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January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

Compensation and Benefits

There are a number of cost-saving strategies when it comes to putting together benefit packages. Identify and explain how outsourcing and flexible benefit plans help in being more cost effective. Discuss how flexible benefit plans with your current or past employer are introduced and applied.

In preparing a compensation plan, an organization must consider all the laws and regulations associated with the pay of special groups (i.e., supervisors, corporate directors, and executives). However, do you think compensation for special groups is excessive? If so, why? Address a law or regulation that is specifically related to special groups that you think is vital. Why is it so important to you? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.

Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and Benefits

There are a number of cost-saving strategies when it comes to putting together benefit packages. Identify and explain how outsourcing and flexible benefit plans help in being more cost effective. Discuss how flexible benefit plans with your current or past employer are introduced and applied.

In preparing a compensation plan, an organization must consider all the laws and regulations associated with the pay of special groups (i.e., supervisors, corporate directors, and executives). However, do you think compensation for special groups is excessive? If so, why? Address a law or regulation that is specifically related to special groups that you think is vital. Why is it so important to you? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.

Compensation and Benefits

There are a number of cost-saving strategies when it comes to putting together benefit packages. Identify and explain how outsourcing and flexible benefit plans help in being more cost effective. Discuss how flexible benefit plans with your current or past employer are introduced and applied.

In preparing a compensation plan, an organization must consider all the laws and regulations associated with the pay of special groups (i.e., supervisors, corporate directors, and executives). However, do you think compensation for special groups is excessive? If so, why? Address a law or regulation that is specifically related to special groups that you think is vital. Why is it so important to you? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success. Use APA referencing style.

January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

College Stress & Academic Performance

College Students Statements: 1. Stress hinders a college student’s academic performance. 2. The experience of food or housing insecurity negatively impacts a college student’s academic performance. 3. College athletes experience increased stress which negatively impacts their academic performance. 4. Adult learners returning to college face additional challenges that negatively impact their academic achievements. 5. Starting college early hinders the emotional and social development of teenagers. 6. Increased use of alcohol and prescribed medications has negatively impacted college students’ academic performance. Use this topic above to answer the questions below 250 words MLA format i need it in 24 hours. please read the selection grading rubric so you will know what you  can not write.

College Stress & Academic Performance

College Stress & Academic Performance

 King (2023) explained there are four key attitudes of scientific research including critical thinking, skepticism, objectivity, and curiosity. This informed opinion paper will utilize all four of these attitudes. This first assignment will focus on the last attitude of curiosity. What are you curious about related to human behavior? Have you ever wondered, “Why did they do that?” when looking at someone else’s behavior. The first step in writing is to choose a topic that interests you.

Second, scholarly writing is fundamentally about answering questions. In Psychology, those questions are about human behavior and mental processes. Sometimes we think we know the answers because it is what common sense tells us, what we’ve experienced or witnessed in our own lives, or what we have been told by someone else. However, as King (2023) stated, two of the core attitudes of psychologists are skepticism and critical thinking. Psychologists utilize critical thinking and skepticism to question, examine, and challenge what everyone thinks to be true.

College Stress & Academic Performance

Psychology is a discipline based on science, in particular, the use of the scientific method. The scientific method guides psychologists in their study of human behavior and mental processes to minimize personal bias and remain objective. Objectivity, another core attitude, simply means you are open to what the evidence tells you (King, 2023).  As you select your topic from those provided or choose something to be approved, take a moment to consider what your own biases may be.

Assignment Instructions:

From the list of topics provided select one (1) as the focus of your paper. You may choose your own topic, but that topic must be presented as a statement and must be pre-approved by the professor. Once you have chosen or have your topic approved, complete the Student Response Assignment, and submit your work in Moodle. Use APA referencing style.

