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September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

International Marketing. In this discussion topic you are asked to Take and defend your own critical, ethical stands when it comes to international business (Learning objective #1). You will be graded on how well your discussion demonstrates competence in this learning objective, not by how much you write.


Companies, domestic and foreign, can get in trouble when their marketing actions or messages enter in conflict with the values of their audience. The principle is the same whether you are selling home or abroad, and (cross-)cultural awareness can help. Choose one of the ads posted by the professor that proved controversial. Note that controversial does not automatically mean ethically wrong, and even if it is unethical, it may be in different ways or for different reasons for different people. First, quickly analyze the ad as a marketer: What is the intended target audience like? Who could the ad offend? (the target audience or some other community?) What is the main message or value proposition of the ad?

International Marketing

International Marketing. In this discussion topic you are asked to Take and defend your own critical, ethical stands when it comes to international business (Learning objective #1). You will be graded on how well your discussion demonstrates competence in this learning objective, not by how much you write.


Companies, domestic and foreign, can get in trouble when their marketing actions or messages enter in conflict with the values of their audience. The principle is the same whether you are selling home or abroad, and (cross-)cultural awareness can help. Choose one of the ads posted by the professor that proved controversial. Note that controversial does not automatically mean ethically wrong, and even if it is unethical, it may be in different ways or for different reasons for different people. First, quickly analyze the ad as a marketer: What is the intended target audience like? Who could the ad offend? (the target audience or some other community?) What is the main message or value proposition of the ad? Use APA referencing style.


September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Cultural Awareness – International Marketing. This assignment is an exercise in cultural awareness, which is important to international marketing.  Conduct a Google search to help you. answer each of the questions below.  Compile your answers into a short report with the following sections: Create a cover page with a title and include a picture that demonstrates/symbolizes cultural awareness in business/marketing. Conduct research to develop answers to each of the questions below:

Cultural Awareness - International Marketing

You are in Rio de Janeiro making inquiries about local suppliers.  You speak some Spanish but not very well. Should you make an attempt to speak Spanish with your contacts or concentrate or speaking English very slowly and distinctly? Why should you handle it that way? You meet a Japanese colleague for the first time and exchange business cards. Cultural Awareness – International Marketing. What do you do with your colleague’s business card? Should you: a) put it in your pocket for future research; b) study it carefully and then put it on the table in front of you;  or c) use the back to make notes about the special issues that arise in the conversation?  Why is that the best approach? For each scenario above, answer the following questions:

Cultural Awareness – International Marketing. Briefly describe five characteristics of the culture of that country and then explain whether it is a high or low-context culture. (Note: information about high/low context cultures can be found in Ch. 4 of your book.) Explain how the culture (and whether it is high/low context) is impacting the specific decision you made for A and then B. Provide a Bibliography with all the references you found/utilized in your research and writing.  List the citations in alphabetical order, using APA formatting. You should have at least one reference for your answer to each of the questions above. Also, be sure to use your own words in writing up this exercise—do not copy any material you found in your research. Make sure you have subtitles that clearly explain how you answered each question.  So, the subtitles should be:  Speaking in Rio, Characteristics of Brazil’s culture, Cultural Impact on the decision; and Japanese Business Meeting, Characteristics of Japan’s culture, Cultural Impact on the decision.


September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Effect of Calorie Information. Jonathan Wilson is a business student at Tilburg University. He has been interested in the overconsumption of food ever since he has read Brian Wansink’s famous study with the “bottomless bowls.” For this study, Wansink brought in 60 people for a free lunch and gave 22 ounce bowls of soup to half, while the other half unknowingly got 22 ounce bowls that automatically refilled as they ate (by an unseen tube under the table). The result: those eating from the bottomless bowls thought they’d eaten the same amount as people with regular bowls. They actually consumed 73% more soup. “The lesson is, don’t rely on your stomach to tell you when you’re full. It can lie,” Wansink reacted to the results of this study. Together with his thesis supervisor, Donald Driver, Jonathan has developed a series of studies on the effects of Nutrition Labels on people’s attitudes toward the product, buying intentions, and the perceived healthiness of food products. The purpose of his latest study was to determine how the provision of objective calorie information on healthy food items influences people’s experience of hunger.

