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November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

Quality Management Analysis

Your Furniture company’s chief competitor has recently made the news due to experiencing a rising trend in customer complaints regarding the quality of its dining room tables over the last year. The chief operating officer (COO) wants to avoid her company experiencing the same issue because this would risk the company’s ability to take over the #1 position in the market against this competitor.

The COO directs the operations management team to review quality management methods and tools to determine their effectiveness in preventing quality management problems and propose a quality management strategy (method and tools) to prevent its operations from experiencing quality problems with its furniture products.

Quality Management Analysis

Quality Management Analysis

Introduce the reader to the concept of quality management models and tools and their use in managing the quality of an operation.

Examine the given three quality management models and tools below, including how each model and tool contributes to effectively preventing an operation from experiencing quality management problems:

Quality management models:



Total quality management (TQM)

Quality management tools:

Flow charts

Check sheets


Pareto analysis

Scatter diagrams

Control charts

Cause-and-effect diagrams

Run charts

Formulate a proposed quality management strategy (1 model and 1 or more tools) that can help prevent the company’s operations from experiencing quality problems with its furniture products, including how the operations management functions (marketing and sales, finance, and operations) collaborate to implement the quality management strategy.

The conclusion should summarize key points from the research methods and sampling analysis discussed above.

Deliverable Requirements: The Quality Management Analysis should be 5 pages in length. Be sure to cite sources using APA properly; include references and in-text citations.

Quality Management Analysis

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.

Length: 5 pages minimum

Body: This begins on the page following the title page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.

Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana

Please type your answers directly on this sheet, immediately underneath the question you want to answer. These questions are complex and contain several parts – they are designed so that each question facilitates an interesting discussion.  Think through the whole question before answering. Your answer should be about two paragraphs per question. Craft thoughtful answers that draw from course material, your own experiences, and the memoir as needed. Where appropriate, you may include some bullet points in your answer. Be sure to include clear in-text citations (including page numbers where relevant) so you can find the original content easily during the discussion.

Question Options

  1. Kamila and her sisters are living in a very stressful and difficult time. Apply what you learned in the lesson on Resilience to write two paragraphs reflecting on the following:
    1. What strategies do they use to stay positive and focused?
    2. How do these align with what we know about resilience?
    3. Are the strategies they use similar to or different from strategies used by people in other memoirs we have read, or people you have interviewed?

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana

  1. Kamila and her sisters choose not to actively resist the Taliban, and to present the appearance that they were living within their rules. Write two paragraphs reflecting on this choice to conform to an external constraint. As you craft your answer, be sure to reflect on the following:
    1. Why do you think they choose this strategy?
    2. Why might this be considered a good choice, and conversely, why might it be considered a bad choice?
    3. What do you think you would have done, if you were in their situation?
  1. While externally conforming, Kamila and her sisters were acting as strong, independent, entrepreneurial women. This did not match the ideology of the Taliban. Using Kamila’s situation as an example, write two paragraphs reflecting on the concept of agency within constraints from the lesson on Resilience. As you craft your answer, be sure to think about the following:
    1. Did Kamila conform to an externally imposed social structure, or did she exhibit agency? Can people be doing both at the same time?
    2. Can you think of other memoirs, interviewees, or experiences in which people were conforming and resisting simultaneously?
    3. How does grappling with this contradiction influence your understanding of agency within constraints?
  1. Think about the way Kamila is nested within a variety of contexts – her family relationships, her friendship relationships, her professional relationships… This is Kamila’s social network. Write two paragraphs reflecting on the way her social network influenced her outcomes. As you think about this, be sure to consider the following:
    1. How did Kamila use her social network to stay safe and build her business?
    2. How did she expand her social network in ways that helped her?
    3. Did her social network ever burden her or hinder her progress?

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana

  1. The author describes the changes in women’s roles and freedoms that occurred in Afghanistan, from a time when women wore mini-skirts to a time when they wore the full chadora. We often think of “culture” as stable, but clearly there were competing cultural ideals. Apply what you have learned about cultural maintenance and cultural change (in the lesson on Culture) to reflect on the cultural changes described by Kamila. As you craft your two paragraphs, be sure to consider:
    1. How did these cultural changes come about?
    2. Did the “culture” really change, or was the change simply in people’s external behavior?
    3. Does the cultural change described follow the theory of cultural change described in Lesson: Exploring Culture? Why or why not?
    4. What can we learn about how and why cultures change from this memoir?
  1. As the book ends, Kamila has decided to focus her efforts on creating jobs. She feels this is a critical component to help her country become stable and to help women increase their independence. Human development students sometimes shy away from economic discussions, but let’s spend a little time thinking about the role that jobs play in people’s lives. Write a two paragraph response after reflecting on the following questions:
    1. Is work one of the necessary components of a good life? Why or why not? Remember to think about jobs in terms of financial need and self-actualization.
    2. Select one of the other books that we have read this semester. What role does the availability of work, and decent pay, play in the lives of the people in the book? How is that similar or different from the role it plays in The Dressmaker?