College Stress & Academic Performance

Student Response:

  1. Identify the topic chosen for your paper:
  2. What do you find interesting about this topic?
  3. Identify and define the keywords in the topic statement. Use your text (include page numbers) and other sources (include URL links) if needed.
  4. Explain the topic in your own words.
  5. Explaining means you are demonstrating your understanding of the concept in your own words.
  6. How is this topic personally relevant? That is, how does it relate to you or someone you know?
  7. Assessing your bias:
  8. What do you already “know” about this topic?
  9. Where or from whom did you learn about the topic?
  10. Do you have a strong opinion about this topic?
  11. Inquiry: Do you agree with or oppose the statement?
January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

Managerial Success

Success and failure factors are evident in strategic planning and management. A process also exists to address emerging strategic planning and management issues. Please respond to the following:

Identify and discuss one critical success factor, and one failure factor regarding strategic planning and management.

Provide one hypothetical workplace and HR-related example for each of your selected success and failure factors.

Illustrate how these factors could improve or damage the Strategic Planning and Management Process model. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Managerial Success

Managerial Success

Success and failure factors are evident in strategic planning and management. A process also exists to address emerging strategic planning and management issues. Please respond to the following:

Identify and discuss one critical success factor, and one failure factor regarding strategic planning and management. Managerial Success. Provide one hypothetical workplace and HR-related example for each of your selected success and failure factors.

Illustrate how these factors could improve or damage the Strategic Planning and Management Process model. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Managerial Success

Success and failure factors are evident in strategic planning and management. A process also exists to address emerging strategic planning and management issues. Please respond to the following:

Identify and discuss one critical success factor, and one failure factor regarding strategic planning and management.

Provide one hypothetical workplace and HR-related example for each of your selected success and failure factors.

Illustrate how these factors could improve or damage the Strategic Planning and Management Process model. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Illustrate how these factors could improve or damage the Strategic Planning and Management Process model. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Use APA referencing style.

January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

Memorandum – Reforming the ACA

You are an employee of a think tank in Washington, DC. The director has been asked to testify before a congressional committee on the following question: In reforming the ACA, what lessons should the United States learn from relevant experience abroad? Your job is to write a memorandum that will help the director answer this question. In writing this memo, you should address the following questions:

  1. How can learning from abroad help policy makers engage in a process of self-examination of health policy at home?
  2. Compare the NHS and NHI systems.
  3. What should members of Congress know about China’s problems and aspirations in health policy?
  4. What lessons from abroad would be most relevant in reforming the U.S. health system? (minimum requirement) substantive response (250 words) minimum of three (3) citations/references peer review to support your substantive response less than 5years old

Kindly use the AMA Referencing format or style.

Memorandum - Reforming the ACA

Memorandum – Reforming the ACA

You are an employee of a think tank in Washington, DC. The director has been asked to testify before a congressional committee on the following question: In reforming the ACA, what lessons should the United States learn from relevant experience abroad? Your job is to write a memorandum that will help the director answer this question. In writing this memo, you should address the following questions:

  1. How can learning from abroad help policy makers engage in a process of self-examination of health policy at home?
  2. Compare the NHS and NHI systems.
  3. What should members of Congress know about China’s problems and aspirations in health policy?
  4. What lessons from abroad would be most relevant in reforming the U.S. health system? (minimum requirement) substantive response (250 words) minimum of three (3) citations/references peer review to support your substantive response less than 5years old

Kindly use the AMA Referencing format or style.

January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note

Patient Information:

Initials, Age, Sex, Race


CC (chief complaint): A brief statement identifying why the patient is here, stated in the patient’s own words (for instance “headache,” not “bad headache for 3 days”).

HPI: This is the symptom analysis section of your note. Thorough documentation in this section is essential for patient care, coding, and billing analysis. Paint a picture of what is wrong with the patient. Use LOCATES mnemonic to complete your HPI. You need to start EVERY HPI with age, race, and gender (e.g., 34-year-old AA male). You must include the seven attributes of each principal symptom in paragraph form, not a list. If the CC was “headache,” the LOCATES for the HPI might look like the following example:

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note

Location: head

Onset: 3 days ago

Character: pounding, pressure around the eyes and temples

Associated signs and symptoms: nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia

Timing: after being on the computer all day at work

Exacerbating/relieving factors: light bothers eyes, Aleve makes it tolerable but not completely better

Severity: 7/10 pain scale

Current Medications: include dosage, frequency, length of time used and reason for use; also include OTC or homeopathic products

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note

Allergies: include medication, food, and environmental allergies separately (A description of what the allergy is, i.e., angioedema, anaphylaxis, etc. This will help determine a true reaction as opposed to intolerance).

