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August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Alcoholics Anonymous Group Session. You must attend a group session of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) IN MIAMI, FLORIDA, USA or near by, in the last week, that allow you to be present and observe. Discuss a very brief description (one paragraph for the group session to include the following:

Official name of the program or group you observed. When and where did you go to the group? Why did you choose this specific meeting? Brief history of program or group – MUST CITE – you obtained this information somewhere.  If you obtained information during the meeting, cite IN the discussion “personal communication” (not on the Reference page). Criteria for client entrance into program or group. Describe the demographics of the group. (ie., age, gender, ethnicity, number of members). Organization’s goals of program or group. After that,

Alcoholics Anonymous Group Session

The main body of the discussion should address:

Your objective impression of the program or group in meeting the clients’ needs and your rationale. Identify two or more therapeutic factors observed.  Provide a detailed description of these factors. In your opinion, was the group process (leadership style, established norms, etc.) effective? Were there any patient management issues, and how were they handled? Describe your feelings about this group and how it enriched you as a psychiatrist practicioner. Would you refer future clients to this group? Submission Instructions: at least 500 words ( 2 complete pages of content) formatted and cited in current APA style 7 ed  with support from at least 3 academic sources which need to be journal articles or books from 2019 up to now. NO WEBSITES allowed for reference entry. Include doi, page numbers, etc. Plagiarism must be less than 10%.

Your objective impression of the program or group in meeting the clients’ needs and your rationale. Identify two or more therapeutic factors observed.  Provide a detailed description of these factors. In your opinion, was the group process (leadership style, established norms, etc.) effective? Were there any patient management issues, and how were they handled? Describe your feelings about this group and how it enriched you as a psychiatrist practicioner. Would you refer future clients to this group? Submission Instructions: at least 500 words ( 2 complete pages of content) formatted and cited in current APA style 7 ed  with support from at least 3 academic sources which need to be journal articles or books from 2019 up to now. NO WEBSITES allowed for reference entry. Include doi, page numbers, etc. Plagiarism must be less than 10%.

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Enchanted Ethical Scenario. Directions: Choose two of the five ethical scenarios. You will need to answer the four questions about each scenario as a Marriage and Family Therapist or a Licensed Professional Counselor (depending on your enrollment).  Format your paper using APA (7th edition). What was the dilemma or issue in the scenario? Which counseling or marriage and family ethical code(s) can be applied to this scenario? Using the guidance of the codes, what should have been done differently by the Marriage and Family Therapist or Licensed Professional Counselor? Discuss how guidance from the ETHICS decision making model could/would be beneficial in guiding the counselor/therapist in making the best decision for the client welfare.

Enchanted Ethical Scenario A

Twelve-year-old Rapunzel has beautiful blonde hair and lives in a tower outside of town. Rapunzel’s protective mother does not allow Rapunzel to leave the tower. One day, a fifteen-year-old prince was strolling down the road and heard Rapunzel singing a beautiful song. He noticed her mother approaching and quickly hid in the bushes. He heard Rapunzel’s mother request to let down her hair. After her mother leaves, he requests that she let down her hair. Flattered and starving for any attention, she lets down her hair and they hit it off. After secretly spending a good amount of time together, Rapunzel has sex with the prince and becomes pregnant. Too scared to tell her mother, she seeks out the help of a virtual therapist/counselor. During the counseling session, the counselor/therapist does not secure permission from Rapunzel’s parent/guardian or make any contact with the parent/guardian after the counseling session.

Enchanted Ethical Scenario

Enchanted Ethical Scenario B

The seven dwarves attend weekly group counseling sessions to work on their relationships with others. During group, Grumpy discloses that he is having thoughts about ending his life. Later that day, Doc and Sneezy are talking about what Grumpy said earlier during group. Snow White (their guardian) overhears the conversation. She contacts the counselor/therapist/ and asks if he or she was aware of Grumpy’s suicidal ideation and if so, why she wasn’t contacted. Additionally, she was also not made aware that her dwarves were in group counseling.