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana

  1. Gender has played a large role in the last two books – The Dressmaker and She’s Not There. Write two paragraphs in which you compare and contrast the way gender norms and expectations influence the central people in these two books. As you craft your answer, think about:
    1. How do gender norms and expectations influence the choices available to, and made by, Kamila and Jennifer? In which ways are they similar? In which ways are they different?
    2. Does gender feel like a defining characteristic in these two books, compared to race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status? Why or why not? Use APA referencing style.
November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

Analysis – Qualitative Software Program

For this week’s assignment, imagine you are a new faculty member in a large university psychology department. You need to develop a PowerPoint presentation for your Dean on the benefits and disadvantages of purchasing a qualitative software program by the department.

Describe the software program of interest to you.

Provide concrete advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative software programs in general.

Include information that reflects the merits and drawbacks of the software program that is of interest to you.

Include information that reflects the merits and drawbacks of manual analysis.

Provide a recommendation to the dean concerning whether a software program would be beneficial and effective or whether researchers in the department should use manual analysis.

Analysis - Qualitative Software Program

Analysis – Qualitative Software Program

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately. Add audio to each slide using the Media section of the Insert tab in the top menu bar for each slide.

Support your presentation with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)

Notes Length: 200-350 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.

Upload your document, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button.

Analysis – Qualitative Software Program

For this week’s assignment, imagine you are a new faculty member in a large university psychology department. You need to develop a PowerPoint presentation for your Dean on the benefits and disadvantages of purchasing a qualitative software program by the department.

Describe the software program of interest to you.

Provide concrete advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative software programs in general.

Include information that reflects the merits and drawbacks of the software program that is of interest to you.

Include information that reflects the merits and drawbacks of manual analysis.

Provide a recommendation to the dean concerning whether a software program would be beneficial and effective or whether researchers in the department should use manual analysis. Use APA referencing style.


November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

Cultural Background Paper Assignment


In the Cultural Background Paper, you will describe the background of your parents or primary caregivers regarding family culture and how this background impacts you both personally and professionally as a counselor. If you have a multi-racial background, pick the 2 most predominant cultures represented from your family background. You will consider how your cultural background influenced the family system patterns found in your family of origin, your identity development, and the role of culture and social justice in your counseling theoretical perspective. Specifically, you will look at some of the research describing people from your background, explore internet resources related to your culture, and interview your parents/significant care givers or other significant family members to get information. Below you will find further information.

Cultural Background Paper Assignment


Please utilize the guidelines noted below in completing this assignment:

  • This paper should be around 2000 words. Please note that the quality of your answer is important, and use the approximate words count noted in each section (#1 – #4) as you craft your responses for each section.
  • Please use the current APA style which is the 7th edition of the APA publication manual that includes information on appropriate formatting for section headings, levels of section headings, in-text citations (narrative and parenthetical), and references. In addition, review the sample professional paper for further specifics on APA formatting. For more information on APA formatting and sample papers, please see the APA Format Quick Guide link listed under the Resources header on the assignment page.
  • Scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources are required and must be published within the last 5 years. A minimum of five scholarly (5) sources are required for this assignment, and you are welcome to use more as needed in your research.

Cultural Background Paper Assignment

  • Acceptable scholarly sources include journal articles, scholarly websites, relevant chapters from the McGoldrick et al. supplemental e-book. (E-book link for McGoldrick et al. located in syllabus.) NOTE: The Hays and Erford can be used as one of required sources.
  • In addition to the five (5) scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources, a minimum of two (2) Internet/media sources related to your culture should be utilized. These can include (but not limited to) periodical websites (newspapers, magazine) and organizational websites. (Online journal databases would be scholarly sources and not internet/media sources.)
  • First person may be used in this paper.
  • For clarification, the Cultural Background Paper is not a focus on your family history, family genealogy, or family biography, but rather a focus on your cultural identity as it relates to the questions you will address in the assignment.

