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October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023

Culture Journal. In this assignment you are asked to author a self-reflexive journal about how the culture you are immersed in affects you. This requires you to examine your daily routines in a new light, adopting the point of view of a foreigner for whom many of your actions and words would be puzzling.

As you live your normal everyday life, try to make notes (mental or otherwise) of any normal actions, expressions, and habits that would be strange, maybe even inappropriate to someone not familiar with your culture. This may include also reflecting on your cultural heritage or context and how it influences you. As a goal, try to make one of these notes a day.

Culture Journal

Periodically (I recommend weekly but the minimum frequency due will be approximately every other week), write your notes and reflections down on a Google doc or word document. The syllabus has detailed rubrics, but plan for approximately 2 (double spaced) pages of content per submission. The journal entries are the periodic summary of your normal life experience, and thus should not be hard to create. The difficult part is the switch in mindset!
That’s it! Your cultural journal has two separate submissions due throughout the course. As your submission, upload your same Google doc link each time, or upload a new word document each time.

The format of this assignment can be very informal and relatively unstructured (like a real journal), but you will be graded on your ability to recognize your own culture’s influence over your life. Bullet points format is acceptable, but full sentences and some depth of explanation is required.

I live in Indian culture in vegetarian family. I am Hindu.

I have attached the rubrics and culture entry 1 below. Culture entry should be used in order.

Culture Journal. In this assignment you are asked to author a self-reflexive journal about how the culture you are immersed in affects you. This requires you to examine your daily routines in a new light, adopting the point of view of a foreigner for whom many of your actions and words would be puzzling. Use APA referencing style.

October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023

Financial Statement Analysis. Examine a health care scenario to gain an appreciation for business realities that are not readily reflected in financial statements. Then craft and explain a likely operational question relevant to a department of your choosing.

View this scenario:


  • Download the Villa Health Financial Statement from the scenario. A link to it can be found in the scenario.
  • Select an operational area of a typical hospital such as the emergency room, IT, intensive care, purchasing, et cetera, upon which to base this activity.


Financial Statement Analysis. Imagine you are the leader for your selected hospital operation and were sitting in the Villa Health board meeting. At the end of the meeting, the CFO asked, “Are there any other questions?” You have been considering this question with respect to your department. What financial questions should you be asking to improve the performance of the department?


Financial Statement Analysis. Considering the scenario, craft a question that represents a likely operational concern or issue for your department. Explain why the question is important to the operational success of the department, using a specific example to illustrate. Make and state any assumptions that are not directly addressed in the scenario to help you support the rationale for your question.

Financial Assessment Analysis

Financial Statement Analysis. Examine a health care scenario to gain an appreciation for business realities that are not readily reflected in financial statements. Then craft and explain a likely operational question relevant to a department of your choosing.

View this scenario:



  • Download the Villa Health Financial Statement from the scenario. A link to it can be found in the scenario.
  • Select an operational area of a typical hospital such as the emergency room, IT, intensive care, purchasing, et cetera, upon which to base this activity.



Financial Statement Analysis. Imagine you are the leader for your selected hospital operation and were sitting in the Villa Health board meeting. At the end of the meeting, the CFO asked, “Are there any other questions?” You have been considering this question with respect to your department. What financial questions should you be asking to improve the performance of the department?


Financial Statement Analysis. Considering the scenario, craft a question that represents a likely operational concern or issue for your department. Explain why the question is important to the operational

of the department success, using a specific example to illustrate. Make and state any assumptions that are not directly addressed in the scenario to help you support the rationale for your question. Use APA referencing style.



October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023

Chief Johnson – Discussion Post

Bay Harbor has a midsized police department of around 70 officers, including two captains, four lieutenants, and a number of sergeants. It is among the most well-known police departments in the state, mainly due to its progressive chief, Bill Murray. He is so popular that when he took early retirement three months ago, he successfully ran for the position of mayor.

When Murray was chief, the department had a friendly and accessible image among the citizens. He encouraged informal interaction between department employees and the public, and he streamlined department procedures to cut down on bureaucracy and empower employees. All officers, especially his favorite ones, enjoyed considerable professional latitude under him. Murray, in return, was assured of their loyalty and commitment to the team. The department appeared to be well run, with high levels of employee satisfaction, but it was only moderately successful in controlling crime.