Enchanted Ethical Scenario C

Cinderella and Prince Charming are getting a divorce. Concerned about her twin’s emotional state, Cinderella starts to seek assistance from a counselor/family therapist.. They tell the counselor/therapist that they prefer living with their father because their mother is always late picking them up from school, does not pay attention to them, and spends money on clothes and shoes instead of groceries and clothing for the twins. The counselor/therapist carefully remains impartial and listens to their concerns but does not take notes. Cinderella finds out that the girls have been telling her secrets about their mother’s shopping habits and neglect. She then hires an attorney, The Big Bad Wolf who threatens the counselor/therapist to hand over her records or she is going to jail.

Enchanted Ethical Scenario D

Little Red Riding Hood disclosed to the good counselor/therapist that she has been meeting up with a boy named Wolfie online. She plans to meet up with him at her grandmother’s house to “hook up” but Little Red is unsure if that is a good idea as Wolfie seems to be a “bad” boy and she is a little anxious about it. Little Red is eleven years old and Wolfie claims to be thirteen- years old.

Enchanted Ethical Scenario E

Arial, the little mermaid wants more than anything to have legs and to be human. She goes to see the counselor/family therapist. Ursela (aka- The Sea Witch). Ursela listens to the Little Mermaid and instructs her to come to her home after hours where she sells her a potion so that she can be human, against her father’s wishes. Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Colorado Law. On May 16, 2019, Governor Jared Polis signed the HB19-1120 Youth Mental Health Education & Suicide Prevention. The new law, which took effect upon signature, permits a licensed or registered mental health professional to provide psychotherapy services to a minor who is between the ages of twelve and fourteen years old, at the minor’s request, with or without consent of the minor’s legal guardian, if the mental health professional determines that psychotherapy services are clinically indicated and necessary to the minor’s well-being. The mental health professional may advise the minor’s legal guardian of services provided with the consent of the minor or a court in specific circumstances, unless notifying the legal guardian would be inappropriate or detrimental to the minor’s care and treatment. Colorado Law. The mental health professional may notify the legal guardian, without the minor’s consent, if their professional opinion the minor is unable to manage their own care or treatment.

Colorado Law

The law includes documentation requirements and specifies that psychotherapy services must be provided in a culturally appropriate manner. Colorado Law. The law also specifies that treatment without parental consent does not apply to inpatient treatment and that current law concerning liability and duty to warn for mental health professionals applies when a minor communicates a threat or intent to harm themselves or others. The mental health professional may advise the minor’s legal guardian of services provided with the consent of the minor or a court in specific circumstances, unless notifying the legal guardian would be inappropriate or detrimental to the minor’s care and treatment. Colorado Law. The mental health professional may notify the legal guardian, without the minor’s consent, if their professional opinion the minor is unable to manage their own care or treatment. With this in mind, answer the following questions: IN YOUR POST, DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYONE YOU KNOW past or present.  We need to respect confidentiality. What are the pros and cons for this law? Who monitors the ethical application of therapy with the child if the parent is not there? Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Evil as A Concern. For this discussion board please share your thoughts on the ‘problem of evil’.  In our textbook Louise Antony’s work on “No Good Reason – Exploring the Problem of Evil” should give us a starting point to tackle this these. Your initial thread should be at least 250 words (attention on grammar, please) and should reflect on the following elements: What is the problem of evil? Why do we suffer? How might we ‘answer’ the problem of evil? (be creative in your thinking here – but please keep in mind that this is a sensitive topic and should be approached with kindness and open minded thinking).Must be 4 pgs. Use this link for the reading.  https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/evil/

Evil as A Concern

The Problem of Evil is an argument that God does not exist. The argument begins with the observation that there is evil in the world. Your task is to develop and respond to one of the objections to this argument that is discussed in B.C. Johnson’s “God and the Problem of Evil.” should do four things: Explain the problem of evil as clearly and persuasively as you can, based on Johnson’s remarks in the article. Your explanation of the argument should be in prose, rather than in the form of numbered premises and a conclusion. However, you should clearly identify what the different premises of the argument are and explain how those premises are supposed to work together to support the conclusion that God does not exist. Evil as A Concern. Develop one of the objections briefly mentioned in the Johnson article in more detail, again as clearly and persuasively as you can. You are encouraged to choose an objection that you think can be made at least initially persuasive, as developing a plausible version of the objection is one of your main goals in the paper. Present one original response to that objection in defense of the argument. Be creative! Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Normative and Descriptive Claims. In this Module, you have learned the difference between normative claims and descriptive claims. This is an extremely important distinction to make, as we will rely on this distinction throughout the course. Before we move on to learning about and discussing a wide range of ethical theories, I’d like you to master this distinction. In your initial post, you must do the following: Explain which of the applied ethics topics you will choose to focus on in this course (animal rights, euthanasia or global poverty). Give an example of a descriptive claim related to your topic and explain why it is a descriptive claim. Give an example of a normative claim related to your topic and explain why it is a normative claim. If you refer to information from the text or outside sources, identify the location in parenthesis – e.g. (author, year, p. #).