For the two parts of this assignment, address the following prompts, and organize the paper based on the prompts using appropriate section heading and subsection heading format:

Cultural Background Paper Assignment

  1. Identify 1 or 2 predominant cultures represented from your family background. You may describe your culture(s) by discussing the following (approximately 750 words):
  • Personal background and identity (your background may include a single heritage or multiple heritages (e.g., multiracial, multiethnic); you may choose to include information about one or all; include the ones that have had the most influence if not all).
  • When and how did you first become aware of your cultural background, and how did you respond to this (e.g., your specific group(s) and its impact on you of this awareness of being part of a specific or multiple groups).
  • Prominent customs, practices, values, and behaviors to your family’s background (communication patterns, gender roles, marital roles, educational and vocational pursuits). The McGoldrick et al. (2005) textbook is a strongly recommended source.
  • Influence of cultural background on spirituality and/or religion as appropriate
  • Information about your family’s cultural background not previously known (new information).
  1. Describe similarities and differences between your family of origin and other cultures whom you have encountered in the country/region where you grew up. Include a discussion of the positive AND negative experiences between you and the other cultures (approximately 250 words).
  2. Provide a clear and in-depth exploration of how your research and knowledge gained about your family’s cultural background influences your perspective on the importance racial/cultural identity development for other individuals. As part of your narrative, integrate information from at least one model from the chapter titled “Cultural Identity Development” (chapter 2) of Hays/Erford into your response (approximately 500 words).
  3. Provide a clear and in-depth exploration of how your research and knowledge gained about your family’s cultural background shapes your view of conducting social justice and client advocacy for others (approximately 500 words). Use APA referencing style.
November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

Roles of A Sped Teacher

As a special educator, you will have many roles and responsibilities. Collaborate with your mentor teacher to reflect on the following professional roles and responsibilities of a special education teacher:

Case managing and managing others, i.e., paraeducators, aides.

Differentiating lesson plans with general education teachers

Legal and confidentiality concerns when working with students and families/caregivers.

Conflict resolution among students and staff

Being involved beyond the classroom

Advocacy and mentoring students, families, and other colleagues

Lifelong learning and staying current on educational trends and legislation for special education.

Roles of A Sped Teacher

Roles of A Sped Teacher

Any additional roles and responsibilities your mentor describe.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

After the discussion with your mentor, complete a 500-word reflection based on your findings. Discuss any new insights, areas of concerns, and what you feel you need to know more about as you complete your studies.

In addition, discuss what steps you will take to keep yourself informed on special education and how you plan to be a lifelong learner after you enter the classroom.

Roles of A Sped Teacher

As a special educator, you will have many roles and responsibilities. Collaborate with your mentor teacher to reflect on the following professional roles and responsibilities of a special education teacher:

Case managing and managing others, i.e., paraeducators, aides.

Differentiating lesson plans with general education teachers

Legal and confidentiality concerns when working with students and families/caregivers.

Conflict resolution among students and staff

Being involved beyond the classroom

Advocacy and mentoring students, families, and other colleagues

Lifelong learning and staying current on educational trends and legislation for special education as a special educator, you will have many roles and responsibilities. Collaborate with your mentor teacher to reflect on the following professional roles and responsibilities of a special education teacher. Use APA referencing style.

November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

Employee Performance Evaluation

Think about the process used for your most recent performance evaluation. Describe the elements of the process and the opportunities you had to provide input and feedback about issues of concern. Was the evaluation useful to you in clarifying work expectations and priorities? If you have not had an evaluation recently or have not had an opportunity to provide input, how would this have improved your evaluation experience? Think about the process used for your most recent performance evaluation. Describe the elements of the process and the opportunities you had to provide input and feedback about issues of concern. Was the evaluation useful to you in clarifying work expectations and priorities? If you have not had an evaluation recently or have not had an opportunity to provide input, how would this have improved your evaluation experience?

Employee Performance Evaluation

Employee Performance Evaluation

Think about the process used for your most recent performance evaluation. Describe the elements of the process and the opportunities you had to provide input and feedback about issues of concern. Was the evaluation useful to you in clarifying work expectations and priorities? If you have not had an evaluation recently or have not had an opportunity to provide input, how would this have improved your evaluation experience? Think about the process used for your most recent performance evaluation. Describe the elements of the process and the opportunities you had to provide input and feedback about issues of concern. Was the evaluation useful to you in clarifying work expectations and priorities? If you have not had an evaluation recently or have not had an opportunity to provide input, how would this have improved your evaluation experience?