Murray’s designated successor, Chief Tim Johnson, came from nearby Meadow Pines, where there was a much smaller department of only 13 officers. Yet, under him, Meadow Pines had the lowest crime rate ever. He is known as a strong authority figure in Meadow Pines. He reinforces that image by involving himself in every departmental decision and implementing rules with an iron hand. He monitors his officers closely, and they have to seek his clearance for almost all actions, except those that arise in an emergency.

Chief Johnson - Discussion Post

Like Murray, Johnson drove considerable policy changes as the chief of Meadow Pines; however, he rarely requested any employee feedback on the revisions. Generally, these policy changes were designed to increase supervisory control and formalize the department’s procedural guidelines. This resulted in a more bureaucratic structure. Although Johnson does not appear to be as popular as Murray was, he is respected by his subordinates and by the public for lowering his community’s crime rate.

Chief Johnson – Discussion Post. Many members of the hiring committee believe that Chief Johnson’s stern nature will make Bay Harbor more efficient. Other members disagree and feel that his style of functioning might not work in a larger department. They also fear that citizen satisfaction with the department will decrease and that some of the more experienced officers may leave the Bay Harbor department because they do not like Johnson’s leadership style.

  • Can the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory be used to describe the relationship that Murray and Johnson shared with their subordinates? Why or why not?
  • What are the potential benefits and pitfalls of hiring someone with Chief Johnson’s style for the position at Bay Harbor? Why?
  • What could be reasons for Chief Johnson’s lack of delegation? Which approach should he use to delegate and empower officers at Bay Harbor?
  • Is participative leadership more effective depending on the size of the department? Why? How does Murray’s delegation and empowerment of his subordinates benefit a police department?
  • What principles of relationships should Johnson use for correcting performance deficiencies at Bay Harbor? Why? Use APA referencing style.
October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023

Clinical Personality Assessment.

Clinical personality assessments can only be completed and interpreted by a licensed psychologist who is trained in testing and assessments. Personality testing is usually done as a part of a larger battery of psychological assessment.  An individual or even several personality tests would not be administered in isolation without the supporting evidence from other testing and interviews.  This week you will become familiar with some of the main personality testing instruments.


Clinical personality assessments. Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



  • Clinical personality assessments. Review the Learning Resources about the six clinical personality measures (i.e., Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III, Personality Assessment Inventory, Revised NEO Personality Inventory, the Rorschach, the Thematic Apperception Test). Then, choose one that will be the focus of your Assignment.


Clinical Personality Assessment. Review one of the clinical personality measures from the materials you studied this week (i.e., Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III, Personality Assessment Inventory, Revised NEO Personality Inventory, the Rorschach, or the Thematic Apperception Test) and include the following in your review:

  • Provide a detailed description of a clinical personality measure (i.e., Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III, Personality Assessment Inventory, Revised NEO Personality Inventory, the Rorschach, or the Thematic Apperception Test).
  • Evaluate strengths and limitations of this personality measure.
  • Provide a minimum of two (2) examples and explain how this clinical personality measure could be used in professional settings.
  • Explain how a personality theory/theoretical orientation you studied in Module 1 relates to the clinical personality measure you selected for this Assignment. There is not necessarily a right or wrong answer but rather a rationale you provide in your analysis.

In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.



Clinical Personality Assessment.



