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January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Management & Organizational Behavior (MGT255)

Case Study Assignment

The purpose of the case study assignment is to apply the concepts and theories you have learnt throughout the course to a particular business case. Each student needs to write a case study analysis report for an assigned case study (8-10 pages) excluding the title page and references. The written report includes two major parts: the case study summary which includes summarizing the case major problems and issues and relate them to the relevant theories and course concepts (2-3 pages). While the second part focuses on analyzing the case questions
and answering them critically (6-7 pages). Your answers for the case questions need to be in an essay format and to be supported by an academic evidence based on the literature review using as minimum of relevant 12 references (journal articles). The structure of the case study written report should be as follows:

Management & Organizational Behavior (MGT255)

Management & Organizational Behavior (MGT255)

Title Page: Course title, assignment title, student name, instructor name, date, etc. Please use the university’s formal template.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary: A coherent summary of the whole group project. It should provide the reader with a clear understanding of the report without having to look at any other part of the report.
Case Study Summary: Summarize the case major problems and issues and relate them to the relevant theories and course concepts.
Analysis and Answers of the Case Questions: Analyze and answer the case study questions in an essay format. Provide your recommendations based on practical and theoretical evidence.
A summary of the issues discussed. Your own conclusion based on the issues discussed on the report.
Reference list

Management & Organizational Behavior (MGT255)

APA referencing style will be used and no need for endnotes. The case study will be assigned by the instructor and the assessment weight is 30 marks and no oral presentation is required. Marking rubric of the case study assignment is provided at end of this document. The submission of the assignment will be through the blackboard and it is due in week 8 as stated in the blackboard and no late submission will be accepted.

The assignment needs to be typed, in the following format:
Font size 12 point, spacing 1.5, margins set at normal. The pages need to be numerated. In the content list page, numbers are to be given under the different sub-headlines. New paragraphs are to be marked by skipping a line, it is not to be marked by indentation. Headlines are to be written from the left margin, not centred.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

SEC303 Introduction to Research Methods

The Research Proposal Presentation is an 8-minute verbal presentation based on a Power Point
presentation in which you will present your research proposal to audiences in our class.

Your presentation should demonstrate your ability to design and develop a research
proposal which defines the scope of your project, presents a literature review, contains
clearly defined hypotheses or research questions, explains the data, analytical tools and/or
research methods which will be used in the final project, and effectively communicates your
research project and discusses any relevant ethical considerations.
Students must upload submit a PowerPoint presentation (suggested 7 to 10 slides)
Sunday 9th April before 20:59pm.
o Verbal presentation during class time in week 13.
o Do not read directly from the slides.

SEC303 Introduction to Research Methods

SEC303 Introduction to Research Methods


Students are free to organize their PPT presentations as they wish. If they
wish to follow a template, here is one for their guidance:
1. Title Slide
 Title of project
 Your name and student ID
2. Introduction
The Introduction sets the stage for what is to come and should provide the background and
rationale for the proposed project – what is this about and why is it important? It should clearly
contextualize the problem in one to three short paragraphs, and include a brief statement of
the problem. The Introduction should answer the following questions:
 Background of the topic (supported by literature)
 Research problem
 Need for your research (point out the research gap)
 Purpose of the study/importance (objectives)
 Research question/hypothesis

SEC303 Introduction to Research Methods

3. Literature Review
This section is a brief review of the relevant literature pertaining to the proposed
problem/project. Carefully select the articles you review to inform and/or support the need for
your project, for example:
 Five key findings from other research papers
 Connect those findings to each other and to your project
4. Research Design and Methods
This section should describe the proposed methodology and how you will conduct the project.
The proposed methodology narrative/paragraph(s) will include an explanation of the following:
 Research design (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods)
 Data and data collection
 Methods (Detailed information about data collection tools)
 Justification of research methods / methodology (why do the selected research
methods suitable for your research)

SEC303 Introduction to Research Methods

5. Conclusion
The purpose of the conclusion is to wrap up your writing and reinforce the main idea that you
presented in the body of your proposal. By sure to include what will this research contribute to the
6. References
i. Or resources
Submission instructions
Sunday 9th April before 20:59pm
Late submission will be penalized as follows:
Late submissions are allowed within a maximum of 5 working days of the deadline of the
assessment activity. The student grade is reduced by 10% for each working day during the
aforementioned 5-day period. If the assignment is submitted beyond the 5-day period, the student
receives a grade of 0 in the assessment activity in question.