Employee Performance Evaluation

Think about the process used for your most recent performance evaluation. Describe the elements of the process and the opportunities you had to provide input and feedback about issues of concern. Was the evaluation useful to you in clarifying work expectations and priorities? If you have not had an evaluation recently or have not had an opportunity to provide input, how would this have improved your evaluation experience? Think about the process used for your most recent performance evaluation. Describe the elements of the process and the opportunities you had to provide input and feedback about issues of concern. Was the evaluation useful to you in clarifying work expectations and priorities? If you have not had an evaluation recently or have not had an opportunity to provide input, how would this have improved your evaluation experience? Use APA referencing style.

November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

Building Trial Case Database

You are the chief prosecutor heading an office with a number of assistant prosecutors, support staff, including paralegals and interns. Your paralegals are well-trained in legal research and in building databases for trials. You have to compile data on cases relating to the death penalty as part of a new tracking program that has been implemented by the state’s attorney general’s office. This is an unfunded mandate that does not provide any additional funds or resources to your office to establish a database. The project requires that you analyze cases prosecuted by your office over the previous 50 years, focusing on issues of racial and economic disparity.

Building Trial Case Database

Your assistant prosecutors seem to feel that data collection is mechanical work, fit only for fresh interns. However, you view it as an activity that is too important to delegate to your part-time interns or your paralegals without strong supervision. Therefore, you decide to assign this duty to two of your senior prosecutors. They will have to devote 50 percent of their time to building the new database and performing the required analysis. You have chosen two prosecutors with the most experience prosecuting capital cases, knowing that they will be most familiar with the data. However, neither prosecutor has a strong background in data collection or computer-based statistical analysis. Both have expressed reservations about overseeing the project.

Building Trial Case Database

Which strategies do you think are most effective for influencing employees to undertake new tasks? Why? Assess the advantages and disadvantages of these strategies in the context of this scenario. Should you use rational persuasion or the tactic of exchange strategy to influence the attorneys you selected for creating and maintaining the new database? Why? Explain how you might combine both, if necessary, to achieve the desired objective. What are the inspirational appeals you could make to the attorneys? Explain. Will inspirational appeals work better than pressure tactics? Why?

Building Trial Case Database

As a leader, was it appropriate for you to select the two attorneys who would be assigned to this project? Would it have been better to request volunteers? Do you think this would lessen the need to persuade employees to take on this additional responsibility? Would the use of the paralegals change the dynamic as well as the work assignments?

How much credence should leaders give to employees’ expressions of concern over assigned tasks? Under what circumstances might it be inappropriate for a leader to continue to apply persuasion tactics with employees who appear resistant to performing certain tasks? Which combination of the various proactive influence tactics would be most successful in influencing the staff? Why? Use APA referencing style.

November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023

Leadership Power

This assignment will combine some of the concepts presented to this point in the course. Consider the following types of leadership power as you respond to the following questions in a Microsoft Word document:

Legitimate power

Reward power

Coercive power

Referent power

Expert power

Which of the above types of power do you believe are most important in leadership? Why? Examine their importance with reference to the guidelines for each and the disadvantages for each type. Assess whether or not any of the above power types are essential to leaders in criminal justice. In what ways do the above power types match up with the “Big Five” personality types? In other words, is it likely that a leader wielding “expert power” would have a particular “Big Five” trait? Describe what is meant by “management by walking around” and what does this process entail? Cite any sources using APA format on a separate page using APA guidelines.

Leadership Power

Leadership Power

This assignment will combine some of the concepts presented to this point in the course. Consider the following types of leadership power as you respond to the following questions in a Microsoft Word document:

Legitimate power

Reward power

Coercive power

Referent power

Expert power

Which of the above types of power do you believe are most important in leadership? Why? Examine their importance with reference to the guidelines for each and the disadvantages for each type. Assess whether or not any of the above power types are essential to leaders in criminal justice. In what ways do the above power types match up with the “Big Five” personality types? In other words, is it likely that a leader wielding “expert power” would have a particular “Big Five” trait? Describe what is meant by “management by walking around” and what does this process entail? Cite any sources using APA format on a separate page using APA guidelines.

