 5–6 sentences and should be just enough to remind your readers of your scenario.


For the second paragraph(s) of your post, consider the changes undertaken at your organization and whether they happened at the individual or the team level.

Individual- and Team-Level Change

If the changes happened at the individual level, address the following:

Discuss the reason for the change (e.g., to build communication skill, to enhance time management skill, etc.).

Describe the intervention used for the change (e.g., coaching, self-awareness, etc.).

Assess whether the intervention was successful. If so, how did you know that it was successful?

If there wasn’t a specific intervention used, reflect on how well the change was implemented. For example, if there was just an announcement that going forward XYZ would occur, was the change enthusiastically made by all individuals?

Individual- and Team-Level Change
On the basis of your readings, analyze what kind of support for the intervention would have made it more successful.

If the change was undertaken at the team level, address the following:

Discuss the reason for the change (e.g., to build the team, to increase motivation, etc.).

Describe what type of intervention was used (e.g., a specific team building exercise, a specific seminar, etc.).

Assess whether the intervention was successful. If so, how did you know it was successful?

If there wasn’t a specific intervention, discuss how the change was made. How did people respond to the change and change process?

On the basis of your readings, analyze what intervention you would have recommended.

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.


Provide a substantive (500- 1,000-word) initial discussion posting addressing each of the components in the discussion question. Justify your answers with research, examples, and

Individual- and Team-Level Change


1. Make certain to include in text citations from your course text in addition to your outside leadership resources within your main post. This adds credibility to your argument. [Textbook]: Anderson, D. (2019). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change (5th ed.). Sage. ISBN: 9781544333021.

2. No plagiarism will be tolerated. Must be in 7th Edition APA format with cited sources within the last 5 years.


3. No AI support, score must be 0% and less than < 10% score on Turnitin

Use APA referencing style.

September 4, 2024
September 4, 2024

Intervention Project Assignment

Timetable for the overall engagement, with milestones listed for intermediate stages, to include:
When you will gather data
When you will have meetings with management.
When you will implement individual or team interventions. How will these interventions be completed? For example, how many meetings will you conduct? How long will the meetings last? How long will the intervention last?
When you expect the intervention to be completed.
When you will have a wrap-up meeting with management (or with the entire organization or selected parts of it).

Intervention Project Assignment
Your needs and role as the change agent.

Confidentiality agreement.

Fees and when fees should be paid (if you are an external consultant/OD practitioner).

Your qualifications to take the engagement (if you are an external consultant/OD practitioner).
Submission Details:

Intervention Project Assignment

Your report should be a 5- to 7-page Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style. Cite any sources you use following the APA guidelines.
· Make certain to include in text citations from your course text in addition to your outside leadership resources within your main post. This adds credibility to your argument. [Textbook]: Anderson, D. (2019). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change (5th ed.). Sage. ISBN: 9781544333021

· No plagiarism will be tolerated. Must be in 7th Edition APA format with 6 cited sources within the last 5 years.

· No AI support, score must be 0% and less than < 10% score on Turnitin

Timetable for the overall engagement, with milestones listed for intermediate stages, to include:
When you will gather data
When you will have meetings with management.
When you will implement individual or team interventions. How will these interventions be completed? For example, how many meetings will you conduct? How long will the meetings last? How long will the intervention last?
When you expect the intervention to be completed.
When you will have a wrap-up meeting with management (or with the entire organization or selected parts of it).

Your needs and role as the change agent.

Confidentiality agreement.

Fees and when fees should be paid (if you are an external consultant/OD practitioner).

Your qualifications to take the engagement (if you are an external consultant/OD practitioner).
Submission Details:

Intervention Project Assignment

Your report should be a 5- to 7-page Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style. Cite any sources you use following the APA guidelines.
· Make certain to include in text citations from your course text in addition to your outside leadership resources within your main post. This adds credibility to your argument. [Textbook]: Anderson, D. (2019). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change (5th ed.). Sage. ISBN: 9781544333021

· No plagiarism will be tolerated. Must be in 7th Edition APA format with 6 cited sources within the last 5 years.

· No AI support, score must be 0% and less than < 10% score on Turnitin. Use APA referencing style.

September 3, 2024
September 3, 2024

Accounting Research Paper Task

The body of the document is to contain 750-1000 words. The VBM is to be clearly integrated into the paper.

Research requirement: a minimum of 3 credible and applicable sources. The course textbook can be used as a source in this paper, and the balance of your sources need to be sources that are not provided in this course.

Accounting Research Paper Task

Accounting Research Paper Task

Edit your paper thoroughly and carefully. Verify that the content per the instructions is included and that all direct quotes and paraphrases have been properly cited and referenced. Review the entire paper for APA formatting and English grammar standards.
Although NASCAR does not release official attendance records, visual evidence of grandstands shows empty seats. Using a STEEPLE analysis, identify the most likely causes of inconsistent in-person attendance. Research and analyze changes in demographics of the various stakeholder groups over the past 10-40 years. Using target marketing, segmentation, and positioning, provide a brief marketing plan with solutions to at least three of the issues identified, one of which must relate to demographic changes in stakeholders, as well as a detailed timeline for the implementation of the plan

Accounting Research Paper Task

The body of the document is to contain 750-1000 words. The VBM is to be clearly integrated into the paper.

Research requirement: a minimum of 3 credible and applicable sources. The course textbook can be used as a source in this paper, and the balance of your sources need to be sources that are not provided in this course.