PMHx: include immunization status (note date of last tetanus for all adults), past major illnesses and surgeries. Depending on the CC, more information is sometimes needed.

Soc & Substance Hx: include occupation and major hobbies, family status, tobacco & alcohol use (previous and current use), any other pertinent data. Always add some health promo question here, such as whether they use seat belts all the time or whether they have working smoke detectors in the house, living environment, text/cell phone use while driving, and support system.

Fam Hx: illnesses with possible genetic predisposition, contagious or chronic illnesses. Reason for death of any deceased first-degree relatives should be included. Include parents, grandparents, siblings, and children. Include grandchildren, if pertinent.

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note

Surgical Hx: prior surgical procedures

Mental Hx: diagnosis and treatment. Current concerns: Anxiety and/or depression.  History of self-harm practices and/or suicidal or homicidal ideation.

Violence Hx: concern or issues about safety (personal, home, community, sexual . . . current & historical)

Reproductive Hx: menstrual history (date of LMP), Pregnant (yes or no), Nursing/lactating (yes or no), contraceptive use (method used), types of intercourse:  oral, anal, vaginal, other, any sexual concerns

ROS: cover all body systems that may help you include or rule out a differential diagnosis You should list each system as follows: General: Head: EENT: etc. You should list these in bullet format and document the systems in order from head to toe.

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note

Example of Complete ROS:

GENERAL: No weight loss, fever, chills, weakness or fatigue.

HEENT: Eyes: No visual loss, blurred vision, double vision or yellow sclerae. Ears, Nose, Throat: No hearing loss, sneezing, congestion, runny nose, or sore throat.

SKIN: No rash or itching.

CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain, chest pressure, or chest discomfort. No palpitations or edema.

RESPIRATORY: No shortness of breath, cough, or sputum.

GASTROINTESTINAL: No anorexia, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. No abdominal pain or blood.

GENITOURINARY: Burning on urination. Last menstrual period, MM/DD/YYYY.

NEUROLOGICAL: No headache, dizziness, syncope, paralysis, ataxia, numbness, or tingling in the extremities. No change in bowel or bladder control.

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note

MUSCULOSKELETAL: No muscle, back pain, joint pain, or stiffness.

HEMATOLOGIC: No anemia, bleeding, or bruising.

LYMPHATICS: No enlarged nodes. No history of splenectomy.

PSYCHIATRIC: No history of depression or anxiety.

ENDOCRINOLOGIC: No reports of sweating, cold, or heat intolerance. No polyuria or polydipsia.

REPRODUCTIVE: Not pregnant and no recent pregnancy. No reports of vaginal or penile discharge. Not sexually active.

ALLERGIES: No history of asthma, hives, eczema, or rhinitis.

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note


Physical exam: From head-to-toe, include what you see, hear, and feel when doing your physical exam. You only need to examine the systems that are pertinent to the CC, HPI, and History. Do not use “WNL” or “normal.” You must describe what you see. Always document in head-to-toe format, i.e., General: Head: EENT: etc.

Diagnostic results: Include any labs, x-rays, or other diagnostics that are needed to develop the differential diagnoses (support with evidence and guidelines)


Differential Diagnoses: List a minimum of three differential diagnoses. Your primary, or presumptive, diagnosis should be at the top of the list. For each diagnosis, provide supportive documentation with evidence-based guidelines.

Pediatric Patient SOAP Note


Includes documentation of diagnostic studies that will be obtained, referrals to other healthcare providers, therapeutic interventions, education, disposition of the patient, and any planned follow-up visits. Each diagnosis or condition documented in the assessment should be addressed in the plan. The details of the plan should follow an orderly manner.

Include a discussion related to health promotion and disease prevention, taking into consideration patient factors such as age and ethnic group; PMH; and other factors, such as socio-economic and cultural background.

The reflection also is included in this section. Reflect on this case and discuss what you learned. Were there any “aha” moments or connections you made? Apa.