SEC303 Introduction to Research Methods

Word limit
The PowerPoint should consist of 7 to 10 slides (suggested).
The PowerPoint
Citation in the text and the Reference list that includes the sources for all materials cited in this
assignment. This list must follow the APA style referencing, and you should have carefully
proofread it to make certain that the style is followed consistently.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

PAS204 Child Protection

Assessment 2 – Task: Video Assessment


There has been an increase in online child abuse, grooming and cyber bullying taking place across the UAE.

Numerous parents, schools and children’s organisations have approached the Abu Dhabi Police to ask for their help in trying to prevent these types of crimes.

You have been requested to provide a video to be shown to Parents that helps them to be educated on the potential dangers of the internet and online abuse and how to protect their children. 

PAS204 Child Protection

PAS204 Child Protection


The video should be clear and informative. It must be your own work.

All members of the group must contribute equally to the assignment.

It should be no more than 7 minutes long.

The marking guide (rubric) is detailed below so please make sure you review this.

Students will undertake an authenticity interview with the course instructor after submission.

References should be included at the end of the video.

Ensure that all producing, acting, and recording participants in the video assessment have given their permission to participate. If minors or non-Rabdan students engage as supporting actors, their faces must be blurred due to privacy concerns. Use APA referencing style.

PAS204 Child Protection

Your video must contain the following:

Clear information for Parents on the potential dangers to children when online. (CLO4) This could contain facts about online child abuse internationally.

Clear information and advice for Parents on how to keep their children safe online – both from cyber-bullying or potential predatory behaviour by online offenders. (CLO4)

Information for Parents about applications or controls they can put on their use in order to protect children. (CLO5)

Information for Parents on how to report potential child abuse or concerns (CLO5)

The powers of the Police to investigate the report. (CLO5)

Use APA referencing style.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

SEC302 Applied Stakeholder Analysis

Individual Term Project Overview

Each student is required to write and submit a 1000-word (excluding cover page, table of contents and references page) essay for their assigned case project.

Students must submit/upload a Microsoft Word file and review the similarity score of their final submission prior to the due date. For the Assessment 3: Essay students must include the following sections:

INTRODUCTION [CLO4] (5 POINTS) – Recommended 50 words

Summary and background of the project including:

  • Overview of how the core problem has come into existence for the community or geographic region based on underlying factors;
  • The justification for undertaking this project and the benefit it will provide for the community and/or geographic region where it is being enacted.
  • Details about one (1) primary objective of the project. In other words, what does the project aim to achieve.

SEC302 Applied Stakeholder Analysis

SEC302 Applied Stakeholder Analysis

STEP 1.1 Stakeholder Analysis [CLO4] (10 POINTS) Recommended 300 words (Excluding Content from Power/Influence and Interest Matrix)

Discuss stakeholder analysis applying:

  • Stakeholder Power/Influence and Interest Matrix with placement of five (5) selected entities.
  • Students are required to select and summarize within the scope of the project the role of a minimum of five (5) stakeholders from the following sectors:
  1. One (1) national/federal level public sector stakeholder from the assigned country.
  2. One (1) local level public sector stakeholder from the assigned country.
  3. One (1) international non-profit sector stakeholder.
  4. Two (2) additional stakeholders from any sector of your choosing including but not limited to financial sector, grassroots citizen-led or otherwise

SEC302 Applied Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Characteristics Target Group Selection [CLO4] (10 POINTS) Recommended 200 words (Excluding Content from Table)

In table form with supporting paragraph summary/details for the characteristics/capacities of each stakeholder including:

  • Justify one (1) reason each stakeholder is important to the project by indication of their tangible/intangible resource contribution OR span of influence;
  • For each stakeholder, one (1) implication that their involvement will have for benefitting the project;
    • Selecting the target group/industry (direct recipients and ultimate beneficiaries of the project’s implementation)

STEP 1.2 Problem Analysis [CLO4] (5 POINTS) Recommended 100 words

  • Assess the core problem associated with the project;
  • Summary of at least one (1) contributor to the core problem that is central to the project;
  • The impact that the core problem is having for the community or geographic region (e.g. economy, employment, critical infrastructure damage etc);