Effect of Calorie Information

Is the purpose of Jonathan’s study exploratory in nature, descriptive, or is it to test hypotheses? Explain. What is the difference between a causal and a correlational study? Is Jonathan’s study causal or correlational in nature? There are various degrees of interference in research – minimal, moderate, and excessive interference. To what extent does Jonathan interfere with the normal flow of events in his study? Discuss the differences between a field study, a field experiment, and a lab experiment. Effect of Calorie Information. What type of study is Jonathan’s study? Is it a field study, a field experiment, or a lab experiment? Explain. What is the ‘unit of analysis’ of Jonathan’s study? Is Jonathan’s study cross-sectional or longitudinal in nature? Discuss the interrelationships between the purpose of Jonathan’s study, the nature of his study in terms of correlational/causal, Jonathan’s interference with the normal flow of events, and the type of study in terms of field study, field experiment, and lab experiment.

Effect of Calorie Information. You must give quality answers that show mastery of the case and questions asked using clear logic and supporting facts. Also, the answers must directly answer the questions in the case. Case analyses test the understanding of key elements of research methodology, therefore they must be thoroughly addressed. You must use citations with references to document information obtained from sources. The key elements of research methodology, business analytics, and concepts are found in the sources listed in this syllabus (it is your duty to search for them, read, analyze, evaluate, summarize, paraphrase in your answers, and cite the authors who wrote the articles, books, term papers, memoirs, studies, etc. What it means is that you will have not less than 5 references from the listed sources. Grammatically correct paper, no typos, and must have obviously been proofread for logic. Questions must be typed out as headings, with follow up answers in paragraph format, and a summary or conclusion at the end of all answers as in the outline (Sample provided in Course Resources). Case analysis must be in APA format.

September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Product’s Perceived Value. Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub questions of each bullet point. The sub questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research. Select a different bullet point section than what your classmates have already posted so that we can engage several discussions on relevant topics. If all of the bullet points have been addressed, then you may begin to reuse the bullet points with the expectation that varied responses continue. Perceived value of a product is directly related to its perceived quality and inversely related to its price. Assuming that we keep the perceived quality constant, explain what would happen to the perceived value of the product if we increase its price. Explain what will happen if we decrease its price. Conversely, if we keep the price constant, explain what will happen to the product’s perceived value if we increase its perceived quality. Explain what will happen if we decrease its perceived quality.

Product’s Perceived Value

As a part of the campaign for a new gourmet foods store, advertisement flyers will be sent through direct mail to high-income zip codes to solicit business from household heads. The mailers will contain information about the variety of products and services offered by the new store. Product’s Perceived Value. Write the key marketing messages for an advertisement flyer positioning the store as a place where consumers interact with others interested in quality foods for everyday use and entertainment. In addition, select a method to measure the effectiveness of the mailer. Make reasonable assumptions. Using your selected method, how will you measure the effectiveness of the advertisement flyer?

Product’s Perceived Value. Why do you think your method is appropriate in the given situation? Provide detailed justification for your choice. A free-market national economy is experiencing a recession with no apparent end in sight. Determine what two pricing objectives you would recommend for producers of goods and services in the country. Explain why you would recommend these two pricing objectives. Explain the way pricing strategy changes over the course of the four stages of the product (category) life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Provide reasoning to support your answer. Identify three internal and three external factors influencing the setting of prices. Discuss how each of these factors influences the price of a service. Respond to your peers throughout the week. Justify your answers with examples, research, and reasoning. Your initial posting should be the equivalent of 1.5 single-spaced pages (700 to 800 words) in length.
Use APA referencing style.

September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Duty – Victims of Violence. Post a thread of at least 600 words (content, not including references). analysis must be supported with a minimum of 2 scholarly sources other than the course textbook and provided materials. Each source must be cited in current APA format. Each thread and each reply must include both full citations in a reference list at the end of each post, and short-form in-text citations.

Duty - Victims of Violence

Acceptable sources include books, legal and business journals, legal cases, the law (cases, statutes, regulations, etc.), the Bible, biblical commentary, etc. Dictionaries and other web sources that lack scholarly support are not acceptable sources. Any sources cited must be current to the issue (e.g., Bible commentaries may by applicable from any age, but articles discussing current legal practices may no longer be relevant after 2 or 5 years). Duty – Victims of Violence.  A well-developed, complete worldview analysis of the situation requires more than simply adding a Bible verse at the end of the post. Each thread and each reply must include at least 1 verse from Scripture, quoted and applied as an integral part of the discussion of the applicable issues in the context of a Biblical worldview.