January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

Hiring Process


Hiring is one of the most critical aspects of being a leader. In order to have an effective hiring process, some important preparation must be done before the candidate search, shortlist selection, and interview processes even begin. This assignment is designed to allow you to practice the preparation phase of the hiring process.

In the preparation phase, the hiring team creates a job description that includes all the hard and soft skills desired in candidates, as well as the key responsibilities of the role. After that, the team agrees upon a set of key competencies for the position. Finally, they develop a set of questions designed to enable you to interview candidates for those competencies. All candidates for the position are interviewed with the same set of questions, thus enabling the hiring team to compare candidates effectively.

Hiring Process

Hiring Process


For this exercise, select a position you are currently hiring for, or select a position that may need to be filled in your department or organization in the future. Follow the steps below to create all the required components of the Hiring Sheet for this position:

Step 1:  Develop a Job Description

If there is a current job description for an open position in your department or organization, you can use that for this part of the exercise.

Submit your Job Description as a separate attachment for review. It may be in MS Word or PDF format.  Do not copy and paste it within your assignment.

Hiring Process

Step 2:  Identify Key Competencies

Select five (5) key competencies for the position from this resource: List of Professional Competencies Download List of Professional Competencies

Alternatively, if you wish, you may select four (4) competencies from the list and create one (1) competency of your own.

Step 3:  Rank the Competencies

Rank the competencies that you selected in order, from the most important [1] to the least important [5].

Write a paragraph to explain your rationale for the order of importance of the competencies.

Hiring Process

Step 4:  Create Interview Questions

Develop two (2) questions designed to assess each competency that you selected for use when interviewing candidates.

Your final list of questions for the position will contain ten (10) questions.

Submission Requirements

The assignment is typed and double-spaced, with a professional font (size 10 – 12)

Your submission includes two documents: a Job Description and your Hiring Sheet.

Hiring Process

The Hiring Sheet is submitted in MS Word document format

Includes a Cover Page with the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, course title, and date

Includes a brief Introduction, five Key Competencies ranked from most to least important, and your rationale for the ranking of competencies

Includes two (2) interview questions designed to assess each key competency, for a total of ten (10) questions

The assignment is written in a formal manner, with correct spelling and grammar

References are included and provide appropriate information that enables the reader to locate the original source

Citations and references must follow the formatting instructions found in the JWMI Writing Standards Guide. Check with your professor for any additional instruction. apa.

January 25, 2024

Invisible Disabilities – Ramon’s Experience

Submit a 2page paper in which you address the following:

What are invisible disabilities?

Explain Ramon’s experience of invisible disabilities.

What other identities may be intersecting with ability to contribute to further oppression for Ramon?

Explain how you would approach Ramon’s case as a social worker. How would you intervene or empower the client? Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

Invisible Disabilities - Ramon’s Experience

Invisible Disabilities – Ramon’s Experience

 As people in a highly visual world, we take in information and make judgments largely through our visual perceptions. But what about what cannot be seen? Invisible disabilities are just that, invisible. However, they may be recognizable to those who live with them. Invisible disabilities include such conditions as diabetes, autism, fibromyalgia, traumatic brain injury, and mental illness among others. These are neurological or physiological conditions that are not immediately apparent but that nevertheless affect every aspect of a person’s life. When discussing their disability with someone else, they may receive comments like, well, you look fine to me. Are you sure there’s something wrong with you? You don’t seem disabled? Oh, it’s all in your head. These kinds of statements invalidate their experience and the very real symptoms and challenges they may be having.

Invisible Disabilities – Ramon’s Experience

So not only may the person feel marginalized by the disability itself but also by the lack of acknowledgment and empathy from others. Social workers recognize the impact of invisible disabilities in their assessments and treatment plans examining how the disability intersects with other factors to influence the client’s well-being. They also know that just because a disability is hidden it does not make a person any less worthy of support.


Ramon is an 18-year-old male who identifies as Latino and African American. He is in his senior year of high school and lives with his parents and two sisters. Ramon has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability and with moderate hearing loss in his right ear. His mother, Angela, reached out to me, the school social worker.