SEC302 Applied Stakeholder Analysis

Role Logical Framework [CLO2] (40 POINTS) Recommended 100 words (Information within the Role Logical Framework Table will contribute to the Essay word count)

  • Create a Role Logical Framework table for the project to include information associated with the four [4] column headings including (1) Project Structure, (2) Indicators, (3) Means of Verification and (4)

 Monitoring and Evaluation [CLO4] (10 Points) Recommended 150 words

  • Summarize one (1) aspect of the project to be monitored throughout the project timeline (5 points) indicating one (1) proposed methods/tools (5 points) to be used for monitoring.
  • Assess how the project is to be evaluated against the stated objective toward overcoming of the noted problem.

 CONCLUSION Recommended 100 words [CLO2=5, CLO4=5] (10 Points)

A summary of the project to include:

  • Details of key problem
  • Importance of stakeholder contributions
  • Benefit of project to the target group
  • Key indicators of monitoring and evaluation


*NOTE: Sources where information is obtained must be cited in APA format and listed in the References Section.


January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Education Motivating Staff


During a recent professional development, your administrator asked all staff members to create a professional growth plan. The first part of that plan is to write a letter to yourself outlining various areas of development, growth, and ethical responsibilities. Your administrative team will use the letter to plan and facilitate future professional development opportunities.

Education Motivating Staff

????Write a 500–750-word statement of intent as an educator that addresses the following:

  • Identify and reflect on your personal motivation for pursuing a graduate degree in secondary education. Citation of your choice 
  • Describe your curricular and professional progression requirements, as well as certification requirements, to gain or maintain ELA licensure in Mississippi. Include any undergraduate requirements, hours of observation/experience, required testing, other professional development opportunities, etc. – CITE your MS state department of education
  • Describe how you will promote ethical practice, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant learning experiences by understanding, reflecting, and accessing resources about potential biases, including those related to cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences. – CITE MCEE OR INTASC
  • Describe your leadership, collaboration, and technology goals to effectively develop as a professional and embrace challenges and changeCITE ISTE AND INTASC, and/or SPA Standards.
  • Determine how your expectations of the teaching profession compare with what you have learned about the qualities and experience of a currently practicing teaching professional. –personal communication citation from a current teacher/colleague

????Support this assignment with at least two resources.

Education Motivating Staff


During a recent professional development, your administrator asked all staff members to create a professional growth plan. The first part of that plan is to write a letter to yourself outlining various areas of development, growth, and ethical responsibilities. Your administrative team will use the letter to plan and facilitate future professional development opportunities.

????Write a 500–750-word statement of intent as an educator that addresses the following:

  • Identify and reflect on your personal motivation for pursuing a graduate degree in secondary education. Citation of your choice 
  • Describe your curricular and professional progression requirements, as well as certification requirements, to gain or maintain ELA licensure in Mississippi. Include any undergraduate requirements, hours of observation/experience, required testing, other professional development opportunities, etc. – CITE your MS state department of education
  • Describe how you will promote ethical practice, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant learning experiences by understanding, reflecting, and accessing resources about potential biases, including those related to cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences. – CITE MCEE OR INTASC
  • Describe your leadership, collaboration, and technology goals to effectively develop as a professional and embrace challenges and changeCITE ISTE AND INTASC, and/or SPA Standards.
  • Determine how your expectations of the teaching profession compare with what you have learned about the qualities and experience of a currently practicing teaching professional. –personal communication citation from a current teacher/colleague

????Support this assignment with at least two resources.

Use APA referencing style.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Self-Growth Developmental & Ethical Letter


During a recent professional development, your administrator asked all staff members to create a professional growth plan. The first part of that plan is to write a letter to yourself outlining various areas of development, growth, and ethical responsibilities. Your administrative team will use the letter to plan and facilitate future professional development opportunities.