For this discussion:

Duty – Victims of Violence. A key element of torts analysis is the duty of care that a business owes to its customers and other stakeholders. If such a duty exists, breach of that duty can lead to liability for harm from the business’s actions or products. After reading Chapter 7 on torts, including the Biblical Worldview analyses on pp. 147 (E-book p. 66) and 164 (E-book p. 71), address the question in the Point/Counterpoint on pp. 170-171 (E-book p. 76): Should the creators of violent media owe a duty of care to victims of crimes based on violent media? Consider this question from the perspective of the owners and managers of companies that produce video games or other electronic entertainment (movies, TV, streaming content, music, etc.). Title your thread “Duty” or “No Duty” to indicate your conclusion. Use APA referencing style.

September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Reviewing US Top Companies. Each year Fortune magazine publishes a “Most Admired” list of the top companies in the United States. Firms are rated on these eight dimensions: innovativeness, quality of management, long-term investment value, social responsibility to the community and the environment, people management, quality of products and services, financial soundness, wise use of corporate assets. International companies are rated on a ninth dimension: effectiveness in doing business globally. Select an organization with which you are familiar (you may choose an organization you frequently do business with or one where you currently or have previously worked). Then, choose one of the eight dimensions used to rate top U.S. companies in which the organization appears to be underperforming. Compose a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides.

Reviewing US Top Companies

Your presentation should address the following: Identify a major issue the organization is facing and in which of the eight dimensions it is underperforming. Explain the ramifications the underperformance is currently having on the organization. Identify the likely consequence of failure to improve in the selected dimension. Reviewing US Top Companies. Analyze the relevance of the current organizational structure, design, and culture and their influence on organizational effectiveness, especially in relationship to the dimension in which the organization is struggling. Provide citations to support your analysis. Determine whether the organization embodies the principles and values of conscious culture and management and its relevance to improving organizational function.

Reviewing US Top Companies. Present a plan to bring about necessary improvement using Kotter’s eight-step change model. Address possible challenges to the suggested change and your plans for managing those challenges. Explain how different subsystems need to be realigned in order to bring about the change. Detail any lessons learned and evaluate strategies that you, as a manager, will either avoid or engage in when designing the structure, building culture, and managing change in your organization. Provide citations to support your claims. You are required to use at least four academic references to strengthen and support your claims and recommendations. Ensure each content slide has speaker notes, supporting citations and specific examples. Use APA referencing style.

September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Developing a Business Model. An integral part of the business plan is to develop a business model. Simply put, a business model describes how a company plans to make money. It is not what you do, but how you will make money doing what you do. A solid business model is the link between venture strategy and financial plans. Projecting the financial performance and requirements can be classified as financial goals of the venture. A venture capitalist will want to know not only the numbers, but how those were derived.

For this professional assignment, you will develop both a business model and financial goals for your new venture. develop and submit the following: Define the business model of your venture company, explaining why it is you have selected this business model as the ideal model for your venture. Create a five-year revenue projection and illustrate how you have come up with the projected numbers. Develop a five-year pro forma P&L statement and justify your assumptions within the statement. Devise a five-year pro forma cash flow statement and justify your assumptions within the statement. Design a five-year pro forma balance sheet and specify how the balance sheet relates to the other two financial statements in parts (2) and (3). Developing a Business Model.

Developing a Business Model

An integral part of the business plan is to develop a business model. Simply put, a business model describes how a company plans to make money. It is not what you do, but how you will make money doing what you do. A solid business model is the link between venture strategy and financial plans. Projecting the financial performance and requirements can be classified as financial goals of the venture. A venture capitalist will want to know not only the numbers, but how those were derived.

Developing a Business Model. For this professional assignment, you will develop both a business model and financial goals for your new venture. develop and submit the following: Define the business model of your venture company, explaining why it is you have selected this business model as the ideal model for your venture. Create a five-year revenue projection and illustrate how you have come up with the projected numbers. Develop a five-year pro forma P&L statement and justify your assumptions within the statement. Devise a five-year pro forma cash flow statement and justify your assumptions within the statement. Design a five-year pro forma balance sheet and specify how the balance sheet relates to the other two financial statements in parts (2) and (3).
Use APA referencing style.

September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Psychology Ethical Concern – Discussion

DQ1- Fiddes Fraud

After reading the excerpts from the New York Times written by Eichenwald and Kolata, identify the violations to ethics in data collection, data management, and dissemination of results. Consider not only Dr. Fiddes, but all parties involved in this particular case. What steps could the drug companies have done to protect the consumer? Use APA referencing style.