Background and History

Early History

After gaining consent, I met with Angela and Ramon for background and history. I asked about Ramon’s early history, and she reported that as a baby, Ramon had multiple ear infections as well as seizures. He was hospitalized and put on medication to control the seizures, though nothing was done for the ears. At 5 years old, he became very sick, and it was discovered that his Eustachian tubes were bent, which had resulted in muffled hearing on the right side. Angela reported that if the doctor, who was White, had noticed the issue when he’d been a baby, Ramon could have gotten tubes placed in his ears and would not need a hearing aid. Angela reported skepticism and distrust of the medical community based on this experience.

Invisible Disabilities – Ramon’s Experience


Angela reported that Ramon adapted over time to a hearing aid. He remained somewhat removed in social situations and was overwhelmed when he entered school. Because of his initial struggle in academics, his IQ was assessed and determined to be below average; throughout the duration of his public schooling, Ramon had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) based on this identified intellectual disability.

Presenting Issue

Once I had this background from Angela, I asked what brought them here. Angela mentioned that the college and career counselor at the high school had implied that college was not in Ramon’s future. Angela was furious and did not feel heard by the school administration when she brought up the incident with them. She would like Ramon’s IQ to be reassessed. She felt that the original practitioner who performed the IQ assessment “did not get it right” and that “Ramon has grown so much.”

Invisible Disabilities – Ramon’s Experience

Session with Ramon

I then met with Ramon individually. During the meeting, I observed that he fidgeted and appeared anxious, occasionally biting his fingernails. “How long is this going to take?” he asked, while looking at the time. Ramon reported that he didn’t want to be late for gym class. He hung his head and talked in a low voice but responded to all of my questions appropriately. When I asked how he felt about college, he said he wanted to “go to LSU” and that the college and career counselor had started showing him job listings instead. “Now my mom’s all mad,” he said and rolled his eyes. “Are you mad?” I asked. Ramon said, “I don’t think that was fair of him to do. I’m not dumb.”

I asked Ramon how high school had been for him. And he responded that he didn’t wear his hearing aid because it made him self-conscious around his peers. He sat on the right side of the classroom so he could hear clearly from his left ear. This provoked some anxiety prior to each class about whether he would be able to find a seat that would position him well to hear. In cases where he could not hear, Ramon could not fully participate in class; teachers interpreted this lack of engagement as part of him being “slow.” Ramon also reported fear and anxiety around test-taking and social interactions. Other than that, he explained that he generally did okay in school, and his grades back up this statement.

Invisible Disabilities – Ramon’s Experience

Based on my recommendation, the school supported carrying out another assessment for both IQ and mental health. The findings were that Ramon does not have a low IQ but rather generalized and social anxiety disorders. These mental health issues were contributing to Ramon’s social isolation and feelings of extreme worry, which in turn impacted his performance on both the IQ assessment and school tests. Use APA referencing style.

January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

Spirituality Case Analysis – Najib

Submit a 2page paper analyzing the case and applying your perspective on spirituality. Be sure to address the following:

  • As a social worker, would you include spirituality and religion in your initial assessment of Najeeb? Why or why not?
  • What strategies might you use to ensure that your personal values would not influence your practice with Najeeb? How would these strategies support ethical practice?
  • How would you address the crisis that Najeeb is experiencing?

Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

Spirituality Case Analysis - Najib

Spirituality Case Analysis – Najib


Najeeb is a 72-year-old Pakistani American who immigrated to the United States 40 years ago. He has two grown daughters, Nasrin and Mira, who live in nearby communities with their families. His wife, Maryam, passed away approximately 10 years ago after a long illness. Najeeb and one of his daughters served as her caregivers during that time. Najeeb currently lives alone in the house he and his wife bought, in a predominantly Pakistani American neighborhood.

Najeeb owned and ran a popular news stand in the city until 5 years ago, at which point he retired and sold the business. Najeeb disclosed that he enjoyed operating the news stand because he had “a sense of purpose” and “lots of people to talk to.” Since retiring, much of his social life has been focused on his Muslim faith and his family, with worship at the mosque and visits with his daughters and grandchildren. His routine has also included daily walks around the neighborhood for fresh air and communion with others.