Self-Growth Developmental & Ethical Letter

????Write a 500–750-word statement of intent as an educator that addresses the following:

  • Identify and reflect on your personal motivation for pursuing a graduate degree in secondary education. Citation of your choice 
  • Describe your curricular and professional progression requirements, as well as certification requirements, to gain or maintain ELA licensure in Mississippi. Include any undergraduate requirements, hours of observation/experience, required testing, other professional development opportunities, etc. – CITE your MS state department of education
  • Describe how you will promote ethical practice, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant learning experiences by understanding, reflecting, and accessing resources about potential biases, including those related to cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences. – CITE MCEE OR INTASC
  • Describe your leadership, collaboration, and technology goals to effectively develop as a professional and embrace challenges and changeCITE ISTE AND INTASC, and/or SPA Standards.
  • Determine how your expectations of the teaching profession compare with what you have learned about the qualities and experience of a currently practicing teaching professional. –personal communication citation from a current teacher/colleague

????Support this assignment with at least two resources.

Self-Growth Developmental & Ethical Letter


During a recent professional development, your administrator asked all staff members to create a professional growth plan. The first part of that plan is to write a letter to yourself outlining various areas of development, growth, and ethical responsibilities. Your administrative team will use the letter to plan and facilitate future professional development opportunities.

????Write a 500–750-word statement of intent as an educator that addresses the following:

  • Identify and reflect on your personal motivation for pursuing a graduate degree in secondary education. Citation of your choice 
  • Describe your curricular and professional progression requirements, as well as certification requirements, to gain or maintain ELA licensure in Mississippi. Include any undergraduate requirements, hours of observation/experience, required testing, other professional development opportunities, etc. – CITE your MS state department of education
  • Describe how you will promote ethical practice, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant learning experiences by understanding, reflecting, and accessing resources about potential biases, including those related to cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences. – CITE MCEE OR INTASC
  • Describe your leadership, collaboration, and technology goals to effectively develop as a professional and embrace challenges and changeCITE ISTE AND INTASC, and/or SPA Standards.
  • Determine how your expectations of the teaching profession compare with what you have learned about the qualities and experience of a currently practicing teaching professional. –personal communication citation from a current teacher/colleague

????Support this assignment with at least two resources.  Use APA referencing style.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Law Journal Articles Requirements

Requirement of Journal Articles

Please watch five PowerPoint files that give an overview of the legal systems of different five countries and complete five Journal articles based on their content and related materials. Each Journal article requires three pages (double-spaced, APA format).

Law Journal Articles Requirements


The three-page journal on each PPT can be structured as you think best but should include the following:

  1. Generally, describe your reaction to, and evaluation of, the PPT.
  2. In a few paragraphs summarize the most important things you learned about the legal system in that country.
  3. Having watched the PPT, if you were to start doing business in that country what aspects of the legal system would you be most concerned about? Why?
  4. Is there information about the legal system in that country that you would like to have but wasn’t provided in the PPT.
  • Please add some of your own ideas and extended resources as appropriate to enrich the content of the journal article.
  • Each journal article requires 3 pages, a total of five the content of all articles cannot exceed 15 pages, and please put them in one file.
  • APA format, table of contents, and reference pages

Law Journal Articles Requirements

Appendix – PPT Information

These five PPT files can be found in the attachment.

These PPTs will provide an overview of the legal system in countries with which Canada trades significantly. These presentations should explain particular legal risks when doing business with that country.

These PPTs is about the legal system of these five countries below:

  • Portugal
  • Australia
  • Norway
  • Argentina
  • Indonesia

Each PPT will include these contents below (This is also an important scoring criterion for these PPTs

Your team has been hired as consultants by the ABC Manufacturing Company, a successful Canadian company. ABC is planning to open a factory in (your team’s country). The CEO is very nervous about the legal system in that country and asks you to provide a ppt describing the legal system of that country. Use APA referencing style.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Law Journal Assignment

All questions are worth 20 points:

  1. Is being both a crime fighter and a public servant too much to ask of the police? Does society need to choose what they want police to be, or are both reasonable to expect? Be sure to explain your answer, providing examples as needed.
  2. Discuss the use of Tasers by police as they relate to Use of Force. In your discussion be sure to address the following questions:

one case example in your discussion.

Law Journal Assignment

  1. What are the advantages of a taser over other use of force options?
  2. Does the public have the right to expect “safe” measures when resisting arrest?
  3. Provide an example(s) where police use of a taser resulted in horrific pain, trauma, or death. Do you believe that the taser should have been used in this situation, why or why not?
  4. Discuss the concept of Good Samaritan Laws? If one witnesses a person in need of help, should they be obligated to help? What if a person was an off-duty first responder? Please use at least one case example in your discussion.