Edit your paper thoroughly and carefully. Verify that the content per the instructions is included and that all direct quotes and paraphrases have been properly cited and referenced. Review the entire paper for APA formatting and English grammar standards.
Although NASCAR does not release official attendance records, visual evidence of grandstands shows empty seats. Using a STEEPLE analysis, identify the most likely causes of inconsistent in-person attendance. Research and analyze changes in demographics of the various stakeholder groups over the past 10-40 years. Using target marketing, segmentation, and positioning, provide a brief marketing plan with solutions to at least three of the issues identified, one of which must relate to demographic changes in stakeholders, as well as a detailed timeline for the implementation of the plan. Use APA referencing style.

September 3, 2024
September 3, 2024
Accounting Case Study Presentation
It is over the Mcdonalds Corporation In 12 Most Popular Full-Length Cases – Frank Rothaermel, 6e
Outline for Final Case Study Analysis
1. Title
2. Company Situation/Problem Description
a. Briefly describe the situation for which you are developing the case. This situation may include multiple issues/problems.
3. Problem Addressing
a. Clearly describe the specific problem
b. Of the problems noted in the situation, which one is your focus?
c. Why did you pick this one?
d. What is the global implication of this problem?
Accounting Case Study Presentation
Accounting Case Study Presentation
4. Recommendations
a. Make at least three recommendations regarding the way the situation could be resolved/improved.
b. Why do you believe these recommendations will resolve/improve the problem?
c. What is your justification?
5. Action Plan
a. Select one recommendation
b. Develop an objective to resolve/improve the problem
c. Develop the action steps necessary to meet the objective—Be Specific
d. For each action step, include how much time is needed to complete the action step and the anticipated budget for completing the action step
6. Justification
a. Support your action plan
b. Include why you believe this strategy will be successful
i. Utilize strategic analysis techniques such as Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain, or other tools that are in the text
Accounting Case Study Presentation
7. Outcomes
a. Be thorough
i. What will be the impact on the company?
ii. Why?
iii. What might cause problems?
iv. Are there potential unintended consequences?
v. What are the global implications?
It is over the Mcdonalds Corporation In 12 Most Popular Full-Length Cases – Frank Rothaermel, 6e
Outline for Final Case Study Analysis
1. Title
2. Company Situation/Problem Description
a. Briefly describe the situation for which you are developing the case. This situation may include multiple issues/problems.
3. Problem Addressing
a. Clearly describe the specific problem
b. Of the problems noted in the situation, which one is your focus?
c. Why did you pick this one?
d. What is the global implication of this problem? Use APA referencing style.
September 3, 2024
September 3, 2024

Accounting PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

Read chapters I, II, and III (Introduction, Graphing Distributions, and Summarizing Distributions) in the online textbook. Watch the videos and PowerPoints that go with each chapter.
Review the following articles and websites found in the resources for this assignment:
You will prepare an eight to ten-minute voice narrated PowerPoint presentation on discussing the differences and similarities between two communities using various graphical tools. A video tutorial on creating this type of presentation is located in the instruction above.

Accounting PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

Accounting PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

For this assignment, go to the Census Bureau Quick Facts link. In the top left corner, enter the zip code, town, city, or county name of the area where you live to get a table of quick facts about your community. In the more option on the menu board at the top of the screen, you will find CSV. Select this option to download an Excel spreadsheet with the quick table information. Select one other community in your state or region that is approximately the same size and download the quick facts for that community.
Prepare a set of graphs that compare the two communities in at least five different areas. Each graph must be different in format from the rest (bar chart, pie chart, doughnut chart, etc.). Using these graphs, prepare a Voice Narration PowerPoint that discusses the differences and similarities noted between the two communities. The PowerPoint should be 8 to 10 minutes in length.
Accounting PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

The presentation should follow a logical and coherent sequence with a strong introduction, clear progression of ideas and thoughts, and an effective conclusion.
Be sure to strategically use creative and attractive sound, volume, inflection, graphics, fonts, and formats that add value to the presentation.
Follow the steps involved in planning and preparing for a speech:
Your presentation should include an introduction and conclusion slides with 5 – 6 body slides.
Each slide should have approximately 40 to 60 seconds of narration. Use APA referencing style.

September 3, 2024
September 3, 2024

Sigma Application Assignment

Six Sigma projects are widely used to improve the quality, cost, and time performance of processes, products, and services.

In LinkedIn Learning, watch the Six Sigma Foundations Course Links to an external site. And answer the following questions:

Provide an example of variation in the performance of products or services in your industry and explain how this variation impacts customers.
Describe two potential Six Sigma project in your organization to reduce variation and improve performance.
What operational and business issues are these projects addressing?
What challenges/roadblocks do you foresee in implementing these projects?
Support your responses with specific references to the Six Sigma Foundations course.

Sigma Application Assignment

Sigma Application Assignment

Six Sigma projects are widely used to improve the quality, cost, and time performance of processes, products, and services.

In LinkedIn Learning, watch the Six Sigma Foundations Course Links to an external site. And answer the following questions:

Provide an example of variation in the performance of products or services in your industry and explain how this variation impacts customers.
Describe two potential Six Sigma project in your organization to reduce variation and improve performance.
What operational and business issues are these projects addressing?
What challenges/roadblocks do you foresee in implementing these projects?
Support your responses with specific references to the Six Sigma Foundations course.

Sigma Application Assignment

Six Sigma projects are widely used to improve the quality, cost, and time performance of processes, products, and services.

In LinkedIn Learning, watch the Six Sigma Foundations courseLinks to an external site.and answer the following questions:

Provide an example of variation in the performance of products or services in your industry and explain how this variation impacts customers.
Describe two potential Six Sigma project in your organization to reduce variation and improve performance.
What operational and business issues are these projects addressing?
What challenges/roadblocks do you foresee in implementing these projects?
Support your responses with specific references to the Six Sigma Foundations course. Use APA referencing style.