Spirituality Case Analysis – Najib

Recently, Najeeb has begun to experience health-related concerns which have impacted his ability to walk and socialize with peers. Najeeb disclosed that religion is a big part of his life; however, he now has limited ability to ambulate, so he cannot engage in daily ritual prayer in the manner he is used to. He also cannot easily get to the mosque, as he does not own a car, cannot walk, and public transportation is difficult for him to navigate. According to Najeeb’s daughters, these mobility concerns have had a major impact on his psychological functioning. Nasrin and Mira have recognized a change in their father’s demeanor, describing him as “depressed” and “hopeless.” They encouraged Najeeb to reach out to the local agency on aging for assistance. Use APA referencing style.

January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

Physical Assessment Case Study

Name: ________________________________________

Week of Class (1-8): ______

Body System focus area (i.e., cardiovascular): _____________________________

CASE: A 29-year-old newly immigrated woman complains of weakness, shortness of breath, cough and night sweats for the past month.

Case Study: (copy/paste here please)

Note: Include in-text citations as needed (author, year).

Questions (if data is unavailable, indicate “unavailable”):

What is the client’s chief complaint?

What questions would you ask the client?

Physical Assessment Case Study

Physical Assessment Case Study

HPI (history of present illness)

ROS (review of systems)

Medical/Surgical/Psych History

Family History


What physical examinations would you include?

Body System Include?

ü (yes) or – (not indicated)

General survey ü  
HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, throat/thyroid)    
Cardiovascular ü Auscultate heart sounds (stethoscope to actual skin)
Peripheral Vascular    
Pulmonary ü Auscultate lung sounds (stethoscope to actual skin) – anterior and posterior

Physical Assessment Case Study

What are pertinent positive physical assessment findings?

What are the pertinent negative physical assessment findings?

What are at least 3 differential diagnoses (use Up-to-Date App if needed)?

What is your primary diagnosis?

What is your treatment plan?

Diagnostic procedures


Client education (including lifestyle modifications, if applicable)

Pharmacotherapy (including complementary and alternative therapies)

Health promotion (preventative care, anticipatory guidance)



(within last 5 years, scholarly, include clinical practice guidelines if available)

APA format please, at least one reference

Physical Assessment Case Study

Diagnostic procedures


Client education (including lifestyle modifications, if applicable)

Pharmacotherapy (including complementary and alternative therapies)

Health promotion (preventative care, anticipatory guidance)



(within last 5 years, scholarly, include clinical practice guidelines if available)

APA format please, at least one reference

Physical Assessment Case Study

Diagnostic procedures


Client education (including lifestyle modifications, if applicable)

Pharmacotherapy (including complementary and alternative therapies)

Health promotion (preventative care, anticipatory guidance)



(within last 5 years, scholarly, include clinical practice guidelines if available)

APA format please, at least one reference

January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment


The purpose of this assignment is to apply pulmonary pathophysiological concepts to explain the assessment findings of a patient with respiratory disease. Students will examine all aspects of the patient’s assessment including: Chief Complaint (CC), History of Present Illness (HPI), Past Medical History (PMH), Family History (FH), Social History (SH), Review of Systems (ROS), and Medications and then answer the questions that follow on the provided Comprehensive Case Study template.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Examine the case scenario and analyze the spirometry results to determine the most likely respiratory diagnosis. (CO1)
Explain the pathophysiology of the respiratory disease. (CO1)
Differentiate between subjective and objective findings which support the chosen diagnosis. (CO4)
Apply evidence-based practice guidelines to classify the severity of the respiratory disorder and employ an appropriate treatment plan. (CO1, CO5)

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment


Content Criteria:

Read the case study listed below.

Refer to the rubric for grading requirements.

Utilizing the Week 3 Case Study TemplateLinks to an external site., provide your responses to the case study questions listed below.

You must use at least one scholarly reference to provide pathophysiology statements.

You must use the current Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the management and prevention of COPD (GOLD Criteria) to answer the classification of severity and treatment recommendation questions. The most current guideline may be found at the following web address: https://goldcopd.org/Links to an external site.. At the website, locate the current year’s CPG and download a personal copy for use. You may also use a medication administration reference such as Epocrates to provide medication names.