  • Clinical Personality Assessment.
  • Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2008a). Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III. In, Handbook of personality assessment Download Handbook of personality assessment (pp. 251–256; 276–281). [Seminal] Credit Line:
  • Handbook of Personality Assessment, 1st Ed. by Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. Copyright 2008 by JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Reprinted by permission of JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC via the Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2008b). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2Download Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. In, Handbook of personality assessment (pp. 135–141; 197–204). [Seminal] Credit Line: Handbook of Personality Assessment, 1st Ed. by Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. Copyright 2008 by JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Reprinted by permission of JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC via the Copyright Clearance Center.
    Note: The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III is now available in its fourth version, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV.
  • Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2008c). Personality Assessment Inventory. Download Personality Assessment Inventory. InHandbook of personality assessment (pp. 283–289; 310–313).. [Seminal] Credit Line: Handbook of Personality Assessment, 1st Ed. by Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. Copyright 2008 by JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Reprinted by permission of JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC via the Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2008d). Revised NEO Personality Inventory Download Revised NEO Personality Inventory. In, Handbook of personality assessment (pp. 315–321; 336–342). [Seminal] Credit Line: Handbook of Personality Assessment, 1st Ed. by Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. Copyright 2008 by JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Reprinted by permission of JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC via the Copyright Clearance Center.
    Note: The NEO Personality Inventory examines a person’s Big Five personality traits (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism). The inventory comes in different versions – NEO PI, NEO PI-R (or Revised NEO PI), NEO PI-3, and NEO-4.  The NEO-4 does not include the neuroticism personality trait.
  • Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2008e). Rorschach Inkblot Method. Download Rorschach Inkblot Method. InHandbook of personality assessment (pp. 345–354; 395–405; 416–423). [Seminal] Credit Line: Handbook of Personality Assessment, 1st Ed. by Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. Copyright 2008 by JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Reprinted by permission of JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC via the Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2008f). Thematic Apperception Test. Download Thematic Apperception TestinHandbook of personality assessment (pp. 425–435; 467–480). [Seminal] Credit Line: Handbook of Personality Assessment, 1st Ed. by Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. Copyright 2008 by JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Reprinted by permission of JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC via the Copyright Clearance Center. Use APA referencing style.
October 25, 2023
October 25, 2023


Book IX, Chapter 8 of Nicomachean Ethics Page (146- In 148), Aristotle discusses two conceptions of self-love or selfishness. There is a common view of self-love or selfishness which he initially considers to be somewhat plausible, but after further analysis rejects as mistaken. He then describes another, more fundamental view of self-love or selfishness which he thinks is the correct one.

Describe the two conceptions of self-love or selfishness that Aristotle discusses. What role do reason and virtue play in each conception? What is Aristotle’s ethical evaluation of each conception? Do Aristotle’s views on what he considers to be the fundamental, properly understood nature self-love and selfishness challenge modern notions about this subject.




Describe the two conceptions of self-love or selfishness that Aristotle discusses. What role do reason and virtue play in each conception? What is Aristotle’s ethical evaluation of each conception? Do Aristotle’s views on what he considers to be the fundamental, properly understood nature self-love and selfishness challenge modern notions about this subject?

Book IX, Chapter 8 of Nicomachean Ethics Page (146- In 148), Aristotle discusses two conceptions of self-love or selfishness. There is a common view of self-love or selfishness which he initially considers to be somewhat plausible, but after further analysis rejects as mistaken. He then describes another, more fundamental view of self-love or selfishness which he thinks is the correct one. Philosophy.

Describe the two conceptions of self-love or selfishness that Aristotle discusses. What role do reason and virtue play in each conception? What is Aristotle’s ethical evaluation of each conception? Do Aristotle’s views on what he considers to be the fundamental, properly understood nature self-love and selfishness challenge modern notions about this subject.


Describe the two conceptions of self-love or selfishness that Aristotle discusses. Philosophy. What role do reason and virtue play in each conception? What is Aristotle’s ethical evaluation of each conception? Do Aristotle’s views on what he considers to be the fundamental, properly understood nature self-love and selfishness challenge modern notions about this subject? Use APA referencing style.



October 25, 2023
October 25, 2023




Family System.

Read Chapter 12 of the text and review The Socio-Ecological model of mental health LC Eco Model 2.2021.pdf 

 Download LC Eco Model 2.2021.pdf which provides a framework wot understand how individuals, families, organization, community and social factors influence an individual.  Review the Socio-Ecological Model for mental health.

* Discuss how you would apply each level of influence in your understanding of how it explains the way a child in the Juvenile Justice system could develop his/her behaviors that led to incarceration.

*Be sure to describe each level and provide an example of characteristics at each level that can negatively influence child’s outcomes.

For example, at the community level you could talk about the impact that exposure to gang violence could have on a child’s well-being.

*Be sure to address the following levels:

  1. The Individual Level
  2. Relationships (Family Level and Peer Level)
  3. The Community Level


  1. The Policy/Societal level


Family System



* Discuss how you would apply each level of influence in your understanding of how it explains the way a child in the Juvenile Justice system could develop his/her behaviors that led to incarceration.

*Be sure to describe each level and provide an example of characteristics at each level that can negatively influence child’s outcomes. Family system.