Normative and Descriptive Claims

Normative and Descriptive Claims. In this Module, you have learned the difference between normative claims and descriptive claims. This is an extremely important distinction to make, as we will rely on this distinction throughout the course. Before we move on to learning about and discussing a wide range of ethical theories, I’d like you to master this distinction. Normative and Descriptive Claims. In your initial post, you must do the following: Explain which of the applied ethics topics you will choose to focus on in this course (animal rights, euthanasia or global poverty). Give an example of a descriptive claim related to your topic and explain why it is a descriptive claim. Give an example of a normative claim related to your topic and explain why it is a normative claim. If you refer to information from the text or outside sources, identify the location in parenthesis – e.g. (author, year, p. #).

Normative and Descriptive Claims. In this Module, you have learned the difference between normative claims and descriptive claims. This is an extremely important distinction to make, as we will rely on this distinction throughout the course. Before we move on to learning about and discussing a wide range of ethical theories, I’d like you to master this distinction. In your initial post, you must do the following: Explain which of the applied ethics topics you will choose to focus on in this course (animal rights, euthanasia or global poverty). Give an example of a descriptive claim related to your topic and explain why it is a descriptive claim. Give an example of a normative claim related to your topic and explain why it is a normative claim. If you refer to information from the text or outside sources, identify the location in parenthesis – e.g. (author, year, p. #). Use APA referencing style.


August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Pervasive Social Norms. The purpose of the project is to show us how pervasive social norms are in our lives and how unconsciously and willingly we obey them. To complete this assignment, please violate a social norm and write a report of your experience. The objective of the research is to determine the extent to which norms influence behavior. Thus, you will want to play particular attention to the research of both yourself and others who are part of the situation. Please follow the guidelines below:  Break the norm in a social setting, observe the reactions of others and yourself, and record as quickly as possible those reactions.

Pervasive Social Norms


Break any laws or cause anyone else to break the law. Cause any harm to yourself or anyone else. Do anything that is legally or morally questionable, or that could bring negative sanctions against you or BU. Ten points of the total assignment are designated to your ability to use theories of socialization to explain behavior, learning, and patterns in human behavior. Please use relevant theories and terms from your readings in writing the assignment. Respond to these first two questions prior to violating the norm. Pervasive Social Norms. The assignment should be written in essay form. Please use a word processor and double spacing. The complete assignment should be between 500 and 1,000 words. Before you break the norm, describe the norm you will break. Briefly explain how this norm acts as a mechanism of social control.

Pervasive Social Norms. Describe what you will do to violate the norm. Describe the range of possible reactions others will have to the violation of this norm and your prediction of the major reaction. Describe the setting: Physical – where is the norm violation-taking place? Social – how many and what types of persons are observing? Describe what happened when you violated the norm. Did you experience sanctions once you broke the norm? Were the sanctions subtle or explicit punishments? Describe the sanctions (if any). Explain why you experienced or did not experience any sanctions. Describe your feelings when you violated the norm. Why do you imagine you felt the way you did? Did people react the way you expected? Explain. How does conforming to and violating social norms, generally, fit into the lifelong process of socialization? Please explain generally as well as in reference to the norm that you violated. Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Culture Based Interview. Create a 3-5 page APA paper (7th edition) based off interviewing a person of a different culture. Interview Questions to guide conversation/paper. You may select questions from this list to guide your interview, as well as add your own. What is your history? What is your home of origin? Why did you/your family settle there? Do you work and what type of work do you do? What are some of your family customs and roles of members within your family? What is your role in your family? Does birth order play a role in your family position or custom? How closely do you identify with and affiliate with your culture? How assimilated into the mainstream culture are members of your family and how well is that accepted by the rest of the family? What are the gender roles in your culture? And in your family? What religious or spiritual beliefs are influential in your culture and for your family? What are your family beliefs about around child rearing and discipline?