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment

Proper APA format (in-text citations, reference page, spelling, English language, and grammar) must be used.

Case Study Scenario

Chief Complaint
A.C., is a 61-year old male with complaints of shortness of breath.

History of Present Illness

A.C. was seen in the emergency room 1 week ago for an acute onset of mid-sternal chest pain. The event was preceded with complaints of fatigue and increasing dyspnea for 3 months, for which he did not seek care. He was evaluated by cardiology and underwent a successful and uneventful angioplasty prior to discharge. Despite the intervention, the shortness of breath has not improved. Since starting cardiac rehabilitation, he feels that his breathlessness is worse. The cardiologist has requested that you, his primary care provider, evaluate him for further work-up. Prior to today, his last visit with your practice was 3 years ago when he was seen for acute bronchitis and smoking cessation counseling.

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment

Past Medical History 



Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease


Family History

Father deceased of acute coronary syndrome at age 65

Mother deceased of breast cancer at age 58.

One sister, alive, who is a 5 year breast cancer survivor.

One son and one daughter with no significant medical history.

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment

Social History

35 pack-year smoking history; he has cut down to one cigarette at bedtime following his cardiac intervention.

Denies alcohol or recreational drug use

Real estate agent


No Known Drug Allergies


Rosuvastatin 20 mg once daily by mouth

Carvedilol 25 mg twice daily by mouth

Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg once daily by mouth

Aspirin 81mg daily by mouth

Review of Systems

Constitutional: Denies fever, chills or weight loss. + Fatigue.

HEENT: Denies nasal congestion, rhinorrhea or sore throat.

Chest: + dyspnea with exertion. Denies productive cough or wheezing. + Dry, nonproductive cough in the AM.

Heart: Denies chest pain, chest pressure or palpitations.

Lymph: Denies lymph node swelling.

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment

General Physical Exam  

Constitutional: Alert and oriented male in no apparent distress.

Vital Signs: BP-120/84, T-97.9 F, P-62, RR-22, SaO2: 93%

Wt. 180 lbs., Ht. 5’9″


Eyes: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation, normal conjunctiva.

Ears: Tympanic membranes intact.

Nose: Bilateral nasal turbinates without redness or swelling. Nares patent.

Mouth: Oropharynx clear. No mouth lesions. Dentures well-fitting. Oral mucous membranes dry.

Neck/Lymph Nodes 

Neck supple without JVD.

No lymphadenopathy, masses or carotid bruits.

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment


Bilateral breath sounds clear throughout lung fields. + Bilaterally wheezes noted with forced exhalation along with a prolonged expiratory phase. No intercostal retractions.


S1 and S2 regular rate and rhythm, no rubs or murmurs.

Integumentary System 

Skin cool, pale and dry. Nail beds pink without clubbing.

Chest X-Ray 

Lungs are hyper-inflated bilaterally with a flattened diaphragm. No effusions or infiltrates.


Title Predicted Pre-bronchodilator % Predicted Post-bronchodilator % Predicted Change
FVC (L) 5.64 5.23 93 5.77 102 9%
FEV1 (L) 4.57 2.92 64 3.01 66 2%
FEV1/FVC (%) 81 56 69 52 64 -5%
TLC 5.5 6.9 125 6.9 125 0%

Pulmonary Pathophysiological Assessment

Case Study Questions

Pathophysiology & Clinical Findings of the Disease

Are the spirometry results consistent with obstructive or restrictive pulmonary disease? What is the most likely pulmonary diagnosis for this patient?

Explain the pathophysiology associated with the chosen pulmonary disease.

Identify at least three subjective findings from the case which support the chosen diagnosis.

Identify at least three objective findings from the case which support the chosen diagnosis.

Management of the Disease

*Utilize the required Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) to support your treatment recommendations.

Classify the patient’s disease severity. Is this considered stable or unstable?

Identify two (2) “Evidence A” recommended medication classes for the treatment of this condition and provide an example (drug name) for each.

Describe the mechanism of action for each of the medication classes identified above.

Identify two (2) “Evidence A” recommended non-pharmacological treatment options for this patient.