November 1, 2023
November 1, 2023

Building An Engaging Learning Environment

Motivation and engagement are keys to effective instruction. Children who are motivated and engaged are more likely to master concepts. It is important to have motivation and engagement strategies prepared for the year, so you can utilize them in a time of need. Every teacher has a “bag of tricks” they use to motivate and engage their students. For this assignment, you will be exploring different engagement tactics. What intrinsically and extrinsically motivates students to learn? What intrinsically and extrinsically motivates students to behave? What strategies do you use for a child who refuses to work? How do you keep your students engaged in a lesson? In centers? What are ways in which technology is used to engage learners? Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing ways to build a positive and engaging learning environment for young children, including the use of technology to engage students and support creative thinking. Additionally, discuss how student motivation relates to engagement.

Building Engaging Learning Environment

Building An Engaging Learning Environment

Motivation and engagement are keys to effective instruction. Children who are motivated and engaged are more likely to master concepts. It is important to have motivation and engagement strategies prepared for the year, so you can utilize them in a time of need. Every teacher has a “bag of tricks” they use to motivate and engage their students. For this assignment, you will be exploring different engagement tactics. What intrinsically and extrinsically motivates students to learn? What intrinsically and extrinsically motivates students to behave? What strategies do you use for a child who refuses to work? How do you keep your students engaged in a lesson? In centers? What are ways in which technology is used to engage learners? Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing ways to build a positive and engaging learning environment for young children, including the use of technology to engage students and support creative thinking. Additionally, discuss how student motivation relates to engagement. Use APA referencing style.

November 1, 2023
November 1, 2023

Behavioral Disorder Action Plan

Read the case study to inform the assignment that follows.

John is currently a ninth-grade student who has been identified as having an emotional/behavioral disorder, specifically in the area of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). During his annual IEP meeting, John’s IEP team reviewed recent test scores and determined he qualified for the gifted program in the area of English language arts (ELA). John will continue to participate in the inclusion classroom for the remainder of his courses, and be placed in the gifted classroom for ELA in the second semester of the school year.

As John continues to be successful in all of his inclusion classes, he is having difficulty in his new ELA class. The gifted teacher, Ms. Griedl, was not able to be present during the IEP meeting, and John is the first student with an IEP she has had in her class. John has stated that being the only Hispanic student in Ms. Griedl’s gifted class has made him feel uncomfortable at times. He says Ms. Griedl does not include him in the classroom conversations and when she speaks to him, it is abruptly. John says she does not treat the other students in the same manner.

Behavioral Disorder Action Plan

Behavioral Disorder Action Plan

After one month of John being in the gifted class, Ms. Griedl has requested that a paraprofessional be present to support John. The IEP team determined that this was not necessary and that John should be able to be successful in the gifted classroom without a paraprofessional. The principal, Mr. Fleming, did a walk through observation of Ms. Griedl’s gifted classroom and he did notice that John was isolated in a corner, and the teacher and other students in the class did not interact with him. In addition, Mr. Fleming received a phone call from John’s parents who reported that Ms. Griedl had told John she felt he did not belong in the gifted class. John no longer wants to be in the class because he does not feel welcome.

Use the “Collaboration and Communication Action Plan Template” to complete this assignment.

Part 1: Action Plan

Mr. Fleming has come to you, the special education teacher, for assistance with the situation. To assist the principal, create a action plan. The action plan should include one long-term goal and a minimum of four short-term goals to help reach the long-term goal.

Behavioral Disorder Action Plan

For each short-term goal, identify the following information related to implementation:

At least 1-2 implementation activities/strategies

Resources needed

Timeline: To include measuring progress and implementing strategies

Persons Responsible: To include measuring progress and implementing strategies

Evidence of Success: How is this measured, or the desired outcomes to demonstrate success

Keep in mind the following when you outline your goals and implementation steps:

John’s abilities and interests, the learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors.

How you will incorporate collaboration to help the action plan be successful.

Your role as a coach and resource for John and Ms. Griedl.

Behavioral Disorder Action Plan

Part 2: Rationale

Support your action plan with a 500 rationale that incorporates researched best practices on collaboration and communication when working with colleagues, administration, and families.

Your rationale should address the following considerations:

Theories or elements of effective collaboration you utilized in your action plan.

How diversity is a part of families, cultures, and schools, and how complex human issues can interact with the delivery of special education services.

The importance of supporting individuals with disabilities in all settings to help them reach their optimal potential and allow them to flourish academically and behaviorally.

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources. Use APA referencing style.