For example, at the community level you could talk about the impact that exposure to gang violence could have on a child’s well-being.

*Be sure to address the following levels:

  1. The Individual Level
  2. Relationships (Family Level and Peer Level)
  3. The Community Level


  1. The Policy/Societal level

Family system. Read Chapter 12 of the text and review The Socio-Ecological model of mental health LC Eco Model 2.2021.pdf 

 Download LC Eco Model 2.2021.pdf which provides a framework wot understand how individuals, families, organization, community and social factors influence an individual.  Review the Socio-Ecological Model for mental health. Use APA referencing style.


October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023

Peer-Reviewed Essay Assignment

Length:  Approximately 2+ pages single-spaced in an appropriate and purposefully selected format; serif font

This assignment will provide clear instructions for doing/making/using something with which your audience might not be familiar. Your project must have an observable action or “finished product”.

Your topic:

  • is limited only in that it must be legal, moral, and not dangerous;
  • a volunteer peer reviewer must be able to follow your instructions in person (optional);
  • and there should be a “finished product” or an action which can be observed by others-a concrete, not abstract, task.

Although the task does not have to be complex, it should be something NOT familiar to everyone.

Peer-Reviewed Essay Assignment

Peer-Reviewed Essay Assignment

Your own photographs, drawings or illustrations must be included, but the biggest percent of your paper must be written directions (remember, this is an English class, not an art class).  The directions should be mostly in sentence/paragraph form-not just a list of steps consisting of sentence fragments-although lists of supplies or numbered steps are permissible.

Although a classmate, friend or family member will be your immediate audience, your instructions should be written for a wider audience-a lay audience which would not receive materials and help from you in order to follow your instructions.

Your instructions must include:

  • an effective title
  • a clear introduction explaining why this task is beneficial to the reader, about how long it will take, and how many steps are involved
  • a list of materials, tools, ingredients, or similar
  • a minimum of one graphic that supports your process, labeled and referred to in text
  • numbered steps with effective action verbs (a minimum of 10+ steps – feel free to break your steps into sections as appropriate, such as: preparing the guitar for stringing, stringing the guitar, tuning the guitar)
  • an effective conclusion which wraps up the document and provides additional information

You will be receiving at least ONE type of peer review. Evidence of one type is required.

  • The first peer review will be conducted with a classmate during class and will concentrate on the effectiveness of the writing and design of your document. *See the class schedule for peer review day.
  • The second type of peer review will be usability testing, where the draft of your assignment will be tested by a volunteer of your choosing (such as a roommate, a friend or family member). For this testing, you must supply all the equipment and supplies necessary for your volunteer to successfully follow your instructions. This type is optional.

Peer-Reviewed Essay Assignment

IMPORTANT In order to receive a grade on this assignment, someone must peer review or test your draft.  They should indicate their name on the draft they tested and made comments on and fill out the peer review validation form; you will need to submit the peer review validation form and draft as a scanned PDF or photograph when you turn in your assignment for grading.

Submit your assignment through the Blackboard portal including the following, clearly named documents:

  • Grading draft of your instructions
  • A filled out and saved, scanned or photographed peer review validation form
  • A saved, scanned or photographed peer reviewed draft with comments

CAUTION As this is a writing class intended to provide you with writing experience, it is expected that you will write your own instructions, rather than “borrowing” them from another source. While prewritten instructions are easy to find, this is an unethical practice and will result in a zero for the assignment. Use APA referencing style.

October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023

Accounting Ratios Assignment

There will be two discussion questions listed below. By due date assigned, respond to one of the discussion questions and submit your response to the Discussion Area below, using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Support your answers with examples and research and cite your sources using the APA format.

Discussion Question One:

Accounting Ratios Assignment. ACME Company sells computer components and plans on borrowing some money to expand. After reading a lot about earnings management, Bill, the owner of ACME, has decided he should try to accelerate some sales to improve his financial statement ratios. He has called his best customers and asked them to make their usual January purchases by December 31. Bill told the customers he would allow them, until the end of February, to pay for the purchases, just as if they had made their purchases in January.

Accounting Ratios Assignment

  • Explain if you think there are ethical implications of Bill’s actions.
  • Which ratios will be affected, and how, by accelerating these sales?