Culture Based Interview

What would be the characteristics and practices of people who are considered to be excellent parents in your culture? What are the power structures in your family? Is age a factor in who has power? How are decisions made at the family and community level? Who holds positions of formal power in your culture? Who are the most powerful informal leaders in your community? Who held positions of power in the past? What is your concept of health?Culture Based Interview. What are customary health practices and beliefs? Who is responsible for and influences health care? Do you use home or folk remedies, a healer, shaman or some other traditional or spiritual healer? What is your concept of time? Is this the same as others in your culture? What is your concept of personal space? What is considered appropriate touch between people of various relationships? (Consider how people greet each other when they are first introduced, when they greet friends, when they greet relatives).

Culture Based Interview. How can you communicate effectively in your culture? Consider the meaning of tone of voice, gestures, eye-contact, overall body language, terminology used to describe health, and face-saving behaviors. Identify and verify customs, beliefs, and practices that might be misinterpreted by established institutions within your community e.g. schools, law enforcement, social services, health care providers (this includes such beliefs around certain body parts such as the head, male and female circumcision, cutting or puncturing the skin, transfusions, autopsies etc.
Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Contract Case Study – Legal Concern. Question Two- Chapter 4 Contract (Offers, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal relations and revocation) Cindy is a recent graduate of Murdoch University having majored in Hospitality and Tourism. She applies for a job as a Restaurant Manager at a salary of $55000 per annum at a well- known international hotel in Perth city after seeing the position advertised on SEEK. After two weeks, Cindy is contacted for an initial interview after which she is short-listed for the position along with five other applicants. Cindy is advised that if she is successful, she will receive an offer via Australia Post mail. She eagerly checks her letterbox every day and finally on the 31 March 2020, she is delighted to receive an offer of employment from the hotel. She studies the paperwork, signs on the dotted line for acceptance and posts the letter back to the hotel at 2pm on the 2nd April 2020.

Contract Case Study – Legal Concern

Contract Case Study – Legal Concern. The hotel receives Cindy’s acceptance on the 4th April at 10am. Unfortunately, due to the inexperience of one of the hotel’s administrative staff, another offer of employment for the same position was posted by mistake to one of the other short-listed applicants, Henry. Henry received his offer by post at 10am on 2nd April 2020 and was so excited that he signed acceptance and hand delivered it back to the hotel the same day at 4pm! As soon as the hotel received Henry’s acceptance, it realised the mistake that had been made and sent a letter to Cindy advising her that the offer of employment to her was withdrawn. Cindy is of course extremely upset to receive the withdrawal letter in the mail and wonders if there is anything she can do legally about this.


Start with readings from the prescribed textbook, as well as any supporting materials on LMS. Then undertake thorough research beyond the prescribed textbook2 and advise Cindy whether a valid contract (agreement, consideration and intention) has been entered into between herself and the hotel and whether the hotel’s withdrawal is effective.

Question Three- Chapter 4 Contract (exclusion clauses)

Stephen is on holidays in Sydney staying at a luxury resort on the beach. He walks to the beach and hires one of the hotel-owned beach lounge chairs to laze on while he drinks cocktails and works on his suntan. When he paid his money to hire the chair he was given a ticket which he briefly glanced at and put in his wallet. The chair subsequently collapsed and Stephen now has an injured back and must have physiotherapy and take pain medication. On the back of the ticket given to Stephen it states “The hotel will not be liable for any accident or damage arising from the hire of the chairs.” Stephen want to sue the hotel for his injuries but the hotel states that the hotel will rely on the clause on the back of the ticket and that Stephen has no case against the hotel.