Law Journal Assignment

3.Given what you have read this week, how does the media representation of courtrooms and law enforcement differ from reality? Would you argue that media representations support a consensus, conflict, or pluralistic view of law enforcement? If you could make changes involving how the media represents courtrooms and law enforcement; what changes might you suggest?

4.You are a district attorney prosecuting a burglary case. The defendant is willing to plead guilty in return for a sentence of probation, and you believe that this is a fair punishment because your evidence may not support a conviction. However, the victims are upset and want to see the offender receive prison time. The victims insist that you try the case. What should you do and why? Use APA referencing style.

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Law Most Wanted List Assignment

Block Fi, a crypto lending platform, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey following the implosion of putative acquirer FTX.

Come up with a list of 28 “Most Wanted”.  whether they have money at this moment or not. Keep in mind, a lot of these folks have insurance policies to protect themselves in the event of a lawsuit. These don’t have to be Block Fi employees or investors.
They can have some role in precipitating the chain of events that caused investors to lose money or Block Fi to go bankrupt.

Law Most Wanted List Assignment
The format of the deliverable is at least 56-page Microsoft Word (.doc) document. Each of the 28 entries will have:

  1. A page dedicated to a high-res photograph of the person (or logo if it is an organization) along with a source URL.
  2. A page dedicated to a paragraph (2-10 sentences) about why this person is at fault either directly or indirectly. Maybe this person/organization has funds that belong to us.  Include citations/URLs to substantiate your reasoning.3. List can consist of some of the obvious names like CEO and founders but be creative explore unconventional options when creating the list; think creatively or strategically about individuals who could play a significant role or contribute to the failure of Block Fi.

Law Most Wanted List Assignment

Block Fi, a crypto lending platform, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey following the implosion of putative acquirer FTX.

Come up with a list of 28 “Most Wanted”.  whether they have money at this moment or not. Keep in mind, a lot of these folks have insurance policies to protect themselves in the event of a lawsuit. These don’t have to be Block Fi employees or investors.
They can have some role in precipitating the chain of events that caused investors to lose money or Block Fi to go bankrupt.

The format of the deliverable is at least 56-page Microsoft Word (.doc) document. Each of the 28 entries will have:

  1. A page dedicated to a high-res photograph of the person (or logo if it is an organization) along with a source URL.
  2. A page dedicated to a paragraph (2-10 sentences) about why this person is at fault either directly or indirectly. Maybe this person/organization has funds that belong to us.  Include citations/URLs to substantiate your reasoning.3. List can consist of some of the obvious names like CEO and founders but be creative explore unconventional options when creating the list; think creatively or strategically about individuals who could play a significant role or contribute to the failure of Block Fi. Use APA referencing style.
January 23, 2024

Nursing Professional Accountability Reflection

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate personal and professional accountability in the context of social media. Social media plays a significant role in modern society and is now a common tool used by individuals and organizations alike to evaluate a person’s values, authenticity, and reputation. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates for employment. Inappropriate or unprofessional conduct on social media can pose legal problems for nurses as well as damage public trust in nursing.

Nursing Professional Accountability Reflection

For this assignment, log-in to each social media platform for which you have an account. Review your profile and most recent activity including pictures and posts. If you do not have a social media account, access one of the following social media platforms in order to view the social media posts and activities of others: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok. Reflect on the information and content you and others post on a daily basis.

In 500-750 words, summarize your findings. Include the following in your summary:

  1. Describe the posts, conversations, and images you evaluated.
  2. Does the activity on social media appear to align with your personal values and the professional values of your discipline?
  3. Would family, friends, and colleagues consider the posts, conversations, and images authentic and representative of who you are as unique individuals?
  4. Does the activity on social media respect the human value and dignity of others as reflected in Christian values?
  5. Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with professional values, regulatory requirements, and workplace policies in both personal and professional interactions. Include a discussion of how personal conduct can violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 or be considered unethical and unprofessional. Provide an example to support your answer.

Nursing Professional Accountability Reflection

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Lopes Write. A link to the Lopes Write technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 6.1, 8.1, 8.5, 9.1, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.2.

Use APA referencing style.