Discussion Question Two:

Accounting Ratios Assignment. You are thinking of purchasing some common stock. Now that you are studying about financial statement analysis, you want to use it to analyze some different stocks.

  • Of the many ratios that we are studying, explain four different ratios that you think are the most important, what they tell you, and why they are the ones that you picked.
  • For more than a decade, many companies have been buying back shares of their own common stock. What are the reasons they would do that?
  • Explain if this share buyback program would affect your financial analysis decision about a stock and how.

Accounting Ratios Assignment. ACME Company sells computer components and plans on borrowing some money to expand. After reading a lot about earnings management, Bill, the owner of ACME, has decided he should try to accelerate some sales to improve his financial statement ratios. He has called his best customers and asked them to make their usual January purchases by December 31. Bill told the customers he would allow them, until the end of February, to pay for the purchases, just as if they had made their purchases in January. Use APA referencing style.

October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023

Healthcare Equity – European Elderly

500 words not including Title and Reference APA. Please Read Directions CAREFULLY!!!

Previous work attached.

TOPIC: Healthcare Equity among the Elderly in Europe

This is part 3 of your evidence-based practice project.

In this assignment, you will refer back to assignment you completed in week 4, as this assignment will build upon it.

For this assignment, you will re-review your three articles selected from your week 2 and 4 assignment. Then, you’ll write a paper on the following (be sure to include the content from your previous papers in weeks 2 and 4, updating with feedback from your instructor).

Healthcare Equity – European Elderly

Healthcare Equity – European Elderly

For each of the three articles, please discuss the following in your paper:

  • Research design of the study
  • Threats to external/internal validity
  • Potential legal/ethical issues within the article
  • Data analysis (be sure to elaborate on this more from your paper in week 4, providing specifics about the results)
  • Implications for evidence-based practice and how this article could be used to make an evidence-based change
  • Conclusion/summary of the evidence


Remember to support your ideas with the articles you found. These articles should be less than five (5) years old. They should not be from the Web, but from the library databases, and be sure to use a narrative format. USE CINAHL. In addition, you must follow APA guidelines, providing a title page, reference page, appendix, and in-text citations, as well as use level headings to match the assignment criteria listed above. Please use, at minimum three scholarly references, and your paper should be 500 words, excluding title and reference pages.

Healthcare Equity – European Elderly

Remember to support your ideas with the articles you found. These articles should be less than five (5) years old. They should not be from the Web, but from the library databases, and be sure to use a narrative format. USE CINAHL. In addition, you must follow APA guidelines, providing a title page, reference page, appendix, and in-text citations, as well as use level headings to match the assignment criteria listed above. Please use, at minimum three scholarly references, and your paper should be 500 words, excluding title and reference pages.

October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023

Hiring Strategy

Recruitment Plan Picture yourself as the human resources (HR) director of a prestigious company or for the company with which you currently work. Your first task is to create a recruitment plan and to brief the chief executive officer (CEO). In your presentation, dedicate at least one slide per bulleted item below. On each slide, include three to five bullet points to thoroughly address the information.

Use the notes function to add talking points to support your bullet points and to help transition smoothly between ideas. Use additional slides as needed.

  1. What methods will you utilize to recruit potential candidates? Discuss internal candidates versus external candidates.
  2. Identify at least four employment laws that you need to consider during the recruitment process.
  3. How will you advertise for job openings?
  4. Identify if you will use selection tests, background checks, or interviews for the recruitment process. Explain your choices. Hiring Strategy.
  5. Explain why effective recruiting is important.
  6. Explain why including a diverse workforce in your recruitment plan is important.
  7. Identify the strategy that will be used to recruit a diverse workforce.
  8. Identify five key questions that will be asked during the interview process and why the questions were chosen.
  9. Identify why a candidate would choose your company over another employer.
  10. What are common mistakes to avoid during the interview process?
  11. Reflect on the pros and cons of the recruitment process, and list at least two points for each.


Hiring StrategyHiring Strategy

Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least 13 slides in length, including the title slide and APA-style reference slide. Reference your textbook and at least two other sources from the Waldorf Online Library for a minimum of three sources. Remember that this style of presentation allows for some visual creativity. Ensure all graphics used support the content that you are presenting. The background used should be consistent, appropriate to the topic, and not distracting.