Contract Case Study – Legal Concern. Using the law set out in your textbook, undertake further research and advise Stephen of his rights in this matter. Use case law to support your answer. Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Negligence Case Study – Legal Concern. Jerene, Joey and Xin are international students studying for a Hospitality and Tourism degree in Melbourne. They all met at University having shared accommodation on a University sports trip to Perth. They are all crazy about sport! During the trimester break they decide to travel back to Western Australia to experience some more sporting adventures. When they arrive in Perth, they hire a campervan and head off to the South West of Western Australia. First stop is Margaret River and they decide to stay there for a few nights at a caravan park which has a tennis court and is walking distance to the beach and a lovely restaurant …perfect!!

Negligence Case Study - Legal Concern

After they set everything up, they decide that a game of tennis would be great fun. After about an hour of playing, Xin celebrates a winning shot against Jerene by jumping over the net in triumph…. unfortunately, his foot gets caught in a hole in the net and he actually falls over and fractures his shoulder. The hole in the netting has been there for some time and over the last few months has been getting larger. Xin’s fracture is so bad that Xin must stay in hospital for several nights and then the recovery will be spent back in Melbourne. Holiday over for Xin ☹. Jerene and Joey go out for lunch at the restaurant and order alcohol with their food. They drink quite a lot of alcohol and on the way back to the campervan, Joey wants a photo taken of her standing on the edge of one of the cliffs. They are both so drunk that they fail to see a warning sign that warns the public not to stand close to the edge of the cliff due to the instability of the rocks. Joey loses her footing posing for the photo and falls down the cliff. She is seriously injured and the prognosis is that she will be permanently confined to a wheelchair. Jerene is now very upset about her friends and being by herself that she decides to go to the beach to try and relax in the water. Jerene is body-surfing between the flags, some 60 or 70 metres from the beach when she is struck in the neck by a fibreglass surfboard. She is hospitalized for 5 days and requires intensive physiotherapy.


Negligence Case Study – Legal Concern. Starting with similar cases from the prescribed textbook as well as materials available on LMS, undertake thorough research beyond the prescribed textbook1 and advise Jerene, Joey and Xin with respect to the below issues. Remember that there will be two parties in potential court cases and the defendant will raise any necessary defences available. Use APA referencing style.

a) Xin wishes to sue the Margaret River camping ground for his injuries claiming that they should have replaced the net or at least warned of the danger the hole in the net poses.

b) Joey wishes to sue the local government (the council) in Margaret River for not erecting a fence along the cliff edge.

c) Jerene wishes to sue the local government (the council) in Margaret River for the cost of her physiotherapy and other treatments necessary for rehabilitation as the Town allowed surfboards in the designated area only meant for swimming.

August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Prostitution and Criminal Law. There are some acts that are considered to be criminal in nature based on the likelihood of creating a disturbance to the peace or creating a public nuisance. Other acts are believed to infringe on public morality. Some examples of such acts include, but are not limited to, solicitation, obscenity and prostitution. (1) Do you agree that prostitution should be illegal? Why or why not? What are the arguments for and against the legalization of prostitution? (2) Prostitution is legal in many other countries. Research the relevant law in one of these countries and include it in your response to support your position. (3) How did conducting research and going through each step of legal analysis help you to reach this conclusion?  Analyze how you applied critical thinking and legal analytical skills to assist you in this regard.  What new research and/or analytical tool or method did you try for the first time this week?  What do you think you do well and what would you like to strengthen so that you continue to improve?  (4) Collaborate with each other as the week goes on to make all aspects of this Discussion as robust as possible.

Prostitution and Criminal Law

Prostitution and Criminal Law. There are some acts that are considered to be criminal in nature based on the likelihood of creating a disturbance to the peace or creating a public nuisance. Other acts are believed to infringe on public morality. Some examples of such acts include, but are not limited to, solicitation, obscenity and prostitution. (1) Do you agree that prostitution should be illegal? Why or why not? What are the arguments for and against the legalization of prostitution? (2) Prostitution is legal in many other countries. Research the relevant law in one of these countries and include it in your response to support your position. (3) How did conducting research and going through each step of legal analysis help you to reach this conclusion?  Analyze how you applied critical thinking and legal analytical skills to assist you in this regard.  What new research and/or analytical tool or method did you try for the first time this week?  What do you think you do well and what would you like to strengthen so that you continue to improve?  (4) Collaborate with each other as the week goes on to make all aspects of this Discussion as robust as possible. Use APA referencing style.