The following vignette describe events that can easily occur in academic research settings. First, identify the ethical violations committed in the vignettes. Then, identify a plan that could prevent such violations before research projects have even begun. Dr. Gabriel has a very active research lab at her university. She regularly submits grants, and her graduate students publish papers frequently. The following situations develop in Dr. Gabriel’s lab:

Psychology Ethical Concern - Discussion

Dr. Gabriel is in the process of writing a large grant proposal and locates a literature review and summary of preliminary findings written and presented in a recent lab meeting by Seara, a graduate student working in her lab. Dr. Gabriel cuts and pastes the text of this document into the grant. Identify the ethical violations committed in the vignette. Identify a plan that could prevent such violations before research projects have even begun. Psychology Ethical Concern – Discussion.

DQ3- Henrietta Lacks

After reviewing the extensive material on Henrietta Lacks, discuss your concerns if you were one of her children. How can research institutions protect and/or educate for the implications of her contribution to science? What is her legacy?

Psychology Ethical Concern – Discussion. After reading the excerpts from the New York Times written by Eichenwald and Kolata, identify the violations to ethics in data collection, data management, and dissemination of results. Consider not only Dr. Fiddes, but all parties involved in this particular case. What steps could the drug companies have done to protect the consumer? Use APA referencing style.


September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Reviewing Nadler – Tushman’s Congruence. The Nadler – Tushman’s Congruence Model helps in the analysis of what is going on in an organization and what components of an organization need to be changed. Consider an organization that you are familiar with in the Kingdom and using the Nadler and Tushman’s Congruence Model determine “what to change”. Follow the “Transformation Process” in the Chapter 3 of the textbook (Figure 3.1 Nadler and Tushman’’s Organizational Congruence Model) and include the work to be done, the formal structures, systems and process, the informal organization, and the people.

What did the Nadler and Tushman Congruence Model analysis miss that would be important to your organization? Having analyzed the organization from the Congruence Model perspective now consider one of the other models in Chapter 3. Apply this model to the organization, share your results and specifically identify what additional information was learned from the application of this change process that was not learned from the Congruence Model.

Reviewing Nadler - Tushman’s Congruence

Reviewing Nadler – Tushman’s Congruence. Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements: Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check — Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.  Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Helpful resources:

Chapter 3 in Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit

Cawsey, T. F, Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2016). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing

Bhatt, P. (2019). Employees’ perception about change in jobs and organisational orientations. International Journal of Employment Studies, 27(1), 34-63

MASCU, S. (2021). Factors That Trigger Changes in Modern Organizations. Review of International Comparative Management / Revista de Management Comparat International, 22(5), 729-737. https://doi.org/10.24818/RMCI.2021.5.729


September 13, 2023
September 13, 2023

Analyzing a Pharmacological Agent. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

  1. Choose a pharmacological agent that has been on the market less than 5 years.
  2. Research the literature and obtain two to three resources for current, evidence-based information related to the pharmacological agent.
  • Develop a teaching brochure and one-page paper following these guidelines.
  • Brochure for nurses- Focus on nurses for literacy level

Key/Relevant Drug Information (30 points/30%)

  • Drug Class
  • Mechanism of Action
  • Drug Administration and Dosage
  • Drug Interactions
  • Lab effects/interference
  • Special Consideration

Analyzing a Pharmacological Agent

Patient Education Considerations (35 points/35%)

  • Nursing Management
  • Patient Education Considerations
  • Patient Assessment
  • Side Effects/Adverse Effects/Toxicities
  • Special considerations- provide examples specific to client age needs- geriatric,
  • pediatric and pregnant client

Visual Effects/Creativity (10 points/10%)

  • Developed per the required standard
  • Appropriate for the intended audience
  • Flesch-Kincaid reading level seventh grade or lower
  • Graphics enhance the purpose of the brochure
  • Brochure is visually appealing

One Page Paper (15 points/15%)

  • Describes intended use of brochure
  • Describe how brochure information would be revised if intended brochure audience had a low health literacy level.
  • Includes: Name, Date, Class & Reference page

APA Format (5 points/5%)

  • Includes no more than 3 unique errors with APA format (current ed.)
  • At least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided

Writing and Mechanics (5 points/5%)

    • Clearly written
    • Includes no more than three unique errors of grammar
    • Includes no more than three unique errors in writing mechanics

Analyzing a Pharmacological Agent. Paper is one page, excluding references and title page. It does have to be in APA format looking for a title page and I am looking for a reference page to go along with this, but that’s not part of the one-page paper. You need to have one-page of written words double-space with the information. So describes the intended brochure audience. Who is the drug metaphor? It could be pediatric drug. But you don’t necessarily write a brochure for the child, right? You’re going to write the drug for the parent. Describes intended use of the brochure, includes the name, date, drug class, and a reference page, APA format. And then here I have it highlighted to scholarly primary sources within the last five years. Since the drug can’t be more than five years old.